rUfl DAILY flKWJ aiC. PRICE-LOVE LETTERS Local News Notes Let Us Save You Money on your SHOW BOWSER METHOD i r (WW SAVE Gasoline or Distillate II. II. Stevens, who wn elected Alex. M. Manson left for the for Vancouver In iM. nnd who Interior on this morning's train. his nld to Hon. . is here lending We guarantee to save vou 40 tier rent, on trasollne or distillate and I.adysmilh upkeep and free anv motor from CAHDON troubles. A seven ounce William Mnnson, will probably o o A L ravorilo YOUR box of Carbonvold Is equivalent to 60 gallons of Rmoline. Every box Wellington lump and nut, best results. have read the following letters, of Carbonvold will save you IIS in gasoline the and elve from but, ns they throw so much light Phono 15. P. II. G, Co. tf. Carbonvold 400 to 600 ad puts ditlonal miles, . . . Carbonvold Is a dry powder you on the methods Used by tho How-scr II II Stevens. William Manson MONEY just drop In the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- machine In the. south, whether move all carbon from cylinders. and J, i:. Merryfleld loft for lla. The largest companies In the world use It. THE ALLIES ORDERED In Dominion or provincial affairs, morning, where they IN JUNE 288.000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 cartons. Fully them. They elton this FOR THE arc guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of$1.60 wo republish will bold a meeting. known ns the I'rice-Lovo letters, For Sale Only by but they contain more about price Mrs. It. H. Henson returned this Dominion War Loan Geo. L. Clayton, - Frincc RuPert B-c- than Iovp, which is only natural. morning from the south. Mrs. Victoria Conservative Club, Henson has been in Seattle and Victoria, October 0, 1011. Vancouver for tho past six weeks. TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER! Ho Dominion Election, Sept. 11. " 9 9 W W W1 --i Victor II. Love, There was qulto a number of "The Daily News" SATURDAY NIGHT Secretary Vancouver Association,Conservative round-trippers lUiperl this morning,on the several Princo of New-York. By purchasing a bond you will help tourists from CLASSIFIED ADS. Vancouver, 11. C. them being to WIN THE WAR and obtain for BULK COFFEE SPECIAL Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge yourself an investment of tho highest Wo havo installed our receipt of your letter of October IJrlght snappy prints nrc the class yielding a. most attractivo rato New Electric Coffee Mill 1, and like yourself, regret very of Into rest. WANTED. 100 lbs. Coffee means 100 rule when Mcllao llros. do your much that nny misunderstanding tins 100 Inbels. 17. WANTED General servant; good wares, should have taken place In ref finishing. Apply Mrs. L. V. ratmore, SOI Borden No more Fancy Tins St., or phone SOt between 1 and 6 tr. No More Fancy Labels erence to Vancouver voters In The Dally flews delivered by Victoria. In reference to the DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE WANTED Second-hand tilth nice desk. OUR SPECIAL carrier, 50 cents per month- Apply Box lot Dally News. 3 lbs. of MachLno ground for amount wo furnished: OTTAWA. WANTED First-class Baker. Apply City Si.oo 53 men tickets at 93.50 tr. Vt lb. Our Own Mend Tea Bakery. free with each 3 lbs. Coffee. 10 men tickets at $2.70 FOR RENT FOR RENT Saturday Night from 5 to 10. 22 berthmoney at $1.00. SEE WINDOW The above amounts to $331.50. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, bath, hot water. DWELLINGS W havo also advanced to 3 rooms and SHERIFF'S SALE OF HYDRAULIC MININQ McMordle SO cents and 25 cents, day; 33.30 and your Apartments. MINERAL ACT J.00 week. Talbot House, Second Fuller & bath, ltanre. Tinted to suit tenant. LEASE ON OOLD CREEK Ave.,I near per Seventh, 186. McMeekin men the amount we advised them Very reasonable rent. X THE 91PREME COURT OF BRITISH they would receive. Same being, Modern 8-roomed bouse. Oood marine COLUMBIA Certificate of Improvements LEADING GROCERS view. No. 701 Sth Ave, V. O. F. rinch, Plalntirt FOIt RENT on SALE Three-roomed house, viz: $10 each, this being $70, and vs. NOTICE PHONES 66 and 572 Levin Apartments, t rooms and bath, "Albion" and "Sunbeam" nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal Casslar Hydraulic Mining Company Limited, Mineral Clttmi some fifteen men arc persistently ltanre. Cove. $6.00 per month. Lots ot free Starch on Sale Monday. (Non-personal Liability), Defendant. situate In the Skeena Mining bivlsloa or Coin re No. tti Eithth Are., E.. S fuel. Apply box 106, Dally News. tf around the headquarters hero de rooms. Uy virtue ot a writ ot riera facias Is Casslar District. Where located: About sued In this action and directed to me. I five miles from manding same amount. Cottare No. til Enrbth Ave., E., 4 the head ot Alice Arm on "Middle FOR SALE rooms. Furnished. have selird Lesse No. 133 on Gold Creek, Crtck. In would like TAKE NOTICE that I, Win. T Itrrti squaring up wo Cottare No. 717 Fraser Street, 4 st recorded In the mining recorder's office FOIV SALE Gasoline fishing boat, 38 feet AKERBERG, THOMSON to get a list of the men men paid rooms. at llatelton. also all machinery, piping, of tltlcale Prince No.Rupert,OtOliD,B.Intend C, Tree slitj Miner's dirt from rf. ana otner on tne tools, rooot premises. long, 1 0-foot beam, 14 h.p. Reg-al engine, STORES by yourself, so that in settling Store lletrerson Block, Third Ave. All or which I wltl offer for tsle by public the date bereor, to apply to the Minloi 4 9 cylinders, cycle heavy duty, COMPANY Recorder tor a Certificate of also gasoline launch all covered in cabin, up wo shall not be called upon to Oftlre rround floor Helrerson Clock. suction tor cash st my omce In the Court for the purpose of obtaining a Impnttmrnu,urua Crint Prince the 36 ft. long, 8-fL beam, S n.p. engine, of Agtnta for tho 6th Street. House, Rupert, on Wednesday t the above claim. both lying Vancouver. Snap for immediate pay over the amount thought Store No. 844 Third Ave. til 16 33rd day of August. 1016, at t:30 o'clock PALMER OAS ENQINE COMPANY In the afternoon. And further take notice that anion, ts-dcr purchaser; owner enlisting. necessary. A .number have men with full basement, ItO, section 37, must be cotnnu need before JOHN Sheriff of the ot SHIRLEY, County 188. We write fire Insurance, being Apply Boi 110 Dally News. PHONE 525 tioned that they were going to trents for the very best companies Atlin. Prince Rupert, August 3, I It. the Issue ot such Certificate ot Improve, tnents. FOB. SALE: SNAP Twelve pure-bred bar? write to you demanding their ex only, nested to quote you rates. LAND ACT Dated this I(lb day of Mirth, a. D. red Plymouth Bocks, prlie winning stock. Alex M. Manson. 8.A. and if this has been dune H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD lOtft. jtl Apply r. O. Box 6S8, City. 186. W. E. Williams, B.A L.L.B penses, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS WM. T. KEItOl.T kindly advise me. TRICT OF COAST, RANOE III. MISCELLANEOUS WILLIAMS a MANSON TALE NOTICE that Pacific Mills, Limited. It lias been most unpleasant LAND REGISTRY ACT MINERAL ACT or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. for us, a number of these men pulp and paper makers, intend to spply DRESSMAKINO and Ladles' Tailoring, reasonable Notice Under Section 38 tor permission to purchase the following NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PAR7NM prices. Mrs. George Gebhardt MONEY TO LOAN calling nt my residence every TAkE autICK that an application ha described lands. Commencing at a pott TO . A. ROOERS, til 6th Avenue, West. 186 BOI lilt evening when.they could not lo- been made to register Olaf Hanson, of planted on the north bank of Koeye river, TAKE NOTICE that, wbertss I bits Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C rlnce Itupert, D. C, as the owner In about one-quarter ot a mile up-stream caused to be done tne astessmrst tort Refined young widow, no encumbrance, excellent calo me at the office. Fee-simple, unler a Tax Sale Deed from rrora the shore ot Fits-Hugh Sound; thence tor the year 1013 on the mistral clsuni cook and housekeeper, wishes However, I trust that wo will the Collector of the City ot Prince Rupert north twenty chains, thence east twenty known at "Ladjblrd No. 4'' Mineral 0.m, position or trust. Apply Box 105, Dally to Olaf Hanson, bearlnr date the 10 th day chains, thence south to river's bank, thence situated In Cascade Creek valley, o;nl d News. If. Prince Rupert Feed Co. bo able to settle everything satis of feepuinber, A. O. 19 IS, In pursuance along shore In a westerly direction to Sliver Lake, In the Stewart, . . klnlti or Tai Sale beld by said Municipality on point ot commencement and containing Miami CUim, and the P. O. Boi 333. 90S Third Ave. factorily, and keep tho members District; "Stumpy or about the 0th day of September, 1014, forty HO, acres, more or lets. situated on the east tide of CairsJe Cms RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS of the party in good humor. of all and singular certain parcel or tract Dated June tOth. 1016. Septa dittrlct, and have paid ror said autu-raent With Kind regards, I am, of land and premises situate, lytnr, aud PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, work the turn of ItCK'.cn. snitu FISHERMEN WE HANDLE beinr in ton City of Prince Rupert In the by "Mark Smaby," Agent. you pay to me the turn of II"5.CI lor Yours respectfully, roviuce of Drltlsb Columbia, more pra your share or the ttld assessment wort Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, W. II. 1'IUCK. tlcularly known and described at: Lot SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF together with the costs of this s.Hfrti-tl ten (10), Block eighteen (ts, Section COAST. IIANOE t. the head. In the tald Stewart Minmi ATTENTION I and Brlgg's. Vancouver Conservative club, sU Map 03. (fit. TAKE notice that George Roderick Me ment, I shall, at the eiplratlon of ninety Garden and Field Seeds. You and thoso claiming tbrough under 570 Granville Street, or Kensle, of Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation cays from the date bereor, apply to tt Also Fertilizers. you, and all persons claiming any Interest engineer, Intends to spply tor permission Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C to tt Vancouver, January 31, 11)12 tn the said land by descent whose title 4' THE SELIG SPOON io tesse tne rouowing described lands: your Interest In the tald "Ladybird So. We Take Orders for Nursery U not registered under the provisions of ' CUltnt vested Is an Mineral W. II. Price, Commencing it a pott planted st tne and "Stumpy" Stock. the "Land Registry Act" are required to N. E. corner of T. L. Lot 3730, Range 3, In purtuance of the provisions of tne Secretary, Victoria contest the claim of the tax purchaser Hay, Qraln and Feed at Honorary Cost! District, rorcber Island, thence "Mineral Act-Haled Is Now on the Market Vancouver Prices. Conservative Association, w I thm forty-eve days of the service ot touib 30 chains, thence west 80 chains, at Prlnre Rupert, B. C this til this notice Otherwise and upon you. you thence north 30 chains to shore line, thence day ot November, 1013, Ask your Dealer for It, Victoria, B. C. each ot you will be forever estopped and south-easterly following shore line to the A. LUND. Chicken Feed A Specialty. debarred from setting up any claim te or Dear Mr. point ot commencement: eonu!nlDg 330 and See that You Get It. Price, In respect of the said land, and I shall acrt't more cr less. I enclose herewith my cheque register the aald our Hanson as owner Mall Orders Promptly Attsnded To. GEOROE RODERICK MCKENZIE. In tee. $301.50, being amount of DENTISTRY for Your attention Is called to section St It Gets Them Time SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Every your claim against us for trans ot the "Land Registry Act" and amend COAST, RANOE 4. menu, and especially to the following ex HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. portalion of passengers. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, CROWN AND DRIDOE W0M tract therefrom which relates to the above CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED jf Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man A SPECIALTY I attach hereto statement notice. your ager. Intends to spply for permission to "And In default of a caveat or certificate BROWN DR. J. S. is made purchase the described Isnds: following VACUUM CLEANING CO. and payment according of Us pendens being Died before the Commencing at a about DENTIST post planted to If examine registration as owner ot the persons en We clean Hornet, Ofncta, Churchta same. you your too feet easterly from the northwest LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS titled under such tax sale, all persons so cor Offlttl Smith Block, Title Lodgt and School, rooms at low statement you will find that where served with notice, or served with notice ner ot Lot 40. Range 4, Coast District; Phons 484 Prlctt. hence north 