The Daily News NO.' H. vol. VII. PIUNCH UUPF.IIT, H. 0., THURSDAY, AUOUST 10, 1910. PRICK FIVE CENTP FBjflHHE ABM iffl GUM Fl FRIGHTFUL TURKISH LOSSES AT SUEZ RUSSIANS ARE STEADILY ADVANCING PERONNE FIRED ONE OFFENSIVE TURKS DRANK BOWSERISM DISPLAYED IN BY THE FRENCH WILL FINISH UP CAMEL'S BLOOD CRUDE FORM AT ESQUIMAU BOMBARDMENT THE AUSTRIANS ON THE DESERT BOWSER CANDIDATE DEMANDS RESIGNATIONS OF WORKMEN BECAUSE THEY ARE MEMBERS OF LIBERAL ASSOCIATIONPRUSSIAN German Position Untenablo-Prlceless lusslans Havo Taken 337,000 Terrible Sufferings of the Turks TYRANNY COULD Pictures Destroyed Prisoners and Many Guns' When Driven out on to the NOT GO FURTHER City Ablaze Allies are Big Territorial Gains Burning Desert More Advancing Steadily. Now for Lorn berg. German Air Raids. The public are indebted lo Mr. ninth century feudal proclivities Pooley for the most illuminating is a foreman carpenter in tho Special lo The Ittilj ws.) (Ppeclal to Tn Dally .tew.) (Special to The Dally ftrwa. interpretation of Ilowserism that government employ at Signal Hill. Pans, August 10. Tho Hritish Pelrograd, August 10. A rc- London, August 10. The .fact far has been given. His outburst There was no ultimatum to him; and trench forces have inado eapilulallon of tho war situation that the Turks attacked in mass on Thursday night was the indeed ho issued ono on his own further Rains towards Pcronno perfect flower of the political account. No, Mr. Pooley, those on the western portion of Ihe formation and were in ignorance and Hapaume, tho iminedialo objectives .system of which he is so enthusiastic men will not resign from the Liberal of the great Somme offensive. llussian front shows that the of tho Hritish defences along the a champion. For stupid Association and if the machine The French are pouring llussians, since the beginning of Suez Canal was responsible for arrogance, intolerance and ef-uoiilory obtains their dismissal down into Peronne, from the adorning the great offensive, havo captured the frightful losses indicted upon DUKE OF BRUNSWICK it was without parallel there will bo some lively and interesting three hundred and thirty-seven heights, a tcrrlfio flro the enemy in the recent fighting, The Kaiser's son-in-law who in Canada and probably In the cunseiiucnces. This is wan:ii haa set tho town ahlazo thousand prisoners: seventeen when tho Turks were driven out became hopelessly insane when whole empire; its author can still a Hritish country. F.ven as hundred and havo advanced ami has rendered this hitherto guns, his German troops met wjtli dis-asle,. tlatter himself that he has given the matter stands, wo can assuro into the desert for eighteen miles. tlfty-flvo miles. At tho same time Lclieveil imprcgnablo position and were swallowed up in us a closer approximation of the tho Dowser candidato for Esqui tho llussians have caused the The sufferings of the enemy on jnai m ally untenablo for tho German. a marsh on the llussian frontier. methods by which elections are mau that lie is in a fair way of enemy to lose three" quarters of the burning Egyptian sands were conducted in Alsace and Posen achieving a certain kind of dis-f a million of men. It is confidently terrible. Many of them wounded, T h desperately destructive than has been in c LIGHTNING CAUSES exemplified an tinction which will not bo con belicvcd that another violent offensive and all exhausted after the heavy of tho French big guns has for work AngIo-5axon country many a fined to the boundaries of this dune an enormous amount of will completely finish all fighting, they were without water COAL MINE EXPLOSION day. Listen to this: "Charlie province. Victoria Times. damage many precious objects Austrian resistance. under a burning sun. In their Jasper, Mr. Luscombe, Mr. Wise f art and very valuable paintings For Lemberg. extremity they killed their camels (Special to The Dally Hews.) and Mr. Saunders, I give you this CALGARY PAYS MORE The llussian army approaching and drank tho blood to quench have de-),)- Michel, H. ly the old masters oecn C, Aug. 10. Lightning chance. Within forty-eight nours LcmberK from Hukowiua lias their thirstr THAN PRINCE RUPERT iyod, striking exposed signal you send In your resignations to Tlio French and Hritish are drivwi its wedgo 'further into the Italian Advance. wires, conducting tho electric the Liberal Association and retire Austro-German lines neap Stau- Tho Italians have captured A .py of "Canadian Finance' iopfifiB up a relentless prcssuro from that bodyand send me aj li the entire Soinmo front, islau. Tysmiencca has- been captured (orizia and this new success current into tho coal mine, created copy of the resignation. If you Just lo hand describes the sale of and the Iliver auVxplosion which has set the ' - I 1 t I 1. 