Ll 11!R DAIM flKWJ " Friday. AurusI i. loto, "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" Ihe Standard NAVI3ABLE. WATERS Sa.. N Sixty Years o. eh.,, Local News Notes AT MAJESTIC THEATRE nn Robert Cecil Oosse hereby that he has undee si,ii. . f." """re Safe Milk For Summer Camp Dontnnn Thompson's immorlnl Act deposited win. i,. .... r lho Mid Launch Dixie, phono Ulue 400. "Tho Old lloinc-slead." Works at ott.ws, sd m the m !, '"J'' You eo to the woods for health. Do not masterpiece. District Rerlstrsr of L, ,h? undo the benefit! of fresh air and sunshine The steamer Prince Ocorgo had Is Hie feature at tho Ma Reristry omce at Prince Rup'r '.'nJ by carelessness In regard to food and drink. Columbia, a deaerlDtlon cf IIoll all dtlnklntf water and take "Canada ninety tons of local freight this jestic tonight and tomorrow. This Plsns of i wharf propyl to Te ,,,,1 Flnl"Evaporated Milk with you. the north Skrena i ...... t In "CanaJa Flnl" Is safe and convenient- morning. famous play, with its quaint and Skeen. m. a....l 1"? mo"n of It Is pure and Is sterilized after the tins are lovable characters was staged by front of Lot enehun,; XT LORATEDjriEJ scaled. In four sixes, to suit any family. Special fish express of seven (117). Ranre five tt m...V,.." :!cn.," See Inland Rev. Bulletin No.305.pace S cars left for the cast this morn. a company of players in Ibis city BAKING And Columbia-take n.,ilce ",bm,. that, afierthe Table II, for comparisons. epir,t0n ing early. over a year "Bo and all who saw one month frnm .i.i. tif . . on " Co" Ask Grocer for "Canada First." it then will noljniss seeing Ibis POWDER "uee. nobert ,'" Sour Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Pntmore mill, under Section 1 of the said At' THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO LTD; great Famous Players nim production to the Minister of Public Work, .W AYLMCR. ONTARIO and family relumed from the omce In the City of Otiswa, for apDroV.i south this morning. and others should not. Made from cream of tartar the said .Tie and plans, and f or Ptcat. ? construct the said wharf. . The pictures were actually taken derived frem grapes. Dated at Prince Rupert, 1), c, tt,u COAL Favorito Ladysmlth day of May 19 1. l,lh at tho old Thompson homestead In Wellington lump and nut, best results. NO ALUM nBEnT CEC'L ans New Hampshiro and tno atmos m30.,J0. . Phono 15. P. n. C.Co. tf and setting of tho original . phere "Hie Daily-News" Buy This Week M. Mclnnes, stores manager for play arc faithfully brought out. SALLOW SKIN MINERAL ACT the Granby Company, arrived This rustic play has been Immensely CLASSIFIED ADS, i3 one of the greatest foes of Certificate of and save money from the south this morning on popular fop threo decades womanly beauty. It is quickly NOTIOI Improvement! his way to Anyox. and is just as refreshing cleared by correcting the cause "Albion" and "Sunbeam" . and entertaining as when first sluggish liver with the aid situate In the Skeena Mtmnr Division of WANTED. Victoria frcsli Eggs, every There are 852 tons of blister of the gently stimulating, safe one guaranteed produced. Cy Perkins, Rickety and dependable remedy Where located: About n. mn. . WASTED One donkey iorrinr enrlncer, 3 doz. for $1.00. copper hero for shipment east. A Ann and all the old familiar char ihe head of Alice Arm on "Middle Crtfk one cook, one rirrtnr man. Apply Wil special train will bo made up, BEECH AM S TAKE NOTICE that I. Mm t e..ZL Hams & Hanson, tf Sliippans Meat Pasties in acters are there to the llfo.. Prank of Prince Rupert, B, C., Free Miner's Cer- gloss; very best quality probably tomorrow. Losee, ono of the finest of Amer wicie no. vuju, intend sixty dsrs from WASTED Second-hand hlrh office desk. Regular 2 for 25c. PILLS the date hereof, to apply to the MMat Airily Box tot Dally Sews. 2 for 15c. Special The. Westholmo Theatre will ica's character actors, plays the Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements' WASTED First-class Baker. Apply City part of'Josh Whitcomb. There Worth o Guinea Bos for tlie purpose of obtslnlnr r., . Bakery. tr, Our Own Uraiul Uutter not open tonight until the parade DiractiMt vttk Enrr Sat f Sdl Vtlmm u Wm "f the above claim. per pound. .. .40c. arrives. Join the parade at the are other good pictures and delightful StUmavktr. U ixiM,23 mU. And further take notice that action, un-der Wanted Position as cook. Apply Box 10S This butler is the highest music. section J7, must be commenced b. fre Daily Sews. tf. grade In Rupert. city hall at 7:30. LAND ACT the issue of such Certiorate Of Imnmir. f-V V ' , menu. FOR RENT Miss Ueckwith, who has been CHILDREN'S PRAYER PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS Dated tbla J 6th day of March, k d' COMFORTABLE ROOMS, bath, hot water. Fuller & McMeekin visiting her brother in Portland, TRICT OF COAST, RANQE III. WM. T. KEROIN, w TAKE KOTICE that Pacific Mills, Limited, SO cents and tS cents, day; SMO and Ore., returned home on the Princo Sailor, Sailor on the deep of Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. t.00 pt week. Talbot House, Second LEADING CROCERS Guardlnr me while I'm asleep. and intend to pulp paper makers, spply Ave., near Seventh. tit. Georgo this morning. MINERAL ACT Don't for ret the children pray PHONES 56 and 572 for permission to purchase the followlnr ton REST on SALE Three-roomed bouse, For your safety every day. described Isnds. Commendnr at a post nicely situated, foot Elrhlh Avenue, Seat Open Saturday until 10 p.m. The verdict at tho coroner's in planted on the north bank, or Koeye river, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Flylnr man hlrh up In air about of mile TO J. A. ROGERS, one-quarter a up-stream Cove. 18.00 per month. Lou or Tree quest into the circumstances attending fuel. Apply box tot. Daily Sews. tt Thank you for your watchful rare from the shore of Fltx-Hurb Sound; thence TAKE NOTICE that, wherrst 1 Uh the death of Thomas Hall Shleldinr me, remember too north twenty chains, thence esst twenty caused to be done th niMimml work FOR SALE "accidental death." That my little prayers shield you. chains, thence south to river's bank, thence for the year it II on the mineral claims was alonr shore In westerly direction to known as "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim FISHERMEN Soldier, out to nrM and die point of commencement and contatnlnr situated la Cascade Creek valley, north of FOR SALE: SNAP Twelve barred That pure-bred Our report Of the enlisting of no danxer may come nlfti. forty (40) acres, more or less. Sliver Lake, tn tht Stewart, u. C, Minlor Plymouth Rock, prise stock. Here wlnnlnf another Army stands. Dated June 1 Oth. it 16. SrptC District; and the "Stumpy" Miners! Apply r. O. Box m. nine Irish Fusiliers in the Claim, 6it. City. the The little Army of joined hands. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, situated ATTENTION I on the east side or Cascade creri FOn SALE Sldway baby carriage. First-class 238th was received from one of by-Mark Smaby." ArenL district, and have paid for said assessment The above is the of the prayer work the of sum condition cheap. 855 Summit Ave. ftOO.00; unieu the nine gallant yesterday. SKEE.XA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF little children of Ilritain today. you pay to me the sum of 1100.00 tor FOR SALE FIRST CLASS LAUNCH. 30-tu THE SELIG SPOON COAST, HA?fOE 8. your share or the said assessment work keel. 10-fL beam, 16 h. p Buffalo J. It. Robertson is confined to toretber with the costs of this advertise-at LAND TAKE rfiotice tbat Oeorre Roderick Me tbe bead. In the said Stewart medium duty ensine, larre cabin and the hospital at Anyox suffering REGISTRY ACT. Miami txs head room. Electric Urbts, storage k'enxle. of Prince Rupert, B. C occupation ment, I sbsll ar the expiration of ninety battery, nuts, rurs, cushions, cooltlnr Is Now on the Market from tho results of n severe. chill Notice Under Section 36-. enrlncer, Intends to apply for permission cays from the dste hereof, apply to the stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap-Apply to lease tne roiiowinr aescriDea isnos: Mtoinr Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to hue contracted while working In Riel's City Welsh Scales. tt Ask your Dealer for It, Commendnr at a post planted at the your Interest tn tbe said "Ladybird No. " camp. TAKE NOTICE that an application has Tf, E. corner