IB I Tiicmlny. August ma DAILY UKWi I. 00l STRIKING DRAMA AT NAVIQABLI WATIR. rROTICT.O, Ac. Local News Notes MAJESTIC THEATRE Hubert Cecil Oosse lorri,- thai lie has under . 'V". England, Germany and The Client", the Ihe-act Paramount Ad deposits with tha Minister J i,,!1,11 Launch Dixie, phono Ulue 400. production nt tho Mnjeslic Vnrk, at Ottawa, snd m Voni Shrink District tierlstrar of tui.. .. of France tonight, is a most striking drama Agree rteilstry ofnee at rnnce n4 I'lno jncn's nml women' shoe, In which Kannlo Ward scores n is pttt MVnllace'a. 178. tremendous success ns nttt emotional ,n.u, oi vinarr proposed to be hmin on one thing,if on no other. They all prohibit actress, while the famous ihe the North Bkeen.Skeena Wwr.rassate.n,t .t th!..?? ,n the sale of alum W. K. Unrrlll hns returned from front of Lot on. hundred ,u'n baking powders. Japane.se actor, Sussuo Ilaynkawn, an. a holiday trip to tho south. II7) Kante nv. (I) Coast di trie! .m" which Is eminently i.h n.iinint.i There must be a good reason for this. plays n art And tak. notice that, art. ik. his art. Somo of the Children! allocs See window suited to on. month from tb. dat, of the nrit Zn. It is because alum was found to be unheal scene's remarkably pretty, nre " - 170 nuueri displny Wnl lace's. will, under Section 7 of a" ZT, th. ..id thful. while others aro of a most exciting to th. Minister of Pullie Works t?.' liip: douMe show nt Westholnic descriirtlon. Thero Is n lovely What Is It? omce in we City of ott.wa. rdr appWo 'J Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is ... Hed Cross carnival nt - - ciaim, ma for lest of Wednesday. Hed Feather feature scene a construct the said wharf. " made of cream of tartar, derived from and "draft' which ICdith Hardy is handed the LUJf ia somc- Dated at rnnc. nupert, D. c, mis thinirncw and Rood. .l.v n( ...M. 1111. 'Ml grapes, a natural' food product, and con-tains slim of SlO.OOn to take enro of. v. j p a a noBEUT u Tho finest casence of oap rrrn nr.... no alum nor other questionable ingredients. Sergt. J. Hall, recently of the In n speculollve moment she In flakes. It make the mso.jio. Irish l-'usiliers, is recruiting for throws" this sum away on stocks richest, creamiest lather " It meam MINERAL ACT aaw. the Forestry Hattallon. nnd, not daring to let her hushnnd you"luxury"ever in washing because know, Is forced to nccept n loan it's such a clothea Certificate of Improvements DR. PRICE'S BAKING COAL Favorite Ladysmith tho when tho aaver. Abnolutely prevents CREAM POWDER from Tori, Jap, sum woollens, flannels snd all NOTICt Wellington lump nnd nut, heat re "Albion" and , is wanted for transmission to the loosely woven garments Sunbeam" Mm,f.i MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR In situate the sults. I'honc 15. P.H. C.Go. tf Ilelgians. The closing scenes nre from hardening and shrinking Skeena Mining Dlvuioa of DERIVED FROM CRAPES wash. LUX in the Try that in which Where located: About n mn.. Intense, especially delighted with it. .Mrs. Howard Stecn, Mrs. Mil and be the head of Alice Arm on "Middle 'rerk the Jap brands Kditli on the 10c TAkE NOTICE that I, Wm. T kerii. All It liard nnd Mrs. itohli are spoiiiliiiK grocers. of Trlnre nupert, B, shoulder and the court room C., Free Miners Cer n month's vacation at Port I'd. tlflcate No. 9l(mD, Intend slity dsn ttm scene in which the crowd breaks the date hereof, to apply to the' ward. Modo In Oanndn by Levor Mining "Tie News" in and tries to grab tho Jap. This iiriviurr lur irriiiirais o impruf mcntl Daily BUY NOW Brothers Limited, Toronto. rm- the purpose or obtaining a ':r ,n ormi is without a doubt tho strongest "f the above claim. Mr. Ilaird, superintendent of drama screened hero for And further take notice that action, un-der CLASSIFIED ADS. many a, western branches of tho Union LAND ACT section IT, must be romiiHn.