Monday. August fUfl DALL1 MJWJ 4 ,Dl lj LAWRANCE D'ORSAY AT r Local News Notes WESTHOLME THEATRE Robert Ccell Oosse hcrrhy . , ll lie has Ln.W . ' 'Art There is a magnificent elghl-recl Act iloposlied with the mi...... :": M4 Dr. J. L. Cnnipbcll left for llm show at tho Westhulmo tonight, Works at Otlaws. .ni .. ... ' Uf I'HIle District Kertstrsr of Titles si ..' ,h south this morning. when Lnwrnnco D'Orsay is Iterlstry omce it prince nuu m Columbia, a deserlniinn ,i . BrUb BEQIN8 AT THE WC( THOL.ME TONIGHT G. L. rrrtser, of Anyox, was In presented in "Tho Karl of Paw-tucket," plans of a wharf proposed in ,h JLfi the North Skecn. In Iho city over the weekend. in five reels. Tho piry IN Skeena nir. nH.V.;' i" msul cf of fine rront of Lot one hundred ,n SHERIFF'S MLR OF HYDRAULIC MIN1NO was specially written for D'Orsay PURE ctsenco snd LEASE ON GOLD CREEK Mrs. do Oex was amongst tho soap In flakes and JsVcoCr0" "Ik Daily News" IX THE SUPREME COt!RT, OF BRITISH south-gointr passengers Mils forenoon. nnd It Is one of tho most laugh moit economical of nil And take notice thai. artr ih. ..... ... o. F. COLUMBIA Finch, risintirr able comedies ever produced. It washing preparations one month from th. date of th. CLASSIFIED ADS. vs. Is one grand roar, riotously, rlp- will, under" nonce, nobcrt i . urn Section 7 of said' the Caslar Hydraulic Mining Company Limited, Hon. William Manson arrived A, (Non-personal Liability), Defendant, plngly funny. Anyone who has LUX to the Minister of rubtic vu,k V.T' nflln In Ih. r.. li y virtue or a writ of fiera facia It from the south early this morning sued In this action and directed to me, I on the Chelohsln. seen D'Orsay on the stago will the said aiu and plans, and for ic,,, J WANTED. have iclted Cease No. S55 on Gold Creek, dissolves readily In hot construct lha said wharf. make point of seeing it. All tho Dated at Prince as recorded In the mining recorder's omce a forming a amooth, Rupert, D, c ' tbls im WANTED-General servant; rood wires. at Hatelton, also all machinery, piping, Mrs. John Dean lias returned laughs have been preserved nnd cream-like water, lather that can-notlnjurethefllmlettfabrk'a day cf May, Hi 9. Apply Mrs. L. W. ratroore, tot Dordcn loon, ann oiner moon n inn premises, from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. ROBERT CECIL C; ME St., or phone sot between J and tf. All of which I will offer for sale by public are handed out with n liberal orthedalntleathanda. LUX suction for rash at my omce In the Court Kirkpatrlck, in Victoria. the original softness WANTED Second-hand high omce desk, House, Trlnce Rupert, on Wednesday the . hand. preserve and fieeclnesa of all Apply Box 109 Dally News. Hrd day of August, 1018, at t:S0 o'clock D. II. O'Neill and K. 0. Oibbons In addition to this great film woollen garments. Try LUX. MINERAL ACT WANTED First-class Baker. Apply City In the afternoon. Bakery. If. JOHN SHIRLEY. Sheriff of the County of left for the Interior on a fishing there will bo shown tho firs! Instalment At all grocer 10c Certificate of Atlln. Prince Rupert, August t. It It, expedition this morning. of "The Master Key, Improvcmentj 15 FOR RENT NOTIOE ... one of the few really great serials "Albion" and Sunbeam" Mineral Culm, COMFORTABLE IOOM3. bath, hot water. Mrs. D. J. Williams left for tho of tho screen. A fine Kcyston-? situate In the Skeena Mining Divisloa of SO cents and IS cents, day; ft.SO and Cash Counts south this morning and Mr. Wil comedy completes n rectrd ehow. Caislar Where DIstricL located:-About nve milts H.00 per week. Talbot House, Second from Are., near Seventh. 186. liams left for Tramvillc. the head of Alice Ann on "Middle Crk . . . TAKE NOTICE that I. Wm. T kerriu YUKON TAAFFIC of Prince Hupcrt. B. ron RENT OR SALE Three-roomed house, J. H. Tyrell, of the Department tin fate No. C., Free Mintfs Ctr 940IIB, Intend sltty Ci Saturday Night Specials j ttm nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal of Mines at Ottawa, Is in town, n the date hereof, to spply to ho' Cove. 6.00 per month. Lots of free From 5 to 10 o'clock. That the north is beginning to Mado In Canada by Lover Mlulng fuel. Apply box tot. Dally News. tf guest at the Hotel Hiipcrt. look upon Prince Rupert as its Brothers Limited, Toronto for the purpose of obtaining a tr n orsni 70 cents' worth for 60 cents. ... i ine iDove Claim. FOR. SALE 1 dox Alberta Fresh Eggs 3 Sc. A. Kinghorn, formerly of this trading centre is evidenced by the And further take notice thu m. . ... 