Wednesday Augt TUC DA1M MMWi l0,8 MERMAID HAD SWIM Local News Notes IN HARBOR MONDAY Fresh Sweet Bread Free! Let Us Save Ybu Money on your Gasoline or Distillate Urcnil and butter pecial nt S-.iiiP f'dks around the govcrn-inMit THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY, THIS WEEK Fuller & McMeeklns. 8oe ad. wharf thought they saw a WE WILL GIVE FREE mermaid swimming in the harbor ONE LOAF OF LACASSE otine or dUtllUte and BREAD We (pirnt to ssve you 25 per cent on upkeep and free any motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce L. M. do Oex returned last on Monday afternoon, as, Just ofT With every tale containing 2 lbs. of box of CarbonToid U equivalent to 60 gallons of frasoline. Every box of CarbonvoU wl save you evening from a fishing trip in the the float of the Prince Rupert OUR OWN BRAND BUTTER Joourt! Carbonvoid puts the $&X;$SZ Interior, Boat House, a smiling face, lit up by two laughing blue eyes, an-peared, Our Own Brand Butter is known ns the foi-sl bu' fuVtfct'th: : "GO" in Gasoline : ' &rt Miss McTavish, of Philadelphia, the whole surmounted by llgperl and clls for 10 cents per pound. Buy 2 lbs 1 w all carbon from cylinders. The move larrest companies In the world use it THE ALLIES ORDERED is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. n cute bathing cap which bar.'ly nnd get a loaf of fresh, sweetbread free of charge. IN JUNE 283,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250.000 cartons. Fully M. Manson. of silken tresses. The hid a mass guaranteed oryour money refunded. Mailed anywhereon receipt of f 1.50 ; ' ' " lilalr Fleming, representing boys became still more interested Fuller & McMeekin made for Iho float: when the figure Fop Sale Only by Mooncy's BUcuils, is here on a LEADING QROOERS PHONES 56 and B72 Frlnce RuPert B-c- clambered aboard; grabbed a rain Geo. L. Clayton, - business trip. eoat and a towel, and skipped tip to the government wharf a -J n. T. Ferguson, a innipeg aboard the Princess Sophia. barrister, is spending a few days It seems that the young lady in the city. was one of the tourists boun l Nr "The Daily News" AKERBERG, THOMSON swimmer SAVE Miss Talander was amongst Alaska; she was a good CLASSIFIED ADS. COMPANY km- passengers arriving from the and the water looked tempting. el Agents for the south this morning. There were not many folks around PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY so she donned a bathing suit on YOUR PHONE 525 F. II. McFecley, of McLennan A board and was into the water before WANTED. McFeeley, arrived from the south anyone realixed Just what WAITED Apply Box Second-band 109 Dally News.high omce desk. Me i M. afansoo, 8.A. today on a. business trip. had happoned. On coming out, MONEY W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B she admitted that tho water was WASTED First-class Baker. Apply aty Bakery. tf. WILLIAMS A MANSON COAL Favorite Ladysmith a trifle cold but declared that she LOST Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wellington lump and nut, best results. had enjoyed the swim immensely. FOR THE Phone 15. P. R.CCo. tf. MONEY TO LOAN LOST i-foot Uunch, painted white, with Boa list ATTRACTIVE BILL AT Blick canopy Eastbope engin. Phon llelrerson Block Prince Rupert B. C Mrs. J, II. McLeod has returned WESTHOLME THEATRE Dominion War Loan from Lakt'Ist; where she has been LOST Ladies rold wach between post-omce and general hospital. FlrfJer pending the past few weeks. There is another big show at please return to Dally News omce and TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER.' receive reward. ll Prince Rupert Feed Co. the Westholme tonight when William Tultle returned from P. O. Bos 333. 80S Third Av. IUchard Stanton and Jane Novak FOR RENT the interior last evening, bringing RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS appear in the 17lh episode of FOR RE.NT OR SALE Three-roomed bouse, WE HANDLE some ore specimens with him. "Graft.' This story Is entitled "nicely situated, foot Elf tun Avenue. Seal "Queen of the Prophets," and is By purchasing a bond you will help Cove. 14.00 per month. 'Lots or free nev. Mr. Dallas, of Edmonton, to WIN THE WAR and obtain for fuel. Apply box I0, Dally News, tf Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, Just as' thrilling as the others. arrived from the south this morn yourself an Investment of tho highest and Brlgg's. There is also a good.Thanhauser FOR SALE Garden and Field Seeds. ing and left for homo on tho class yielding a most attractivo rato two-net drama, "Mrs. Van Ituy- FOR 8UT mim nhlnr boat. 31 feet Also Fertilizers. train. ler's Stratagem," while Irving of Interest Jonr. 10-foot beam, 14 h.p. Reral en-tine, Wa Take Orders for Nursery Cummings arid Flo La Iladi will cylinders, 4 cycle heavy duly, Stock. Dan. McLeod left for the Ssilver also gasoline launch all covered in cabin, be presented In "Out of the Shadows," S6 fL lonr, . beam. Up. engine, Hay, Qraln and Feed at Standard Mine this morning and both lylnr Vancouver. Snap for Immediate Vancouver Prices. expects to spend a few days in another two-reel feature. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE purchaser; owner enlisting. Universal good Weekly com Apply Box 110 Dally Kews. 1SS. the Hazellon district. OTTAWA. Chicken Feed A Specialty. pletes a fine show. Tomorrow is MISCELLANEOUS Welch & Ilcd Feather night and Chaplin Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Dan McLeod, of Foley, Renned younr widow, no encumbrance, excellent Stewart, was amongst those ar will tie tiere on rnuay. cook and housekeeper, wishes from the south on the position of trust Apply Box 10$. Dally riving LAND REGISTRY ACT. Kews. If- Prince Ilupert today. HANDY WORK OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Notice Under Section 38- TAKE NOTICE that an application has LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED BEST QUALITY DOMESTIO been made to re inter Olar Hanson, of There were sixty harvesters frlnce Rupert, B. C, as the owner in LUMP HOTEL VACUUM CLEANING CO. WANTED bound for the prairie on the Fee-almple, unler a Tai Sal Deed from IS flOW OPEN TO CCMTS . Wa Clean Horns, Office, Churches Prince Ilupert this morning. They the Collector of the air of Prince Rupert COAL Lodge and School, rooms at low to Olat Hanson, bearing date the totb day One or tbe largest Hot Sprtnri k Experienced Bridge men.and Price. left for the east on the train. ot September, A. D. Kit, la pursuance S9.50 Ton Cash on America, circumference 1 J feet--Temperature Track Tracklayers per men. f a Tat Sale held by said Municipality on of Water, 119 i. Tat. General Construction Laborers GOOD WORKGUARANTEED or about the 9th day of September. 1(11 Delivery to Join the 239th Battalion, George II. Munro has got a of all and slnrilar certain parcel or tract Ecllnt Trout PWhlne la UIUm Overseas Railway Money Back If Not Satisfactory All Order Attended to Immediately. contract to build a customs house of und and premises situate, lying-, and Lk. Construction Corps. i belu In the City of Prince Rupert In the Phone Connection with TirrK. Drafts leaving Vancouver, I at Port Nelson, and leaves tonight Province ot British Columbia, more pra 13. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. RATES I 12.BO pr Uf. to start work. John Nelson goes ticulariy known and described as; Lot UNION TRANSFER CO. weekly. PHONE GREEN 268. ten (10), Block el th teen (IS), Section For rurtber particulars, apply t He attested and forward with him to assist. six (), Map ((3. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Mnt. and papers to Vancouver, You and those claiming through or under i transportation will be arranged you, and all persons claiming any Interest J Fred Ititchie, accompanied at once. In the said land by descent whose Utl communications SHERIFF'S SALE OF HYDRAULIC MINING Send all by J. Ilinman, an eastern capital ! not registered under the provisions ot MINERAL ACT LEASE ON GOLD CREEK to: Olllcer commanding, the "Land Registry Act" sre required to 239th Battalion, C. E.F. B. C. UNDERTAKERS 1st who is becoming interested in contest the claim or the tax purchaser IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Certificate of Improvements 175 Cordova St., W. mining in this district, arrived within forty-five days of the service of COLUMBIA NOTICE o. r. rinch, puintirr Vancouver, B. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND i this notice upon you. Otherwise you and "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mineral Cu SALVERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED from t)ie south this morning. each ot you will be forever estopped and - -vs. situste In tbe Skeena Mining Dl'Uloa t Casslar Hydraulic Mining Company Limited, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Catslar DlstrtcL debarred from setting up sny claim to or (.ton-personal Liability), DefendanL 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 in respect or the said Isnd, and I shall Where located; About Dve mllei M I shall have After tho holidays By virtue of a writ of flera facias Is "Middle Crlr the bead of Alice Arm on register the said Olar Hanson as owner sued In this action and directed to me, 1 a few vacancies ior pupus ior in fee. TALE MOTICE that I. Wtt T, have selied Lease .No. tss on Gold Creek, Your attenUon is called to section of Prince Ilupert. B. C Free M iner t Co-tiflcaie piano instruction (Leschetizky as recorded In the mining recorder's omce M of the "Land Registry Act" and amend .No. 940SB, Intend slity dsys also all at llazelton, piping, FISHERMEN L. J. (Con machinery, tbe date hereof, to apply to the tm Mrs. Bay method). ments, and especially to the following ei tools, and other goods on the premises, FOR SALE Recorder for a Certificate of improw tract therefrom which relates to the above servatory education), 1220 Second .VII or which I will offer for sale by public i.r0n for tbe purpose of obtaining a notice. auction fof cash at my office in tbe Court ATTENTION I Avenue. Phone 497. 201 "And In default ot a caveat or certificate House, Prince Rupert, on Wednesday the -t tbe above claim. Lots 19 and 20, block 35, In of Us pendens being filed before the (3rd day or August, 1916, at t:30 o'clock And f urtber lake notice that action.bfW Lane registration as owner of the persons en dcr section J7, mul be eomm actl 1. section corner on Four Sisters of St. Joseph ar. In the afternoon. THE SELIG SPOON Third Ave. Lots have been titled under such tax sale, all persons so JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of the ltsue or such Ceninrsie of Impm and rived from Toronto last evening served with notice, or served with notice Atlln. Prince Rupert, August S, 1(10. ments. brought to street grade under subsection (6) of section Its of Dsted this 1 6lh dsy of March. basement excavated, at a and have taken up their residence Klo the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 190,' or see . cost of 81,000. Price for the 5th Avenue, West, where they tlonS(3 of the 'Municipal Act.' or section LAND ACT WM. T. ktROI-N. Is Now the Market on Ion of the 'Assessment PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS cash and IJ9 Act. 1(0,' or pair, $2,850. $950 a school. They were Ask your Dealer for It, open section tiS of the 'TsiaUon Act,' In caies TRICT OP COAST, RANOE III. MINERAL ACT balance arranged. met at the train by Mrs. Besner In which notice under ibis Act Is dispensed TAKE .NOTICE that Pacific Mills, Limited, and See that You Get It. with as hereinafter provided, and thoe of Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, fART House and lot near Cold Mrs. Oavigan, Mrs. Morrissey, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT claiming through or under tbem and all pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply Storage. House is 20 X 30, Father Cocola and Father Bunoz persons claiming any interest in the lsnd for permission to purchase tbe following TO TAKE J. A. NOTICE ROGERS,thst, wberf I u' plastered, 4 rooms, bath, by virtue of any unregistered Instrument described lands. Commencing at a post iismt It Gets Them Every Time water, electric light. Now ' W. I. Thams, formerly with and all persons claiming any interest In planted 90 tbe north bank of Koeye river, for esused the to year be 19 don U on th tbe mineral els' descent about one-quarter of a mile the Und by whose title Is not up-stream Mineral CM rented $12. Price, $1,200. known "Ladybird Ko. I" a Dybhavn & Hanson, is now in the registered under the provisions of this Act, from the shore or Fltx-IIugh Sound; thence Cascade Creek vai:?y, o-jrtn d Terms, situated in l shall be for ever estopped and debarred north twenty chains, thence east twenty , M. I . of the Viking a,,... i.k. ih. li.i.rl paymaster's ofik'c chains, thence south to river's bank, thence from setting up any claim to or In reipect " :tr" Wo write flro insurance. at Camp Hughes. He finds th of the land so sold for Uies." along shore In a westerly direction to District; and th "Stumpy CcJ Only very best companies. situated on the east side of ADVERTISE IN point of commencement and containing Dsted st the Land Registry Office, at Ask us for your rate. prairies uncomfortably warm but forty district and have paid for ssid the City of Prince Rupert. Province of (40; acres, more or less. lierMi likes the life and is looking for British Columbia, this 19th day ot January, Dated June totb. tots. septt ment work the sum of II08-" of The Daily News H. G. HELGERSON, LTD A. D. Kit. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, you pay .to m the sum r ird to seeing his two boys wh H. P. MACLEOD. District Registrar. by "Mark Smaby." AgenL your sbsre of the ssid snessment"'" are both in. .hospital In Scotland To Paul M. Schubert. Lily Schubert together with tbe costs of tbli , SkEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF at the head. In the said Stewart COAST, HA.N0E S, ment, I hll. at tbe eiplratu a of Hi Salvation Army. NAVIaABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT TAKE notice tbat George Roderick Mckenzie, cays from the date hereof, apP'J " R. S. O. Chapter 116. of Prince Rupert. B. C, occupation Mining Recorder at Stewart. B. 1 f. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Robert Cecil Gosse hereby gives nouce engineer, Intends to apply for permission your Intere! In Ih said "Ladjtiira a Public meetings, Tuesday he has that under Section 7 of tbe said to lease the following described lands: and 'Stumpy- Mineral Claims vciiea Thursday and Saturday at 8 p, m Act deposited with the Minister ot Public Commencing at a post planted at the in pursusnce of tb provlsl m 01 Works at Ottawa, and In tbe omce of tbe X E. corner of T. L. Lot "Mineral Act." Sundays at 7:30 p. m. District Registrar of Titles at tbe Land 1719, Range S, lhll iti Coait District, Porcber Island, thence Daled at Prince Ilupert, B. 710 SECOND AVE Registry office at Prince Rupert, British south to chains, thence west SO chains, lay of November, 1911. Columbia, a neicriptton of tbe site and the thence Ll,sn north so chains to shore Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery plans of a wharf proposed tu be built in south-easterly line, thence Wire Cable Steel Blooks Fishing Taokle PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. tbe north Skeena Passsge, at the mouth or point of commencement)following shore containing line to StO the SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of tbe Skeeoa River, British Columbls, in RANOE . Iron Pip Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns front of Lot one hundred and seventeen acres more cr less. COAST, Frederick Uf, GEORGE RODERICK Mck'E.NZlE. TAKE NOTICE that Rope Valves Ammunition (117), Rang nve (II Coast District. Brit occupatl" Announce that they have purchased isn coiumoia. if Tonopah. Nevada, B tba business of the Prince Rupert apply for Intend to Hose Paint ager. Pumps And Uk notice that, after tba expiration 1 x ot M Trsnrer Company and solicit a eon. purchase tbe following dM , Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugsted Iroi. one montn rrom we ait of the flnt puMi Pu"'c tlnuance or the patronare or the DENTISTRY Commencing at a poll , (0f. cation or tbla notice, Robert Cecil Got "" customers or that Brm. from tb n "WE 8ELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" will, under Section 7 of tbe said Act, apply 100 feet easterly Careful attention to all orders to tbe Minister of Public Works, at hi CROWN AND ner of Lot 40. nange (, ' J11 , ,i BRIDO.K WON tbcnr for Cartage and Coal. office In tbe City or Ottawa, for approval of A SPEOIALTV rhence north 10 ebsinsi 10 rha ni (f the said site and plans, and for leave to chslnsi thence souil) nff construct tne saia wharf. DR. J. S. BROWN less to the shore of Surf FRED STORK'S HARDWARE PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, tbla I7tli DENTIST following the shore contslning line to frt commencement, PHONE 03. day or May, i vis. ROBERT CECIL OOSSE. omsi ninth uoca, Thire aru more or less. mJ0-J10. Phone 4S4 I'ibruary IS, I He. FREDERICK RDSHW