The daily News ' ' VOL. VII. NO. IO'-' 1'RLNCli RUPURT, II. C, l-RtDAY, AUGUST 18, I9I(J. .PRICE FIVE CF.YTH - . I W IK HORSES OF M InrOTTT? .Tf .r.1fI If FIE NINETY THOUSAND SHELLS AN HOUR --- HEAVY GERMAN LOSSES AT POZIERES FIERCEST FIRE WELSH AT "ORDERED BRAMSIIOTT OFF"CAMP! FUTILE GERMAN FUSILADE EVER London, August 18. "Voting ATTACKS TAKE WEST FRONT Bramshott Monday - Wednesday I ON fifteen hundred. Welsh ubiquitous. TERRIBLE TOLL Protested McBrlde who Horseshoe of Allied Thirty-Mile ordered him absent himself. Polls Enemy Driven Back Six Times Artillery Drenches German Shorncllffe vicinity. Voting from with Terrible Losses Crater Lines 90,000 Shells Warfare Five Hundred An Hour. ninth to twelfth three days. Hun-' Belgians Shot. dred votes. Welsh absent circularizing to The Dally Hews.) sergeants." jpeda! (Special to The Daily Jew.) French Headquarters, Somme The above despatch has reached London, August 18. Tho Ger Fj nt. August 18. On a thirty-mile The Sun from London. As 'we mans made six attempts to capture had predicted, "Soapy" Welsh the Anglo-French horcshoo the British trenches north of made himself particularly active! artillery is keeping up the fiercest I'ozieres yesterday, but suffered at Brnmshott; to use the word of , fusilade ever experienced In the tho despatch he was "ubiquitous." j terrible losses and gained nothing, war. The great crescent of lire A protest against his active in-! being repulsed on each occasion. extend from Clery nnd St. Quen-Un terference lodged with Sir Ilichard Crater Warfare. southword to the l'eronne region McBridc, who "ordered him absent! British Headquarters, France, and shells of every calibre himself.' The . actions of this August 18. Trench fighting on are bursting with such a rapidity distinguished ward politician became FIRST PICTURE OF BRITISH SOLDIE.. IN RUSSIA. This battalion of British troops is drawn this front is giving-place to ma that it id impossible to count so outrageous and objec up In front of the railway station in Moscow prior to leaving fo r the Russian battle front chine gun warfare. Shell craters tionable that the Agent-General are being used as vantage points, them. The German positions are being drenched with tho terrific was forced to acknowledge the PRINCE RUPERT HAS POLLING BOOTH IN REVISED RECRUITING several machine guns being lo-lated uslice of the protest to tho ex in each crater. lire. Thirty per Second. tent of ordering him off the fcld, TWO YOUNG AVIATORS SIR RICHARD'S OFFICE PROGRAM FOR CANADA 500 Belgians Shot. German Headquarters, Somme which probably means out of The same court martial whicli Frynt, August 18. Tho expenditure bounds. W. K. liurritt has received a A special cable to the Vancouver (Special to The Dally .tews.) condemned Captain T-'ryatt, of tho J ammunition by the Allied Hut "Soapy" Welsh is not easily letter fsom Judge Young, in which Province stales that a request Ottawa, Aug, 18. Tho revised steamer Brussels, ordered flvo artnio'y n this front is at the suppressed. No sooner is he ordered he states that C. G. Purdie and has been made in the British recruiting program calls for the hundred Belgians to be shot for rale of thirty shells per second from Uramsholt than he is lec Young have both gained their House of Commons that a state appointment of a director of re treason. Tho execution of the and frequently reaches ninety found busy "circularizing sergeants." pilot's certificates of tho Acru ment be published in the Torm of cruiting for every military dis helpless civilians was carried out thousand shells an hour. A conge: Tho phrase no doubt has a White Paper describing the met, under director-general, by tho German soldiers. vat vo estimate- gives the rate reference to the distribution of Club of America. Prince flupert electoral machinery employed in possessing similar authority as Venice Raided. as exceeding a million shells in tho Bowser literature, some seven now has two full-fledged aviators the taking of the Iiritish Columbia was given Lord Derby in Britain. Rome, August 18. Austrian 1 tnty-four hours. tons of which were long ago sent and that they will earn fame in soldiers' vote. Tho objects aro to stimulate recruiting aviators made a raid upon Venice out from Victoria. this most thrilling brancli of the At tho thno of cabling, voting and to prevent tho enlistment last night. The damage done was Typos Meet. We have another cablegram Umpire's service will be the hopo was proceeding briskly at Hramshott of men engaged in Industries slight and there were no casualties. Baltimore, Aug. 18. The International before us from London which of every citizen of Prince Rupert. and Shorncliffe, and a poll requiring their assist Typographical Convention affords interesting reading in tho ing booth had been opened at tho ance and to regulate the systems The boys are now on their way has rejected a proposition light of tho above. Over a fortnight olllco of Sir Richard McBride, for under which the present recruiting Coal Miners Strike. to F.squimall to join the Royal of tho Liberal tho convenience of soldier Shamokin, Pa., August 18. ta f -cate nn office of fourth vice-presidcnt, ago a list any agencies aro carried on. Flying Corps and they will be met Thirteen thousand coal miners with headquarters nt candidates was an agent voters who might happen to be in Mi nlreal, to govern tho Canadian of the opposition in London with there by Judge Young, who is London. FAREWELL BANQUET have gone on strike with tho pur business of the union. Colorado instructions to have it printed naturally proud of the fact that Tho ballot paper is black, ex TO WALTER SCRIMGEOUR pose of compelling all non-union Springs has been selected as tho and distributed at liramshott and two of Prince Rupert's