Thursday. August 3, loio, ri!C DAILY MtWJ ! " I I 1 m I NAVIQABLE WATER, riOTICT.O R. S. o. Chapttr Ae. Prince Rupert Feed Co. lis, PRINTERS' "PI." J Robert Cecil Oossa !.... - p. Q. Bo I 833. 00 Third At. that ho ha under Settlor, 7 ui nollf Safe Milk For Summer Camps RECEIVED OUR 1010 SEEDS Act depo.lte.1 with the Mmi.le,Vf T You to (he wood for health. Do not Till; OK.NTLE art IN the season, WE HANDLE Dl.trlct Itegutrar of rule. , Z"" undo the benefit of freh air and sunshine moved, ' Registry omce at Prince nuwrt ' by carelessne In regard to food and drink. OF MUYINCI people PLANKS a Steele's, Columbia, a description of the Iioil all drinking water ana um "Uiwue Rennle's, Ferry's, plan, of a wharf prep,, to t, J, Flnl" Evaporated Milk with you. WITH Til Kill...OWN money SIX men , t . and Brlgg's. !!!! ,-0"h."!, tb, rnou n " "CanaJa Flnl" I aafe and convenient HAS becJi practised TO tho plank, t' Garden and Field Seeds. front"w of Lot one ver,hundred British Colun,hi. ln It It pure and 1 sterilized after the tint are ... Also Fertilizers. (117). Range Ove :6i Cn.u and .!!ellU!t" LSgORATEDjWJ tealed. In (our sizes, to suit any family. FOIl SO long AT the wharf. . We Take Orders for Nursery Ish Columbia. Br"' See Inland Rev.Bulletin No.305.race 5 Stock. And take notice that, after the Table II, for comparison. MY THE IJOWSF.n party andjohs t one month rrom the date of the expiration t t nrit buw. Hay, Grain and Feed" at cation of this notice, nobert Ask your Grocer for "CanaJa First." THAT THKV...havo como ARE HANDED out Vancouver Prices. will, under Section 7 of the Ceci Act. .ci ! to the Minister of lJ THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO., LTD. TO-Mxunn it ON the slightest excuse. rubllc Works ,, AYLMER. ONTARIO ... Chicken Feed A Specialty. office In the City of Ottawa, fn. . the .aid site and plant, and for ?I AS THE ONLY means fF, Inadvertently, lem ... vwihii v etic Bissau VtUArii Mall Ordsrt Promptly Attended To. Dated at Prince nuDert. n. r .... OF holding support. PRIVATE property day of M.y, 1916. ' ,7W PUBLIC funds IS painted mJO-jlO, nOBEBT CECIL OOSSE. SALLOW SKIN AIIE NOW being AT PUHLIC expenso, ... i3 one of the greatest foes of MINERAL "The News" ACT Daily Buy This Week CAREFULLY distributed SO much the...belter. womanly beauty. It is quickly WHEIIE THEY will bring IF the cleaning cleared by correcting the cause Certificate of Improvements CLASSIFIED ADS. ... and sluggish liver with the aid save money THE MOST votes, IS OVCn I t-TV: of the gently stimulating, safe NOTICE 1 ... "Albion" and . . . "Sunbeam" Mm,.i and dependable remedy - ""ibi vIIIUll situate In the Skeena Mining Dii,ion f AND DOMINION funds TOO soon, WANTED. Victoria fresh Kggs, every, . . . BEECHAM'S vassur unmet. one guaranteed HAVE been called in THEY MIGHT try Where located) About n mt. , the bead of Alice Arm on "Middle Creek WAITED One donkey logging engineer, one cot, one rigging man. Apply Wll-Htm 3 doz. for $1.00. TO HELP out. SANDPAPERING PILLS TAKE NOTICE that 1. Wtn. T Kerriti ti Manson. tt Shfpnans Meat Pasties In ft of I'rlnce llupcrt. B. C, Free Miner's Or- glass; very best quality WHEHEVKIl possible, MARKET PLAGE. Worth a Guinea Bos uiiraic rto. iujii, intend sixty dji frwn WANTED Second-hand high omce desk. . ... DiraiM the date lienor, to apply to tha i(k Enn B.S W SmcI.1 VIm I.Vmm Mir.ini Apply Box 109 Dally New. Hegular 2 for 25c. Special PAINT is being applied; THAT WOULD keep. iU tr.rrw Ur. Is tout,31 cute. Recorder rur a Certinctte of Impr fvemenu 2 for 15c. . V for Hie purpose of oblalnlni a Cm 1...'. WANTED Bakery. Firt-cis Baker. Apply city tf. Our Own Brand Mutter KALSOMINE administered, THE GANG busy LAND ACT f tbe above claim. ... And further take notice that -. ... per pound. .. .40o. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS Wanted Position as cook. Apply Box 108 This butter is the highest AND TOItY UNTIL nfter TRICT OP COAST, RANOE III. dcr section 37, must be commenrcj tc:..t ... tbe issue or such Certiorate of imnr ,,.. Dally News, tf. grade In Rupert. TAKE NOTICEMhat racinc Mill. Limited, SPRING cleaning ELECTION day, or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, ment. ft ft Daied this J 6th day of FOR RENT pulp and paper maker. Intend to apply Mtreh, a. D HAS started, IT IS raw for permission to purchase tbe following 1916. lt1 FOR BET on SALE Three-roomed bouse, Fuller & McMeekin ft ft described lands. Commencing at a post WM. T. KEnOIN, nicely tltuated. root Eighth Avenue, Seal THOUGH RATHER late nUT typically Tory. planted on the north bank of Koeye river, Core. 16.00 per month. Lot of free LEADING GROCERS about one-quarter of a mile up-stream MINERAL ACT fuel. Apply box too. Dally News, tf from the shore or Fltt-llugb Sound) thence PHONES SB and 672 LAND REGISTRY ACT- north twenty chains, thence east twenty FOR 8ALE Open Saturday until 10 p.m. Local News Notes chains, thence south to river's bank, thence NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Notice Under Section 36- along shore In a westerly direction to IU i, A. ROGERS, FOB. SALE: S.XAP Twelve pure-bred barred pojnt of commencement and containing TAKE NOTICE that, vtbertai I hart Plymouth nock, prlte winning: itock. TAKE NOTICE that an application bis forty (40) acres, more or less. caused to be dne the attesiment work Apply P. O. Box 658, City. 16. Launch Dixie, phone Dlue 400. teen made to register Sven Holmqulst, of Dated June 10th. 1916. Sept for the year 1916 on the mineral claims ... PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, known a "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim, FOB SALE Sldway baby carriage. First-class rrince Rupert, a the owner la Fee-simple, by "Mark Smaby," Agent tltuated In Cascade Creek valley, north el condition cheap. 8S5 Summit Ave. C. G. Hurnet and F. S. Johnson under twn Tax Sale Deed from the collector Silver Lake, lu tbe Stewart. B. C, Mlnlnt KEEN A LAND DISTWCT DtSTMCT OF of the City or rrince to District; and tbe "Stumpy" Mineral Claim, FISHERMEN nupert, Fon sale -nnsT class launch, so- are in town from Wrangell. COAST, HANOE 8. situated on tbe east tide of Castad ft. keel, 10-ft. beam, to h. p.. Buffalo ... Sven Holmqulst, bearing date me 17th day TAKE notice that George Roderick Me Creek district, and have paid for said medium duty engine, Jarre cabin and or September, A. D. 1018, in pursuance of Kenile, of Prince nupert, B. C, occupation assessment - 6x8 bead room. Electric light, storage ATTENTION I Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Lindsay, of a Tax Sale beld by (aid Municipality on engineer, Intends to apply for permission you pay work to tbe mi the um turn of (300.06;of 100.00 unlets tor battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking 10 tease me following aescrinea unas; the wireless station, have gone or about the titb day or September, 1914, your (bare of tbe said assessment wort stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap Commencing st a post planted at the Apply City Weigh Scales. tr soulh on n visit. of all and lingular certain parcel or tract N. E. corner of T. L. Lot 9739. nange 8, together with tbe costs or tbl tdreruse-at THE SELIG SPOON tbe bead, in tbe said Stewart Mining ... of land and premises situate, ljlng, and Coast District, Forcber Island, thence MISCELLANEOUS being In the City of Prince nupert. In the south 90 chains, thence west 80 chains, ment, I (hall, at tbe expiration or ninety Mrs. Hugh Dunn and baby left Province of British Columbia, more par- thence north 80 chains to shore line, thence cay from the date hereof, apply to tbt Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C , to bars known and described Lot Ucularly as: DRESSMAKING and Ladles' Tailoring, reasonable for Vancouver on tho Princess south-easterly following shore line to tbe Is Now on the Market three (3), Block rorty-nve (48), Section of your Interest In tbe said "Ladybird No. c prices. Mrs. George Gebhardt point commencements containing 310 Alice last evening. eight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty- and "Slump? Mineral Claim vested In mi acres more cr less. 931 eth Avenue, West. 186 Ask your Dealer for It, five (33), Section eight (8), Map 933. OEOnOE RODERICK MeKENZIE. In pursuance or tbe provisions of tlx neflned young widow, no encumbrance, excellent and See that You Get It. You and those clslmlnr through or under "Mineral Act" Miss Pichet left the Princess cook and housekeeper, wishes on you, anJ all person claiming any interest SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Dated at Prince nupert, B. C tbl lift position or trust. Apply Box 108, Dally Alice last night en route for her in the tald land by descent whose title COAST, RANOE 4. dy of November, 1918. News. If. Is not registered under the provisions of TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradsbaw, A. LUND. It Gets Them Every Time old home in France. me -Lina iiegisiry a" are required to of Tonopah. Nevada, occupation mine man SECOND-HAND FLTlNITUnE, stove and contest the claim of tbe tax purchaser ager. Intends to apply for permission to men's clothing bought. Corner 7th St Mrs. It. G. McLauchlan, from within rorty-nve days of the service of purchase the following described lands: and 3rd Avenue, or phone Green 399. tf this notice upon you. Otherwise you and commencing at a post planted about DE NT53TRY Inverness, is spending a few days each of you will be forever estopped and 300 feet easterly from tbe northwest cor TO HSIJLRME.Ni We carry a tull L'tui ct with friends In town. debarred from setting up any claim to or oer of Lot 40. nange 4, Coast District! "Ferro." '"Honest Cliy." "Lamb" and ... in respect or tbe said land, and t shall hence north 90 chains( thence west 30 CROWN AND BRIDOS WORK "stilling" Engines the year round -no register tbe said Sven Holmqulst as owner chains: thence south 90 chain more or A SPECIALTY wait'i r. also "Ferro ' tnd "Lvlnrude" AKERBERG, THOMSON Women's pump.special. Thurs in fee. lei to the bore or Surf Inlet, thence DR. J. S. BROWN Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. Your attention Is called to section 36 following tbe shore lne to the place of Quick service low prices. Canadian COMPANY day and Friday only, regular $1.00 or the "Land Registry Act" and amend, commencement, containing forty acre DENTIST ' Engine k Supply Co., Vancouver. B. a $2.35 Wallace's. 180. menu, and especially to tbe following ex more or let. Oflleti Smith Block, Ttilre A?.n tract therefrom which relate to the above 1916. Sole Agtnt for the ... February 18. Phone 464 notice. FREDERICK BRADSIIAW. PALMER OAS ENOINE COMPANY John Morrison, of the Alice Arm "And In default of a caveat or certificate PACIFIC LTD. or 11 penden being nied before tbe CARTAGE, PHONE 525 Transfer Company, is spending a registration as owner or the persons en few days in. town. titled under such tax sale, alt person ,so have lerved with notice, or served with notice Announce that they purchased under subsection (6) of section 183 of the business of the Prince nupert COAL Favorite Ladysmith the 'Municipal Clause Act, HO 6,' or lec Transfer Company and solicit a continuance Alex M. Manson, B.A. or the patronage or the W. E. Williams, B.A L.UB Wellington lump and nut, best re tion 393 of the 'Municipal Act,' or section 139 of the 'Assessment Act, 1(03,' or customers of that firm. sults. Phone P.R.C.Co. WILLIAMS & MAN80N 15. tf section 383 of tbe 'Taxation Act,' In cases Careful attention to all orders in which notice under this Act Is dispensed for Cartage and Coal. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Laltn t hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under tbem and all MONEY TO LOAN persons claiming any interest In tbe land PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. BOX 1888 FOR RENT by virtue of any unregistered Instrument, Helgerson Block Prince Rupert. B. C PHONE 93. and all persons claiming any interest In the land by descent whose title Is not DWELLINGS registered under tbe provision of thi Act, McMordie Apartments. 3 rooms and thall be for ever estopped and debarred bath, nange. Tinted to suit tenant. from selling claim to In up any or respect Very reasonable rent, LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC Modern 8-roomed bouse. Good marine or tbe land so cold for taxe.M Dated at tbe Land Regittry LUMP i view. No. 701 Sth Ave., W. omce, at HOTEL the City of Prince nupert. Province or Levin Apartments. 8 rooms and bath, 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS- flange. British Columbia, this 18th day of January, COAL A. D. 1916. Cottage No. 313 Eighth Ave., E., 8 One or the largest Hot Springs In rooms. II. F. MACLEOD, District negistrar. America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature To Grand Trunk Pacific $3.50 per Ton Cash on Cottage No. 337 Engbth Ave., E., 4 Development Co., of Water, 180 d. Fahr. Delivery rooms. Furnished. Ltd., J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mr. C. n. McDonald. No. 4 Cottage 737 Fraser Street, Eiesllent Trout PJshlng In Lakslse Money Back If Not Satisfactory room. Lake. Phone Connection with Trrc. STORES MINERAL ACT Store Helgeraon Block, Third Ave. RATES i 82.60 per day. UNION TRANSFER CO. omce ground Boor Helgerson Block, 6th Street. Certificate of Improvements For further particulars, apply to 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Store No. 814 Third Ave. 34x66 i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Managtr. I J with full basement. 130. We write nre Insurance, being NOTIOI (gent for the very best coropanle Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In tha only. Pleased to quote you rates, Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD Where located: At tbe bead of a brancb THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT or Lime Creek about four mile from tbe beach on the outh lde of Alice Arm. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorg n. Naden, is that every garment washed with it bears the Free Miner Certificate No. 9I094B, acting impress of purity; a.purity begotten of sweet, a agent for Tboa. McHottte, Free Miner' c.canjing oils, and maintained by absolute clean B. C. UNDERTAKERS Certificate No. 699 IB, and Jamea L. Hatch, Hncss in manufacture: a purity exalted by the 710 8ECOND AVE Free Miner Certiorate No. 87964B, In co-optrntiou of workers united for the purpose: tend, slily daya from tbe date hereof, to a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee'1 Carpenters' Toots Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery 'UNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-BALMCRS apply to tbe Mining Recorder for a Cerlifl which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDOPEN cate of Improvement, for the purpose of Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle DAY AND NIOHT obtaining a Crown Grant of tbe above A Sinhtii Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns 117 END STREET PHONE 41 claim. IM it. Iu,l lit ltui-Slki m.l m$ 1-4 mni Scat.mtvtr And further take notice that action, Ammunition "ope Valves under eeeilon 88, mutt be commenced before Tbe nam Lever on Soap is a guarantee Pumps Hose Paint the Issue or such Certinctte or Im ol Purity and Excellence. Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron provrment. Dated tbl 34th day of March, A.I), I9U. " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" OEOnQE n, NADEN. CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Salvation Army. 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Prince Rupert Public meetings, Tuegday Concrete Works, McBrlde St. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p, m Bundays at 7:30 p. in, Tites Furniture Sale, A BIG SUCCESS, Will Continue until August 15th.