aflst AILY KKWB "SONS OF SATAN" AT The Daily News WESTHOLIWE THEATRIC Cood HOUR cvcni n Tuekctfe the Leading newspaper in northern British Columbia A Turn CLUBSPEC1AL Published Dally and Weekly Si.ns ,f Snlnn," the Hod Fen-Ihor Guaranteed Largest Circulation foatnre nt tho Weslholm tonight, is something not in no Wo'ro looklnir fx n. . HEAD OFFICE missed. The story centres round Jtjajv M,llculnr Atnnk?r w",0M .Pr. Dully News Dulldlnir, 3rd Ave, Prince lliipeil. H.O. Tolrflinne 08. the rnmincnllt .n of n gunff tgA J gol Just what he wnuN' Vf TIIANSIKNT DISPLAY ADVEIITI8INO 60 cent .r n. .intract tho boys for support for llowser society criminris, m.. winm; OIL'S CIQAR STORE and tho of the Liberal even names rates Third Avenue on application. repiilnblo hiKlniw' Prince conducing candidates are unknown to the RUpePt drlrcDvs, etc., carry soldier voters. Ho has written as lawyers, DAILY EDITION WX Thurfday, August in, 1010. out robberies nnd pracllio 'ilaek- i asking for a full list of candidates and forgery in Hip mail r.iortj there Is and slates that scarcely fashion. The ring is PENSIONS gradation of pensions, let it n Dowser supporter ' U'c camp, amazing several municipalities arc bo by way of giving nn increased while nil arc disgusted with the controlled by one l'nul do isgjj Summer Steamship Service who is the master mind. They appealing to the Federal gov amount to tho widows Dowser methods. can, ornmcnt In regard to soldiers' nnd fatherless children of use moving stair case, book-' - -TO In their scheme ami ALASKA AND YUKON pensions, with a view to Iiaving those who havo madtf tho supreme II. 11. Tho?npson came north eases, etc., Prince Hupcrl fresh surprUe in veiv Tho S. S. or Princo Oe.irge legislation passed making the sacrifice. During tho with the Dowser party to look provide a leave Princo Rupert every Wednesday at i pensions to officers and men on war, officers havo drawn increased after the liquor vote and to size reel. Tho hoiglit i.i criiiiinui noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway. Connect nn equality. There is sound pay according to their up the situation. II. H. Stevens audacity Is reached when tney ing at Skagway with the Whlto Pass and Yukon Iloutc. common senso In the proposal rank. When tho war is over, has now oppeared to try for tho kidnap a young girl. unJer U SOUTHBOUND 'movie" and The S. 8. Princo Ilupcrt or Princo George leavo Prim-flupert of taking n and Ottawa should give- it more thoso men will have ceased to "dry" vote and also to size up tho pretence every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. m. for Vancouver, than the usual consideration, be officers and will merely bo situation. With a vaguo promise iavc tho police clear a way Victoria and Seattle. tho crowd for mem. Fortnightly servlco to the Queen Charlotte Islands. though it is almost too much men who have offered themselves of compensation on tho one hand through to expect that the Department to their country. As! and prohibition looming up on the Finally, the guardian of the young Trains leavo Princo TRAIN Ilupcrt SERVICE every Monday. Wednesday of Militia will ever condescend such, they should receivo tin.-best ther, Dowser hopes to grab the ady turns detective anil, dis and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and nil points I ast tho leader of tho gang, and South, Mixed train loaves Princo Ilupcrt every Satur to reckon tho ordinary soldier which tho country has to upport of both parlies. Dowser guised n day 0 n. in. Special weekend fare to Terraco and return 4 10 as being on an equality with, offer, but tho, fact that one is sinccro In only one thing his captures tho wholo gnifp. Charles For full information & reservations apply to city ticket c.. :o of Sir Herbcrl Tree's THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 Hock, ono say a lieutenant-colonel. man wore a few feathers, while fixed determination to got voles Canadian soldiers cannot be another merely stopped a bullet, t any price. leading men, plays tho part of tho amateur detective. considered upon the same basis should make no difference, cnton, as tho incoi forming the standing unless it is in favor of the latter. BASEBALL There is a delightful lovo story CANADIAN PACIFIC army of Ilrilain. Tho Canadian running through the play. II is RAILWAY Overseas Force is an Yesterday afternoon's game be a most remarkable film. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points also two fine come army of citizens and not of NOTES AND COMMENTS tween tho Colts and tho C. C.'s rherc nro via Steamer to Vancouver and the dies, ono of which features Mnry CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY professional soldiers. There was productive of some really ex Fuller, who will be remembered Meals and Berth Included on Steamer aro thousands of men shouldering Tho Dowserites aro getting extremely citing ball, tho C. C.'s running of tho Dailies." their rifles in the ranks, soro because the genuine out winners by tho odd run in tho as Dolly Princess Maqulnna for O ran by, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. who, intellectually and physically, Conservatives are prepared to inth innings, after the game had Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. are better able to lead send Dowser and his satellites looked like a sure win for the 31 Years Older Than The Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. than the men who are leading into oblivion. Sir Hibbert Tuppcr Colts up to the fifth. The feature Dominion of Canada Princess Sophia for Alaskan Ports Monday, Aug. 14th. them. This is not said in any is the'leader of the movement and, f the Colts' play was the all- J. 1. PETERS, General Agent disparagement of the Canadian in truo Uowscr fashion, ho Is round work of Drooks, who al S the name implies. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Kupert, B.C. officers, all of whom havo done, subjected to much abuse. The ways had the measure of the opposing The Bank of British and are doing, their share nobly Journal, being unable to cast any pitcher, while tho Club North America was but simply as a statement of reflections upon Sir Hibbert personally, boys diil not take many liberties established long before the MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. fact. So far as the Canadian goes out of its way to wltn His oeiiverics. inero were Provinces united and R. S. C. Chaptar 118. forces aro concerned, tho governing find fault with his nncestors. good many errors on both sides became the Dominion of Certificate of Improvements The Grand Trunk Tactile Italia ij com factor should bo that but they only ndde'd to the fun Canada. The sound, pany hereby rtvea notice that it it under those offered all they had inis rrtACTiox, belus Srclloii 7 of the aald Act dep u4 with men The local cog in the wheel of and excitement. progressive management NA3TunTiuM, the Minuter or Public Works at oiui to ofTcr 1 their country. The the Dowser machine deals in in The batteries were: Colts. which has made it a power FflACTION, OE.iTIA, BLUE BELL fllAC-TION and lu tbe omce of the Distil' i Ikfistrar pension offered is not large, sinuation and innuendo against Brooks and Wally, anil the C. C.'s, in Canadian finance makes COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE uf Uic Laud Registry omo. uuuicl of FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Prince Rupert at Prince Hup. rt, a description but it is ridiculous that a colonel, Sir Hibbert Tupper ad F. C. Wade, Tyrwhitt and Murphy. Wally had it the bank for your FRACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE or the site and plan; t wart-uuuse who never has seen and simply because those two gentle tho misfortune to have a finger account. HACTION, COXCOMB, UEOONIA FRAC propuscil to be built In lunce Rupert TION, MINERAL claims situate in me llarbur at Prince Rupert, linusU Columbia, never will see tho trenches, men happen to be agreed on ono plit and was succeeded behind Queen Charlotte District, located at or near in front or waierrront B-ck -u" should draw a pension of sev thing the ridding of Drilish Co the bat by Wallace Anderson. Den THE BANK OF keda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island. Province according to registered plan of U lame-aite of British Columbia, and lawfully held by or Ute said city ot Prince Hubert d-pil eral times the amount paid to lumbia of Bowserism forever. The Self was umpire and George British North America Ikeda Mines Limited. ted tn tbe aroresald Land It.'inirj a private who has spent many Journal does not dare to make a Sweet judge on bases. The final 7) YEARS IN BUSINESS. TAkE NuTICE that I, John A. Maclnnis, uillce as .1o. 91i. K.llcltor for Ikeda Mmea Limited, free A!U TAkE NOTICE tbat aft.r t: li-(i weary months in Franco and single charge against cither gen score was 9 to 8, with the scores CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.88t.000. mlnera' certificate No. 70JI4 B, intend rat ion or one luonth from iti. nate of Flanders nnd has probably tleman. tied in tho eighth at eight each. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH after the eiplratlon of slity daya from ine nrst publlcauon of this 0'u e, UV the date hereof to apply on I half of tbe urand Trunk Pacinc Railway i. .u-.n.y vui been rendered follow unfit to said Company to tbe Mintuc Recorder for under Section 7 or the aaid A i a,i'7 Ui W.J.SMOTHERS,Manager his former vocation. What Sir Hibbert Tuppcr's nn All opponents of Dowserism a certificate of Improvements for the. pur' the Minister of Public Wurii at b.i uttci pose of obtaining a Crown Orant to tbe m the City or Ottawa fur sit vw ot The most and the least that ccstorS did or did not do; what are invited to the Liberal rooms MINERAL ACT above claims. aid site and plans, and for l avc la construct any Canadian citizen soldier they were or were not, lias noth Friday night at 8. Certificate of Improvements AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE tbat aCUon the said warehouse. under Section ti of tbe Mineral Act must Ualed at Winnipeg. Manitoba, 11-i iiui can be is a MAN, and pensions ing whatever to do with allowing NOTIOI be commenced before tbe Issuance of aucb day of May A. D. it 18. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC should be paid to manhood and the province of British Columbia TION ACT Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate Id Uia certificate of Improvements. THE Gil A.N D PAaii' flULWAt Skeena Minlnr Division of Casslar District. Dated Una 3 1st day or May, A. D. ll COMPA.1Y. not to uniforms. The fact that to be banded for another five over Where located:- At tb bead of a branch JOHN A. MAC1NNE9, II. II. IIAMSARO. Solicitor. ono man is permitted to draw years to the men who havo wreck The Surf R. S.Inlet& Power CHAPTER Company 115. Limited or Lime Creek about four miles from tbe Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. teach on the south side or Alice Ann. a higher pay and wear more ed it. hereby gives notice that It baa under Sec TAKE NOTICE tbat 1, George n. Nadtn. 1AVIOABLI WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT tlon 7 of aald act deposited with the Mln R. S. a CAP. 115. millinery than another should Free Miner's Certificate No. 8I094B. actios later or Public Works at Ottawa and tn the as a rent tor Tbos. McHostle, Free Miner's Certificate of Improvements not weigh in the slightest when A letter has reached town from ollice or the District Registrar or the Land Certificate No. em IB, and James L. Hatch, PACIFIC MILLS. UMITEO, hereby give District at Prince Rupert, B. NOTICE it comes to a reward for ser a northern D. C. boy in Valcarticr Registry description or the site and the plans Free Miner's Certificate No. 87flB, In notice that It has, under Section 7 or tbe Oasln Mineral Claim, alluate la U tend. slJty days from the date hereof, to said Act. deposited with the Minister or vices rendered in the great camp. He says there is a Dowser or wharves and power bouse proposed to Skeeru Mining Division of Cas.Mir District Recorder for Certlfl apply to thci Mtnlnf a Public Works at Ottawa, and In the office be built at the bead or Surf Inlet. Princess Wbere located: About four nu 5 Im struggle. If there is to bo any election agent busy canvassing cate of Improvements, for the purpose of of the Registrar Oeneral or Tltlea at Vic Arm side i f A) c Royal Island, In front or Lot 40, Range 4 the beach on the south obtaining a Crown Orant of tbe above toria, British Columbia, a description or coast District, u c l the head of branch of l.lm i:reet. claim. the site and tbe plans or certain atructurea And lake notice that after the eiplratlon TAKE OTICE tbat I, Oeorgo It J. And further take notice tbat action, to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one Intend, or one month from the date of the first rree Mlner'a Certificate No. 94OJ0B, under aectton 85, mutt be commenced tie-rore (SI , Range Three (3), Coast District, M publication of this notice the Surf Inlet ality daya from tbe dsto hereof, tbe laiue of such Certificate of lm British Columbia, at the bead or Cousins Launch AliceB. Power Company Limited will, under Sec apply to the Mining Recorder for a Ceriia-cate provrmenta. inleL Hon 7 or the said Act, apply to the Mln or Improvementa, for the p-Tpose o' Dated tbia tb day or March, A D. tstc A.ND TAKE NOTICE tbat after the ei later or Public Works, at