Monday. August 14, 1010. ma Daily news. HONOURABLE BOB HAD chance to spend money, lie wasn't m an unlimited expenditure SEVEN YEARS PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE going to let 8am have nil Iho glory There Is no telling Just how far of throwing millions to the birds these bird fnnclcrs will go. UJontlnuod From Pago One.) at any rnlo not when ho hud n BRAID'S TORTUR E All of which Is to say that we hlrd of his own to blow tho coin clinngcd a Utile. Tho Hall of worth have seen tho last of our beauti on. A I'hoenix In hand Is 1' and tho ful old I'hoenix on Parliament Ideal Blend Nothing HIfJ Him Until !! Tools Court of Honop, two in tho hush. FRUIT-A-TIVES" likcwino tlio tneinlicrs' rooms and Tho Honorable Hob knows as Hill. It will not rise from lis tlio pa'rllnmcnlnry olllccs would well ns tho next man that Inorc ashes. Wo shall have instead n COFFEE ho in tho conlro, and tho hatching two money can ho spent on new Phoenix that will cat mil House lit tlio wings, hut out-wardly a new Phoenix than In refcathor-Ing lions till its eyes bulge. Tlio feed the I'liuunix would present an old one.' Hcsldes, he had Hsrs Is a Cofras an Idsal Bland and sn Id sal Valus. hill for our I'hoenix for tho next the same old chaste, unrullled had experience In handling I'hoc-nlxes calm. before'. Thero wan tho Phoenix few yenrs will keep us humping No More, No Less - $0.40 per lb. Tho comrnltlco on I'liocnlxos nt Winnipeg, for example a because a young growing I'hoenix AT THIS PRICE THERE IS N O BETTER COFFEE OB-TAINABLE. was very tender toward this plan Phoenix that Involved n million always cats more than ono that OTHER COFFEES THAN BRAID'S SOLD AT which was both economical and and a quarter graft, caused four has attained maturity. GREATER COST HAVE NONE OF ITS FINE QUALITIES. effective, nnd tho Liberal members cabinet ministers to bo Indicted As if that wero not bad enough, At All Good Grocers of tho committeo wero especially for conspiracy, put several public stories have been deliberately set plcasd that I hey had been Invited officials on tho grill for nccepting niloal which cast discredit on tho 4f.Vl in to take part in a purely bribes and doctoring specifica old Phoenix that it had tho pip, WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT VANCOUVER IMPORTERS- B.C, 1 1.( iiwii.u uiiin.-riiiKiiiK, irom WHICH tions, brought tho contractor the blind staggers, nnd other all. Buckingham,ALDCRT Que,VARNCR Mny 3rd, 1015. party politics would be excluded within smelling distance of the menls known to Phoenixes. And tawsrt A Moblty, Ltd, Whol.sals Distributors, Prlncs Rup.rt., For seven years, I suffered terribly -namely, the recreation of a fine penitentiary, nnd wrecked a government. yet it was a sturdy old, I'hoenix, from Severe lltadachts a nd Indigestion. roomy Phoenix with modern con-vcnlcnccs Some Phoenix, ehl And plenty of life in it even now, if I ! i J belching gas from tho stomach, which would adequately yet a mighty poor Phoenix at that. what tho Ottawa correspondents I,:1er stuff would como up Into 2,000,000" my represent tho dignity of Canada A Phoenix according to the architect's mouth after rating,Wlillo at times I had say Ikj true. For example, there niiu.K .1 and vomiting, and liad chronic as n great self-governing state. report, with Its feet In was the new fire proof wing, the Constipation. I went to several doctors Their Idea was that the I'hoenix the mud instead of on n bed of, went wing, the liver wing so to SB Belgians snJ wroto to a specialist In Itoston but would he restored as cheaply as rocks as they ought to be. A speak of tho venerable. The Phoe but without nothing benefit.did I mo tried good.many Finally,remedies a might be consistent with g"ood profitable Phoenix, however, to a nix destroyers couldn't pull that ?jp Depend on us fru-nd ai:iW"Fruit a tives". I took work, and that this coilnlry would few people. wing apart, they had to blast it this grand fruit medicine and It mode-mo not be burdened with extravagant Such is tho story of the Win with dynamite, H. V. Gadsby. for bread! well. I am grateful to "Frult-a-tirrs", expenditures at a time vhon it nipeg Phoenix, and such threatens and to everyone who has misc-rallchcalthwitii Constipation and Indigestion was groaning under taxes which to bo tho story of tlio Ottawa Since shortly after the German invasion,- the Belgians and Mad Stomach, I say take were tho outcome of our war ob Phoenix for It lias been practically WANTED have depended (or food entirely on the "Commission "Frult-a-tives and you will pet wll". ligations. decided that we arc to have an for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, ALHKKT VAltN'KK. This happy state or mind lasted entirely new Phoenix that will G for trial Kxpcrienced Dridgo men. even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only 50c. a box, $2.50, site, 25c. all session, but after tho session cost anywhere from seven to ten Track men, Tracklayers and At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of General Construction Laborers three weeks ihey have had no chance to rail more was over and the legislators had million dollars, instead of an old prico by Fruit-a tivca Limited, Ottawa. to join the 239th Battalion, and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I scattered, things began to happen oijo refurnished that, would cost Overseas Railway LAND ACT which robbed them of their dream. four millions. The Department Construction Drafts leaving Corps.Vancouver, Backed by the Tho Liberal members of tho Committee of Public Works has made its H. C. for Valcartler, P. Q., Prints Ruptrt Land District District or found llml they wero not contract with P. Lyall & Son along weekly.Ho attested and . forward Belgian Relief fund Coast, Rang S. being consulted as much as they these generous lines. The contractor papers to Vancouver, and transportation will be TAKE PIOTICE tnat the rselflc Mills, might be. Several