'I . "! mil Umg tlio "gradual retiro-rne Koropico opens up the way for the entrance do not you must take the con- surmi uohus uy me iu oi iui-gary. r. .f tho enemy. The Allies crossed, whilo several important of Trieste, the important mino on fire. Many miners are sequences." Most of Calgary's issue was ; -leadily capturing German positions on tho railway leading ustrian port at tho head of the imprisoned and twelve are undoubtedly of ten year bonds and the price What "consequences" were t lies. to I.cmberg havo been occupied. Adriatic. dead. Tho miners returned was 88. City Treasurer Johnson meant there can be jio doubt. In German Powder Gone. Stanislau lies about midway between German Air Raids. to work in this mine only has figured out a comparison between deed, the chairman made it clear Reports from the western front Czernowitz and Lemberg. German aeroplanes dropped two days ago after the recent the Calgary deal and that when bo declared that if the men state that vast German supplies bombs on tho east coast of strike for a war bonus. put through by the city of Princo whose names were given did not f and have DOMINIONS HARBOR land and tho southeast coast of llupert and finds that Prince llupert v. m material powder comply with the Pooley forty- Livh at the Scotland last night. There were BRITAIN TO is getting its money one half burned In the lire COMMISSION COMING ARRANGE . ight hour ultimatum "their inagazino aCAcr- twenty-three casualties. er cent cheaper than Calgary. powder wives, tneir cnuuren ana ineir indicate ANOTHER BIG LOAN is tho third of the 'hi t No details aro given, but German preparations homes would be placed in jeop- s Calgary city U the Captain McCroskie, tho harbor (hat they are about to inaugurate est, Prince Rupert has done its probable that this is As it is not presumed that rdy." master, has received, under date an unprecedented Zeppelin war- (Special to The Dally Mewt.j financing on a remarkably low w - : f Allied aviators. those unhappy dependents were of July 8th, a communication faro over F.ngland. New York, August 10. Tho basis. to bo held in a fortress as hostages, from K.J. Harding, F.sq., secretary Tribune's Philadelphia correspondent DEUTSCHLAND DYES this must have meant that of tho Dominions Iloyal Comtnis-iiou, states'that Great llritaiu HALIBUT ARRIVALS FETCH HIGH PRICES thanking him for information SIXTY DEAD FROM is arranging to secure a two hundred the men would be dismissed from Later arrivals with halibut yes supplied as to tho Prince BLACK TOM EXPLOSION and fifty million dollar loan their places of employment. Apart terday brought the day's receipts N- w York, August 10.- -Prices llupert harbor, ami enclosing in the United Slates. From tho from the merits of the case, on up to about a quarter of a million quoted on German dyes brought printed copies of tho same. In (Special to The Dally News.) same source comes a report that what authority did Mr. Pooley pounds. The Pioneer had 55,000; to tho United States by tho German tho tabulated statement printed Hlack Tom, New Jersey, August llussia also wants a further loan issue that ultimatum'? Ho is not tho Hoyal, 5,000; tho Minnie V., submarine Deutschland show this harbor compares favorably 10. -Sixty aro dead and many of fifty millions. the employer of a those t --men."I They II ,000, and the Trio, 20,000. Prices s (lie grades valued as high as with those of Vancouver and Vic freight cars, barges and warehouses aro employed uy me ianauiaii ranged around CV to 6. The i) per pound. Tho very expensive toria. Tho letter goes on to havo been wrecked as a CROP DAMAGE governmiyit,. with which Mr, Cold Storage Company picked,up Pooley has no more to do than Uncs aro dyes which aro state: result of tho recent explosion of about 200,000 pounds and tho made exclusively in Germany from "Tho members of tho commis ammunition