1 glass Shippan's Meat Taste., t Sc. city and now with tho 0. T. P. in fact that O. W. Nickerson Company LAND ACT der section 37, must be comm. i . j t' i. re FOR SALE Gasoline fishing boat, $ feet the Issue of such Cerilflcste of long, 10-foot beam, 14 h. p. Regal en-'rlne, 1 tin Yacger Sardines SOc. Kdmonton, is spending a week in have Just booked an order PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS menu. intuit 2 cylinders, 4 cycle heavy duty, 00c. 50c, SOc. town. for a carload of Quaker flour for TRICT OF COAST, RANGE III. Dated this eth day of Msn:h. a D also gasoline launch all covered In cabin, . St ft. long, 9-ft. beam, 5 h.p. engine, MONDAY SPECIALS ... shipment to Dawson. This will be of TAKE Vancouver,NOTICE British that Pacific Columbia,Mills,occupation,Limited, wm. t. unoi.t both tying Vancouver. Snap for Immediate Liar Caslilo for F. Jlratlshaw nnd Clyde A. Heller to bo Largo Soap tho first carload of flour pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply purchasers owner enlisting. Apply Box I to Dally News. 188. 25 cents. of tho Tanopah-Ilelmont Development shipped through Prince Rupert to for permission to purchase J he followinr MINERAL ACT See Window. described lands. Commenclnr at a post FOR SALEi tNAP Twelve pure-bred barred Company, arrived from Surf the Yukon. This enterprising planted on the north bank or koeye river, Plymouth Rocks, prlte winning stock. Inlet yesterday. firm was also the first to bring in about onequarter or a mile up-strram NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Apply P. O. Box 659, City. 1. ... from the shore of Flls-Hurb Sound; thence to j. a. nootns. Fuller & McMeekin a carload of milk over tho O. T. north twenty chains, thence east twenty TAKE NOTICE that, thereat I ttt FOR SALE Sldway baby carriage. First-class Father Thayer preached yester P. chslns, thence south to river's bank, thence caused to ba done tbe asiessmrit sort condition cheap. 855 Summit Ave. LEADING GROCERS day morning in tho Iloman Catholic along shore In a westerly direction to for the year It It on tbe mineral cliimi point of commencement and containing known as "Lad)bird No. 4" Mineral PHONES 56 and 572 Claim, Church. It Is interesting to MISCELLANEOUS L. J. Hay ha enlisted in the rorty 0, acres, more or less, situated In Cascade Creek valley, r. rib ot Open Saturday until 10 p.m. note that Father Thayer celebrat Dated June tOtb, 1916. Scplt Sliver Lake, In the Stewart, b. c , Mining 238th (Forestry) Dattallon. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, District; and the "Stumpy" Mineral DRESSMAKING and Ladles' Tailoring, reasonable ed tho first Mass In Prince Itupert by "Mark Smaby," ArenL situated on tbe east side ot Cascade Clsim,Crtti' prices. Mrs. Oeorge Oebhsrdt in 1908. district, and bsve paid for said aistn. SSI 6th Avenue, West. 186 Wellington lump and nut, best results. ... SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF meat work tbe sum of II0O.O0. unkti Phono 15. P. R. C.Co. tf COAST, HANOE I. you pay to mi the sum of s icn.oo tor THOMSON Over of 800,000 pounds Refined young widow, no encumbrance, excellent AKERBERG, halibut your share of the said assessment work cook and housekeeper, wishes was landed at Prince Rupert (lur TAKE notice that Oeorge Roderick Mc togetber with tbe costs or mis advertise position of trust. Apply Box 10S, Dally COMPANY LAND at the bead. In the said Stewart REGISTRY ACT- Mining ing the last five days. There is Kenxle,. of Prince Rupert, B. &, occupaUon News. If. ment, I snail, at tbe expiration cf ninety Intends to lor engineer. apply permission Sol Agtnts for th so much fish coming in that tho Notice Under Section 36- to lease tbe followinr described lands: cays from tbe date hereof, apply to tbe Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. c . to Kits PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY G. T. P. has difficulty in providing Commencing at a post planted at the Interest In the said your "Ladjbird No. 4" N. E. corner or T. L. Lot 1719, Range I, PHONE 625 enough refrigerator cars. TAKE NOTICE that an application has Coast District, Porcber Island, thence and "Stumpy" Mineral Clsims vested in m FISHERMEN ... been made to rerlster Sven Holmqulst, of south to chains, thence west SO chains, In pursuance of tbe provisions of Um "Mineral Atf." Prince Rupert, as the owner In Fee-simple, thence north (0 chains to shore line, tbenee Alex M. Manson, B.A. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Lalonde and Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C , this Ilk south-easterly followinr shore line to the under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col ATTENTION I W. E.'Williams, B.A L.L.B baby left for Prince Oeorgo this point or commencement; containing 310 day of November, It II. lector of the City of Prince Rupert, to A. LUND. WILLIAMS A MANSON morning, where Mr. Lalondo takes acres more cr less. Sven Holmqulst, bearlnr date me nth day OEORGE RODERICK McKENUE. Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. over the management of the O, T. of September, A. D. 1 0 1 ft. In pursuance of THE SELIG SPOON P. Telegraphs. Many friends were s Tax Sale held by said Municipality on MONEY TO LOAN DENTISTRY or about the Oth day of September, 1911, BOX 1181 at the train to wish them success. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF of all and ainsular certain parcel or tract COAST. RANQE 4. Helgerson Block Prlnc Rupert. B. C ... of land and and Is Now the Market premises situate, lylnr. on TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK received letters la9t being In the City of Prince Rupert. In the Mr. Hardy of Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man A SPECIALTY Ask your Dealer for It, Province of British Columbia, more par ager, Intends to apply for permission to night from his boys, Fred and Ucularly known and described as: Lot DR. J. S. BROWN purchase the described lands.- and See that You Qet It. followinr three (3), Block forty-five Section B. C. UNDERTAKERS lf who are with the I02nd Bat (41), Commencing at a post planted about DENTIST and four Block eirht (S), Lot (4), thirty 100 feet easterly from the northwest talion at Dramshott. They arc nve Oft), Section eirbt (8). Map 93. cor Offlesi Smith Black, Thlr hhi ner of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District; It Gets Them Every Time FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND) EM-BALWERS fit and well and looking forward You and those clalmlnr throurb or under hence north SO chains; thence west 30 Phone S4 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED you, an4 all persons clalmlnr any Interest chains; tbenee south to chains more or OPEN DAY AND NIOHT eagerly to being sent to France. in the said land by descent whose title less to the shore or Surf Inlet, tbenee 11? END STREET PHONE 41 Is not rertstered under the provisions of followinr the shore line to the place of the "Land Rerstry Act" are required to SUBSCRIBE FOR Hon. Dr. Roche, Minister of the commencement, containing rorty acres contest the claim of the tax purchaser more or less. Interior, and Col. Thompson, within forty-five days or the service of February IS, 1010. tbls notice upon you. otherwise you snd The Daily News PACIFIC LTD. FREDERICK BRADSHAW. CARTAGE, member for tho Yukon, arrived each of you will be forever estopped and BEST QUALITY DOMESTIO from tho north on tho Princess debarred from settlnr up sny claim to or LUMP in respect or the said land, and 1 shall Announce that they have purchased Charlotte Saturday. Col. o n rerlster the sild Sven Holmqulst as owner the business or the Prince Rupert In fee. Thompson left for Victoria last Transfer Company and solicit a continuance GOAL Your attention Is called to section 34 of the patronage of the evening, his, family remaining of the "Land Rerlstry Act" and amend customers of that firm. $9.50 per Ton Cash on hero to visit with Mr. and Mrs tnents, and especlslly to the followinr ex Careful attention to all orders tract therefrom which relates to the above Delivery J H. Thompson. Dr. Roche left for Cartage and Coal. Money