The DAHTY News VOI, VII-0. 80. PRINCE RUPERT, D. C, TJltRSIlAY, AUSUST 3, 101(5. PniCE FIVE CENTS BlSH FIRES STILL -SPREADING Bi OfTORi . 3 MAlY AIR BATTLES OVER WESTERN FRONT - FRENCH TAKE MORE PRISONERS SERIOUS FIRES 33 AEROPLANE I ITALIANS AND STILL SPREAD ENCOUNTERS ON j RUSSIANS ARE IN NEW ONTARIO WESTERN FRONT PROGRESSING Two More Towns Consumed One German Plane Dostroyod and Comparative Quiet on Main Front Nickel Refinery fop Ontario-Ontario Fourteen Damaged French Steady Advance In Caucasus will take.Referen-dumon Make Gains on the Meui Italians Repel Enemy "Dry" Term. Germans also Gained. Attacks. social to The Dally Newi.) (Fprrlal lu Tne Dally ,c'ii.i (Special to Tbe Dally Hews.) North Hay. Aug. bush ...idon, August 3. On Hie Petrograd, August 3, There Is flres are spreading rapidly on Solium front yesterday there were comparative quiet on tho main both side of tlo Temiskaming thirty-three aeroplane encounters Russian front, tho fighting being railway and the towns of McGool in which oiic enemy machine was confined to artillery duels and in ami Sesklnika liavo been con destroyed and fourteen others fantry attacks by small detachments. sumed. Tliero are. also morions damaged. conflagrations In Hie Morisctloj Attacking along a three mile Caucasus Front. township and at the Millcr Inde front on the Itivcr Meusc, the Since the occupation of Erzin- pendent mine. The employe reuch charged the German gan the Russians in the Caucasus have been withdrawn from tho trenches and captured two hun- continue to hammer the Turks mine and hundreds are reeking red prisoners and leu machine and aro advancing gradually. placrs of safety, fearing complcto guns. GERMAN SHELL FRAGMENT FROM THE JUTLAND FIGHT. This niece of shell killed a British Italian Front. envelopment ly tho flames. German Gain. Sailor. Alongside amounted is a German fuse. Rome, August 3, The Italians International Nickel. North of the Verdun fortress, continue to make progress and Ottawa, August 3, Tho International following a scries of violent cn- SPLENDID "GRAFT" FILM HUDSON'S BAY WILL REMARKABLE DRAMA AT have repulsed Austrian attacks on Nickel Company, of New-Jersey, agements In which they used AT WESTHOLME THEATRE THE MAJESTIC THEATRE Monto Cimonc, Monto Seluggio has secured a factory alto sphyxiatlng gas, tho Germans FIGHT PROHIBITION and Castellatione. at Port Colhorne, Ontario, and Is gained a little ground. The double attraction drew a "The Houso of Scandals," the Deutschland Gone. commencing Immediately to construct Strong Position Taken. large audience to the Westholinoi (Special to Tbe Dally Aews.l great Mutual Masterpiece photo Norfolk, Va., August 3. The a fmip million dollar refinery. North of tho Somme tho Trench theatre last evening, and both London, August 3. Governor play at the Majestic tonight, is German submarine Deutschland ave captured a powerfully for features were appreciated. Tho Kindersley, presiding at the an remarkable production. Harold has passed the Virginia Capes apparently 15th cplsodo of "Graft" is prob Lockwood, as a millionaire unobserved. Ontario Prohibition. tified German defence work be nual meeting of the Hudson's Bajr young Everything Toronto, Aug. 3, The Ontario tween Heinwood and Monaco farm. ably tho most thrilling yet shown. who-i shocked to find whenCcbls indicates that she has escaped the recommended distribution gov rninent Is discussing tho Casement Dies. It deals with the breaking of the Company, a income conies, is splendid. He Allied warships which wero lying of flvo cent, on the practicability of uubmittuig to a Sir Roger Casement was pri Patent Medicine Trust. The vil- per sneml.s his wealth in takincr his in wait for her. ordinary shares, respecting land!, r -onduin the question of dele;' alely executed at nine this morn ains at tho top land Harding in i tenants away from the slums and