supplies for tho Al Washington. August 10. Ono any other private citizen. Then, balance went to tho Atlin Fish. it must have been tho wrath of "oal tar by processes unknown sion hope to visit Princo llupert lies. Tho damage is estimated at hundred and flvo million bushels ries. with which those the machine elsewhere. American- chemists in tho month of September next, seven million dollars. of the United States crop has been ar doing their Utmost to produce and they would bo glad to havo an damaged through adverse weather men wero threatened because they Ho at tho Liberal rooms, Stork tin so colorings up to tho German opportunity of supplementing tho That Waltliam watch at Cavc- conditions; plant disease and in-sect dared to exercise tho right which ltlock, Friday at 8 p. in. standard. Information you havo supplied by naile & Hannau's is yours if you pests in tho month of July s tho most precious heritago of a personal inspection of tho harbor. pan guess when it will slop. This Tho corn crop has suffered most a Hritish subject. They must re Ollis. of tho staff or tho Fort They will also wish to hear is your last opportunity. 100. severely. sign within forty-eight hours or LIBERALS their wives, tlfcir children and 'arry Hotel, Winnipeg, is spend. oral evidence on general ques would bo placed i homes ig a few days in tho city, accompanied tions connected with tho facilities their by Mrs. Ollis. They wero alTonled to shipping at Princo Does Labor Jeopardy, and. mark you, they ATTENTION trrently delighted with their stay llupert." What Organized Say must send copies of their resig. at Jaspvr Park on tho way west. Tho royal commission coin- About The B. C. Prohibition Act? nation to this would-bo damnable tyrant o prises representatives of all tho Ksnulmaltl What a WE NOW HAVE WASHED NUT leading ship owners of Great ultimatum that was I What an In Campaign Opening Meeting COAL ON HAND. A Mc-CAFFERY, RESOLUTION OP VANCOUVER TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL suit to Hritish institutions! Does ALBERT llritaiu, and will bo by fnP tho AdopMd at (Mating of July 20th. PHONE 110. mcst Important and iuiluenlinl 'nesolved That the Trade and Labor Council of Vancouver. U. C, In Mr. Pooley Imagine that Ksqul LIBERAL ROOMS has visited this harmuny with representative bullet of organised labor elsewhere, malt is a sort of Zabern, where STOHK HI.OCK body that ever place luelf upon record a opposed tu the 'Drltlsb Columbia Prohibition port. Act' and to tbe principle Involved therein." freo inon can be intimidated into FRIDAY AT 8 P. M. WESTHOLMffi RESOLUTION OF NEW WISTMINSTER TRADES COUNCIL tho surrender of their political BERRIES RIPE Adoptad at Matting of June 14th. convictions by such means? ALL INVITED OPERA HOUSE nesolved Thai this Council go on ivrord a opposed to Prohibition as i TONIOHT ONLY contained In the present Hill, from an economic and aoclal standpoint, Ho is quito mistaken. Those RID FEATHER NIQHT Miss Davis intimates that the and report thli decision to tbe various unions with tbe request thai four men will not resign from tho A Vivid Dramatic Feature they help to defeat the present measure." "THE raspberries and currants at Mot-lakatlah Ksquimalt Liberal Association 80NS OF SATAN" Ilesolutlon of similar character lo tho above have been passed by GO TO ' Five acts- Directed by Oeore I. aro now ripo. Tho berries liix Victoria Trades and Labor Council and Ihe Prince llupert central They aro not required by any law The Universal Tucker. are in splendid condition this labor urbanisation. or regulation to do so. They are LONDON CAFE Favorite Mary Fullar IN- year urn! citizens aro invited ns EVERV ELECTOR SHOULD READ THIS AOT AND THOROUOHLV UNDER-v not civil servants. They have not THE PLACE TO EAT A "A SEA MYSTERY" usual to go over to tho Indian STAND THE REASONS FOR ITS BEING CALLED A "COLD BRICK." exceeded thoir rights and prlvll STRICTLY UNION HOUSE wonderful comedy village to pluck them, Tho proceeds Wo aro Informed that tho THIRD AVENUE "NANCY'S eges. HUSBAND" Copltt of th Act can be escurad en application to the Msrchante Prolactin mA " worl, famoua tur. of tho sale of the berries Association, Room 24, Canadian LI fa Building, Vancouver, very chafriuan of tho meeting I BOXES FOR LADIES go to the lltdley Homo. which Mr. Pooley indulged hi a