Tutelar, August 1, 1010. lllfi DAILY MBWB. ALDERMEN DEBATE "imply hecnuse n member of llio aaviMlVM THE BLESSING OF ON CITY PATRONAGE firm was an nldcrman. riRE ALARM SYSTEM Aid. MrClyiiiimt figured out . . t 1 1 1 f nnnif III pasHlim Uio pulriinnBO lint from tho statement that nno linn ciftcuir 0. . A H t A L I H Y UUU. for Uio final six month nt the which employed only one man got 12 -lib hi ami iril A city council Inst evening, AM. $81 worth of business, .whllo lha Boi is - 6in at nd trd Ae Boi 14 lib St. and Ird Ave. .it. J A. Iluir! Sirlrne.l Slnea Cnscy rnmnrknl upon the fnct business going In Mcltao ltros. Boi IS Junction of lit, Ind tnd W II.. roi M- ; -;M figured out at $38 man cm-ployed. From the Direct . Hint Mcllno Uros., hail per Taking- hKUIl'A-intJ rcccivctl Boi IB 111 Ave., belweeo lb tnd J tb Sti. (kooi Hotel.) inoro buslncM Uinn nny of the Bat 17ltl An. and 7th St. (On Aid. Ilarrie said that each firm Plantation to the Cup other printing firms, wlillo there trtl Hotel,i should have an equal share. lie were other Items which ho did not thought thai Mcltao Hros. got loo. OIROUIT NO. X, Braid's Best Coffee understand. Bat 22- Ird At, and Ird SI. much of tho business. (I'ont orflca.) Mnyor McCnffcry staled that Start the right with aateamlng cup of delicious Aid, Mcllae nsked him to show Boi 23 -ird at, and McUrld 81. day rcinil.illions had hocn paused liy i.i ... ind MeBrlde 01. coffee always obtainable when you use BRAID'S the council for each Item. liow ho figured this out, and Invited Bii 26- tod Ave and tnd 81. BEST COFFEE, .And In the evening at dinner or him lo use II r tires Instead Bai 28 tod Av. and lib 81. supper a cup of this delicious coffee ensures comfort Aid. Mcllne aid that many of oi 27-0. T. r. of his Imagination. and good digestion.?? tho Items had been OIROUIT NO. a. pasoed wlillo Aid. Ilarrie said that he could AT ALL GOOD GROCERS 50c. A POUND Aid, Cnoy was nwny slaking water Box i ith a. and ruiton si. not nee why tho number of men . ' -4aSp claims, II was dinicult to see just employed had anything to do with Boi Boi 22 S4Ttb- florden"Ave.and and Tiylor FullOD 8ti.SI. Wm. Braid & Co on what basis Aid. Casey made It. Boi 38 fib Are. ind Comot Ae his slafeincnl, as, figured from Boi 27 lib Are. and Dodte PI. Direct Importers, Vancouror, B. C. MR. MARRIOTT Coa 32 Mb Are. tnd Tnompio'o 81. 73 Lees Ato., Ottawa, Ont., any roasonnhlo standpoint, he August 9th, 1915. contended that Mcltno Uros. did OIROUIT NO. . Boi 41 - lh kit. and Imm.r.oo BEST DOMESTIC QUALITY iMnlc It duty to tell what you i mr .. in i not get their full share. Tor Instance, PL ii r i .A. tiTPi" iins uunc lur ran. LUMP Boi 42 lib and Are. MeBrtde St. , t 1 i- r i they employed more than TI; years ago, 1 ws 'cei run- Boi 43 lib Ato. and Oretn St . . t 1 T" I 1 double the number COAL t eei 44 tb (luwa find Ureu,nu suucrcu rcry inucn of meji than Are and Bull 'SL 2,000,0001 froi ttvtr Kidney Trouble. nil tho other firms put together, Bo 4&-l7th Are. an4 Kbeeu. S9.S0 per Ton Cash or Boi 141 7th Are. and Yiunt 81. raj of Fruit-a-llrcs", I Hav , wlillo they also paid two trade Belgians tto-fc't I would try them. The result Delivery rtr va- - aa was surprising. During the 3 years licenses and also were much Money Back If Not Satisfactory . r I .f a l.l.n Itmm nmttirli heavier ratepayers than all of the A B.U Lor.r Simulation j Depend on us .. .I .! n i.n 1rr anvtlilntr.... . ' Ayiti.. W, liW lUAJfeV wi up, a other. He also pointed out that 1 n I."...:! . It ...1 T the total Included stationery and UNION TRANSFER CO. KSOLD WATCH FREE. for Bread! rr.i u.llllij t mii-fl-Him , auu j. A ttrslftitlonrwd mi $m out printing, while 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Oflfl from none of tho oilier eWUbllalM4 In-..- now what i naven-. Known ror Arm. W tuft vtviBt wr . " that is.theblessinir handled WUchaa to tiwoaMMfta tA iiisnvycari concerns both. Ho moved PnBi aUl 9m UM or a Ii: Mhy body ana clear thinking thai tho two distinct lines be kept vorltt erwtUsmant.m fitiM Mew Since shortly alter the German invasion, the Belgians Lraln". eparalc in future. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION la obUla yens mm.thanw Writ to have depended for food entirely on the "Commission J. ACT Bwa Meloaln M WAI.TEH MARIUOTT. Aid. Dybhavn said that so far wnte fMhkMMbU for btm Ll4tM'Mr for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, 50c. a box, G for $2.50, trial site, 25c. as he could see tho distribution R. 8. C. CHAPTER 11B. Ina Omta AIWU.'GiMrita. wnt or even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only At alers or sent on mrteM m4 to r u postpaid receipt The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited with ih watrk,whtek of rr.co by t ruit-a-tlves Limited, was quite fair. Ho was awaro hereby tires notice that It bas under Section (Umm will m wftUhaa iwa Frw three weeks they have had no chance to raise more Ottawa. that there wcro many lines of 7 of laid act depoilted with the Minister rnrmntowl remra.m and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I of Public Works at Ottawa and In the Vwatam o(ear mttrW. stationery which could only be offiee or the Dlitrltt Tterlitrar of the Land 1o oflev. W imei im to toll rnw-lriwacw Backed the Mat M Wv4 sJxrw Umm Um toutlflwlib. by LAND ACT Beriitrr District at Prince Rupert. B. C Inej I think lhi flflar loo eTOo4 to rw triM, hm ttrrnU procured from McRac Uros. 11 Mali t-4tr 4 at r wit Tq a description of the site and the plans will hm mntaa4.--WiUJAMll U-OTD, KltofaMJa The Mayor said that he had of wnirves and power bouse proposed to twlasl Jmlln(lMpt.l4),W.Cwnvkllia hcmU Loadoo, rlnco Rup.rl Land District Ol.trlct el be built it the held of Surf Inlet, Prlnceis Belgian Relief fund spoken to Mr. Johnson on this Coast, Rang R071I Island, In front of Lot 10, Itinre 4 TAKE NOTICE that the raeinc MU1, matter and had been assured that Coast District, B C r..i: ' of Vancouver, B. C occupation In many Instances II was a case And tike notice thil after the expiration so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United ulp a: d pip r mikers. Intend to apply of one month from the date of the first il States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported of getting il at McRae's or send- publication or this notice the Surf Inlet THE WGINLyRmNmLNTl wheat, flour and other foods feed the whole nation scrlb-d UDd; Commenclnr at a poll Power Compiny Limited will, under Sec enough to itntcd it the southern corner of Lot t(9 ing out of town. tlon 7 of the slid Act. ipply to the Min so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left b n ir.3 wen I no re oi bou.ins miti. inencc Aid. Casey said that his chief ister of Public Works, at bit ornce lnj the country hare been able to pay for their daily allowance of il O chtioi, thence south 0 chain., object In raising the point was in the City of Otuwi, for approral or the FKHCRMAITS ENQINt bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. said site and plans and for leare to construct : cn to (bore, thence noriheuterly 2 Cl 1-2 In. by 7 In-, 12-1B kni aharc to nolnl or commencement. order that the purchasing agent the said wbarres and power bouse. Horse Power. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of ;:tir.:nr pacific SI seres,mills more limited,or lest. might realize that he was not in diy Dated of May.at Vancouver,IS 16. B. a, this tth 4 Cl. 3 3-4 In. by 5 1-2 In, 25 women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the Mark Sm.hr srent. any way bound to purchase as THE SURF ISLET FOWER COMPAJIV, Hoeie Power. expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible Jtfd Mir II lb, A. D. 1916. Aur. IS much as possible from this firm May 91b. tote. Jyl! 4 Cyl.