rtit toAILY 1SKWS. Tln -ulay , H i j f MARGARITA FISCHER AT NO ALUM COOL tiVt'rV.' S The Daily News THE MAJESTIO THEATRE TuckcftVi THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITU.JI COLUMBIA P.k!i.l.l n.ti. ...4 W..LU A Olrl From Ills Town ' the PCU)ECIAL j Ouaranteed Largest Circulation four-act Mutual Masterpiece nt HEAD OFFICE the Majestic. Is djMghlfiilly entertaining. J&V y'r ,09k,nR for Uio most Margarita Hscher. 7 7 V tlcnlnr mokrr In par. Dally News Dullding, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. ft.r.. Telephone 08, iJX as a village choir girl who has ho wants. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTI8INO 50 nun t ' h ''nntracl become a musical comedy star. Is eMttntmij OIL'8 CIQAR STORE rates on application. in a role which suits her r-rcily. Third Avenue - - - Prince Rupert She Is in love with the world nnd DAILY EDITION Wti Thursday, Augtiat 17, 1910. the male half reciprocates. There are many anuning f iluatlt'iis, especially when stout, sedate, old (7' BOWSERIAN EXCUSES over A. C. Fluirierfcll. In both When M. A. Macdonald ad. Mr. Ruggles sets tn work in li -nd cities, there was an extraordinarily Summer Steamship Service ministered such a trouncing to her orr from marrying a xto.ilthy heavy poll,, the reason he H interested. youngster in whom TO C. K. Tidall In the Vancouver - Iiy-clcction in February, the being that, at the previous It Is a mot enjoynMc ALASKA AND YUKON election, many thousands of photoplay from start to itnlsh. Tho S. 8. I'rince Ilupcrt or Princo Gt-TRf Uoweritc. claimed that the tried to be honest in alt my trans, leave Prince Ilupcrt every Wednesday lit to electors were quite content to There is also a goo Mutual result was duo to the fact that actions." noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway. Con-.: U so many thousands of Conservatives let things slide, as they had t Weekly showing vivid Mexican ing at Skagway with tho While Pass and Yukon lloutc, voted for the Liberal such glorious dreams of real Tho Bowserilcs seek to excuse scenes, including a picture of SOUTHBOUND candidate. The local Bowser estate wealth. Today, the people the Parliament Buildings scandal Villa and his lniT. A pretty little Tho S. S. Princo Hupert or Prince Ocorgo leave Pna llupert every Saturday nnd Monday at iu a. m. for Vanu' u.' organ gave that as the only of the province aro awake on the ground that contractor McDonald drama entitled "Seeds of Jcnl-ousy' vcr, Victoria and Seattle. reason, in fact ft claimed the to real conditions, and arc experiencing lost money on the deal. nnd n most laughable comedy Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands. return of Mr. Macdonald as a no illusions. They Harry Price, in awarding the subcontracts, make up n good show. In Princo TRAIN SERVICE Trains leave Hupert every Monday. Wcdncay victory for the Conservatives. know that this province has saw that his friends which tho music is a most pleasing and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all points last It was. It was a Conservative been looted, from stem to stern did not take the contracts at too feature. and South. Mixed weekend train leave fare Princo to Terrace Ilujicrt every Sat r. 0 and d.y n. m. Special return 4 lo victory over Bowserism, and and from keel to truck, as a low prices. For full information & reservations apply to city ticket c. There will be bright speeches Just such another victory will sailor would say, and they are THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 at tho Liberal rooms on Friday bo scored throughout the province out to elect an honest, decent The Bowser excuse for reducing Be there. on September Uth. government, with II. C. Brewster the Mackenzie &. Mann registration night. C. K. Tisdall, however, attributed at its head. fees from $li,000 to 8200 his defeat In February The Bowser parly is issuing was that the company was in difficulties "ADoUarlnTime, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to the fact that he was poorly pamphlets which seek to show and the bond-holders all Saves Nine" Lowest Rates 10 Eastern Points supported on. the platform. The that nothing was discovered in were in England, while similar via Steamer to Vancouver and the poor man could not expect the public accounts enquiry. treatment had been meted out to VISIT to The Bank of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY strong platform support since The people- of the province read the Salvation Army. The City of A British North America Meals and Berth included on Steamer his .speakers had to try to de- the evidence and have arrived Prince Rupert could do with a for the purpose of Princess Maqulnna for Qranby, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. - fend Bowser's action in allowing at their conclusions whole lot of the same kind of own on depositing part of your Princess Sohla Southbound Saturday, August 19th. the Dominion Trust Company this that the Bowser treatment at the hands of the Southbound 6 score, so earnings, becomes a pleasant Princess Maqulnna Sunday p. m. to break the law of tho pamphlets will be of no more government, but there is no sign and profitable habit,when once Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports, Monday, August 21st. Dominion in order that it might; efTcct than the reports of the of its coming. you have acquired it. . , ' J. I. PETE Kb, General Agent grao me naru-earueu savings hand-picked committee were. The dollar According to tho hired Bowser you use to open Corner Fourth Strtct and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. of Vancouver's Bowser stands workingmen, condemned of an account in the Savings while they also had to explain having handed over millions press, H. C. Brewster is out to put Department in turn saves why Joe Matson had been presented illegally to the P. G. E.; of the province of British Columbia others, as the habit of saving MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ICT. with $75,000, $35,000 of having acted as agent for that out of business, Just for the fun grows. R. S. C. Chapter 116. which he handed over to the company while it was trying to of the thing. Any sane man knows THE BANK OF Certificate of Improvements Tbe Orand Irunk Pacific Hajlway that H. C. Brewster's plans are urn-pany News-Advertiser and the Colonist. in secure public funds, a way hereby glvea notice that it hu uadtt contrary to their agreement; of carefully laid for the remodelling British North America NASTLRTIUM, IR19 FIUCTI0.X, BE1X13 Section 7 or tbe said Act dp nu-4 siu Bowser's excuse for the debacle having allowed special legislation of tho whole system at Victoria FUAUTlU.N, OCITIAN, BLUE BtLL FRACTION, and the Minister In the omce or Public or tbe Works District at Reiuuv oitati was that his machine organization to go through to favor and the putting of the province CAPITAL 79 YEARS AND SURPLUS.IN BUSINESS.$7,881,000. COSMOS FRACTIO.1, THISTLE or tbe Land Registry Otacc. District of sound and FRACTION. MAR10OLD FRACTION, ULAC Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a description an a basis, financially had fallen down, the Dominion Trust and to the of tbe site and PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH FRACTION. FERN FRACTION. PINE APPLE plans f art-bouse evidently having taken it for ruin of many hard-working industrially. His first duty is to FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRACTION, proposed to te built la True Bo-pert tear Bowserism up by the roots, W.J. SMITH ERS, Manager MINERAL CLAIMS situate In tbe Harbor at Trlnce .Rupert, Irtuia Columbia, granted that Bowser's candidate people of this province, and of Queen Charlotte District, located at or near tn front or wattrfri.nl Hock "0 and this he will with the could not be defeated. a host of other actions unworthy do, as lacda Bay, Queen Charlotte liland. Province according-to registered plan ct tba ton-sue sistance of the people. or Drltlib Columbia, and lawfully held by or the said city or Fftuce Hupert It-posited All these Bowserian of attorney-general, reason a premier; an A Bui LTr SlmoUUea j Ikeda Mines Limited. In tbe aforeaald Unl fttiST; have been set aside in a wild or a public man. TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Madnnls, omce as No. it. Be at tho Liberal Rooms Friday GOLD WATCH FREE. solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND TAKE NOTICE that ifler tin u effort to stem the tide of disaster, Dowser will be driven out of night. A KmtfMfamra'i mlnera' certificate No. 70141 B, Intend p(ration of one month from tba Otis at in fact, the Bowser campaign public life in this province, and 4m tm mm mm after the expiration or sixty days from tbe Oral publication or this boiict, tt Am. W. mi tvt.f mwmm the date hereof to apply on bebalf or the orand Trunk Pacific Railway ,.;mpnij win resembles pretty much his rubber stamps and "jellyfish" pot 'mil m Om said Company to tbe Mining Recorder for under Section 7 or the said At t apply la The Daily Aews delivered by to14 m hmem the desperate Austrian efforts politicians will go with 4illimH. K.w a certificate or improvements for the purpose the Minister or Public Works at nis tta carrier. 50 cents per month- ta row than writ mm or obtaining a Crown Orant to the in tbe City or Ottawa fur appnn! ' to from the Italians him. escape said leave to obstruct above claims. alte and plans, and ror mmut lot mm mt Mr and to stop the Russians at the MINERAL ACT AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action the said warehouse. under Section It or tbe Mineral Act must Dated at Winnipeg, Manit oba. UiU liH time. The latest Bowser NOTES AND COMMENTS ammmf AJbtrw.' Ml same be commenced before the Issuance or utb day or May A. D. 1818. wHk u viuk.mhum argument is that 5,000 "plug-gcrs" Certificate of Improvements IU m r'TM ftmm certificate or Improvements. THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWH Dated tbls list day or May. A. D. III. COMPANY. elected M. A. Macdonald A prominent Manitoba Conser NOTIOI mvimabmmm a fMnl, JOHN A. MACINNES, II. IL HANSARD, Solicitor wim mt rnnd. in the by-election. vative was in the city the other Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In tbe Urn ttm. w mt worn mm tall rov.mot.Insula Solicitor for Ikeda Mlnea Limited. toot mm u4 bow Item lb. kMUImlU.suk. When this joke has been day, and in discussing the politi Skeena Mlnlnr Dlrlilon of Casslar District. In. Ul.k IkU alar to. moot to k. worn, mot mmmi MINERAL ACT Where located: At toe bead of a brancb ta O t 4mr mm4 tmtu Ttmm 'Mh. To. NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, uiuad-WIIX1AH1 a wilt W LIOTD. DIuImI. thoroughly assimilated, the cal situation here, was asked if, of Lime Creek about four miles from tbe ImUM Uatl Ml, ,CnnlU Ukurni. Ituw,a R. 6. C CAP. 118. lach on tbe south aide of Alice Arm. tJUUBd. Certificate of Improvements Bowser press might tell us how as a Conservative, ho would not NOTICE that TAKE f, Oeorre R. ."laden, PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give many "pluggers" were respon vote against Bowser. He replied, Free Miner's Certificate No. 040BIB, actlnr NOTICE notice that It has, under Section 7 of tbe Basin Mineral Claim, situate U U for Tbos. Free Miner's as arent McRostle, sible for tho overwhelming ma- "In politics I have always been a Certificate No. 49991B, and James L. Ilatcb, said Act. deposited with tbe Minister ot Skeena Mining Division or Casslar Duiflcl Public Works at Ottawa, and In tbe omce mi'xi fro" jority given to II. C. Brewster : Conservative, but I have always Free Miner Certificate No. 87teB, tn FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ot the Registrar Oeneral or Tltlea at Victoria, Where located: About side rour of AUct in the beach on tbe aouth from tbe date tend, to sixty days hereof, BrlUsb Columbia, a deacrtpilon or of Lima .cnt- at the bead of a brancb Recorder for to the Certlfl apply Mlnlnr a the alte and tbe plana or certain structures R. J cate of Improvements, for the purpose of CIRCUIT NO. 1. TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorge to be erected tn front or Lot Tblrty-one Miner's Certificate No. H06l, a obtaining; a Crown Orant of tbe above tree claim. Box 12 (tb St and Ird At. (It , Range Three (1), Coast District, tend, atxty daya from the date hereof,! Launch Alice B. And further take notice that action, Boa 1S th 8t. and Ird Ave. British Columbia, at the bead of Cousins apply to tho Mining Recorder fur a Cert Boa 14 Ith St. and Ird Att. inlet. tbe purpose cate or Improvements, ror under section 15, mutt be commenced be Bex 18 -Junction or 1st, Iml aad AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration obtaining Crown Orant or tbe afon a fore the Issue of such Certificate of Improvement. ird Avee. of one month from tbe date of claim. Leaves Davis float for Boa 18--lit Ave., between alb au4 tbe nrst publication or this Notice, ratine that actt after-noon Dated this J 1th or And further take notice Salt Lake Saturday day March. A.D. 19 1 r tb Sta. (Kooi Hotel.) Mills, Limited, will) under Section 7 commenced t and all day Sunday. GEORGE R. NADEN. under section II. must be Boi 17 lit Ava. and 7tb or tbe tbe Improvements. St. (Cm said Act, apply to Governor-In-Council rore the Issue or such Certin -sto or Return Far 25 Ctnts. tral Hcml: for approval or the said alte and For term and particular" NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTEC plan. Dated this Uth day of March. A.D-OEOROE Call TION ACT CIROUIT NO. t. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, R. NADE.V Boa 22 Ird tm. and Ird St. thia fth day or April. A. D. HI. W. J. THOMAS, Phone. R. S. a CHAPTER 115. Poat orac. i BO DWELL. LAWSON : LANE. Qrean 391. Tbe Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Boa 23 Ird Ave. and McBrl,l tit Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. MINERAL ACT berebj gives notice that It baa under See. 5 Boa ?4 tt av. and McBrlde Ot. Notice to Delinquent Partner!. tlon 7 or said act deposited with tbe Minister dox z i mi Ave and tnd St. MINERAL ACT To and Charlss """'"J: O. W. Mtiweil of Public Works at Ottawa and In tbe Boa 26 tnd Ava. and lib 8L whereas I b' that offlce or tbe District llertatrar or tbe Land TAKE NOTICE C 27 O. T. P. lilvermoutb Fractional mineral rlalm, and caused to be done assessment Registry District at Prince Rupert. B. C, Tickets CIRCUir NO. S. situated In tbe Skeena Mining Division of on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, situated a description or tbe site and tbe plans mm Catitar DIstrlcL Observstory bead or Alice Arm, or wbarves and bouse power proposed to Boa 31- tin Ave. and rulton St. Where located! At the bead or Allen tbe Skeena mining division or Skeena be built at tbe bead or Surf Inlet, Princess Boa 82 riorden and Taylor 8ta Ann, adjoining tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo work ror tbe yc' tJ and from Norway, Swedan, Dan. Royal Island. In front or Lot 40, Range' 4 Boa 84 Ttb trlet, assessment w ve, and Fulton St mineral claims. and have paid for mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. Coast District, B C 1114. and tl, SAILIN08 FROM NEW YORK Bos 86 -6th Ave. and Comot Ave TAKE NOTICE that I, O. R. Naden. Free work and recording same, tba And take notice Ibat after tbe expiration "Oscar II." Auruit iTth Boa 87 atn Ave. and Dodge PI. Miners' Certificate No. 9i,0.B, acting a 1307.10. Unless you pay me tbe iub or one tnontb from tbe date or tbe Aral iummmrfr j WTSFBBBBBBBBm il 'IE'' JSs9aaBttr Bet 86 Mb Ave. and agent for Carrie or the ia Krlstlantafjord" Auruit loth publication or tbls notice tbe Surf Inlet Tbooipaoa St. Pratt, Free Miners' Certificate lfil.50. for your share 'Stockholm" Auruit th Limited No. 93..I7U. Intend, sixty days sessment work, together with the ew' power Company will, under Section Bergensrjord" ., CIRCUIT NO. 4. from tbe date hereof, to ahall. at the e Sept tlth apply to tbe this advertisement. I 7 or tbe said Act, apply to tbe Minister bos 41 U! Ave. and Kave Your Rteervatlone mad Early. or Public Works, at kls oClce In f.miuri Mining Recorder for 4 Certificate or Improvements, lion or ninety (90) days from tM For Rates. Illustrated Folders ri ror the miuing rcf"ri cr and purpose or obtaining bertor apply to tbe the City or Ottawa, for approval or tbe General Information Boa 42 Ith Apply to Ave. and McBrlde St. a Crown Orant or the above claim. Prince Rupert. B. C t0 aald alte and plans and for leave to construct i Boi 43 ttb vetted Ave. and Orten St. And further takt notice mineral claim DVBHAVN HANSON tbe said wbarves and bouae. that action, tt in the Wolf power DOS 44 tth Ave and Basil St. under section provisions ot II, must be commenced before me, in purauance of the Dated at Vancouver, B. C, tbls I9tb Insurance and teamehlp Agancy, or Bo 46 7th Ave. and Cbarlt. the Issue or such Certificate of Improvements. mineral act. day May. 1016. ,ng Prince Rupert. B. O. Boa 141 7tb Av. and Vung 81. Dat0d tt rrlnco Rupert. B. C,, tan THE SURF I.1LET POWER COMPANY, May Oth. Jyti .Dated ibis tird day or December, A. D, day or February, till. Apr. t, ml, 1. E. BTAlta. EMPRESS COFFEE lAiUAl FfiAL E DISTRIBUTOR Ft O. DAW80N m PRINCE RUPERT, 0 '