run daili axwj Wednesday. Auftu., 9 ( Worth a Guinea NAVIQAOLE WATERS Pnottf PRINTERS' "PI. a Box Rolierl Cecil Ooaae h..... Let Us Save You Money on your thai tie hai under section V'.VBo,lr of 000- as a remedy for the evil effects quick Act dcpotMed with llw ,.,.'" " Mil Gasoline Distillate eating, orer-eating and strenuous lir-Injf. W..rk. at Ottawa, iM " l'uMit or m THAT tho boys l C. soldiers The medicine that meets this District liegittrar of Tin," ,"' "r need that tones the stomach, stimulates u-ii.try " '"'tni omce We iruarantee to save you 40 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and Midi IT volo IN England the liver, regulates the bowelsis .lolumbis. a description 11 Prince of the V',' "j,1""' upkeep and free any motor from CAUHON troubles. A seven ounce i box 01 carbonvoid Is equivalent to 60 gallons of gasoline. Lvcry box ANY OLD lime. AIIE NOW voting t of Carbonvoid will, save you ... the Skwna hiver. nriii.t , , $15 in gasoline and give from THH SAMH Idea AND tho sailors front of Lot one hundred and " tn 400 to 600 ad-Carbonvoid Carbonvoid puts the (lltionul miles, . (M7, lianre tin (I) Coa.t Du,r l'Tf is a dry powder you MIGHT be extended. OF THE PneMo lah Columbia. Just drop in the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will to- ft LariMt Sale f Any MHcl In th WhU. Ami like notice that, after tbe , move all carbon f om cylinders. TMAVKLL'ING salesmen flHAND licet, . . 9U Tarrobar. la boaae,2S caatte. one month from the date of ff The largest companies in the world use It. TUB ALLIES OKDLUED ... ft cation of thl. notice, i,obtrt 7 IN JUNE 283,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 carte na. Fully CANNOT always THAT IS, , ' , . W. F. Lake, of tho Provincial will, un.lcr section 7 of the mm' , Si? guaranteed oryour money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of$1.60 . to the M miner of r-uDIlc w"rkVW UU at home. OF THE Ilalnbow, government olllccs, has enlisted In omce in the City of Ottawa, for atn'ro... ft thtvHallroaders UatUHon. "Hilly" the .it, and plM. and furTm For Sale Only by 1IALLOT bags HAVE already voted contruet the .aid wharf 10 Prince Is looking forward In meeting GeO. L. Rupert, B.C. Clayton, - MIGHT bo placed SINCE llowser mnny of his old railroading ON ALL trains IS SO anxious friends ut Vnlcartier, where L. J. mJO-JJO. nOBEflT CECIL C0SSE. ft Conkey, J. II. L. Macdonald, Angus FOR TIlKHt us'o. THAT NO mnn I 0000001004 . ft ft ft Slcxya'rt, "Toney" McHuglt and MINERAL ACT " " IN FACT, SHALL miss others nro now training:. The News KILL THE Daily FLIES llOWSKn MIGHT as well HIS vole, . . . . Certincato of Improvements . Dr. II. L. Dickey, a Vancouver NOTIOI CLASSIFIED ADS. Fly Colls, Fly Swatters and GO tho whole hog, HE might ... eyo specialist, and M. J. Gillespie, "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mintr.i -.. Fly Paper at Half Price. AND allow HAVE considered... Inspector for the Ilxeelilor Lif situate Casslar in District.tbe Skeena Mining tmi.i0D 0f THIS WEEK ONLY WANTED. Finch's Fly Coils 2 for 5c. EACH ItOAD boss OUH fishermen.... Insurance Company, arrived from the Where iwaii or located:-About Alice Arm on five"Mirt,ii.ruin,,.;"fm Tanglefoot Fly Paper 2 ft ft the south this morning un rut TAKE NOTICE that I. Wm. T ktr,t WAITED General servant; rood wages. sheets for 5 cents. TO CA11IIY around ft ft ft THOSE men ft ft ft for Dawson whero they cxpwt I" of Prince Rupert, B. C, Free Mu.n, J" Apply Mrs. L. V. Tatmorc, 801 Borden Fly Swnttcrs, your' choice ...v. iiiienu uiy oi.. ttin St., or phone 90& between I and 0 tr. for 5 cents. A I(ALLOT ft hap ft ft AIIE HELPING...feed xpend about a moulli, Itoth gen the dale hereof, to apply to u .' Nmi FOIl SIX weeks. tlemen wero highly in tr- m Recorder for a Certineate of