The Daily news VOL, Vlf. NO. 183. PRINCE RUPERT, I). C, MONDAY. AUGUST 7, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENT iTOklTAMT GUMS ON THE WESMM FEOMT RUSSIANS CAHURE SIX VILLAGES - TURKS ARE DEFEATED NEAR SUEZ CANAL SIX TRENCHES TURKS ATTACK TRANS-PACIFIC TRADE BRODY REGION FOR PRINCE RUPERT TAKEN AND NOT NEAR SUEZ BUT , That Japan is becoming very SCENE OF HAND A BLOWSTRUCK ARE REPULSED much Prince Interested llupert is commercially well known in in TO HAND FIGHT official circles. The Daily News Fierce Fighting on West Front Australians and New Zealanders learns upon good authority that Six Villages Taken Desperate Australians Again to the In the Fray Many Prisoners House to House Fighting tho recent visit of officials from Fore Denmark to Taken Italy Breaks Hlndenburg to Take tho land of the chrysanthemum Indemnity. With Command. Pay Germany. had quite an important commer cial hearing, and that a Japanese -in:il to The Ually Sows.) (Sxrt3l to The fully fSew.) (Special to The Dally New.) ' steamship lino is right n.-w ser. l'an- August 7 On Saturday London, August 7 -A Turkish lously contemplating tho making Petrograd, August 7. between two tremendous bat. the Sercth nnd (Jrabcrka rivers, to tticiv wrc force eighteen thousand strong if Prince Rupert a point of cVI. in H'c nortli of France, the south of Hrody, the Russians tics jgintr attacked tho llritish troops 21 It is proposed to build wharves Picardi and the other have captured six villages and onn Li forc miles east of the Suez Canal on along the water front of section . Verdun. The Verdun battle have taken three thousand prisoners. l,ef i the Mediterranean side. Strong two, and, if the present plans bio resuhed Itself Into a violent artillery counter attacks were made by the I carried out, it should mean the The Austrians and Ger Picardi mans put a fierce resistance in duel, while the en-i.-uiuii- up 'beginning of bus-jness llritish force, which was largely very Important each village and there was terrific i ntlll In progress. composed of Australians and New for Prince Rupert, and tto hand to hand fighting In the North of Poziercs, tho Australians Zealanders, and the enemy was first fulfillment nf "Waller Clax- and the Sussex regiment streets, the enemy being driven lefcated and twenty-five un- ton's" recent prophecy in our captured six lines of German from house to house. columns. ounded Turks ajid Germans were trciu ties without striking a blow taken prisoners. KING AND QUEEN AND THE CHIEF OF STAFF Japanese steamship lines have Another report states that the and also carried the earthworks More Ships Sunk. An unusual photo of the King and Queen In the ftoyal Pavilion been tremendously active since tide of war in, Gallcia is shifting of llic enemy nt tho Intersection The Itritish unarmed ships Tot at Aldcrshot. They are seen in conversation with General Sir il-lian the outbreak of the war and every in favor of tho Teutonic armies and roads. Chief of Staff of the llritish and that both at Kovel and in the Robertson, i f the Thiepal Moquct tenham and Favornian, tho Italian army. available ship-building yard over AfU r these successes tho Allied teamer Sieta, and the Greek ship there Is busy building new ves Carpathians, the Germans are furors progressed to the east of Tricoupis have been sunk by the SIR BASIL MARKHAM DEVELOPMENT WORK sels. Huge profits have been made taking the offensive. . Berlin the !. ipsic redoubt and in the and those profits aro being put Report. enemy. HAS PASSED AWAY ON GIBSON ISLAND Berlin, August 7. General Von Hired i. n of the Thicup valley. Italy Breaks with Qermany. to good use in the development Hlndenburg, who has been in Danish Indemnity. 