HI riit 6AILY KEWB, Monday. ,i 7" ' I . mi miasM 1 .tmm 1 Your "Get-Away" 'ABfe, CooDnvcny V V Tuckdtk The Daily News Power in Summer is low. lmmmmWmmmmmmWri noun IJ , pi TJIE LEADING NCWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COlOmUIA Summer brings mental and CLUB.SPECIAL Publi.KtJ Dally and Weekly The lassitude. Guaranteed Largest Circulation physical spirit is languid, the liver is a. aMBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' J fm HEAD OFFICE lazy. Nature is trying to Wo'ro looking for iim Daily News Hulldltiff, 3rd Ave, Prince nupert, IM'.. Telephone 98. unload the toxins that come got Just what he Ma,,, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 fiitu r ii..ih -'ontract from heavy foods and lack OIL'S CIQAR STORE of outdoor exercise. Help j rates on application. Third Avenue Prince Nature to restore natural I iMaBBBBrMar.a m Ti TL' Hi I JT-I1 RUpert vim. Get on eight-cylinder and DAILY EDITION W Monday, Aiipuft 11 1910. vigor stamina by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit THE WAR which would require a huge with fresh fruits and green From an Allied standpoint, army to hold. With a network vegetables. Cut out meat Summer Steamship Service tho-war news becomes more of railroads at their'command, and potatoes eat these II hi 11 mm tmm TO the Russians now control the delicious, nourishing little M.. .t l arx, n outer liimi - -ALASKA encouraging every week. Weak AND YUKON situation and Lemberg is theirs loaves of baked whole wheat tlK Dnfts at the Majt mI 1. !. II The S. S. Prince Rupert or Prince cned by the withdrawal of i Gc rg. for the asking, which should be and be cool, contented and iiih'h and l. morrow. leave Prince Rupert every Wednesday at 12 large number of men from the just as easy as the capturing haoov. For breakfast with no; n for Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Skagway. Comic-L Isonzo front, to endeavor to of Stanislau. milk or cream; for luncheon MARGUERITE CLARK AT ing at Skagway with the Whilo Pass and Yukon Route with berries or other fruits. THE MAJESTIC THEATRE SOUTHBOUND stem the advancing tide of One of the most important in Canada The S. S. Prince Rupert or Prince George leave Pt Russians in Galicta, the Aus movements of the past week Made Rupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. for Van j Marguerite Clark, in "Out of Victoria and Seattle. was the beginning of the Allied vcr, trians opened the door to Gor- Admiral Beatty arc tickled ti ro-ceive the Drifts," is the big attraction Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands. fzia to the Italians, and the laf. offensive in the Balkans. Quiet while TRAIN SERVICE the information, one at the Majestic tonight and tomorrow. ter were not slow to take ad. has reigned there for months, Trains leave Prince Rupert every Monday, Wednc-.ay can imagine the new being re "Out of the Drifts'' is and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and ail points 1 vantage of the opportunity. but the Allies have not been Mixed train leaves Prince ceived by the Jack Tar with three and South. Rupert every Sat . Tlifs transference cost the simply marking time. A new-Serbian a taie or me eiernai snows, 01 day 0 a. m. Special weekend fare to Terrace and return 4 1 rousing cheers. avalanches, ditzy heights and For full information & reservations apply to city ticket 1 Aus trians 100,000 men and army has been remodelled ' PHONE AVENUE chasms, ranging from THIRD 2G0 Gorlzia, and it will go on costing from the old, and this yawning has rcfused'to contem Turkey the pastoral beauties of Alpine them dearly for the next gallantvlitlle. country has now plate any -American committee In- shepherd life to the grim flglitf few weeks, as the Italians are 100,000 men of the best lighting estigating the situation in Syria'. for existence against the smash. following them up so closely .blood in Europe linked up No wonder. The Turks will do ing, hurrieane-driven snows. Mar- : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY with the French and British that at they are getting no opportunity their best to see that no Syrian guerite Clark as a sweet and in- , to consolidate their Saloniki. Large supplies of the Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points remain tell Christians to aw uvocent Alpine titfiierdes is seen forces, while they are losing big guns and munitions' have via Steamer to Vancouver and the ful tale. at her best. A young rogue tries ! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY huge quantities of supplies and been steadily pouring in, In to tempt this Innocent girl awa j Meala and Berth Included on Steamer war material in their flight. spite of the watchfulness of Von Hindenburg, is no longer to London, but she is saved by a ( On the other hand, the Austrian the enemy submarines in the Princess Maqulnna for Granby, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. to command the German forces j ctii(iIk uhn aaml... flirt villain nvr 4 X ww V V- a V a a ,a v v av Southbound 6 reinforcements In Galicia Mediterranean and the Allied Princess Alice Saturday p. m. on the eastern front. This oumes preelpiee. A snow drift saves "have utterly failed to put armies in the Balkans arc Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. , s rather a surprise, as ho has him and the battle is resumed in strength enough into the Austrian ready to carry out just such Princess Sophia for Alaskan Ports Monday, Aug. 14th. always been hailed as Germany's the guide's cabin. It is a power defence to keep "back the magnificent work as has been greatest leader. Perhaps he Is ful story which ends happily. J. I. PETERS. General Agent Russians for n single hour. On done since July 1st on the western, Street and Third Avenue, Prince needed elsewhere. Miss Clark is supported by a Corner Fourth Rupert, B.C. both fronts, the Austrian movement front. strong caste of stars and this has been disastrous and Roumania ,has been waiting "French offensive Verdun on drama of the mountains is undoubtedly the situation is desperate. to see what would happen in front." This sounds good. May MINERAL ACT RAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. one of her greatest R. S. C. Chapter 11S. Stanislau that region and it has been a is in Russian hands they never let up until they have plays. An Eclair Gazette showing and two watchful wailing, during which Certificate of Improvements the passes through taken Metz. Once Metz is taken, the latest from Europe completes Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific Rai.sr Carpathians, the Jablonica, warlike preparations have gone pany hereby gtvea notice that It Us .kt the war will be practically over. big show in which the un m BEUJS Sccllua 7 or tbe said Act deputed a.a IRIS FRACTION. .IASTCRTIUM, from Kolomea, and the Tuch-olka steadily forward. Roumania is tbo Minuter of Public Wurks at uiuu furnished by the Balagno-Still-well FRACTION, CE-ITIAJf. BLUE BELL FRAC from Stanislau, are now-opened ready to strike at the opportune THE MASTER KEY" aad in tbe office of tbe District ner-Jtrir orchestra is a plasing fea TION, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE r tbe Land Registry omce, L'JUi.t at to the Russians. Our moment, and she will strike a WESTHOLME up BEGINS AT LILAC ture. FRACTION. MARIGOLD FRACTION. Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a at-scrlpttoo despatches of Saturday indicated blow- for the Allies. Austria and FRACTION. TERN FRACTION. PL"1E APPLE of tbe site and plan uf aarv-buuae BEGONIA FRACTION, prvped to be built In Priac Ri that Stanislau might be Germany can spare no men fo-any The Westholme Theatre tonight FRACTION. COXCOMB. MINERAL CLAIMS situate In tbe pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, Bnusb ui-liunbta. After the I shall have made a base for the invasion defensive in the Balkans, presents what is claimed to be holidays Queen Charlotte District, located at or Dear in front of waterfrunt Bivck u" a rew vacancies ror pupils in lied Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, rrovince aecordiag to rtgistered plan t-r the ws of Hungary, and, on German and the Bulgarias and Turks the biggest show ever given in Kuveh site of tbe aald of U-puaited f BrtUsb Columbia, and lawfully be Id by city fritica teaching (Leseheticky military principles, which call will be left pretty much to take this city on one night. The first piano Ikeda Mines Limited. in tbe aroresaid Land n(rut7 method . Mrs. L. J. Bay (Conservatory TAkE NOTICE that I. John A. Madams. uffice as No. til. for the taking of territory care of themselves. The Bul-gars installment of the great serial, education, 1236 Second tcllcttor for Ikeda Mine Limited, free AND TAKE NOTICE ua: after the u-naratton rather than for the meeting'of did not come into this The Master Key," has arrive! , miner' certificate No. 70111 B, intend ef ene montfe the date at Avenue. Phone ID7 201. after tbe expiration of atxty day from UM Oral publication o! -as notice, Ut the enemy, this would be the struggle to fight Germany's nd is certain to win the attention the date bereor to apply on bebair of tbe Uraad Trunk Pactfic Rairwa .tnyittj Ui Russian move. Lemberg, however, battle, but to get a share of the of all from the beginning and to MINERAL ACT said company to tbe Mininc Recorder for usader Sectieo 7 or taw said A.t apply to a ceruccate or improvement tor toe purpose tbe Minister or Public rls at bis cats is. the great Russian objective, spoils. Now that Bulgaria realizes hold the interest throughout of obtaining a Crown Grant to tbe tn the Oty or Otuwa f-r afroial v; as it is there that the that there are to be no Wherever shown, this great serial Certificate of Improvements boe claims. aald alte and plan, aad fur kin to obstruct bulk of the Austrian strength spoUs but rather the reverse, has proven to be a big attraction. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action tbe aald warehouse under Section 1 1 or tbe Mineral Ad must Dated at Winnipeg, MaattvU, ibis lia is, and the probability is that there is liable to be quite an Graee Cunard and Francis NOTICE be commenced before tbe issuance of aucb day of May A. D. Itl. SilTtr Bow Mtntrai Clatm. aitoate In U certificate or Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PAUH'. B-ULWil In old favorites here, will from Stanislau an, effort will agitation Sofia for peace. Ford, two Skctna Miainf DltUloa or Caxiar DUtiict. Dated this list day or May, ATD. tl. COMPANY. be made to reach Lemberg, with They will get it when the Iso be presented in "Behind the WIir located: At Ue bead of a branch JOHN A. MAC1NNE3, IL IL 11.C1 SARD, Sulkllof. of Lime Crrtk about four mllt from tbe Solicitor ror Ikeda Mines Limited. a view to cutting off the Aus. Allies are through. Mask,n a three-act drama which beacb on tbe aonU aide of Alice Ann. MINERAL ACT trian rear. is full of thrill, while in "A Circus TAKE .NOTICE Uut I. Ceorre R. .fafen. lAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, Girl Romance," there is a real Tnt Mintr'a Certiflnte 7(a. SlOftB, acunt R. S. C CAT. 116, It has been evident recently NOTES AND COMMENTS u arrnt Tor Tboa. McRoatle. Tree Mlnera Certincato of Improvement! that IirusillofJ is more keenly-interested big circus shown. This is atwo- Oruatatf ."So. tStllB, and lanxa L. Hitch. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, hereby give NOTICE in completely crip The Kiel Canal fleet is again reel picture in which Marie Wal rrte tend, Mlnefs ility Uja OrUttcatc from tbe.o.date I7.8B.bereor,in to notice that It baa, under SecUon 7 or tbe Basin Mineral Claim, situate la " said Act. depoaited with tbe Minister of Skecna Mining Division or Caisiar Mttnci the Austro-German camp and Wellington Playter are to tbe Mining Recorder for a OrUfl pling forces reported to be making for sea. apply 1'ublic Work at Ottawa, and tn tbe omce Where located: About roup n. than in capturing territory j Doubtless Sir John Jellicoe and the stars. This great show is for cate obtainlnc of improTemenu,a Crovit Grant tor tbe of porpoae tbe above of of tbe Registrar General or TlUea at Vic the beach on the aoutb aid of aj c - one night only and should be well claim. toria, British Columbia, a description or at tbe bead or a branch or Lime " 1 be site and tbe plana or certain structure TAKE NOTICE that I. George R. " And further take noUee that worth seeing. action. to be erected tn front of Lot Thirty-one tree Miner Certificate No. Hi MI. nnder tecuon matt be commenced be IS, ill . Range Three (1). Coast District. teod, sixty day rrom the date btreor. fore tbe itaue of aucb Certificate of Im BrtUsb Columbia, at the bead of Cousins apply to tbe Mining Recorder t r a Salvation Army. nroTementa. 'oleL or ror tbe purpjae caw Improvements, Dated tbia tltb day of March. A D. I9K. GEORGE R. 5ADE.1. AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe ex attaining a Crown Orant of the afce utratlon of one month from tbe date or claim. Public meetings. Tuesday HLaiWH LeT' dtU for tbe Brst publication of this Notice, pa And furtner tak do tic iu actK hPT73BFMJb9QBCMmVimV MetlakaUan, Sunday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C viae Mills. Limited, will; under SecUod 7 nnder section II, must be commeoced ajLsLJBHQSiLLtf l It m, and t and 1 Sundays at 7:30 p.m. of tbe said Act, apply jo tbe Governor-In rore tbe Issue of such Cerunau i council for approval or tbe aald site and provemcnu. Tender will be received up to Auruit plan. A.D Hi-GEORGE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- Dated thl lllh day of March. , TION ACT lath nett by tbe City Clerk. Prince Ru Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia, R. NAl't'J. perl, B. C, ror tbe purchase or the fol tat sttb day or April. A. D. ttit. I bBK2?2?C W- THOMAS, Phone. R. S. fc CHAPTER IIS. lowtnr apparatus: BODWELL, LAW90N & LANE. ? I t-Return tubular boiler S4. 7 b. p. its MINERAL ACT Orn Tbe Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Solicitors for raciac MUli, Limited. Vr,.'rr-rrr.,Mffn.nn,J,,JJJ,.i,i,miJfminffxrl hereby rte notice tbit It bat under Sec lb. per sq. in. Notice to Delinquent Partner. 1-1V4 In. 1 i In. boiler feed pomp MINERAL ACT tion ? of aald act depoaited with tbe Mln- Nh' 1-1 U tn Penbertby Injector.' To O. W. Maswail and Cafl , a I liter of Public Work at Ottawa and In tbe TAKE NOTICE that whereas I b I-Copper coM reed water beater. office of tbe District Rerutrar of tbe Land I-Underwriter Fire Pump, 16 in. x t In. hivermoutb Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done aise. ul Registry District at, Prince Rupert, B. C 1 tt in.. Capaetty 710 nl., made tltualed tn the Skeena Mlolng Division of oa the Wolf Mineral claim. ltusted si v a description or tb site and tbe plan by Canada FMndry 00. Cassiar District. bead of Alice Arm. Observatory laKl of wharves and power bouse proposed to Compleie et Ottmrt ror above. Where looted: At tbe bead or Alice tbe Skeena mining division f I'fM,1" be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess Tbe above apparatus la now installed In Arm, adjoining tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo Irtct. assessment work for the yar PaHBjBjp'-'LJH l and from Norway, Sweden, Dmi- Royal Island, in front of Lot 4d( Ranre 1 Uw Morse Creek Pumpler Plant or the mineral claim. till, and llll, and nave paid tot ffipHP t!H mirk, Finland. Italy and Rum la. Coast District. B C corporation or tbe City or Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that I. 0. R. Nadrn. Free work and recording ame. lb " fib UBtt&LillK ' iSm SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK And take notice that after tbe expiration aad la in first etas eoaditloii. bams prae Miner- Certificate No. tl.OtSB. acting at 1107 so. Unless you pay m tb u fEkLMmUVBmr 1 W.. ,JmW "Oscar 11." .... Auruit nib or one month from tbe date of tbe Oral ticaiiy new. 11 was used only ror very stent ror Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer-tillcate ltll.19. ror your share or tbe saio KVBBJMnw Krlttianlafjord" August publication of this notice tbe Surf Inlet snort time darter tbe construction or tbe No. tl.tllB. Intend, sixty days sessment work, together with the ci Amwft B aBHaHI Stockholm" Power Company -Limited will, under Section Sbawatlan Hydro system. from tbe date bereor, to apply to tbe thl advertisement. I shall, at BdflBflHIBvBrH Bergensrjord- teth 7 or tbe said Act. apply to tbe Min Tenderer win be cipetel to dismantle UtMng Recorder ror a Certificate of improvements, lion or ninety t0) day from WmmwffJjtnw&MX'mm SiPJT'"r" (..'mbH Hai Veur Raeervatlone Illustrated mad Folder Early. ister or Public Works, at bis office In and remove tbe plant at their own eipense. ror the purpose or oblainlni bereor apply to tbe mining w Rate. tod WmB-Tr- - --V- -'Msfal For General information Apply to the City or Ottawa, for approval or tbe but tbe Corporation wW d tbt work if a Crown Grant or tbe above claim. Prince Rupert, B. O. k) bave yoor it MM B. "fdMMBBBa.V.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaa said alte and plana and ror leav to construct ao deatred at tbe Mlowinr estimated costs. And further uk notice that action, est in tb Woir mineral claim "'a OTBHAVN A HANSON tbe said harve and power bouse. r. O. B. Car Prince Rupart ms.se ander section SI, mutt be commenced before me. In puruance of tb provisions w GaMjuajBjBMinfJ Inauranc ttaamahlp Agancv, Dated at Vancouver, B. C,.thl tttb r. O. B. Boat Prtnee Rupert. . . . ttt tbe Issue of such Certiorate of Un mineral act . -m day or May, Ml. llttneai or any tender not B. ' this BBMMIaPaaPaaPJaBaP.aPaaPJ Peine Rupert, B. O. necessarily protement. Dated t Prince Rupert, THE 81'Rr I.1LET POWER COMPACT. accepted. D R. KENNEDY i Dated this tlrd day of December, A. D. day of February, ttlt-ml, May Sin. 1911, jytt Sut or Lull ties itlU. Apr, t, 1. E. STARK. EMPRESS COFFEE IMHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0.