ctit bAfLY KEW8, Wednesday A .3 ,l f. Keeping Cool and PROMINENT PYTHIANS The Daily News PASatU THROUGH TODAY TuckcftVa Happy in Summer is easy HOUtl THE LEASING NEWS PATER tS NORTlttRN BRtTUM COLUMBIA for the man who knows what I r 1 rin P.ULfced Omilr ukJ WeeUy to eat. Keep cool and comfortable Turns prominent officers of tin- Guarantor Largest Circulation by eating Shredded Knights of Pythias arrived frum cigar Portland. Oregon, this morning, . .. . Wheat Biscuit with fresh 1 1.1 IJEAD OFFICE .YBi" r t'e most where they have been attending "cular smoker In nar fruit and vegetables. jCFcjX town. We Dally .News Duildln, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. n.C. Telephone 98. green what Make Shredded Wheat your the Supreme Lodge. The party . got Just he warn. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 tl per men. Contract meat during the sultry days. was composed of H. P. Broun, of 9 SSTZPi 0,L'8 C,QAR STORE rates on application. It contains more real bodybuilding Tesas. Grand Supreme Chancel Third Avenue - - - Prince Rupert nutriment than lor; k. R. Whealan, Supreme DAILY EDITION Wednesday. Aug. 16, 1916. meat or eggs. Serve with Kep r f Hccorda and Seala. wh berries or sliced bananas or ha pulil.-i.cii tne Pythian Recr I other fruits. ia Hh'-m .ijH-lis for thirl year?., NOT REPRESENTED As was very neatly pointed ad I". J. u. McArthur, Suprem Point Grey is in a similar out recently, William Man son's i. Sdhher Steamship Service r.e, at.ve. of Winnipeg. Ma; . Aitualkm to Prince Rupert, in qualities are entirely of the; Th e: t- met on arrival byH;t i that the provincial government negative order. He is known! Liet it and u-iiert McKay. i ALASKA AND YUKON sold, a good many lots there, only for what be doesn't do. He licials of the local lodge, and left Tho 8. 8. Prince ituperl or Prince i;-.,rg. and many of the purchasers is of the "harmless' lype, fur the east on the train. leave I'rince Rupert every Wednesday at 12 have defaulted in their payments wbose qualities are summed up no -n for Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skafrway. Connecting and also in paying their and erystalized in one great 0. at Skagway with the White Pass and Yukon lloute. MARGARITA H-.-H AT SOUTHBOUND taxes. Point Grey took the City Solicitor Peters is now Made in Canada MAJESTIC THEATRE The S. S. Prince Rupert or Prince George leave Prince matter up with Victoria and the entering into a discussion with Rupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. ni. for Vancou. . government entered into an Victoria oq this question and Fischer is the big attraction ver, Victoria and Seattle. noying the Dowseriles horribly. Margarita Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Island. with that mtmlel-pality agreement is making the demands of at the Majestic tonight in The part that hurls is that Bowser TRAIN SERVICE to pay the taxes on the Prince Ruppert clear, namely, the Mutual Masterpiece, "A Oirl Trains leave Prince Rupert every Monday. Wednesday lots which had reverted, up to that this city wants the same cannot deny that he handed over and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg; and all points Last millions illegally to the Pacific from His Town." It is a four-act and South. Mixed train leave Prince Rupert every Saturday 1920. treatment at the hands of the drama of romance, love and in 6 a, m. Special weekend fare to Terrace and return 4 iu Great Eastern, while bis firm Fur full information tc reservations apply to city ticket ;!; .. Prfne Rupert is in the same government as has been meted in which this great star trigue, acted as agents for that company. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2G0 position as Point Grey. Many out to Point Grey. Had Prince of the film is given ample oppor lots In wbieh the government Rupert bad a representative in SUN AND TIDE tunity to display her powers as holds an equity,have arrears the Legislature, there would an emotional actress. The Mutual of taxes against them, but the have been no necessity for the Thursday, August 17th. Weekly provides some fine CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY government in the past has city solicitor to take the matter Mexiean and European Sun rises 5:21 a. m. war scenes refused to do anything towards up now. In the future, Prince Sun sets 7:56 p. m. war pictures. Two good comedies Lowest Rates to all Eastern Fointa paying those taxes, yet Point! Rupert will have a real live igh water ...3:50a.m. Ht. 20.0 make up a most attractive show, via Steamer to Vancouver and the Grey has received just exactly representative; not a man.who Low' water . . .9:5 4 a. m. Ht. 3.8 in wbich the music is a special CANADIAN Meals and Berth PACIFIC included RAILWAY on Steamer what Prince Rupert has been is known for what he does not feature. and Saturday. High water ....4:6p.m. HI. 20.7 Friday refused. do, but a man who wilhflght to Low water ...10:31 p.m. II t. 4.2 Blanche Sweet will appear in "The Princess Maqulnna for Qranby, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. This is just another example the last ditch until this city is Blacklist," a great strike story. . Princess Sohla Southbound Saturday, August 19th. of the sort of representation granted what it should have. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Be at the Liberal Rooms Friday this city has had in Victoria. night. SACRAMENTO ELKS Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports, Monday, August 21st. William Manson sat in the NOTES AND COMMENTS ON ALASKAN TRIP J. 1. PETERS, General Agent house while the agreement with "ADoUarlnTime, Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Point Grey was entered into, In conjunction with the recent There was a party of about a yet he never raised his voice to rumor from Ottawa of a Federal Saves Nine hundred Elks from Sacramento on ask for a similar arrangement election, the jiews of Sir Robert the Prince Rupert this morning MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. for this city. He must have Borden's prospective tour of the VISIT to The Bank of making the Alaskan trip. They R. S, C Chapter lit. A British North America known the situation here, yet west this fall looks as if something for the purpose of jwere a remarkably happy family Certificate of Improvements Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific Railatr Ua- be allowed Point Grey to get were about to happen in the and all expressed delight with the pany hereby rives notice that it bu gaatr what it wanted without a murmur. political world. depositing part of your 'trip up the coast and also with NASTURTIUM. IRIS FIUCTIU.I. BELLIS Uua 7 of lb said Act depueitcd a the Minister of Public WurU earnings, becomes a pleasant at Utusi We would not expect him the service on the O. T. P. steamer. rRACTIO.1, GE.NTIA". BLUE BELL FRAC-TIOM, and in tbe oCQce ot the District Rtrstrir and profitable habit,when onoe to object to the agreement with The London press is ominous About half of the party were COSMOS FRACTIOn, THISTLE of tbe Land lie entry OBce, tunnel ef you have acquired it, fK-M-TlO.t. MAR10OLD fRACTIO.t, ULAC Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, s it- Point Grey, as that agreement ly silent in regard to Sir Sam ladies and everybody seemed to niACTIOX. TER.N KRACTI0.1, PL"E APPLE acripuoo ot tbe site and pisas t am- The dollar you use to open rR.ACTIO.1, COXCOMB, BEOO.MA FILVC-riu., bouse propwsed to be built la Prtsee Bu-pert is perfectly Just, but surely, as Hughes. Sam is not interviewed have a camera, so that Prince account in the Savings MINERAL CLAIMS situate In tbe Harbor at Prince Rupert, ariwa Ge the representative of the interests like be used to be. Probably Lon an Rupert will be getting a whole lot Queen Charlotte District. located at or bear iutsbia. In front or wsurfruat B1clv-"i of this city, he might have don has read of the Kitchener Department in turn saves of very effective free advertising. Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, province accordinc to rerlstered plan ot taTuaa' others, as the habit of saving or UMlUh Columbia, and lawfully beld by site of the said city of Prltxe Raperl eight there secured a similar letter about the Ypres salient. Ikeda Mines Limited. postud in the aroresaid LaaJ Rciutri agreement for Prince Rupert. grows. a Bui imimii TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Mscl&nis, omce as No. 111. solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND TAKE NOTICE that trier U u-ptraUon THE BANK OF Imagine T. D. Pattullo letting has I KIOLD WATCH FREE. din o( Washington now published miners' certificate No. 70111 B, intend of one mootb from tae after the eiptrstlon or suty days from tbe first publicauon of uus aetice, tut such an opportunity slip. Had its third edition" of war notes. It British North iWrka' a miiUmrnMi flpa tim trem mm nl,W tbe date hereof to apply cm behalf ot tbe orand Trunk Pacific Hsilwsy Comtaoj ad T. D. Pattullo been on the opposition will make very quiet, peaceful 79 YEAHS IN BUSINESS. jBWL Sim.WllrtM. m ftriac mmg said Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for under Section 7 or tbe said Ad apply to jk a certificate or Improvements for tba purpose the Minuter or Public Works st bis uSa benches, instead of on reading and is guaranteed not to S7.S8f.0O4. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. of obtainlsr a Crown Orant to tbe in the City of Ottawa for apprvtil ( the government side, as was stir up any warlike impulses. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH above claims. said site and plans, and for Itsve to cav FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat acUon AND struct tbe said wartbouse. William Manson, he would have W.J.SMITHERS,Manager under Section II of tbe Mineral Act mutt Dated at Wtnmper. Manitoba, this in raised the question so strongly The Bowser press in the south be commenced before tbe issuance of sucn dsy of May A. D. IS It. v that Bowser would have been did not reproduce that part of MINERAL ACT S'r'ly kU mnum certificate of improvements. THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIIVT1I Dated this list day of Msy, A. D. tttt. COMPANY. forced to do something or suffer Mr. Pooley's speech in which he Certificate of Improvements vSfe '- nua, mn JOHN A. MACL1NES, IL IL HANSARD. SeHettor. Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. nomi4 m ia kl- the consequences. Even in threatened the livelihood of four NOTIOI situate In U torn tin. trBt rve ua ymi, tnit MINERAL ACT Ulnt-rst Claim, opposition T. D. Pattullo would men because they happened to be Silver Bow MAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION .. ACT, Skeena Mlnlnr DiTlflon of Casslar District. ' h..t IhinX i ?u t-x vao4 Ml M Uu. let mm4 have done more for Prince Ru Liberals. The Bowser press is Where locate:- At tbe bead or a branch j m,U m Ml n .k.4r' L:H tmim trm LJOTD.mum. toa R. S. C CAP. 116. um Creek aboU four miles from the jmlnikM... kuiii m1. lf.iii.SW. Certiflcate of Improvements of pert, on that occasion, and on paid to publish just what the boss beach on th um tide or Alice Arm. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby rive NOTIOE many similar occasions, than vants published. TAKE NOTICE that I, Genre R eden. Douce tbat it bas, under Section 7 of the Casta Mineral Claim, situate la tin , William Manson has done Irac Miner's Certificate No. 9iO6B. aetlnt W said Act, deposited with the Minister ot ekeena Mlnlnr Division of Cassisr Diitrlft on at treat for Tbos. McRostle, Free Miner FIRE ALARM SYSTEM public Works at Ottawa, and In the omce Wbere located: About four raltee frsa 1 the side of the government. Tli at Brewster writ Is still an- Certificate Mo. emtB, and James L. Hatch, a of tbe Rerutrar Oeneral cf Titles at Vic tbe beach on tbe south side of Alice Am Free Miner's Certincata No. 87t(B, In toria, British Columbia, a description of at the bead of a branch cf Lime CrrtL tend, suty days from the data hereof, to OlftOUIT NO. 1. tne site and tbe plans of certain structures TAKE NOTICE mat I. Oeorre R. t apply to toe Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certifi to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one rree Miners Certiflcate No. HQi. cate ct Improvements, for tne purpose cf Bai 12 -Hh SL and Ird Ave. (II , Ranre Three (1), Coast District. tend, suty days from the dste hereof. cbuinlnr a Crown Orant or tbe above Bo ! eto SL and ird Ave. BrlUsb Columbia, at th bead of Cousins apply to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for a CerO-cate Launch AliceB. Claim. Boi i lib St. and Ird av. inleL of Improvements, for the pun And further take notice that action. Boi IB Jucetlon ot lit. lot so J AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ei-ptrstlon obtsininr a Crown Orsnt of the iM under section St, must be commenced before Ird Aves. of one mootb from tbe date of claim. Leaves Davis riott for tbe Issue of such Certiflcate or Improvements. & l 1.k A.c uciwmi lu ,uq the first publication of this Notice, Pacific And further tike notice tksl i UetlakaUan, Sunday 4t 0 tin u. ooi Hotel.) Mills, Limited, will, under SecUon 7 under section SI, must be commeeced te-tora and It a. m and t and I Dated this stin air or Mircn, a.u. ivic e 17 lit Ave. and 7t& St. (Ceo of the said Act. apply to tbe Oovernor-ln-Council tbe Issue of such Ceruficate ef Improvements. p. m. GEORGE R. NAD EM. trsl Howl.) for approval or the slid site and For term and particulars plan. Dated this tela day of March. A.D. ll-OEOHGE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC OIRCUIT NO. X. Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia, It N ADEN. Call TION ACT Bos M Ird Ave. and Ird SL this ttth daj ot April. A. D. 1916. .W. i. THOMAS, Phone. n. . a CHARTER 116. (Post Omce.) bODWELL, LAW80N Ii LANE. ACT Qreen 391. Tbe Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Boi Ird Ave. and McBrtde 8L Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. MINERAL bereby rives notice that It bas under Sec Boi 24111 Ave. and McBrtde Ot. Notlco to Delinquent Partnirs. Hon 7 of said act deposited with tbe Minuter Boi 2S fnd Ave. end fnd 81 MINERAL ACT Te O. W. Maiwsil and Chsrlsi N,ch',J; of Public Works at Ottawa and la tbe Bos as tnd Ave. and (to SL TAKE NOTICE thai whereas I bsM otnee of tbe District Rerlstrar of tbe Land Bi r7 O. T. P. Rlvermouth Fractional mineral rlaim, and caused to be done assessment Tickets Rerlstry District at Prince Rupert. B. C CIRCUIT NO. a. situated In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Division ot on the Wolf Mineral claim, sllusted si t" a description of tbe site ana tne puns Cassiar DlitricL bead of Alice Arm. Observstory ","L of wbanrea and power bouse proposed to Boi II lib Ave. snd rulloo SL Where located: At tbe besj of A I lev ihe Skeena minlne; division of 8kfM be built at the bead of Burr Inlet, Princess Bos 2 aorden" and Taylor Sis. Arm. adjolninr tbe Rlvermouth and Carl Irlct, assessment work for the ytsrs H'-1 to and from Norwey, Sweden, Dtn-mark, Royal Island. In front of Lot 40, Rinse 4 Bes 14 Ttb Ave. and rultoo SL boo mineral claims. 114. and It IS. and have paid for Finland, Italy and Russia. Coast District, o c Bet 88 th Ave. and Comos Ave. TAKE NOTICE that I. O. R. Naden, Free work and recordlnr same, the sum SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK And take notice that after tbe explrsUon Res 7 ta Ave. ind Dodre pj. Miners' Certificate No. l,09u, actinr ai IJ07.I0, Unless you pay me the sua "Oscar ii." Aurutt tiu of one month from tbe date of the first Bei II lb Ave. sod Tbomesoa 8L srent for Carrie Pratt, free Miners Cer 111 1.10, for your share of the saia s "kritiuniarjord" Aurust tetn publication or tbls notice tbe Surf Inlet lifirale No. tl,9UB, Intend, ality dayi tessment work, loretber with the esi "Stockholm" ........ Aurut f6tn power Company Limited will, under Sec CIRCUIT NO. 4. from tbe date tereof, to spply to ttu ibis advertisement. I shall, at the eipi" "Berrensfjord" Sept tetn Hon 7 or tbe stld Act, tppljr to tbe Mln Bas 41 4U Ave. and Lmioerson Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, lion of ninety (0 dsys from tM M riavt Your Reservations mad Early. Itter of Public Works, at bis omce in PL for mlnlnr tbe purpose of obtatnlni hereof spply to the ffof:r.. For Ocneral Rates. Information Illustrsted Apply Folders to and the City or Ottawa, for spproval ot tbe Ooi 42 - lib ava. nj McBrtde st. a Crown Orant ot the above claim. Prince Rupert. B. C. t0 rou' 'Dd said site and plana and for leave to construct Bos 4a ttb Ave. and Qreen SL And further take notice that action, esjs In tbe Wolf mineral claim t,'",tt, OYBHAVN A HANSON the said wharves and power bouse. Boi e tin Ave add DaiU SL under section it, must be commenced before me, In pursuance of the provisions Imuran? and Steamship Agtncy, Dated at Vancouver, R. C, tbls tftn Boa 45 7th Ave. ana Kaarta. tbe Issue or surb Cer till cate of Improvements. mineral scL lt day of May. Hit. Bei 141 7 lb Ave. and Ymnt St. at Rupert. C. lB" Prince Rupert, 0. C Dated Prince THE SL'Rr INLET POWER COMPANY, Dated this Urd of day December, A. b day or February. lt. May tn. Il, jjtt Apr. t. ml. 1. E. STARK. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON B - PRINCE RUPERT, HI