autopsies on Is to have eight per cent, arranged at Limited, of Vancouver, B. C. occupation once. so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United tho I'hoenix were held at which on all he spends, take all the Send all communications pulp std psper makers. Intend to apply to: Ofllcer commanding, States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported for permlnton to purchase tbe rollowlnr no Liberal members wero present. time ho likes and bo paid twenty 239th Battalion, C.E.F. enough wheat. Bout and other foods to feed the whole nation described lands: --Conunenctnr it l post Among others the Hon". Charles per cent, yearly fop depreciation 175 Cordova St., W. so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in planted at tbe southeast corner or Lot' its on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence Murphy decided that ho was not of his plant, H a safe guess Vancouver, B. C. the country hare been able to pay for their daily allowance of west 40 chains, thence south so chains, ' bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. that the will la enough wanted, and dropped out accordingly. job -I ?ng thence east to shore, thence northeasterly alone shore to point or commencement, It became plainer am' to pay tho contractor the top-market Unlets we are wining to let these hundreds of thousands of containing1 (I acres, more or less. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the plainer that the Hon. Hob was price for any ol J junk that PACiriC MILLS LIMITED. fe flitter expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible Nark Smaby artnt. intending to handle the I'hoenix he cares to use as plant, not to someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Dated May IJlH. A. D. Kit. Auf. I! all by himself. This was his mention his eight per cent, profit THE ENCINtyREFINEMENT 1 month all this winter I tnete bo(3 cCeYbt J No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute FISHEftMAirS) KNQINt generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of helpt In the name of Justice and Humanity for Z Oil. 8 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-18 Horss Power. the sale of our own self-respect lot us give all we can to help our martyred Allies I Cl. 3 3-4 In. by 5 1-2 In, 25 Mores Power. Send your aucriptioiu weekly. aaoatUy at 1st saw taas tmm tm Lacsl Oyl. B 1-2 In. by In, 28-38 PioiacUl Committees, ot lo th B Horss Pswsr. Central Executive Committee, 59 St Peter SL, Mentreal ThreeMigMForces For Further Information $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Apply to W. E. WILLISCROFT NVLlose Linked Prince Rupert, B. C. Advertise In The Daily News. kt m L lsssBsflak fJr Have you ever noted how an audience reduction andThrift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when TO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire the speaker reveals enthusiasm? will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy,which reduces to the minimum Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial impart belief in anything, a man must believe it activities, repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for its continuance. It cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. burdens of the conflict still lie before us. and that industry and thrift are, for thse who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." word also This applies to the written particularly SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minuter oj financt. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will- be contagious his audience tho MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, "lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. , , To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable impression of enthusiasm. This it LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS . will only do when the article The war Is now turning on a tontett of all forces Begin at home. - The larger portion of salaries and rvnourccs men, munitions, food, money. The and wages is spent on the home food, fuel, light, advertised has inherent worth. rail to all is to produce mora and more. It may be clothing. Are any of these things being wasted T ncccksary to worlc naruer, the puce oi tnone who I'JO.U) a war saved from waste in every home in enlist must be taken by those at home, men and Canada will more than pay the Interest on a war debt Thus we have: women, old and young. The more we produce the of $500,000,000. more we ran save. Produce more on the (arms and Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: in the gardens. Save more nnd In lp to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Are you spending your money to the best ad van-it LET US NOT WASTE OUn LABOUR Three mighty forces, close-linked. tace 1 What do you"think ot extra vara nee in war In this war-time all labour sluutd be directly pro. tin.e T Tens of thousands of Canadians are daily durtive or should be assisting In production. Make It risking their lives for us at home. is ir not our uuty a ctlidcnt as powublc. tf your labour Is on something to be careful and economical T Canadian dollars are It m art a Ital imtlum talk tvtr Jtur aJvtrlltinf prtlltmt with iht AJvtrtMng Dtfartmamt that can be iotmnrd,put it off i after the war and an important part of the war equipment. Make them tf thit ntwtpoptr. y. art dtt prtvintial tf uttitual iuilutu it wtali it will ftr make your labour tel now. Making war is the first tell. Have a War Savings fyxouut. Uuy a War It havt lit ttu$tl unj anhlattt tf ltJ aJvtrtiiinf agtnty, A IUI f At-will business of all Canadians. Efficiency in labour is as lioud. v ettkiency In fighting. Important as it funhkiJ. wllhtml cttl tr thlitatit, h tkt Sttrtlaiy tf CammdUm Prut Attttialitn. Kttm SOJ, LmniJia UiUit. Ttrtmtt, THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA i re I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE