The daily news vol v . o I'RINCK RUPKRT, U. C WFDN'FSDAY, AUGUST. 10, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENTt llilf Ti 0 7 W SAND CANAD AiS C7 C7 WEE FIRE ITALIANS APPROACHING TRIESTE-TOLMINO ABLAZE-AUSTRIANS ARE FLEEING NEW DIVISION AUSTRIANS ARE ! TALIANS NOW WILSON STANDS OF CANADIANS DISPERSED BY WITHIN REACH FIRM FOR EIGHT ON FIRING LINE RUSSIAN GUNS1 OF TRIESTE CITY HOUR DAY PLAN Ninety Thousand Canadians are Qallcia Swarms with Victorious Austrian Fleet Sails Tolmlno In Railroad Men Agree to Wilson's Now Fighting King George Russians Berlin Admits ' Flames and Liable to Fall Proposals President Will now Presents Decorations-Nurse British Advance Wll-helm any Moment Battleship Confer with Magnates-Hughes Honored. goes East. Sunk. a Fighter. Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Dally Newi.) ' (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Dally New.) i Ottawa, August 16. The fourth I'elrograd, Aug. 10, The west Rome, August 10. The Italians Washington, Aug. 10. Presi Canadian Division, under command ern banks of the rivers of Galfcia arc vigorously pursuing the Aus- dent Wilson yesterday placed a of General David Watson, are swarming with victorious rmns on the Carso Plateau and proposal before the le'aders of Russians, The gateway to the the advance guards are now within the Railwaymcn's Unions, with n of Ouebec. lias arrived in France, Carpathians has been captured thirteen miles of Trieste, the view to averting tho strike which making ninety thousand available and tho Austrian arc dispersing niporlant Austrian seaport and has been threatening for some Canadian troops on the immediate rapidly. Tho enemy cannot face naval base in the Adriatic. The time. Tho men agreed to the fighting line. General Odium, of the intense shelling from tho uslrian fleet, which was lying in terms proposed and.the President Vancouver Is in chnrge of one Russian big guns. Trieste harbor, has sailed for an will jiow call .in the money kinps brigade Berlin Admits Defeat. ' unknown destination. and railroad presidents to discuss Canadians Decorated. llerlin, Aug. 1C The Kaiser Unofficial Report. those proposals. It is expected I...ndnji, Aug. 10. His Majesty has gone to the eastern front Paris, August 10. An unofficial that the employers will bo satisfied King fienrge has Just returned where the Auslrians are clamoring report from Switzerland states with .Wilson's terms, which visit'to fr;m a week's the western for reinforcements. that the Italian's have entered the the men have already agreed to. front during which ho presented It is admitted that the suburbs of T&mino and that the President Wilson stands firm for ...4 ; n lArtfi I tina In Bniftml. . . officially III!I L.I I 1 U l'II UlllIIIH ..J C. I lirilish forces have occupied the Austrians are now evacuating the tho principle of an eight hour day. first line of German trenches city, which is now burning ns a Hughes Would Fight. On his return, Nurse F.lhel from to Pozieres. result of the Italian bombardment. Tacoma, August 10, "I would Thiepval Holme, cf the Canadian Red War Bonds. The fall of Tolmino Is expected fight for the rights of the United New York, August 10--A momentarily. States," said Charles E. Hughes, lloyal Red Cross, at Htickingham Ilritish movement has been inaugurated Dreadnought Sunk. the Republican standard bearer at and advertising, An explosion has occurred on a meeting hero last night. Ho nn at he front. the Itatian-dreadnnughtLonardo alf-4"ld his unuliftMca-.'lhatlitie campaign started'with a view to Italian Agreement. llritons t !a Vinci, while lying in the liar wouhJ not shrink from his obvious encouraging overseas H nicially announced that i r invest in the recently issued flvo bor.of Taranto, following a fire duty and declared that protection a : niplete understanding has bonds. which originated jn the kitchen of American citizens abroad cent, exchequer I arrived at between the Mrit-ish per It is believed that it will be pos-i should be effected at any cosL and Italian ministers on every iblo to refloat and repair the quest on which came up for discussion FAMILY STRICKEN WITH esl. Three hundred of her AID TO PRISONERS at the recent conference PTOMAINE POISONING crew were drowned. at Pallanza. Mrs. Cambie and Mrs. Homer Spanish Steamer Sunk. will have charge of the Red Cross A wire reached town last evening FISHERMAN DROWNED Madrid, Aug. lG-Tho Spanish salo of home-cooking in aid of tcai r I'ajrasarri has been sunk from Skidegato stating that OFF DOMINION CANNERY the Canadian prisoners of war in ly a submarine. Mrs. T. Sipes and the members ENEMY SUBMARINE MINE-LAYER CAUGHT BY THE BRITISH Germany, in the Red Cross rooms, of her family bad been stricken Upper picture shows oue of tho latest German mine-laying John Hrafudal Johnson, a fish- sixth Street, on Friday. Reports NORTH VANCOUVER ROBBED with ptomaine poisoning, resulting submarines caught by tho Dntisti und now on exhibition in the erman of 07, years of age, was received from prisoners who have from the eating of canned Thames. The lower picture shows the typo of mine carried. drowned in the Skeena yesterday been released show how poorly special to Tbe Dilly News.) salmon. Advice was sent by wire t I I . T 1 , I . near uoiiiiiuoii ouimery. n -?ius our Doys are red in the enemy N th Vancouver, August 10 and about midnight, Dr. J. P. small that he was out fishing in a camps, and a special effort should The pnlico here mystified ovcrJ Cade left for Skidegato on the NOT NOMINATED LIBERALS ATTENTION arc kiff, and, whilo paying out the be made by all ladies to provido Hie robbery of forty-eight hun Walroindo, kindly placed at bis Thero will be a meeting net, found his boat drifting too an ample supply of cooking. dred dollars in cash and six thou lisposal by George 11. Hull. This There seems to bo an in' the Liberal Rooms, far out. Reaching to handle the sand in cheques from the city morning, word reached town that idea abroad that Alderman Stork Block, on Friday sail, he got his foot entangled in KAISER NO MORE treasury. The funds were kept in Mrs. Sipes and one child bad died, George Casey is a candidate evening first at 8 o'clock. tho net and went overboard, tho an antiquated vault. and that tho others are in grave in the Atlin district, Speeches will be delivered net dragging nim down. Regina. August ' 10 The post danger. against F. II. Mobley and by well known local speak- Tho body was recovered and office department has changed tho BASEBALL Later. W. X. Macdonald. It is crs und arrangements brought to town last night and namo of Kaiser, Saskatchewan, to Tho Catholic Club boys dofeated Tho latest report from Skide absolutely certain that Mr. mado for tho carrying out placed in the parlors of the H. C Peebles. the Colls last night by 5 runs to gato is to tho effect that Mrs. Sipes Casey was not nominated. of tho campaign on behalf Undertakers. Interment will take 2 It was n reol good gamo "in and two children are dead and that T h e Vancouver papers of T. D. Pattullo. All in- place tomorrow morning at eleven which the C. C.'s got back to form Mrs. Sipes' mother and one child were responsible for the tcrested aro requested to o'clock to Falrview Cemetery. Majestic Theatre again, They will meet onco more are dying. error. bo nresent. this afternoon, when thero should WHEAT GAMBLERS HOUSE OF CLASSICS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY bo another good tussle. DIAGNOSED OWN CASE 1 1 Mutual Maattrplwa, featuring IRISH FUSILIERS T. P. VICE-PRESIDENT (Special to Tbe Dally News.) Margarita Flachar and C. Elliot Griffin Thero will bo bright speeches (Special to The Dallj News.) TO REMAIN HERE MAKING ALASKAN TOUR Chicago, Aug. 10. Wheat spec In gripping atory or romance, love, "t the Liberal Chicago, Aug. 10. Dr. Murphy, that and Intel me- -four acta rooms on Friday ulators deny tho accusation "A GIRL FROM HIS TOWN" night Ho there. the noted surgeon o f Mercy Tho Irish Fusiliers, who wore Tho official cars Transcontl thero is a conspiracy amongst MUTUAL WEEKLY Hospital, who died on Saturday, them to divert supplies of wheat Featuring Drat Mexican War to have guno south on the Chel- nejital and Magnet wero attached tcenea, diagnosed his own case ns angina New Orlean Mardl Qru, war new from Britain and that this is the ohsln last night, received orders to last night's train, bearing Mot and lateat Parla fathloiu in color. WESTHOLME pectoris, Ho assigned his body cause of the sudden unusual ad- to tho medical authorities for during tho day that they were to ley Donaldson, vice-president and Our Comadlaa art the baal than vanco which is telling against t and forget your troublaa OPKRA HOUSE scientific purposes. remain in this district until noli general manager of tho G. T. P British dealers. . Friday and Saturday Blancbe Sweet TONIGHT ONLY lied. Many nf the men were look and F. Holley, of the lluivau of In "The Blaeallat" 5 acts. Many Jane Novak mil Menard SUnum In will dUcover In inU photoplay a the mti Episode or A magnificent mooso head and iug forward to rejoining their Commercial Kcouomics at Wash NOTICE parallel with the happenlnr and "Q R A F T" two cariboo bends wero shipped families, whilo others, who had lugton. Hold gentlemen will mnk All ladies and gentlemen inter "Colorado"revelations' of the a year stale aro and when federal In "QUEEN OF THE rHOPHETS" east this morning, en route for transferred their families here, the found trip to Skagway. Mr ested in the prohibition movement Iroopa were called to quell war Tbanliouser Drum, London, F.uglaml, I ho moose had disposed of their furniture at Holley, who is collecting ilua for or death between striking; miners '"US. to abolish the saloon In II. C. are and mine ruards. i vrippinr acts. VAN RUYTER'S STRATEQEM" carried a remarknbly flno spread low prices preparatory to depart hU department ut Washington, i In two cti. requested to attend a meeting to IRVINQ CUMMINOS, FLO LA BAOIK of horns. ure. Undoubtedly thero was making tho trip at tho invitation bo held in tho city council room "OUT OF -'IN THE SHADOWS' little disappointment at the last uf tho Dominion government. Mr nn Tlnipail.iv nltrhl nt Rl!t 10 GO TO Two reel. William Halagno has Just ro mlnuto change, but all tho men Donaldson is making uu inspec UNIVERSAL WEEKLY ceived from Vancouver his $500 took it like soldiers, without a tlou of tho system, and wns ac R. P. Trimble, tho well known LONDON CAFE TIIUIISDAY IIEII FEATHER MIOIIT violin which ho loft thero for ro. murmur companied over tho coast sectlo mining man, Is likely to bo con. THE PLACE TO EAT ntlllAV CHAPLIN pairs Violin solos by this ac by Superintendent Kilpatriok. fined to tho hospital for tho next STRICTLY UNION HOUSE sati-'RDay Ettraordinary tlrac-'. complished young violinist wil WE NOW HAVE WASHED NUT The world-renowned English few days as.tho result of an ao. THIRD AVENUE lr. NAME Ill llkisa TEMPEST.J. In.. "Nits, now bo a feature of Majostlo pro COAL ON HAND. ALBERT & Mc Tho Dally (sews delivered by cfdent which happened to him lit BOXES FOR LADIES grams. CAFFEnY, PHONE 11G. carrier, SO couts per mouth- tho hills.