30 thence chains; west 30 HOTEL you have $234.50, you added it under subsection (6) ot section lit of thence chains; south 30 cbslns more or 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1806,' or sec GOOD WORK GUARANTEED less to the shore ot Surf 310.00. l)y adding $50.00 you lion JOS ot the 'Municipal Act,' or section Inlet, thence One or the largest Hot Springs In get the amount covered by the 130 ot the 'Assessment Act. 1001,' or following the shore lne to the place of FOR SUBSCRIBE All Orders Atttndtd to Immediately. America, circumference 100 feet-Temperature section 333 or the 'Taxation Act,' In cases commencement, containing forty acrea of Water, 180 d. Fahr, cheque. In which notice under this Act Is dispensed more or less. OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. I regret that this matter has with at hereinafter provided, and those February it, 101 1. The Daily News Eicellent Trout Pithing In Lakelas PHONE GREEN 288. claiming through cr under them and all FREDERICK BRADSHAW. been allowed to stand Lake. over so persons claiming any Interest in the land Phons Connections with Terrace. long, but I have reason to hope by virtue or any unregistered Instrument, RATES i 2.5o par day. and all persons claiming any interest In i Hat this settlement will be satis the land by descent whose title It not For further particulars, apply to UNDERTAKERS factory to you and your associa registered under the provisions of this Act, i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. B. C. shall be for ever estopped and debarred lion, and that the good feelings from aettlng up any claim to or In respect FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM mat nave always existed ueiwecn of tn5 land so sold for tsxes." BALWERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Dated st the Lsnd Registry Office, a ADVERTISE IN OPEN DAY AND NIOHT tho two organizations will con the City of Prince Rupert, Province of 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 linue. British Columbia, this lth day of January, DR. PRICE S The Daily News Yours truly, A. D.II.1010.P. MACLEOD, District Registrar. VICTOR II. I.OVK. To Taul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. Assistant Secretary NAVI3ABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT Cream R. S. O. Chanter lie; v. Kindly return and receipt Robert Cecil Gone herrliv rlv.a nmir. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE oblige V. II. L. that he has under Section T nr th. ..m baking powder Act deposited with the Minister of PuLlle worst si uuawa, ana in tne omce of the A B.U Lr SlmaUUoa j District Rerlstrar of Tltlei it it., i .nri 710 SECOND AVE ISOLD WATCH FREE. Registry omce at Prince Rupert, British loiumuia, a uescripuon or tne sue snd tho Pure, Healthful, Dependable Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery A Krt1irt.tforww4 swmtom pians or a wnarr proposed to be built off trom amrabli.he4 the North Skeena passage, st the mouth Wire Cable 8teel Blocks Flshlno Tackle rm. a m flviBf twtr Mttcbea I Ihrwinds uf the Skeena it ver. British r.niumhi. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns rauka Wtft-14 si!M lOM Dm front of Lot on hundred and seventeen Made from Cream of Tartar Rope Valves Ammunition t 4rertlaeaMSt.foal tawt Mftw t (Il7 nange nv () Coast District, Brit Mi MMt Writ isn Columbia. Pumps Hose Paint MW Mlaaln i And take notice that,. after ih amir.n.n ot MU for MM Of Ml v- Rubberold AhitjMbte Li4Ih' one inontn from the data of th nm Stoves and Ranges Roofing Corrugated lroi lAM4 ClMfdaV Off vOeW Alberto Mftl jtion or tots notice, Robert Cecil Oosse WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" I awrttuM ithlh.,ixftt 914 W wt win, unner section 7 or tba said Act, apply CONTAINS NO ALUM will mm im rna io ina Minister or runne work.. i i Ufa ufMUs4 VStshe tMnt, office In the City ot Ottawa, for approval tn saia sue ana puns, and tor leave bom- . w iMt va u isOl rotir. irtessd construct the said wharf. j FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ftboul I hie)I Iktiah m ft4 litta how In imsb tuott the I W Inbmui ymm,j tu U tufc.mm4 Dated at Prince Rupert. B. a, this ntli Made will W twftM4-WlUJM A LlitTU, UkJJu day or May, 1016. in Canada Jmtiem tlosvi.lUt,m, iU Hvftsl,WiML uZ ROBERT CECIL OOSSE. inJO-JJO. HpppgpefEessEft