lmn.,rln,-aM OUH WANTED Second-band high omce desk. Large liars Castilo Soap per ft ft ft army, for the turioe of obtaining a u n unni Apply Dox 109 Dally News. liar 25cts. tli o fishing nulivily n round the r the above claim. Hold Hand Laundry Soap... KVr.HY vessel AS WELL as And further take notice ft ft 9 wharf and wero loud in their that acti WANTED First-class Baker. Apply City ........6 cakes for 25c. der, action 17, must be comm. n . LrV Bakery. tf. Save- the top of the flold AND FISHING ft boat ft THE PEOPLE at home. nrniao of our climate. the Issue of uch Certineate of Imii .1C Hond Carton. In a few days ment.. MIGHT do the MANY of them FOR RENT same. now, wo will replaco It with ft ft ft LAND ACT Dated thla lth day of Mar:b, a. o. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, La til, hot water, he a valiiahlo worth dollars coupon to which you. will SHINING for ft votes ft ft MUST be nway ft ft ft PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS Itlt. WM. T. W.RGIX Je to cents and ii cents, day; tJ.SO and TRICT OF COAST, RANQC III. 1VITHOUT A LICKNSK ON ELECTION day. TAkE .NOTICE that Pacific Mills. Limited, 12.00 per week. Talbot House, Second ft ... Ave., near Seventh. 186. Fuller & McMeekin of Vaiicouvrr, itrltlah Columbia, occupation. MINERAL ACT WOULD NOT be HUT why pulp and p.iiir maker.. Intend to apply ft ft ft ft ft ft for pennu.ioii to purchase tbe following ron It E.N T on SALE Three-roomed house, LEADING GROCERS AN .OFFENCE surely, SHOULD they loo ileacrlbetl land.. Commencing at a poll NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal . ft ft ft IO I. A. RtlC-ERS, PHONES 56 and 572 planted on the north bank of k'oeye river, Cove. $6.00 per month. Lots or rree AND it would THEIll ballots'? about one-quarter of a mile up-atrfaui TAKE NOTICE that, whereat l tint fuel. Apply box 108. Dally News. tr ft ft ft ft ft rauted to Im dne the from the alwre of rili-ilush Sound; thcucc ae.m.'nt work UK refreshing - ' IT simple north twenty chain., thence eaat twenty for the year toil on the mineral clumi FOR SALE chain.. Ounce aouth to river'. Lank, thence known al "Ladybird .No. 4" Mineral Claim, TO the fishermen AND QUITE llowserian alunf thure In a ve.terly direction to situated In Cascade Creek valley, uortB el FOB. SALE Gasoline fishing boat, 38 feet point of commencement and containing Silver Lake, in the Stewart, n. r . uminj long, 10-foot beam, 14 h. p. Regal engine, TO HE allowed TO HANG up fori (40, aerei, more or lew. nuirlci; aM the -stumpr' Mineral claim i cylinders, 4 cycle heavy duty, AKERBERG, THOMSON ft ft ft ft Dated June 10 th. 1916. Sep 1 8 situated on the ean aide or Cascade Creek also gasoline launch all covered In cabin, TO DO something IIALLOT bags PACIFIC MILLS. UNITED, district, ami have paid for said au. ,36 rt. long, 9-ft. beam, 5 h. p. englne COMPANY ft ft by "Mark Smaby," ArenL ment work tbe sum of ItOO.OO; tinleii both lplng Vancouver. Snap for Immediate W ITHOUT a licemso ALONG tho waterfront you pay to mi the .urn or 1100.00 tor purchaser; owner enlisting. Sole Agtnta for the ft ft ft SkCE.NA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF your .hare cf the said atesmrnt work Apply Box 110 Daily News. 188. PALMER OAS ENOINC COMPANV FOIl ONCE. FOIl SIX weeks COAST. ItA.tOE t. together with the coat, of this advtrtme-at TAKE notice that Ueorte Roderick Me- the head. In tbe .aid Stewart Mining FOrt SALE i SNAP Twelve pure-bred barred PHONE 625 H. II. Slovens, M. P., of Van kentle, of 1-rlnce Rupert. 11. C, occupation ment, I .ball, at the eipiratton or ninety Plymouth Hocks, prlie winning stock. engineer. Intend, to apply for pennla.lon caj'S from the date hereof, apply to Uw Apply P. O. Box 65, City. 186. Local News Notes couver, arrived from tho south 10 lease ine following de.crlbed land.: Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. . la bit this morning. He will nddrefts Commencing at a pott planted at the your Intere.t in the .aid "Ladybird .la r MISCELLANEOUS Me i M. Hanson. B.A. N. E. corner of T. U Lot I7!, Range I, and "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vested to ax W. E. Williams, B.A L.L.B William .Ma 11 son's meeting to Coa.t Dl.trlct, rorchvr l land, thence In pursuance of tbe provi. n; r ite Mrs. E. Kiddle is spending n few toulh to chain., thence we.t SO chain., "Mineral A'.t." DRESSMAK1NO and Ladles' Tailoring, reasonable WILLIAMS A MANSON morrow evening. thence north (0 chain, to .hore line, thence Dated at rrtnee Ropert, B. - . this itk prices. Mrs. Oeorge Gebhardt lays in the city. ... outb-caiterly following ahore line to the day cf November, It II, 31 Sth Avenue, West. 186 Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. ... Mrs. II. II. Grant and family point f commencement; containing ISO A. LOD. Watch Hie window of the store acre more cr lr... MONEY TO LOAN returned last evening from Lakelse, Refined young widow, no encumbrance, ex. Boi t.SS next the Hank of Montreal. OEOROE RODERICK MckEltZlE cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes where they have enjoyed a Helgerson Block Prince Rupert. B. C ... position or trust. Apply Box 105r Dally few weeks' vacation. DENTHTRY News. If. Mrs. Georgo II. Naden Is spend ... KCCNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of ing a holiday at ""Lakelse Hol-springs. Jack Ve-nablcs has increased TAKE NOTICE COAST.that RANQC Frederick 4. Bradahaw. CROWN AND DRIDOE WOftl tho list for the or Tonopah, isevada, occupation mine man A SPECIALTY prize prisoners of B. C. UNDERTAKERS . ager. Intend, to apply for permli.lon to FISHERMEN war drawing to 250 prizes. Ten purchase the following described land.: DR. J. S. BROWN E. 11. Fletcher, inspector of post Commencing at a pott planted about DENTIST FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND cents bring sack of a may you SALNtfRI SATISFACTION OUAR-ANTECD olUces, arrived from tho interior .00 feet easterly from the northwest cor Offlctl Smith Block, TMr. A flour. ner of Lot 40, Ranre Coast ATTENTION I OPEN DAY AND NIOHT last evening. 4, Dl.trlct; Phoea 4S4 . ' . nence north go chain.; thence we.t 0 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 00000000000 chain.; thence south 10 chains more or William Manson, II. H. Stevens Thisis the last week of the lea. to the .bore of Surf Inlet, thence THE SEL1G SPOON Waltham watch guessing mm. following the .hore lne to the place of and J. E. Merryfleld left for Ter commencement, containing forty acre. SUBSCRIBE FOR race this morning. elition at Cavcnailc & Hanuan's. more- or le... Don't miss this opportunity of rebruary IS, HI 8. The Daily News BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC FREDERICK la Now the Market DRADSHAW. on Henry Doyle, of Mill Hay, is getting a fine watch. LUMP Ask your Dealer for It, visiting in town and is registered ... and See that You Get it. COAL at tho Hotel Hupert. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I). Mcintosh, . . . of Toronto, father and mother of $9.50 per Ton- Cash on Tho whaling steamer Hlue, II. L. Mcintosh, arrived on Inst It Gets Them Every Time Delivery from Naden Harbor, 19 in the harbor night's train to visit with Mr. and Money Back If Not Satisfactory taking on supplies. Mrs. II, L. Mcintosh. 