of T. U Lot 17ft, Ranre t. and "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vetted In at and See that You Get It. MISCELLANEOUS . been made to rerlster Sven Holmqulst. or Coast District, rorcber Islsnd. thence ta pursuance or the provisions of the Mrs. V. It. Whitely, whose hus Prince Rupert, as the owner In Fee-simple, south 0 chains, thence west SO chains, -Mineral AtL" DRESSMAklSO and Ladles' Tailoring;, reasonable thence north 10 chains to shore line, thence Dated at prince Rupert, B. C, this Its prices. Mrs. Georre Oebhardt It Gets Them Every Time band is now with the forces in under two Tax Sale Deeds from the collector south-easterly followlnr shore line to the day of November, ttlt. iit eth Avenue, West. 186 England, returned from the south of the City of Trlnce Rupert, to point of commencements contalntnr HO A. LUND. Sven Holmqulst, besrtnr date roe 17th day acres more cr less. refined young; widow, no encumbrance, ex. this morning, accompanied by her of September, A. D. 101 1, In pursusnee of GEORGE RODERICK MCk'E.IZlE cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes two children. a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on position of trust. Apply Box 10$, Dally News. If. or about the tth day of September, 1014, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF DENTjSTRY AKERBERG, THOMSON Members of the Red Gross So of all and slnrular certain parcel or tract COAST. RANQE 4. SECOSD-J1ASD FURSITL'RE, stoves and of land and premises situate, lylnr, and TAWE NOTICE thst Frederick Bradshaw, CROWN AND BRIDOE WORK asked to meet at Mortc men's clothing bought. Corner 7th St. COMPANY ciety are beinr in the City of Prince Rupert, In the if Tonopan, Nevada, occupation mine man A SPECIALTY and 3rd Avenue, or phone Oreen 399. tf Craig's studio on Third Avenue Province of British Columbia, more par-Ucularly srer. Intends to apply for permission to DR. J. S. DROWN Sol Agsnte foe Mis known and described as: Lot purchase the followlnr described lands: at 7 o'clock tonight to line for up three (1), Block rorty-ave Section at (), Commendnr TO FtilltrtVE.N- We carry a lull I'm cf a post planted about DENTIST PALMER GAS ENQINE "Honest Clay," "Lair. and COMPANY Hi o patriptic parade. elrht (8), aud Lot four (4), Block thirty-Ove too feet easterly from the northwest cor Offlesi Smith Block, Thlre Aviavi .-Ferro." (JJ). Section elrht (), Map 913. ner bf Lot 40. Ranre Coast "aiding Engines the year round - no PHONE 625 . 4, Districts - Phone 484 You and those claimlnr throurh or under twnce north to chains; thence wrest to also Lvlnn.tfe" "Ferro"' nd waitiir. Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. The train for the east did not you, aoJ all persons claimlnr any interest chains s thence south to chains more or in the said land by descent whose title less to the shore Quick service low prices. Canadian leave until noon today, having or Surf Inlet, thence Is not rertstered under the provisions of followlnr the shore lne 4Jes M. Mtnson, 8.A. to the plsce of Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C W. E. Williams. B.A L.L.B been specially detained pending the "Land Reristry Act" are required to commencement, eontalnlnr forty acres SUBSCRIBE FOR the arrival of a largo party of contest the claim of the tax purchaser more or less. WILLIAMS & MANSON within forty-Ove days of the service of February it. ttte. Cooke.s tourists from tho north this notice upon you. otherwise you and FREDERICK BRADSHAW. The Daily News PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Barristers, Solicitor, Etc. on the Spokane. each of you will be forever estopped and ONKr TO LOAN debarred from settinr up sny claim to or In respect of the said land, and I sbsll Announce tbat tbey have purchased BOS lilt J. 1). Williams, superintendent rerlster the said Sven Holmqulst as owner sail the business of the Prince Rupert Helrerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C In fee. the Rocher De Iloulo of mine, ac Transfer Company and solicit a continuance Your attention Is called to section is of the patronage of the companied by C..1I. Sproat and A. of the "Land Registry Act" and amendments, customers of that firm. K. llipgs, of Portland, Ore., and and especially to the foliowior ex Careful attention to all orders B. C. UNDERTAKERS 1 tract therefrom which relates to the above for Cartage and Coal. Jesso Urooks and W. G. Repas, of notice. "And tn default of a caveat or certificate FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KM-SALVERS Usk, arrived from llazcllon yes of lis pendens beinr filed before 'the PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. SATISFACTION GUAR lerday. reristration as owner of the persons en ANTEED OPEN DAY AND NIOHT titled under such tax sale, all persona so PHONE 93. 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 CADET ORDERS served with notice, or served with noUce under subsection () of section ill of All Cadets are. requested to the 'Municipal Clauses Act, ttOfi,' or see llontSS of the 'Municipal Act, or section parade this evening at 7:30 to 119 of the 'Assessment Act, 1003,' or take part in the procession at the section ill or the 'Taxation Act,' in cases LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS CEST QUALITY DOMESTIC tn which notice under this Act Is dispensed City Hall. J. R. N'ADEN, HOTEL LUMP with as hereinafter provided, and those Lieutenant. claimlnr throurh or under tbem aud all 13 SOW OPES TO QUESTS persons claimlnr any Interest in the land COAL by virtue of any unreristercd Instrument, Onj of the largest Hot Springs In snd all persons claimlnr any interest In America, circumference 300. feet-Temperature $9.60 per Ton Cash on the land by descent whose title Is not of Water, ISO d. Fahr. FOR RENT Delivery registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred Eicsllent Trout Lake.Fishing In Lakalts Money Back If Not Satisfactory DWELLINGS from settinr up any claim to or tn respect or tne land so sold for taxes." McMordle Apartments. 3 rooms and Phone Connections with Terracs. Dated at the Land Reristry omce. st hath. Ilanre. Tinted to suit tenant. RATES I S2.BO day. pr the City or Prince Rupert, Province of reasonable rent. UNION TRANSFER CO. Very British Columbia, this 19th day of January. For further particulars, apply to Modern 8-roomed house. Oood marine 41? 9nrt &v Phnna flA A. D. !!. J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Managsr. WW SS W a W we) J aaviaw w view. .No. 701 Sth Ave., W. H. r. Levin Apartments. 5 rooms and bath, MACLEOD, District Reristrar. lucre. To Orand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Cottars' !to. S3J Elrbtb Ave., E., 6 Ltd.. i, V. Conrad. Jack Jenkins, Mrs. c n. MtDonsid. Cottsre rooms.No. SIT Enxbth Ave., E., 4 THE EEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT I rooms. Furnished. e FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Cottace No. 77 Fraser Street. 4 is that frince Feed every garment washed with it bears, the rooms. STORES Rupert Co. Impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, Store Helrerson Block, Third Ave. . O. Boa S33. BOS Third At. cleansing oils, anil maintained by absolute cleanliness omce ground noer Helrerson Block, RECEIVED OUR in manufacture; a purity exalted by the 1916 710 SECOND AVE eth street. SEEDS co-operation of workers united for the purpose: Store No. 844 Third Ave. lint WE HANDLE a purity demonstrated by the "SS.()0() guarantee Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery with full basement. SJ0, which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle We write Ore Insurance, beinr srents for the very best companies Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, A flllilmt, Slilkl it 4 fW l Mlf Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns only. Plessed to quote you rates. and Brlgg's. tt. ImtiH uftn H, trnmifSmBl,kl Am. Rope Valves Ammunition H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD Garden and Field Seeds. Tbe name Lever on Soap is a f uartntee Pumps Hose Paint Also Fertilizers. ol Purity tttd Excellence. Stoves and Ranges Itubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron We Take Orders for Nursery 8tock. "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Hay, Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Prince Rupert Chicken Feed A Specialty, Concrete Works, McBrlde St. Mall Order Promptly AUtndsd To.