Attack on Durrazzo. receipts, and fifteen per cent, ac mning whether it Is ndvisablc Mnco .no was couuviuuvu i i close confinement -in a private sweat-shops to happier surround The Rupert Hotel bulletin says ng. cruing from tho profits on other to continue indefinitely the oinbraced tho Iloman Catholic asylum but he manages to escape ings and finally joins forces with that nine Italian 'aeroplanes at- trades, Mr. Kindersley announced scheme of prohibition which bo in the most exciting fashion imaginable. a teacheriof tho old Grpek phil-jtacked Durazza, doing great dam faith. that it is the intention of the comes eilcctivo on September 11. British Gains. Chased by warders, ho nsnnliv in lirinir his neotile backlnirp. One ntnnn was hrnnirht ilmvn to resort to legislation L The Hotel Hupert bulletin says gets on the roof and drops into company th(j gordfd t. Qf ,fe tQ I, tured Austrian de against the CORONER'S INQUEST that tho Hritish have taken eleven the water below. In tho end, tho provincial govern truth, purity and love. Ho turns stroycrs attacked tho Italian port ments in regard to tho recent in STANDS ADJOURNED German strongholds in tho past Drug Hoss is mauled to death by his country homo into a Greek of Uiscelgie, doing little damage fringement of tho company's an infuriated mob. school, to the horror of tho nar month, taking 13,000 prisoners chartered liquor rights through Hall "The tho Bed Feather villagers, who ulti- TUGWELL CAMPERS Tho remains of Thomas while the Germans have lost 100,- Sphinx," row-minded tho measures of prohibition have been removed to Ilayner's 000 killed and wounded. feature, is a contrast in love making in Manitoba, Saskatchewan passed and mately wreck the place. The pic- RETURNED YESTERDAY Undertaking Parlors and aro being methods between father and ture presents some remarkable Alberta. Tugwell Island camp broke up prepared for shipment to son, who aro both infatuated with contrasts and many strikingly yesterday and about seventy sun Calcary. This forenoon an in an actress. It is highly amusing, beautiful scenes. FOR SALE burnt, happy youngsters arrived quest was held beforo John Con except for tho boy who is crazily There are also splendid views Carload mining machinery, in at the government wharf yester way poroner, tho Jury being coin infatuated, though he is recon of tho San Francisco Exposition, eluding 17 machino drills, column day afternoon. They lined up on posed of Hen Self, foreman; J. E. ciled in tho long run to his "new with Fatty and Mabel in the fore bars, drill steel, steam-flttings, tho wharf and gave three hearty Morrison, T. A. Hoy, V Corley, mother." A lino Universal Weekly ground; a splendid Mutual Week etc. Apply Daily News. tf. cheers for tho citizens who so K. I". Stllwell. and T. McMeekin. completes a good show, in which ly, showing Mexican war scenes, kindly provided launches, camp Aflor viewing tho body, tho Jury Si tho music is a pleasing feature. and a most amusing comedy. The Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fey, who ing outfit, cooking utensils -and visited tho Windsor Hotel where music, as usual, is of tho bright recently sold tho Bayview Hotel supplies. They are loud in their the accident occurred and then W n you t- -k of s- s, est. to Mrs. McKinnon, of Granby, left praise of Rev. W. W. Wright, who returned to tho police office. t- k of W '0. 