7. II is officially of new business, and it is not tin August Home, Srcll to Th Dally News.) The properly recently acquired command of the enemy forces on It m reported that Denmark has announced that Italy has severed likely that this city is to benefit Ixuilin, Annuel 7. Sip Arthur lry the Granny Company on (tb-son the Riga front, and Arch.Duke been forced to pay an indemnity II commercial relationship with thereby. The opening up of trans . . for al-I Has il Markham, for sixteen years Island is splen Charles Francis of Austria havo if jO.000 to Germany Germany and that the treaty of opening up Pacific traffic from this port has been the command of iwii llritish submarines to en-ti 891 is definitely broken. The member of parliament for tho didly and n scow load of ore which Ions? been a dream and it had assigned forces in tho Austro-German op r 'ui H.1lllc last year, from tho Italian government has now assumed Mansfield division of Nottingham- has been treated at Anyox from been hoped that tho start would position to tho Russians on tho N li Sea. The nntrance to tho control of all concerns in hire and a wealthy mine owner, that camp shows very encouraging have been made by a Canadian eastern front. Germany is rush- Ian is strongly guarded by lltaly financed by German capital. s dead. values. Tho company is ine. Tho Japs are evidently gong ing all available reserves to that Danish forts and Germany claims Black-list. extensive development to tako tho lead and no one French planning for Sir Arthur was president of the front to stem the nussian ad- to have evidence that the llritish Paris, August 7. Tho Paris work and a large forve of in Prince Rupert will offer any submarines wcro allowed to pass ournal publishes an official black Itoyal Colonial Institute and a men will shortly be at work on the objection, though il would have vanco. Caucasus Front. tin furls under permission from list of all American firms and in- prominent imperialist. Ho figured island. A wharf will bo built been much moro gratifying to Petrograd, Aug. 7. Tho Rus D( tir ark. ividuals who have been guilty of ery prominently in tho press in Inert at no distant date. have had a Canadian line opening sians havo captured five lines of trading with the enemy. recent months as n critic of the up the business. enemy trenches and a number of FRED. PARKER DIED AT actions of Premier AsquiHt and BISHOP STRINGER WAS prisoners including tho comman THE HOSPITAL TODAY ELOQUENT ADDRESS the late Karl Kitchener and their HERE THIS MORNING SENATOR BOSTOCK'S SON der of tho 52nd regiment. I il. Parker, ono of the best BY DR.J.L CAMPBELL methods of conducting tho war. Bishop Stringer, of the diocese KILLED IN ACTION In Mesopotamia,In Mesopotamia.the Russian. kn '.vu and most highly respected PRAIRIE WHEAT CROPS of Selkirk, arrived from tho Yukon I. . i .. n.,., r i...,ni. result nt of Metlakallah, passed Knnir linlnPVs manv friends a CUIHUieu iu hu Tho Empress Theatre was filled SUFFER FROM HAIL this morning and left for the cast . ..... . .Ip and havo indicted heavy dam- away at tho General Hospital at in Prlnco uuperi wm regret iu - ast evening, when Dr. J. L. Camp on tho train. IHshop Stringer Is slx lnoro- (AX dock this morning. Mr. .. i,u nn Lieutenant A. B uPon bell, of Vancouver, delivered the (Special to The Dally New) one of the most distinguished It u t ll &ua w vv..v I nussian t ioi- in mo HiacK sea, 1U! x r, who was about fifty years ......i. I... Mn.iAP.i n,rt ast of four addresses. This fa- Hegina, August 7. Hundreds of missionaries of tho Anglican destroyers havo sunk fortj rf a ' . had a slroko of paralysis i t a Mm- anorin, fnr hi Kin and P"0 mous preaciier, wno is jusi, u thousands of dollars worth of Church, having been ono of the l H Turkish sailing craft last December and had been in Country. Tho senator was for well known in Europo as on this damago has been done to tho pioneers In the Mackenzie river near Kcrasun and havo bombarded Yd' poor health ever since. Ho ,f n, House of side of tho Atlantic, hold tho largo wheal crops in various sections country in the early days, while ...v... - .,nAa nl C,,,,,.!!. leaves a widow ami Yale-Cariboo and grown-up for Commons audience spell-bound by his elo of tho pralrio provinces by severe he was also an outstanding figure lamuy. nio funeral arrange- quent appeal for the Old Hook. In hail storms. in tho Yukon at tho time of tho n.r.iu,-niifl,.,',. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Tho first refrigerator car own mrrifs aro in tho hands of Ilayner , i,rir llunert five .. . , of tho Hiblo Tho is UtI alio l a o w - - Pres.. showing tho power gold rush. Hishop pos t iea ny mo nooiu r isoeries una m and interment will take and its teaching, ho drew vivid SAFETY FIRST USE NEW sessed of qualities which would a lliL'U lb 19 &IU IUIVUHHV wa Mace at Metlakatlah, pictures of conditions in parts of WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE have made him an outstanding THE tho world whero It was unknown, 116. man in any walk of life. Province in Victoria, which later nmnyjuch REAL THINQ dOVt'loped inlO lUO um-umu ,w,,.,,t"' or unrecognized, dealing partial riioiK' urnvinen. Ho has been a Spoelal to The Dally New.) larly w ith tho standard of womanhood. ' amp Hughes. August 7. Com- In tho Kast ho had seen a QUESTIONS FOR prominent flguro in llritish Co-j Majestic Theatre uioticuijr today, tho military trnin woman harnessed with an ox to NO. 6 NO. 6 lumbla for many years and tho for of the whole provinco art Famou Playar Progrtmm sympathy h'U of tho soldiers In this camp plow, a condition impossible THE ELECTORS MONDAY AND TUESDAY will go out to him in his bereave- reigned. DanUI Frohman prnt "ill Include trench work under whero Christianity renditions of modern warfare In dealing with sclenco as RE B. C. PROHIBITION ACT ment. In a truly JOHN rreat BARRYMORE photoplay. A Comedy e men will spend alternate substituto for Christian faith, ho of romance and adventure, by William ; his in tho trenches. showed how little Huxley, Darwin "MIDDY" WILL JOIN "NEARLY II. Clifford A KINO." and' Joint Stuart Mill could ac IS ITNOT REALLY A PROHIBITION BOOMERANG? Comedy In 9U act. eompllsh for poor suffering hu "Mlddy' I'ortier, tho popular WESTHOLMF, manity. In conclusion ho appeal READ THIS "WIDE OPEN" CLAUSE OF THE ACT chaffour, has decided to Join tho ECLAIR GAZETTE cd to all to givo tho teaching f Section 67, Par. 2: Forestry Hattallon and there Is Featuring the faihlon.latest In new and OPERA HOUSE tho Hiblo a chance and they would "Nothing In this Act shall be construed to interfere no ono In town better fitted for TODAY MONDAY find it tlio truo light of tho world (a) With tho right of any person to Import tho work. 'Middy" has had great Wedneaday Muterplece, "The and AbienK-e,",Thurday Mutual nobert for bona fide from without tho Province liquor RECORD 8-REEL SHOW An augmented choir rendered experience of lumbering In his Eadoiu Friday and Saturday. Mar-tuerlte iiso in his privata dwelling house. Clark In "Out of the. Drift" mieelnl anthems and Mrs. Mo- native Quebec and should bo a 1st Episode or Dot not Importation of liquor nctarlly miin It purchat In quantity? Five Act. Mlllnn envo a solo. Tho .choir Do not th cUui protld for ptrton giving unlimited ordtr for big asset to tho battalion. If "The Master Key" was led by J. U. Davey, nnd W liquor without any rtrlctlon to th frtqutney of th ordrT necessary, ho will hand over his i I It not human natur for man to ut anything mor frly whn h of his tho service Vaughau Davlos presided at the fluo car for GO TO ha an ampl cupply on handT LAWRENCE D'ORSAY organ, throughout tho four meet WILL NOT THIS "WIOC OPEN" IMPORTATION CLAUSE HAVE country. LONDON CAFE I.N lugs. A TENDENOr TO INCREASE THE INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION OP BECAUSE OP THE PACT THAT IT MUST BE PUR-CHASED LIQUOR L, 0. Pearson, of the G. T, THE PLACE TO EAT "The Earl IN QUANTITY AND KEPT IN A DWELLINQ RATHER of Pawtucket" William Tultlo, who Is largely THAN PURCHASED BY THE SINOLE CLASS OR BOTTLE? staff, left this movning for his 8TRIOTLY UNION HOUSE l-lvo Acts, interested In mining In "the In old home In Collna, Ohio, via Bo- THIRD AVENUE At fair minded men, the electors of British Columbia are terlor, left for the east this morn Prohibition Act utile and Chicago. Mr. Pearson FINE KEYSTONE asked to carefully consider the terms of the BOXES FOR LADIES aaa. COMEDY-- lug. recently lost hit mother.