- 1-2 In. by 8 lnH 28-38 someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Horse Powoe. month all this winter I No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute For Further Information generously as we Canadians No cause has ever been more Apply to deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity or the sake of our own self-respecttat its give all we can to W. E. WILLISCROFT help our martyred Allies I Prince Rupert, B. C. Send your .ubKiiptiou wockly, aoalijy ii aae! Local at PieriacUl Committee of la tho 8 Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St, Montreal ThreeMightyForces CONCRETE CHI M BLOCKS $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBrlde St. Advertise In The Daily News. r Have you ever noted how an audience reduction yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an oudienco will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when ' fpO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? will require to put forth its full collective power In men and in money. From this viewpoint it is cur true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our To productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum of truth. Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression ell expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able believe it to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from Industrial impart belief in anything, a man must activities, repair the wattage cf the war,and find the funds for its continuance. It enthusiast. cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest deeply himself. We call such a man an burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This applies to the written word also particularly our SIR success,THOMAS and WHITE,consequently Minuter our of national Finaix.safety, may ultimately depend." to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience tho MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, "lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable of enthusiasm. This it impression LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US .NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do when the article TIjo war Is now turnii; on n contest of all forces Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries and resources men, niur.itiom, food, money. The and wages is spent on the home food, fuel, light, advertised has inherent worth. call to all is to produce more and more. It may be clothing. Are any of these things being watted? mxckviry to work harder, Tho place of thoc who $'20.00 a war saved from wane in every horae in enlut mutt be Ukvn by thoc at home, men and Canada will more than pay the interest on a war debt Thus wo have: women, old and young. The more we produce the of $500,000,000. more wc can save. Produce more on the farm and Sincerity -- Enthusiasm Advertising: In the garden. Save more and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Are vou spending your money to the best advantage LET US HOT WASTE OUR LADOUR Three mighty forces, close-linked. T What do you think of extravagance in war In thia war.lime all Ijtumr lHihiIiI 1h illm-tlu nm. lin.eT Tens of thousands of Canadians are daily ductive or should be auittina: in production. Make It risking their lives for us at home. Is it not our duty with tht as tllicient us potkiLle. 1( your lalour i on toiuet hiiw to be careful and economical T Canadian dollars are ), mr J.i.t a Utl talk tvtr jur aJvtrthlmt frtiltmi AivrUtUf Dfrtmtmi that can lc postponed, put it off till after the war and an important part of the war equipment. Make them f Ikh u,wtfaftr. ll' W or .r i prtvintUl r mrt.mf il w,U bt mU ft make your labour tell now. Makme war Is the tint tell. Have War Savings Account. Uuy a War . kav Ik f"mtl oJ ailiut . a ft uJvrlitimt tttuty. A Ihi f tk business cf all CunadUns. IiUiciciicy In labour is as Bond. mill k furuliktJ, wilkmt rul r litiMlt. h Ik Sttrtlary tf CamadUn Important as ctlkiency in fighting. I'rtti AtwUil; iVm SOJ. LumiJtm BuilJimt, TtnuH. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA O I CD I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE