rrii 6AILY NEWS 1-Vlilny. August 4, f oic. a.HBlMMBiaMEVE9TtraC The Summer " Life-Savcrs" good even yrv - ' X TuckcttA The Daily News nrc fruit, cereals noon. in THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA IJCLUBSPECIAL and Meat Published Dally aad Weekly green vegetables. Guaranteed Largest Circulation in Summer overtaxes the liver nnd kidneys, potatoes " Wo'ro looking for HEAD OFFICE cause intestinal fermentation. iaJ ctuevHW4 tlcular smokcr 1 1? Daily New Itullding, 3rd Ave, Prince Ilupcrt, D.C Telephone 08, Get away from the a- got Just l.o TanUeve TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING BO cent per Inch. Contract heavy Winter diet; give GIL'S CIQAR STORE rates on application. Nature n chance. One or two Third Avonuo Prlnco Rupert Shredded Wheat Biscuits, DAILY EDITION Friday, August 4, 1010, served with milk or cream or fresh fruit, make a delici-ously nourishing, satisfying AUGUST 4TH Hcforo this Prussian devil, meal. Such a diet means Today, tho second annlver nothing is sacred. Woman, Summer Steamship Service good digestion, good health sary of the beginning of the young and old, and children aro and plenty of strength for - TO war finds the Allies still strug its food; tho church is its most the day's work. All the ALASKA AND YUKON gllng to conquer the Prussian snught-for target, and its general Tim 8. 8. 1'rlnco Rupert or Prlnco (leorgo of the wheat in militarism which has sought policy is ""rightfulness." goodness a leave Prfnco Ilupcrt every Wcilucsilay.nl 12 todomlnalc Uuropo. Since n It knows no law and therefore digestible form. For breakfast noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway. Connect-Ing year ngc, many homes have respects not tho law of others. with milk or cream; for HON. FLEMING B. McCURDY at Skagway with tho Whlto Pass and Yukon llouto. been saddened! many children It is tho duty of every citizen luncheoa with fresh fruits. Who has been appointed par- SOUTHBOUND . m TI10 S. 8. Prlnco Rupert or Prince (leorgo leave Prince rendered fatherless, and many to bo at tho Westholmo Theatre Made in Canada liamentary under-secrciary ior Rupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. for Vancou moro widows have been created tomorrow evening to renew the Department of Militia and has ver, Victoria and Seattle. Fortnightly service to tho Queen Charlotte Islands. Yet, those who huvc suffered their solemn pledge to carry speed is much slower than thnt charge of tho administration oi TRAIN SERVICE most have till tho strongest the struggle out to the end, of tho cruisers and thcro is littlo tho department during tho absence Trains lcavo Princo Rupert every Monday, Wednesday Hughes in England. and Friday at 10:30 a. in. for Winnipeg nnd nit points last of Sir Sam determination that tho tneriflec until tho of peoplo Germany doubt that they will take her soon. nnd South. Mixed train leaven Princo Rupert every Snlur. made shall not have been made have hfcn awakened from the Somo say Hint this means day (5 n. in. Special weekend fare to Terrace nnd return h 10 For full Information & reservations apply to city ticket in vain, but that the Hun shall horrible nightmare through The Hudson's Day Company, that Mr. McCurdy will bo tho new THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 o... bo routed and liberty and Justice which they have been struggling under its old charter rights, will Minister of Militia, as Sir Sam established in the world. blindfold for tho past two light the provincial governments may take a high command in Kng- Every day of tho past year years. on tho prohibition issue. It seems and or Flanders. Mr. McCurdy Is has shown more clearly the ridiculous at this limo of day that M. P. for Quccns-fcnclhourne. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY kind of thing which is to be NOTES AND COMMENTS one company should liavo priv Nova Scotia. vanquished. The invasion of ileges which aro not extended to SUN AND TIDE Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Belgium, with its indescribable The hand of fate was clearly nil, even if some ancient prince via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY horrors, was the first intimation apparent on tho front pago of the did givo them a charter. Saturday, August 5th. Mesla and Berth Included on Steamer received of tho kind of Journal this morning, where Wm. Sun rises 5 a. m. beast which had broken loose, Manson's picturo was surrounded The International Nickel Company Sun sets 8:20 p. m. Princess Alice Southbound Wednesday, August 2nd. Princess Maqulnna for Gran by, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. and the murder of Nurse Cavcll by a heavy black border. It was are to refine that metal in High water 5 a.m. lit. 10.0 Princess Charlotte Southbound Saturday, August 5th. and, moro recently, of Captain a most appropriate setting. Canada. When will Canada's Low water ...11:2a.m. Ht. G.5 Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 0 p. m. Fryatt, gives further evidence, copper be all refined within tho High water ...5:18p.m. lit. 18.7 Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports Monday, August 7th. if that were necessary, the absence The Journal knows perfectly Dominion? This should bo tho Captain J. Mr.Gec, M.M.S.A. J. I. PETERS, General Agent of any really human well that "the gang" referred to next step. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. quality in the Prussian war in the News yesterday is" a class He at the city hall this evening J lord. of "heelers" for whom tho genuine Sir linger Casement doubtless at 7:30. This is no time for celebration, workingman has not the slightest believed that ho died a martyr in MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. but for tho renewal of respect. a just cause. Such is tho human CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. R. S. C Chapttr lis. that solemn vow taken one mind, with kinks in it. Certificate of Improvements The Orand Trunk Tactile Railway com Tenders will be received up to August year ago by British people Tho Liberals of Prince George 8th next by the City Clerk, Prince Ru- pany hereby gives noUce that It has isder everywhere. There is nothing are to be congratulated upon 1 Reports from Ottawa state that pert, B. C, for the purchase ot the following NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELLI3 Accilon 7 ot the said Act dvpusitcd :m the Minister of TubUc Works at Ciuws apparatus: BLUE II ELL FRACTION. GENTIAN, in it of the "hymn of hate" their sound sense. They have there is more than a possibility IReturn tubular bolIer(84. 7 h. p. 115 FRACTION, THISTLE and In the office of the District Rcgutrsr nature, but tho making of a shown that they realize that the of a Federal election this fall, Just lb. per sq. In. COSMOS MAIUOOLD FRACTION,FRACTION, LILAC of Umi Land Registry umce, DUti t ot 1-4 U tn.xt4 In. boiler feed pump, II ACTION, I'rince Rupert at rrlnce Rupert, a tic sworn declaration that this important matter in this province fter the new Governor-General t-lii In Penberthy Injector. HACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE scrtptlon of the site and plans cf ware I coll feed water heater. RACTION, COXCOMB, I1EOONIA FRAC bouse prvposed to be built In l'r.;e Rupert -Copper Prussian evil which has eaten is that every member of this cor rrives. Let them all come. I-Underwriters Fire rump, 14 In. x 9 In. TION, MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the Harbor at rrlnce Rupert, Ur.i:. 0 Into the very heart of tho Ger- rupt government be sent out into x iX In., Capacity 390 gals., mad Queen Charlotte District, located at or oar luiubia. in rront of waterfront Stack "a, man Empire shall be ousted. the wilderness. John Mclnnes Salvation Army. by Canada Foundry Co. ikeda bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province according- to registered plan of the to flit Complete set nttlng-i for above. or British Columbia, and lawfully held by le of the said city or rrlnce Itupcn deposited It is something purely spiritual. will be elected and he will be a The above apparatus Is now Installed In keda Mines Limited. In the aforesaid Land Ini'.jtrj The actual fighting is very useful representative of tho Pahlic meetings, Tuesday, the Morse Creek Pumping- riant of the TAkU NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnls, umce as No. til. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Corporation Of the City of rrlnce Rupert, cllcltor for Ikeda Mines Limited, rree AND 1 AkE NOTICE that after Its expiration merely the physical demonstration people's interests. and is In first class condition, being- prac miners' certiucate No. 7014 1), intend or one month from the data cf Sundays at 7!3n of the spirit which imbues p. m. tically new. It was used only for a very after the expiration of sixty days from the ursl publication of this nc,V. :?, Um short time during- the construction of the tb date hereof to apply on behalf of the orand Trunk Pacific Railway Company witl the belligerents. On the Th fight in Prince Rupert lies "A Dollar in the Bank is Shawatlans Hydro system. said Company to the Mining Recorder tor under Section 7 or the said Act l'W to Tenderers will be expected to dismantle a certificate of improvements for the pur the Minister or Public Works at tit office one hand, we have a mighty between T, D. Pallullo and Hon. Worth Two in Promises" and remove the plant at their own expense, puse of obtaining- a Crown Orant to the -n the City or Ottawa for appi ral t people, who have proven themselves William Manson. There is no but the Corporation will do this work If above claims. tald site and plans, and for leave to construct so desired at the following- estimated costs AND FURTHER TAKE NOIICE that action the said warehouse. masters in arts doubt in the mind of but many anyone you have a F. o. D. Cars Prince Rupert 1 ISO.00 under Section 85 or the Mineral Act must Dated at Wlnniper, Manitoba, It.i SOU) and crafts, swayed by an evil an unthinking Tory, but that T. WHEN Savings F. O. I). Doat Prince Rupert iIJ.OO be commenced before the Issuance or such day of May A. D. 191. Highest or any tender not necessarily certificate of Improvements. THE URAND THUNK I'AailC RAILWAY power which has grown up in D. Pattullo will bo returned by an you do not D. R. KENEDY accepted. Dated this list day or May, A. D. 1916 COMPANY. have ask favours their midst, almost unconsciously, overwhelming majority. W hat to Sut. of Utilities. JOHN A. MAC1NNES, II. II. HANSARD. Sci: lor. or court refusals when you Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. and, on tho other, we Manson represents will bo de require ready cash. A Savings NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC have a combination of neighbors feated just as surely as tomor Account in The Bank of TION ACT NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT ft. S. C. CHAPTER 115. R. S. C. CAP. 115. British North America makes determined throttle that row's to sun will rise. The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited evil since it has burst the you independent of promises. hereby gives notice that It has under Sec Certificate of Improvements 1'ACll'lC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby rive The money is yours ready tlon 7 of said act deposited with the Min NOTIOE notice that it tias, under Section 7 ot the bounds of Germany and has Tho Deutschland seems to have when you need it protected uter of Public Works at Ottawa and In the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Dasin Mineral Claim, situate la the spread into the neighboring been allowed to get out to sea against loss safe from fire and offlce of the District Registrar of the Land rubllc Works at Ottawa, and In the office Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District. Registry District at Prince Rupert. B. C. Where located: About four mil n from without theft and earning interest at ot the Registrar Oeneral or Titles at Vic regions. anything happening. Her a description of the site and the plans the beach vu the south side or Alio Ana toria, British Columbia, a description ot highest current rates. of wharves and power house proposed to it the bead or a branch or Lime C the site and the plana of certain structures Deposits of $1. and upwards are be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorge R. .aJto. to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one received on Saving account. Royal Island, in front of Lot 40. Range 4 rree Miner' Certificate No. 9109CB, intend, (31 , Range Three S), Coast District, Coast District. B C. alxty day from the date hereof, to British Columbls, at the bead or Cousins Launch AliceB. THE BANK OF And take notice that after the expiration 'ulet. apply to the Mining Recorder for a c:rtia-cale of one month from the date of the first or Improvements, Ior the pur; of AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex British North America obtaining Crown Orant or the above publication of this notice the Surf Inlet piration of one month from the date of a Power Company Limited will, under Sec the first publication or this Notice. Pa claim. Leaves Davis Hot! for 79 YEAUS IN DUMMIES. tion 7 of the said Act, apply to the Mln And further take notice that at: :, cific under Section 7 Sundays at 0 Mills, Limited, will, ?1'I7mi1 ILBLPiaT Metlakatlati, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7384.000. later or Public Works, at bis oRlce In under section , must be commenced before and it a. m., and 1 and 3 or the said Act. apply to the Covernor-ln- the City of Ottawa, for approval of the the Issue or such Cetlificato ; Improvements. p. m. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Council for approval or the said site and said site and plans and for leave to con plan. For term and particulars struct the said wharves and power bouse. Dated this ttth day or March, A.U l. W.J.SMITHERS,Manager Dated at Vaucouver. British Columbia, Call Dated at Vancouver, D. C., this 9tn this ISlh day or April,-A. D. 1(16. OElHtOE H. NADEN ,W. J. THOMAS, Phone. day or May. 1916. IlODWELL. LAWSON k LANE. SURF 1.1 LET POWEn ACT THE COMPANY. MINERAL Oresn 391. Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. May 9th, 1916. jylt Notice to Delinquent Partner. WANTED MINERAL ACT To Q. W. Maiwail and Charlas Nicholson- A llaaj LtTtr ImalaUoa j TAKE NOTICE that whereas I ba iU Experienced Bridge men. GOLD WATCH FREE. lilvermoulb Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done assessment work Tickets Traclc men, Tracklayers and altuated In I be S keens Mining Division ol on the Woir Mineral claim, sltuatei ct tM General Construction Labor, A MTftTghtarwi' Casslar District. head or Alice Arm, Observatory If." s, 23Uth llat-lalion, off tr.n . m Where located: At the bead or Alice the Skeena mining division or gkee-s district, era to join the Wa ara fltis awar Overseas Railway H I thn.Miiil. "I Arm, adjoining the Rlvermouth and Carl assessment work for the yesra 1U. to and from Norway, Swadsn, Dan-mark, taoala all ,(w th. sawi boo mineral claims. paid for Finland, Italy and Ruaala. Construction Corps. world M ku, 1914, and 1915, and nave TAKE NUTICU that I, a. R. Naden, Free work and recording same, the s n SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Drafts leaving Vancouver, to vour obuiMo to 01 Oscar II," Auruat 17th II. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., Writ Miners' rertincUe No. 9..096B. acting ai IJ07.J0. Unless you pay me the agent for Carrie Pratt, free Miners' Cer-tin of the sau i-sessment "krlatlanlarjord" .... Auruit SOtti weekly. oonu lor mm ot m, 13 1.10. for your share iMhton.liU Lr.4U.' rate No, 9J.9I7I), Intend, with the c it 01 slity dayr Stockholm" Auruit Sth Re attested and forward Ourda. off work, together "Berg-eiufjord" Sept. Soth to Vancouver, and Onto' Albaru,' tout from the date hereof, to apply to the this advertisement, I shall, at the cip.' Ha Your Rarat1on mad Early. rnnsportatlon will bo arranged Vila orrtwo Iba waitk,pi4 to aklah mml Mining Recorder tor a Ceritficate or Improvements, lion of ninety (90) day rrom the daw For Retea, Illuttrated Foldera and at once. lUMai ill ba vatabai una Viaa aro for the purpose or obtaining bereor apply to the mining record r si General Information Apply to Send oil communications fuaraiUaa'f raaral, a Crown Orant or I lie above claim. rrlnce Rupert. B. a, t0 lis your n' to: Olllccr commanding, noalii vaniaaa ra of aor laa aiarval.mi- And further take notice that action, est in the Woir jnlnersl claim Ka OVBHAVN A HANSON 230th Uattalion, C. E. F. tost about aflar.a aa w ahtm naart Ihaai to ana to tell baaatiiiatea rnut,Jiuada under section IS, must be commenced be-re me, In pursuance or the provisions or Insurance and SUamahlp Agency, 175 Cordova St.. W. Ihta'i think iota aSar to auo4 U ta irua, but aaa4 1 lie issue of such Certificate of lm-iruveuients, mineral ct. 11 aaaia to-dar aa4 tala fraa aua. Vaa Prince Ruptrt, B. O. Vancouver, D, C, Dai0d at rrlnc0 rtuperl, D. C., this ti Jarallan ITnfflaaa U. Ceraaallia kya4. UmuuTS Dated thia tjrrt day of December. A. D. day or February, it IS. '. Apr. 1. m. J. E. STARK. EMPRESS COFFEE IAMOLE8ALK DISTRIBUTOR MP. Q.DAWSON 0. PRINCE RUPERT, B.