00000 wwwi COAL ...Favorite Ladysmith v. DR. PRICE S UNION TRANSFER CO. Vv. C. C. Mehan,.general super 1 00000000000 Wellington lump and nut, best results. intendent of the O. T. P., who has LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS 333 2nd Ave. Phone 30 Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf. been on a two weeks' visit to 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000m ... Cream hotel' Winnipeg and other eastern cen II. Neville Wright, of the pro 13 WOW OPEN TO QUESTS vincial auditing department, ar tres, is expected homo tomorrow One or the largest Hot Springs in afternoon. Baking powder Hazclton last rived from evening. America, circumference 300 reel HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ... ... Temperature or Water, 180 d. Fahr. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED Little Doris Paltullo returned Major L. J. Iloblns, of tho Mill. Eicellent Trout Uka.Fishing In Lakelee VACUUM CLEANING CO. last evening from Lakelse, where tary Headquarters StafT in Oltawn, Pure, Healthful, Dependable Phons Connactlona with Tarracs. . .Ma Clean Homee, Offlcee, Churches sho has been staying with friends. arrived from the south this morn, RATES i S2.B0 day. Lodge and School, rooma at low ... par Pflcaa. ing. The mnjor is looking into For rurtber particulars, apply to II. V. Winch, one of tho most tho recruiting situation through Made from Cream of Tartar GOOD WORK GUARANTEED i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. prominent of Vancouver's busi out tho country. All Ordtre Attended to Immediately. ness men, Is visiting in tho city. . . . . C. II. Dickie, who has been in ADVERTISE IN OFFICE, 818 2ND AVENUE. . atrons of tho Weslholino will spectiug development work on the CONTAINS NO ALUM PHONE GREEN 268. bo delighted to learn that "Graft" The Daily News Georgia river at tho Guggenheim has been extended to twenty epi Group, left for tho south Inst sodes. . i evening. A tunnel Is being driven Made in Canada There ore 250 usoful prizes in Into tho oro body where two veins I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tho prisoners of war drawing on intersect and it is expected that Friday. Practicnlly ono In every the big work will bo warranted. !l . five will get a prlro, ... SHERIFF'S SALE OF HYDRAULIC MINING 710 SECOND AVE LEASE ON QOLD CREEK Hrigadier McLean, Divisional IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Commander for Hrilisli Columbia COLUMBIA Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle O, F. Finch. Plaintiff of the Salvation Army, and Ensign va, Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Caaatar Hydraulic Mining Company Limited and Mrs, Jackson, of Glen Vowel, Rope Valves Ammunition . (Non-peraonal Liability). Defendant. arrived from the cast last even Iiy virtue of a writ of riera facia, is Pumps Hose Paint Ing. sued In tbl. action and directed to me. I Stoves and Ranges flubberold Roofing Corrugated-Iron ... have aelied Lease No. tit on Oold Creek, Gcl"MoroMoiic?y"forMuirI5xrH aa recorded In the mining recorder', omce Muakrat, White t. Heaver. Lynx, "olV; "WE SELL NOTHING, BUT THE BEST" Frnncls Holley, of the Hureau of at llaxelton. alto all machinery piping, Marten and other Fur bearafSslUciJ to ' Commercial EconomicH at Wash tools, and other goods on the premise. f mi; rovn vvntt iimifct ,,mrni?nr;K f All of which I will offer for .ale br rnii.iir Ington, is on his way to the coast auction for cash at my omce In the Court raiiabl n-ipunsibl iFurlli'iiw'1)'" ' House. I'rlnee Hupert, uution astatine for"mora ihan aiinrdofa' ' , , i, , FRED STORK'S HARDWARE In his private car "Mngnet" nnd SJrd day of August, on Wednesday thel CX? Y T.mTl 'aendlna Hur fcltippera P "V.'i'; i.k, i t, at liiu o'clock ANII HKUKITABLK returns. Write for will nrrivo In Princo Hupert early In, the afternoon. tbe only nraianiitrketrpor, anl III JOHN SHIRLEY. Sheriff or the County of Writ. Ir It-NOW-ir. t'UVJ'. Ayl noxl week. Atlin. 1'rlnce Rupert, August t, I9te A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Rj?e W5