Back If Not Satisfactory for tho east this morning. notice."And In default of a caveat or certificate ... of Us pendens belnr Died before tbe DR. PRICE S PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. registration as owner of tbe persons en PHONE 83. UNION TRANSFER CO. The O. T. P. ticket olllce simply Utled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or served with notice swarmed with tourists this morn 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 under subsection (8) of section ill of Cream ing and tho train which left for the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1806 or sec tion 29 J or tbe 'Municipal Act,' or section the east was one of the heaviest 139 of the 'Assessment Act, 1 90 J,' or from a passenger standpoint section J 13 of tbe 'Taxation Act,' In casea Baking powder LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTION. In which notice uader tbls Act la dispensed which has ever pulled out of Ru CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED with as hereinafter provided, and those HOTEL pert. clalmlnr through or under them and all CLEANING CO. clalmlnr interest In tbe land 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS- YACUUM persons any Pure, Healthful, Dependable by virtue of any unreristered Instrument, One or the largest Hot Springs In . .W Claan Homes, Offices, Church and all persons clslmlnr any Interest In America, circumference S00 feet-Temperature Lodg and School, rooms at low the Und by descent whose title Is not of Water, 180 L Fahr. Frit. FOR RENT rerlstered under the provisions of this Act. snail be for ever estopped and debarred Made from Cream of Tartar QOOD WORK GUARANTEED Esctllent Trout Fishing In DWELLINGS from settlnr up any claim to or In respect Laks. or tne lana so sold for taxes." McMordle 3 rooms and Apartments. All Orders Attended to Immedlalsly. Dated at the Land Rerlstry Phon Connections with Terrace. bath, nance. Tinted to suit tenant. omce, at RATESI S2-B0 par day. Very reasonable rent. the City of Prince Rupert, Province of OFFICE, 810 2ND AVENUE. British Columbia, tbla 19th day of January, Modern 8-roomed house. Good ma CONTAINS A. D. lIO. NO ALUM For further particulars, apply to PHONE QREEN 268. rlne view. Wo. TO I (th Are., W. II. P. MACLEOD. District i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, SUnagsr, Levin Apartments, ft rooms and bath. Registrar. nan re. To Orsnd Trunk Pacine Development Co., Cottars No. 133 Eighth Ave., E., ft Ltd.. I, P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs Cottare rooms.No. 117 Enghth Ave., E., 4 a R. McDonald. Made in Canada rooms. Furnished. FRED Cottare No. 737 Fraser Street, 4 STORK'S HARDWARE rooms. STORES Prince Rupert Feed Co. Store Helrersou mode, Third Ave. P. O. Bos S33. SOS Third A. omee rround floor Helgerson Block, RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS 710 SECOND AVE 6th Street. Store No. S44 Third Ave. til 16 WE HANDLE Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware 8hlp Chandlery with full basement. ISO. Wire Cable Steel Blooka Fishing Taokle We write Are Insurance, being arents for tho very best companies Rennle's, Perry's, Steele's, Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns nly, Pleased to quote you rates. and Brlgg's. Rope Valves Ammunition H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD Garden and Field Seeds. Pumps Hoss Paint Also Fertilizers. Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron We Take Orders for Nursery Get' MoroMoiii v" fr your VoW Stock. Mualtrat, White Weasel. IJeaver. I.ynx, WoIvm. " WE SELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" Marten anil other Fur bearers IUuJto jofsiw CONCRETE Grain CHIMNEY BLOCKS Hay, and Feed at khii; YciiTH ia!iiHiiiitrru',siii!iiitT;'i;7,'J Vancouver Prices. MUM la IhtMrarlJ an. . lyiyu r.llbl-r.i,n...--aUuril(u.wiihnunl i ' 80 Cents ft. P. O. B. . per utationeiUtlnirfor 'mor than third o( ntm Chicken Feed A Specialty, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Prince Rupert the AN1 i'KOrITAitLlC return. Writ, for Et !'!;."" only .-urals luaratt report an-l rrvli'ul Concrete Works, McBrlde St. Mall Orders Promptly Attn44 To. A.B.SHUBERT, Inc. lMlHl&!v