-cd brfor, day. The rest of the program is the Issue of such Certinrate of lmprue For Preserving Hank, is spending a few days in good, whilo the music last night PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS menu. MSMMMiMMlHaiHSMSHaiHSHSaaWMSU tho city. Dated thla J 0th day of March, a. D TRICT OF COAST, RANGE III. was delightful. lots WANTED. TAkK NOTICE that raclfie Mills, Limited, , STRAWBERRIES (uprivcr) WM. T. KEnOIN, L. Forkrud, from the Naas of Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. WANTED One donkey logging engineer, A man fell down tho basement pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply MINERAL one cook, one rigging man. Apply Williams PEACHES valley, has enlisted in the Forest for permission to purchase the following ACT it Manson. stairs of the Windsor Hotel this tf described lands. Commendnr at a post PLUMS ' ers Jiatlalion nnd will leave.short-ly WANTED FlrsP-class naker. Arpiy city afternoon nnd received severe injuries planted on the north bank of k'oeye river, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNtft for Ottawa. about one-quarter of a mile up-stream to i. a. nooEns, Oakery. tf. to his head. When admitted from tne shore of FIti-Hurh Sound; thence TAKE NOTICE that, wberesi I ut Wanted Poltlon at cook. Apply Box 108 Fruits of All Kinds Our Miss Julia Nordskop, who is to the hospital he was still north twenty chains, thence east twenty caused to be done tb sMMimeol or Dally News. , tf. chains, thence south to river's bank, thence for the year 1913 on the miners! eli'.mi Prices are Lowest and visiting with her sister, Mrs. unconscious. Honi shore In a westerly direction to known as "Ladybird Ha t" Mineral asim, FOR RENT point of commencement and containing situated In Cascade Creek valley, norm tf Alexander on Fraser Street, will Quality Best. forty (40) acres, more or less. Silver Lake, In tbe Stewart, M. r . Minict FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed bouse, Irnvo for her home In Arizona on CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C Dated June to lb, 1916. Septa Plstrlcij and th. "Stumpy Minersi Claim, nicely situated, rout Elihlli Aveuue, Seal Wednesday. Tenders will be received up to August PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, sltualeit on the east slrls of Cases Is Creel Cove. 16.00 per month. Lots or rree Stli next by the City Clerk. Prince Iiu- by "Mark Smaby, A rent. district, and have paid for ssld so.it. fuel. Apply box 106. Dally News. tf Fuller & McMeekin pert, B. C, for the purchase of the fol-Uiw men I work tbe sum of 1100.00; untfu Terrace is have quite n lng apparatus: ?KCENA LAND DISTRICT DI3TIUCT OF yon pay to mi the turn of g 100.00 tor GOOD ROOMS, ti end (0 cents, bain and LEADING GROCERS i neturn tubular bollcrt4. 7 h. p. its COAST, ItANOE . your share ot the said assessment work every convenience. By the week, It.00 demonstration on August 4th, llev. lb. per sq. In. TAkE notice that George noderlck Mc-k'enile, together with the costs of ibis a6crut and tt.to. Talbot House, 830 Snd ave. PHONES 56 and 572 II. II. flrant is expected to deliver , 1-4 H In.Tisy. in. boiler reed pump. of I'rlnc. nupert. D. C occupation al the head. In tbe said Stewart Mining -1 V4 In Penberthy Injector. Intends to apply for permission ment, I shall, at the eiptrallon of ninety FOR SALE a patriotic address and Mrs. J. II. I-Copper coll feed wster beater. engineer,to lease the following described lands: caya from the date hereof, apply to Uw Mcl.eod will take part In. the musi I-Underwriters Fire Pump, 10 In. x 9 in. Commencing at a post planted at the Mining Recorder al Stewart, B. c to bite x 13 In., Capacity 750 gsls mad N. E. corner or T. L. Lot 1719, nange t, your interest In the said "Ladjblrd No. 4" FOR SALE SNAP Twelve i pure-bred bar-'red cal program. by Canada Co. Foundry Coast District, rorcber Island, thence and "Stumpy Mineral Claims vetted in me Plymouth Rocks, prise winning stock. Complete, set fittings for above. In pursuance of the provisions of lot south SO chains, thence west 80 chains. Apply 1'. O. Bos 6J9, Cltyi US. FISHERMEN The above apparatus Is now Installed In "Mineral Ait." thence north SO chains to shore U. thence PROBLEMS OF ORIENT the Morse Creek Pumping Plant of the south-easterly following shore line to the Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C , this Itk FOR SALE FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30 VIEWED BY CANADIAN Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert, point ot commencement j containing ISO day of November, 1913. rt. keel, 10-ft. beam, to h.p., BuIIalo ATTENTION I and Is In first class condition, being practically acres more cr less. A. LUND. medium duty engine, large cabin and new. It was used only for a very OEOnOE RODERICK MCKENZIE ti8 bead room. Electric lights, storage O. O. S. Lindey, K. C, who has short time during the construction the battery,stove, kitchen mats, utensils.rugs, cushions,Very .cheap cooking THE SEL1G SPOON ust returned to Canada after an Shawatlans Tenderers Hydro wtll be system.expected to dismantle eXCINA 'LAND OISTDIOT OiaTRtOT OP DENTISTRY and. remove the plant at their own expense. COAST, RAN OF 4. Apply City Weigh Scales. tf extended stay in China, durinR but the CorporaUoa will do tbls work If TAKE NOTICE that Frederick which time he carried through big so desired at the following estimated costs. Bradshaw, CROWN AND BRIOOE WOftl if Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man MISCELLANEOUS F. O. B. Cars Prince nupert I ISO . 00 A SPECIALTY Is Now the Market on financial operations with the ager. Intends to spply for permission to F. O. B. Boat Prince nupert.. . . SxS.OO purchase the following described lands: DR. J. S. DROWN DRESSMAKING, bid Ladles' Tailoring, reasonable Ask your Dealer for It, Chinese government on behalf of lllshest or any tender not necessarily Commencing at a post planted about prices. Mrs. George Gebbardt and See that You Get It. a big financial group, In connection accrpted. U. R. kENNEDY too feet easterly from the northwest cor DENTIST Sut. of Utilities. Offlssi Smith Sleek, TTtlre 221 tin Avenue, West. 186 ner or Lot 40, nange 4. Coast Districts with the mineral development Phone 4S4 hence north to chains; thence west to MISS KING ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDS of China. After completing tho chains; thence south to chains more or as a home for lady students attending It Gets Them Every Time kss to the shore of Surf. Inlet, thence arrangements, Mr. Lindsey was B. C. UNDERTAKERS Normal School, Mrs. Ross, ill tsth Ave., following the shore line to the place of West, Vancouver, B. C. 178 asked by tho lato president of commencement, containing forty acres HANDY WORK OF ALL DISCRETION China to draft mining laws for FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-SAL more or less. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANEO Refined young-"widow, no encumbrance, excellent Stent SATISFACTION O.UAR. February II, 1 9 IS. cook and housekeeper, wishes that country. During his visit ho S.NTECO OPEN DAY AND NIOHT FItF.DEniCK BRADSHAW. CO. VACUUM CLEANING position News. or trust. Apply Box 105, Dally U. AKERBERG, THOMSON formed a very high opinion of tho 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 LAND REGISTRY ACT . .We Clsan Horn t a, OIKcss, Churchss COMPANY ndustrial possibilities of the low SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and Lodge and School, reems si men's clothing bought. Corner 7th SL Sofa Agents for the Oriental republic, says tho To Notice Under Seotlon 36- Priest. and 3rd Avenue, or pbone Oreen 309. tf TAkE MITICF. tint an snnllrallan hi. ronto Globe. Mr. Llndsey's work PACIFIC QOOD WORK GUARANTEED PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY CARTAGE, LTD. been made to register Sven llolniqulst, of lO HillLIUIEN We carry tull L'im cf jrought him into close touch with rnnce nupert, as the owner In Fee-simple, Icrro." "Honest Tlay," "Lanih" and PHONE 525 under two Tai Sale Deeds from tlw ml. All Orders Attsndsd to Immoalsltlr. "Stitilpg" Engines tho year ro'jnd-no tho most prominent men in China Announce that they have purchased lector of the City ot Prince nupert. to waitiir. also Ferro' nd Lvlnn.de" Uei M. Manson, 8.A. and ho has a very high opinion of the business of the Prince nupert sven Iioimqulst. bearing date me I Tib day OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. Transfer Company and solicit a continuance ot September, A..D. S, in pursuance of W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B those Quick service low prices. Canadian gcnUemen. of the patronage of the a ia aaie neid by aaia Municipality on PHONE GREEN 2G8. Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C WILLIAMS A MANSON The mineral areas of, China, customers of that firm. ir about tbe Sin day of September, If II, Careful attention to all or all and alngular certain parcel or trad orders Barristers, Solicitors, Etc says Mr. Lindsey, have .never been f land and for Cartage and Coal. premises situate, lying, and MONEY TO LOAN developed except coal, iron, cop being In the City of frlnce nupert. In tbe Prince Feed Co. i-rovlnce of British Columbia, more par Rupert Boi ISSS per, lead and antimony on a very PACIFIC LTD. CARTAGE, 'icularly kqown and deacribed as t -Lot P. O. Bos S33 60S TMrS Kelgtrson Block Prince Rupert, B. C small scale. Under the old mining three (3), Block forty-Ove (4t). Section PHONE 3. fight (8, and Lot four (4), Block thirty RECEIVED OUR 191C SEEDS laws, foreigners are not permitted live (, section eight (8). Map ttt. to work in China and the You and those claiming through or under WE HANDLE LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS you, anj all persons claiming any Interest Chinese themselves have slmwn 111 I lu the said land by descent whose title Rennle's, Ferry's, Steels's, The Whisky HOTEL little inclination to do develnp-inejit HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Is not registered under the provisions of and Brian'. TO QUESTS the "Land Iiegistry Act" are to 13 NOW OPEN required "Quality work. Mr. Lindsey caused SECOND HAND GOODS eootesi itie claim or tbe tax purchaser Garden and Field Seeds. One of tbe largest Hot Springs In n commission to be appointed and OF ALL KINDS within forty-tlve daya ol tbe service of Also Fertilizers. America, clrcurarerence 300 feet-Temperature this no lieu Otherwise upon you. you and Aged In Wood of Water, 180 d. Fahr. laws have been drafted which BOUGHT AND each ot you will be forever rstonned and Wo Take Orders for Nursery SOLD 8 Years should prove advantageous In de debarred from selling ud any claim to or . Stook. bef or bottling Icllnt Trout Fishing In Laksls In respect ot tbe said land, and 1 shall Feed at Hay, Grain and Lake. veloping tho minernl resources of HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A register tne sai.i sven iioimqulst as owner CUARANTECO BY THE Phono Conn oct Ions with Tsrrate. this, tho largest country in tho 8MALL PROFIT In tee. Vancouver Prices. GOVERNMENT !CANADA RATES l 82-80 psr day. Try 828 3rd Ae., Or Prions Rsd 268 Your attention la called to aeetinn aa world. of iue "Land Registry Act" and amend Chlckon Feed A Specialty. For further particulars, apply to In dealing with the Chinese ments, ami especially to tbe following es-tract t. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Managtr. therrrroui which relates to Ihe above Ts. Msll Orders Premptly Atlsndsa political situation, Mr. Lindey nullee. Coughing scatters said that tho causo of tho recent germ "And In default of a caveat or certificate of Us pendena being nied before revolution Is dead with tho late Stop it r- gUirallon as owner of the persona entitled the MINERAL ACT president, but, for somo reason, uudcr such tax sale, all persons so V Coughing increase the served with notice, or served with notice Ce'rtlflcato FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Improvements tho revolution is still vrry much Irritation of tb already Inflamed under subsection () ot section Ilk of of H alive. The most important po and ia mac-nous membranes the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1906, or section moreover to apt carry j of tlw 'Municipal NOTIOI Act.' or section litical happening in China recently disease to others. IJ of the 'Assessment , In U" iiiiiaui Act, 1903 or an.. n....i 710 8 ECO NO AVE Is tho signing of the treaty Cod Math Liver leu's Oil Syrup promptly of Tar stops and Mctloo &l of the 'TttaUon Act,' In cases Skeena Mining Division of Caialar PUlf'f; la which notice under this Act Is dispensed i.i. i. .i.- h..,i nt a brsncs Oarpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware 8hlp Chandlery between Japan and Ilussia by coughing, and soon, thanks Willi a. hereinafter IW to ita tonic properties,effects provided, and those of Lime Creek about four mllea from Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle which Japan gets control of Man. r a permanent cure. 'isluutig through or under ihem and all beach on the south side cr Alice iue wonderful popularity persons claiming any interest In tb. land TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorg. "'n' Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and 8hotguns churia and its railroads, Mr. by virtue of k'tli, of Mathieu's any unregistered ainoSB. Byrup of Tar Instrumen, iivo Mtwi ui....i.al P..II...I.vciliut.i. .ha. " -- , Rope Valves Ammunition Lindsey is of the opinion that and Cod Liver Otl ia r pedal y ami all persona rl.imin. .n ,..... as agenl for Thoa. Mcltoatle. Free " Pumps Hots Paint Yuan Slit Kal was strong en6ugh due to its great value aa a registered Ibo land by descent whose title Is not Certificate No. 6999 1 U, and James i. under the permanent lang and broci-chUl provisions of this Aci. ,8toves and Ranges nubb.rold Roofing Corrugated Iron to stem the tide of Japanese aggression healer. hall I. f0r ever estopped and debarred lend, slity days from the dat. hereor. Bold everywhere, jc Urge from setting uti anv n.im. tn... . .... .... ... t Cerur "WE SELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" but that the fuluro of bottles. or the land so sold for taxes."vl apply to ihe Mining Recorder for purpose i cate of Improvements, for tbe China now depends largely upon t MATHIEU CO- Frs. uateu at the Land llegtstry Omce, al obtaining a Crpwn Oram of lb. the outcome MWebil, IQ. f '''"'w Hupert. rrovlnce of rlalm. of tho present war. " Ml1 ,"h u'y of thai auur'. And further take notice fl S I II atM M M 4Ua Ml d m .... ....i. ....... ... nmniiOCi'd V9 STORK'S HARDWARE FRED wiiuvr arciiuu uiu.t i" .- as J r" r- MACLEOD. Hovo your children's shoos . "n4 Tru"1' District Registrar. fore the Issu. of such Certificate cins "Ml Development Co., provriiirnla. "Fitted" Wallace's. 170. Ltd.. J. I'. Conrad, Jack t It. McDonald. Jenkliu, Mrs. Haled thla 14th day of warm. a.m. QEOROE II. NADKN.