Ill Momlny, August 1 1 i0), TUB DA ILl flltWi SYMPATHY EXPRESSED Local News Notes j BY KINO AND QUEEf.' Sunlight Soap lias a high stan. dard of purity which Is backed Let Us Save You Money on your Fred, Peters, K. C, has received by a $3,000 guarantee. If a Gasoline or Distillate A fish special express left for from Mrs. Peters, who is In soap has, no standard there is should always why it no reason tho eost nl six o'clock this morning land, the message received ly her be of uniform quality, nhvays We guarantee to cave you 25 Der cent, on easoline or distillate and fmm the King and Oueen sym contain the best materials or upkeep and free any motor from CAR DON trouble. A seven ounce ... with her In tho uVnth he nnvlliind like as l!ood as , box of Carbonvoid ft equivalent to 50 gallons of jratoline. Every box pathising jsns sap- of Carbonvoid will save you A. Xenle, assistant horticultu of her son Lieut. Gerald Peters. the soon with a standard. $15 in gasoline ami give irom rist, returned last night from tho sent 400 to 500 ad-Carbonvoid Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, Thn niessnire. which was Is a dry powder you interior. from Buckingham Palace, Is as Just drop in the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- move all carbon from cylinders. y follows: The largest companies In the world use it. TUB ALLIES OUUCULI) . M. ManstMi returned Inst Peters, 71 Quecnsborougli Sunlight Soap IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous ordef 250,000 carUns. Fully evening" from n visit to llnzelton Mrs. guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed any where on receipt off 1.60 Terrace, Porchester Gate. and Smithcrs. The King nnd Queen deeply re ... For Sale Only by gret the loss you nnd the nrmy Stnnwood, tho well known Geo. L. Clayton, - Prlnce RuPert B-c- Doc. have sustained by the death or mining man, is spending n few your son In the service of his days in town. country. Their Majesties truly Today is your last chance 'for sympathise with you In your I that fine Wnlthnm wntch. See sorrow. SAVE "The Daily News" STARCH SPECIAL Cavennile & llnnnan. (SigneiD Keeper of tho . . . Privy Purse. CLASSIFIED ADS. F. V. Dow ling, superintendent YOUR for three days of Ooverntntfnt Telegrnphs, left PATRIOTIC WORK AT for llazclton this morning. MILL BAY CANNERY MONDAY TUESDAY WANTED. AND WEDNESDAY Mill Bay Cannery, on tho N'nas MONEY Bright tho E.VFLOYtns Oood live hand man seeks snappy prints nro a siesdy job. (Fact: .No labor shortage BECKETT'S ROBIN STARCH rule- when Mcltno llros. do your Iliver, netted the handsome sum here). Advertiser has had following experience. of $15 in aid of the prisoners of finishing. 187. Cement working, sssb and llcg. 2 for 25c. door handllnr and dealing:. Blacksmith's 3 fop- 25c. war fund. as l,,e result of a happy FOR THE striker, school teacher, rough carpentry, COAL Favorlto Ladysmith social gathering which was held port plans lights,beveling-,store cutting-,plate,glailng,sheet and dealing-ornamental business Our fresh lias doubled ground sine colTc Wellington lump and nut, best re on the large verandah of the can. Dominion War Loan of every description Including we have installed our new sults. I'hono 15. P. It. G. Co. tf. ucry messhouse on the evening of leaded art glass, designing- and waking, also wired, mirrors, etc. Foreman for electric mill. August 2nd. The verandah was usinr.ten years.Draughtsman,Rough painting,ornamental wiling and and Try It 3 lbs. for S1.00. Miss Phyllis Jenns left for Vic prettily decorated for the occasion TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER'.' structural, as well ss handy with tools toria this morning, where she will with Mags, plants and Chinese of all kinds; cross-cut, hammer, quaref Fuller & McMeekin attend tho Normal College. lanterns, tho latter illumin shovel or hand truck. Oood warehouseman with keen Ideas on system. With LEADING GROCERS ating the many small tables which very little coaching- would be adaptable J. A. Thorne, who ha9 been at to any other kind ot business than any PHONES 66 and 572 were heaped with dainties of By purchasing a bond you will holp above mentioned and prove a valuable Starch on Sale Monday. Telegraph Creek on work for the every description. Cakes, candies, to WIN THE WAR and obtain for man to any , firm. Wages of less Importance Government Telegraphs, has returned than steady, Interesting position. coffee, nnd all sorts of good things yourself an investment of tho highest -Would sign ny long-term agreement to town. were in evidence and during the class yielding a most attractive rato If desired, to Insure confidence and evening n made of of interest. program up stability. Box 111, Daily .News. 190. THOMSON W. P. Lynch, who lias been AKERBERG, purely local talent rendered splendid WANTED General servant; good wage, looking over some mining prop Apply Mrs. L. W. ratmore, SOI Borden COMPANY entertninmcnt. erty at Legate Creek, returned to St., or phone 80S between 1 and t tf. Most of the money was realized Sols Agents for th town last evening. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE WANTED Second-band high ofilce desk. from tho auctioning ot articles PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY Apply Box tot Dally News. donated the and OTTAWA. by residents, con- PHONE 525 Captain L. J. Hay left for Van WANTED First-class Baker. Apply City idering the small population, the Bakery. tf.' couver last evening en route for Ottawa greatest credit is due tho promoters tlex M. afanson, fl.A. where he will join the FOUND. of the event Hie W. E. Williams, B.A L.L.B Forestry Battalion. for suc which attended their efforts FOUND Lady's hand-bag containing a sum WILLIAMS A MANSON cess of money. Owner can have same on Win. Manon and J. K. Merry- In a worthy Cause. Tho Indians proving- ownership and paying for this Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. advertisement. Apply Thomas McCly-mont. fleld returned from the interior and Japanese at the cannery did ' MONEY TO LOAN BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS tf. Box list last evening. II. II. Stevens went their share in making the func LUMP HOTEL FOR RENT Helgerson Block Prince Rupert. B. C on to Prince George. tion a success. - IS .HOW OPE.1 TO OIE3TS- - COAL FOR BENT OR SALE Tbree-roomed bouse, That Waltham watch at Cave- One or tbe larrest Hot Scrum la nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal America, circumference Jul feet-Temperature Prince Rupert Feed Co. $3.60 per Ton Cash on Cove, tft.00 per month. Lots of free naile & Hannan's is yours lfyou FOR SALE ot Water, 110 d. rahr. fuel. Apply box 106, Dally News. tf P. O. Boi 333. 60S Third AS. can guess when it will stop. This Delivery Money Back If Not Satisfactory Cicftllftnl Treut Fishing In LaktlM RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS is last 190. FOR SALE your opportunity. Lots 19 nnd 20, block 35, in Lake. WE HANDLE Phone Connections with Tsrrsts. section 1. Lane corner on FOR SALE Gasoline fishing boat, 38 feet lire Chief London, of Prince Third Ave. Lots havo been UNION TRANSFER CO. RATES I 12.60 p.r dir. long-, 10-foot beam, 14 b.p. Regal engine, Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, George, was a visitor in the el'y brought to street grado and For further particular!, sptiy to S cylinders, 4 cycle heavy duty, 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 also gasoline launch all covered In cabin. and Brlgg's. this morning. He inspected our basement excavated, at a i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Managftf. it ft. long, 9-ft. beam, 8 h.p. engine, Garden and Field Seeds. cost of 81,000. Price for tho Are fighting appliances while here both lytng Vancouver. Snap for Immediate Also Fertilizers. pair, $2,850. $950 cash and SHERIFPS SALE OF HYDRAULIC MINING purchaser; owner enlisting. MINERAL ACT balance arranged. Apply Box tlO Dally News. 188. We Take Orders for Nursery LEASE ON GOLD CREEK Mr. Hutchinson Mrs. A. S. Stock. and I THE SLPIIEME COURT OF BRITISH Certificate of Improvements House and lot Cold MISCELLANEOUS left for Winnipeg this morning. near COLUMBIA NOTIOE Hay, Grain and Feed at Storage. House is 20 X 30, O, F. Finch. Plaintiff "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mineral Cisimi, There was a large gathering of Vancouver Prices. --vs. plastered, i rooms, bath, situste In tbe Skeena Mlninr Dltliloo ot Refined young widow, no encumbrance, ex friends at the depot to bid them water, electric light. Now Clar Hydraulic Mlnlnr Compsny Limited, cassiar District. cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes Chicken Feed A Specialty. rented $12. Price, U 1,200. Non-personal Liability), DerendanL Where located: About De miles froa goodbye. By virtue of a writ of riera radas Is position or trust. Apply Box 105, Dally Terms. rlie liead of Alice Arm on "MMJle Creek." sued In this sctlon snd directed to me, I News. tf. TAkE NOTICE that I, tttt T kerfts Mall Ordars Promptly Attsndsd To. have seised Lease No. f ti on Gold Creek, J. Lewys, formerly a linotypo Wo write ilro insurance. as recorded In tbe mlnlnr recorder's omce of Prince nupert, B. C, Free aimer's Cef-lincate best Mo. (lOJIB, Intend sixty dajrt tna opcrator in this city and who has Only very companies. st Haielton, also all machinery, piping-, tbe date to to the MislM Ask us for your rate. tools, and other roods on the premises. hereof, apply HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. been upending a few days here re All of which I will offer for sale by public liecorder ror a Certificate of lmpnveiDenu, for the of obtaining s i:mo Onni FISHERMEN CARPSTS VACUUM CLEANED newing old acquaintanceships, left H. G. HELGERSON, LTD auction ror cash at my omce in the Court "f tbe purpose sbove claim. House, Prince Iluprrl, on Wednesday the for Kdmonton this morning. J 3rd or And further take notice that action, utile YACUUM CLEANING CO. day Aurust. 1010. at t:J0 o'clock ATTENTION I in the afternoon. r section 31, mull be commenced before . Ws CI tan Homss, Officii, Churchss NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Join SHIRLEY. Sheriff of tbe County ot the Issue of such Certificate ot Harrow W. F. Lake went south on the Lodg and School, rooms at low Atlin. Prince Rupert, Aurust 8, 19 16. menu. Dated this isth dsy of Mirth, . 0. Priest. Prince George this morning, on THE SELIG SPOON R. S. O. Chapttr 11B. HIS. Je' GOOD WORKGUARANTEED his way to join the Railroaders Robert Cecil Oosse hereby tires notice LAND ACT WM. T. kEBOn. Battalion at Valcartier. Mrs. Lake that tie has under Section 7 of tbs said PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS All Ordtrs Attsndsd to Immsdlalsly. Act deposited with tbe Minister or Public TRICT OF COAST, RANQE III. MINERAL ACT Is Now on the Market . is accompanying him to Vancou Works at Ottawa, and In tbe omce or the TAkE NOTICE tbst Psctnc Mills, Limited, District Heglttrsr or Titles at tbe Land of Vancouver, British Columbls, occupation. Ask your Dealer for It, OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. ver. Registry omce .at Prince nupert, Brit lib pulp and paper makers, intend to spply NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNIS and See that You Get It. PHONE GREEN 268. Columbia, a description of tbe site snd the ror permission to purcbsse tbe following TO I, A. ROOERS. Alex. Yule let for Vancouver plans of a wharf proposed to be built In described lands. Commencing st a post TAKE NOTICE tbst. whereii I ""J the north Skeena rasssge, at tbe mouth or planted on the north bsnk of k'oeye river, rsused to be done the ssienmrnt last evening on tho Princess Ma tbe Skeena River, British Columbia, In sbout one-quarter of mile up-stream for the yesr 19 1 on the minersl elim" It Gets Them Every Time qulnna, en. route for Ottawa where front of Lot one hundred and seventeen rrom the shore of Flti-Ilugb Sound: thence known at "Ladjblrd .Mo. 4" Mineral cm C. UNDERTAKERS (117). Range Ave () Coast District. Brit norm twenty chslns, thence estt twenty situated In Caicade Creek valley, o rtli w B. he will Join tho Forestry Battal Mt" ish Columbia. chains, thence south to river's back, thence Silver Lake. In the Stewart, . 1 ion. There was a largo gathering And take notice that, after tbe eiplratlon of along shore In a westerly direction to Dlitrlcti and the "Stumpy" Miueril CUim. SUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-BALMCRS one month from tbe date of tbe flrst puWl point of commencement and containing situated on the eait side of Cscsde Creel of his old friends at tho wharf to ADVERTISE IN SATISFACTION OUAR-S.NTEEO cstion or this notice, Itoberi Cecil Oosse roriy (40, acres, more or less. district, snd bare pd for said aise-ment OPEN DAY AND NIOHT wish him godspeed and a safe re will, under Section 7 of tbe said Act, apply nsitd June totb, Itifl. Sep to work tbe sum of ItOO.if, w'" 117 END STREET PHONE 41 to tbe Minister' of Public Works, st hi PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, u psy to mt the sum of llM-00 The Daily News turn. omce In tbe City of Ottawa, for spprovsl of by "Msrk Smsby." ArenL your sbsre of the ssld siieisment the said site snd plans, snd for lesve to together with tbe costs of this sd'ertw-st W. J. Lcdlie, of tho land regis construct tbs said wharf. kEE.M LASD E1STIUCT DISTIIICT OF lb hesd. in tbe ssld Siewsrt W" Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this t7lli COAST, IUN0E t. .n.n. .x.n .. ..nir.tlnn of ninety try oillce, who has been south on day of May, I o. TAkE notice that George Roderick Mc-kcMle, tsys from the dste hereof, spp'J JJ holiday, returned homo on the nOBEIT CECIL 0OSSE. of Prince Itupert, B. C, occupation Mining' liecorder st Stewsrt. B. C FRED STORK'S HARDWARE mJ0-JJ0. euglneer, Intends to apply for permission jnur Interest in tbe ssld Lsdytiii 1 wo Princess Alice this forenoon and to lease tbe rollowinr described lands: snd "Stumpr" Minersl Clslms ve-ieil J he did not return alone, but Coiuineneinr st a post planted st tbe la pursusnce of the proviiuns A Bui Lftvftf llmaltUn N. E. corner of T. L. Lot I7, nanre I, Minersl Atl." .. brought his bride with liini, Tho j toast District, rorcher Island, thence Dated at Prince Hupert, B. C . wis 710 SECOND AVE happy couple aro receiving th (GOLD WATCH FREE. south to chains, thence west 0 chains, tliy of November, 101 S. thence north 10 chslns LU.ND. to shore llnr. thnrj A, Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery hearty congratulations of man S KnlrhUomfS mi.i south-easterly following shore line to tbe w tru. Of Wire Cable 8teel Blooke Fishing Taokle friends. "V"- tlw MtAblUhaft.r point or commencement containing 3(0 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns vmiwMm u ftMff Ibft acres mors cr less, COAST, RANOE . " Sua. OEOROE nODEWCK MckENZIE. Rope Valves Ammunition W. H. Smith, of the Canadian H wnrtluuaat.VOW ftfetflM Mo U of Tonopsh. Nevsds. occupsilon "jJ p ftbtal. (m. Writ Pumps Hose Paint explosives Company, lias arrived war. uloalia u mU IkwU described Mr tbe rollowinr Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroi, laahtoatbU L.4L1' purchsm from Victoria to take over tho Uurcta. M DENTISTRY Coimnenclng at po "ln' eor, Met WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" management of tho local branch rrUM MJ4 to w too reet rssteriy irom iw ol""' ,.lfiti! m .,55 ner of Lot 40. lung. 4, u , in ttuccession to CROWN AND BRIDGE WORE Oeorgo Davis UfcM m :nenoe north io cnsmn ..-- f ' S. A SPECIALTY ro n Mnl, hslns who has gone to tho front. Mrs chslns: thence south 10 c lou ftSar. Wl nMr4 m U VftataM kt ot Mf tZmii on. J. S. BROWN less to the shore of Burf 4f FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Smith and family nro with him DENTIST following the shore lne W j" ,crl ami they havo already taken u SS U-S aa4 turn fnm commencement, contslnlng Will W mu-miUJkH UX)TI. oli2 Omssi Smith Block, Thlr Aisitus niore or less. their residence In tho city. Phone 484 Fbrusry II. III...... KIIEDEniCS. pn""-