boys have cept for tho names of candidates employees to join tho Miners' Ri! ing place for the 1917 convention. Shorncliffe. It was feared that qualified for this service and that ami small circular spaces opposite t tho Windsor Hotel last even Union. tho presiding ofllcers might re ono of them is his only son. Their tho names of tho candidates, ing a farewell banquet was given fuse to let tho names of the Op training lasted three and a half where tho voter records his mark. to Walter Scrimgeour on tho oc Wheat Accumulating. Seattle Pier Bombed. position candidates bo known, as months and tho final tests were casion of his departure for over Baltimore, August 18. On ac count of tho Prattle, August 18. King Street was since actually done on board severe, but both boys came SPLENDID WORK seas service in the Railroaders' accumulation of pieP has been damaged by n bomb If. M. C. S. Halnbow, where tho through with flying colors. BY LITTLE GIRLS Battalion. Walter has been a wheat al this port, owing to tho explosion, It Is believed that tliis presiding officer absolutely re resident of this city for several shortage of tonnage, tho Baltimore-Ohio was tho work of German agents fused to allow tho voters to know MRS. C. H. ELKINS WON Gracio Carroll, assisted by Al years and is well known to everyone. Railroad has placed to interfero with the shipment of who on tho lists of candidates THE WALTHAM WATCH bcrta Hill, collected $13,.00 last His brother. I). B. Scrim an, embargo on all grain cargoes supplies to Russia. were Liberals. The following is week for the Red Cross Society geour, of Vancouver, who is in for export shipment. tho London cable sent in reply: Mrs. C. II. Klkins won tho Wal-tham through tho salo of flowers. Mrs the city on business, was presonl. Shooting In Seattle. Distribution positively prohib watch offered by Cavenaile woodland, on bchair of tho society, Tho brothers had not met for Parliament to Adjourn. Seattle, Aug. 18. Frank Von-deiheider, ited. Press only chance. Single & Hannan in connection with the wishes to thank thoso little nineteen years and tho re-union London, Aug. 18. Parliament supposed to bo a Van column Dally Mall and Mirror one introduction or "While Knight" girls for their splendid work was a pleasant ono. Another will adjourn on Tuesday until couver hotel owner, shot J. A. hundred pounds. Instruct. Soap. The watch stopped nt 1 :52 Next week they intend to sell brother has served with tho colors October tenth, when an extended Colllnson and his wife, killing the Tho stato of things disclosed and Mrs. IHkins' guess was 1:37. flowers to raise funds for the and is now back In Canada recovering autumn session will bo entered former nnd dangerously injuring by tho nbovo cables is interesting James II. Mitchell was second with sending of tobacco to tho boys at from wounds. upon. the latter. in tho extreme. While the Lib a guess of 2:0. tho front. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Wright erals aro not permitted to even provided a sumptuous repast, LIBERALS ATTENTION WE NOW HAVE WASHED NUT mention to the military camps which was followed with speeches There will bo a meeting COAL ON HAND. ALBERT A Mc- tho names of their, candidates complimentary to tho departing in tho LibiTui Rooms. CAFFERY, PHONE 116. "Soapy'1 Welsh is permitted to be Majestic : Theatre soldier, who was in tho scrvico of Stork Block, on Friday "ubiquitous," until n protest results tho hotel. Filling replios were House of Classics. cveninor first at 8 o'clock. in expelling him from one mado by Mr. Scrimgeour nnd his FRIDAY & SATURDAY FAMOUS PLAYER PROGRAMME Speeches will bo delivered WESTHOLMR field of activity. Hut tho expulsion brother. Mr. Wright complimented by well known locnl sneak. only ends in his npplying tho guest of the evening upon OPERA HOUSE JESSE L. LASKY Presents crs and arrangements himself busily in nnother sphere his splendid services to the hotel TONIGHT ONLY mado for tho carrying out - of action, "circularizing ser- BLANCHE SWEET and assured him of a hearly wel- LOOK WHO'S HERE of tho camnaian on behalf gennts," At tho same time the IN como mi his return from tho Arrived on tho O, T. 1 Boat of T. I). Pattullo. All In- Liberals aro "positively prohibit-ed' front. this morning - "The Black-List" tercstcd are renuested to from even letting tho names Charlie Chaplin ITVK ACTS bo present. of their candidates bo known. MEN WANTED Who win appear tonltht only In "THE VAGABOND" Bun. NOTB NOTE in two ten. Many will dim-over In thla photoplay parallel with the horrible bap. oo laborer wanted for four iwiilnre and revelation or year ajrn when In Colorado the atate and NOTE Thli picture which hi B. G. COPPER rcuVral troop were railed to quell a war or death between atriklns miner months' work nt Ocean Falls. Ap GO TO Picture touch of romance In II, U the bel Vancouver, August 18. British and nttiia guard. The author In the dory rive aubttsntla! remedy ply Mr. Curran, Hotel Rupert. tf that Charlie h appeared In, ti the problem or the war between rapllal and labor. 'IV OTHER FIRST-CLASS RIILS Columbia this year Is producing LONDON CAFE Dent worry about the drydock or at tho rate of twonty million SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME Middia Dance njthlng (M Mt1t bu ,om copper in aid of Return THE PLACE TO EAT eurad of all your troublaa by dollars poP annum. Coming Monday and Tuesday ed Soldiers' Club in Rallwnymen'a STRIOTLY UNION HOUSE Prima Mlnlitar of Mirth. in!.C!L "TIN TOOAV AT 2.30 DUSTIN FARNUM as "BEN BLAIR" Hull, on Labor Day, September THIRD AVENUE TOMoimow MAnie tf.mtkst in flood reliable man Wanted, FIVH ACTS. Woitholmo Orchestra, tickets SO "MM. I'LtlM'lt PUDDING" BOXES FOR LADIES Phono FrlU, 210. cents. Refreshments. 204.