180. for Seattle last evening. took care of the boys whilo in Ir. Kggert testified that death NOTICE " SAFETY FIRST USE NEW camp, and also E. II. Maynard, resulted from concussion on tho WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE Have your children's shoes c. E. Balnter has reopened his who had charge of tho culinary brain, tho baso of tho skull having a been 116. ' Fitted" Wallace's. 179. office in tho Westholmo Theatre operations, which was nQlight fractured, caused either by Building, Second Avenuo, and will job. Tho boys have benefitted a heavy blow or a fall. John devoto his time as agent of tho from their ten days' open air life de Hughes, who followed QUESTIONS FOR New York Lifo Insuranco Com- while they havo also learned ceased down tho stairway, was next called, and Walter Scrymgo NO. 5 NO. 5 nanv. a PURELY MUTUAL COM- something of discipline, under our wero nlso examined. The THE ELECTORS PANYi largest In the world, writ- happy conditions. CASEMENT ing purely ordinary business bearing SIR ROGER was adjourned until this Hon. V. Winkler, minister of afternoon. Who was hanged in Peutouville ACT Over $2,250,000,000 of Insuranco RE B. C. PROHIBITION I agriculture in tho Manitoba gov- prison this morning at 0 o'clock in fYirpn: imvincr In 1910 more "nmont. went soutn yesterday. A NOTICE CONVICT SHIP Will It Better Conditions? than its policy 519.000,000 holders,In WHO dividends ALONE to Mr, Winkler states that the crops completes list of tho Princo 'lupert Ono of tho features of tho Ma READ THIS "WIDE OPEN" CLAUSE OF THE ACT ARE OWNERS OF THE COM ou tho prairies aro in splendid boys who have been klllei co,ulilio and lhal aU tl,at U tonight is tho oh Section 57, Par. 2: contract The f wounded in tho war is being jestio program PANY. new policy Prepared. convict Bhip "Success," an ol "Nothing In this Act shall bo construed to interfere adopted July 1st, 1U1U, lias no neeucu now is gooa Harvesting Anyono knowing o (ni With tho right of any person to Import conditions. Ho will return homo "aiiies that could bo added to ho "wooden wall" which was used to from without tho Provinco liquor for bona lido comparison and is truly worth "at, please carry convicts to Botany Hay. Tho use in his privato dwelling house. consideration. Total paid policy via Princo Rupert, phono 74 not later At preent tho comparative consumption or liquor in the Province lliati noon, August 4th. 180 vnrious appliances for torture rum about es per cent, for beer ami nail bovcrldre. ami S per cut. holders sinco organization 91, Tho Daily News delivered by givo sonio idea of tho burharou for fplrll. Decauie or the arcater bulk for ahlpiuenta or mall bvrraee 072,291,879. Total assets, $857, Jl . ami the higher trauportallon rlure thereon, the unlimited and unromrlcl-td carrier, 50 cents per month. . method employed n hundre lniortatlou cUuae would mull lit a reduction of consumption of null 520,533. Information freely given, ANNIVERSARY LEiWICE years ago. iiio.. snip wus num. i.m bevrravea and au increate in Hut of lrll, which would come lu package! phono Red 387. 181. of una II bulk at the minimum trnporiailun charge. A waP anniversary service India of teak,, in 1700 und her U It for the beet Intoreite of tho Provinco that there ohould bo a reduction GO TO will bo held In tho original masts still Bland. In tho consumption of malt botragu and an Increaio In that of 'NOTICE MethodUt SplritaT of tho Board of LONDON CAFE Tho Church meeting tomorrow MOTH: The fact .that prohibition laui which allow the importation of morning ot 8 o'clock, ANNOUNCEMENT liquor rviull In the Wri-atnt roniuinptlon of apirlU and a dcrrrated Tfde, which was called for Frl THE PLACE TO EAT all tho milliliters in town Commenting next week, tho rniiiumpiioii or Satkatfhewan,of mall bevrrare Manitoba,haJ Urn Hie United ronciumely Slate proven aa a by whole the and fi-ix-rienre (lay, Is postponed until Tuesday at STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Ming part. All citizens Westholmo Theatre will show a nearby cities audi a Portland. 8 p. in. This is dano so as not THIRD AVENUE ro Invited Masterpieco every Friday As fair minded men, tho electors of British Columbia are Mutual to bo nresonl. to conflict with tho War Anniver 180. asked to carefully consider tho terms of tho Prohibition Act BOXES FOR LADIES only, o sary.