bis omce In obtaining a Crown Orant of tn above GEORGE IU NADEN. plratlon of one month from the date or (he City of Ottawa, for approval or the claim. Leaves Davis float for the first publication or this Notice, Pa said alte and plans and for leave to con And further take notice f it anion, Metlakatlah, Sunday at 9 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C cinc Mills. Limited, will, under Section 7 atruet the said wharves and power bouse. under section 88, must be commenced and it a. m., and 1 and 3 uf the said Act, apply to tbe Governor-In-council "f """ Dated at Vancouver, D. C., this 9th rore tbe Issue or such ceuiri' -ik p. m. for approval or tbe laid site and day or May, It IS. Tenders will be received up to Aurust provements. plan. sBHftMHHataHMHflHSLf'i For terma and particular THE SURF INLET POWEn COMPANY, Dated this ttth day or March. A D- III. ttth neit by the City Clerk, Prince Ru Ualed at Vancouver, Drltlsn Columbia, Call May 8lh. 191ft. jytt pert. B. C, for the purchase or the fol tbla 6lb day or April, A. D. ll. OEllROE It NAULN. ,W. t. THOMAS, Phono. lowing; apparatus: BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. Orean 891. t-Return tubular boiler.84. 7 h. p. us Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. MINERAL ACT lb. per sj. In. Partners. Notice to Delinquent WANTED 1-4 Vi In. UK In. boiler feed pump. MINERAL ACT t-tVi In Penberthy Injector. To O. W. Maiweil and Charlss Nch0'""; I-Copper coll reed water beater. TAKE NOTICE tbat whereas I hsts Kxncrionccil liridgo l-l'nderwrlters Fire Pump, 18 In. x In, Itlverniouth Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done assc'smml men, Tickets I'racK rnin, Tracklayers and xl In., Capacity 750 nil., made situated In tbe Bkeena Mining Division of on the Woir Mineral claim, situated at.w loin General Construction Labor, by Canada Foundry Co. Casslar District. bead or Alice Arm. observatory aBsBBsiiKaLRaEisBHttifcXf 9assssssl era to Join tho 230lh Battalion, Complete set flttlnji for above. Where located) At the bead of Alice the Skeena mining- division or Overseas Hallway The above apparatus Is now installed In Arm. adjoining tbe Rlvermouth and Carl trlct, assessment work for the jesrs ii. mark, Finland, Italy and Rusela. Construction Corps. the Morse Creek Pumplnr Plant of the boo mineral claims. 1914, and 1918, and have paid for M'a SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Drafts leaving; Vancouvor, Corporation or the City or Prince Rupert, TAkE NOTICE that I, O. R. Naden, Free work and recording same, tba iu " "Onrar U." August 17th n. C. for Vnlcartler, P. Q., and Is In first class condition, belnr prac Miners' certificate No. 94,0980, acting a 1107.80. Unless you pay un ,UBI" "krlstlanlafjord" .... August 8th weekly. tically new. It was used only for a very agent for Carrlo Pratt, Free Mlnera' Cer 1931.80, for your abare or the saia 'Stockholm" August stth Do attcsti'd and forward short tlmo durlnr the construction or the tin cate No. 93,9170, Intend, slsty day sessment work, together with the cost "Bergensfjord" ....... Sept. 96th papers to Vancouver, and Shawatlana Hydro system. from tbe date fcereor, to apply to the this advertisement. I shall, at Have Your Reaervallone mad Early. transportation will bo arranged Tenderers will be expected to dismantle Mining Recorder for Certificate of lm-provrmenta, tlon of ninety 90) days rroio to o For lutes. Illustrated Folder and at once. and remove the plant at their own eipense, for tbe purpose of obtaining hereof apply to the mining f" r" ' General Information Apply to Send all communications but tho Corporation will do this work If a Crown Orant or the above claim. Prince Rupert. D. C, to ou' E w to: Olllccr commanding, so deilred at the following; estimated costs, And runner take notice that action, esu in the Wolf mineral claim OVBHAVN A HANSON 23Utli Ilattolion. 0. 15. F. F. o. B. cars Prince Rupert 1 1 so.C under section 88, must be commenced before me, In purauance of tbe provisions of u-mineral Insurance and Staamahlp Agency, 175 Cordova St., W. F. O. U. Boat Prince Rupert.... tit.00 tbe Issue ot such Certificate of Improvements, act. Print Rupert, B. 0. Vancouver, D. C. lllghesl or any tender not necessarily Dat0d at Princo nupert. t.' accrptcu. u. u. Kennedy Dated this tsrd day of December, A, D. day of February, 1918. Sut. or Utilities . Apr, 9. m. J. E. 8TARK. EMPRESS COFFEE muni sraAl ar rtlRTRIBIITDR "" m nnsnHxiw F. Q. DAWSON 0. PRINCE RUPERT, 0.