STRIKE PLAY AT -.- 7" Summer Punch GREAT GOOD KVCs. and t' The Daily News THE MAJESTIC THEATRfl Pep come frcm a food that - w a 5 -il a.'a'V III I i THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRlliJ. CECUMS 13 rich in muscle-making sTJ-" CLUB.SPECIAL rbl..r.od Dallr u.J WeoUy Itlanche Sweet, in "The Blark-li.t. material and is easily digested. Guaranteed Larflatt Circulation is the big attraction at th 'Uj7 Cigar It is what you ft ami tomorrow. HEAD OFFICE digest, not what you eat, Mastic tonlpht ffi JPX ef '"Oing for the .,m ,, , is the mm Rrvwt Thr black-lll" Dally News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. H.O. TtM?photHi 98. that makes healthy tissue. Bot just what he which eerltiiQ by want-"""v-? Every shred in Shredded I., the system I'RAMHIKNT DISPLAY ADVERTI8INO 50 a?iitn t-r itch fjoutrart Wheat Biscuit is full of industrial concerns keep track of OIL'S, CIQAR STORP ratea on application. body-building nutriment. dieharged employees, making it Third Avenue - - - Prince Rup, The burden of years of food impossible, through the Interchange DAILY EDITION Friday, August 18, 1016. folly can be unloaded by of information, for the going on a Shredded Wheat employee to get work elsewhere. diet and sticking to it. In this great photoplay, the NO REPRESENTATIVE it requires. Even in opposition, Get back to Nature before Paramount Company, for the first The local Dowser organ seeks Mr. Pattulfo could have it is too late. Shredded time, expose this iniquitous system Summer Steamship Seryice to cover up the inaction of done more for Prince Rupert Wheat contains all the bodybuilding on the screen and it makt-s TO Hon. William Manson in re than William Manson has been material in the one of the most thrilling of lah .r ALASKA AND YUKON gard to the government's as able to accomplish on the side whole wheat grain prepared dramas. The play is founded , Tho s. 8. I'rince nuperl or l'rinco t. .timing responsibility for taxes of the government. However, in a digestible form. A the great Colorado strike leave I'rince Rupert every Vedueday ui:g i on lots which have reverted, Mr. Pattullo is in no danger of satisfying Summer food. For upon in; no n for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skngway. t !,,.,;. , and Federal, and on which arrears of taxes being In. opposition, as, on breakfast with milk or cream: hich the miners ing at Skagway with tho While Pass and Yukon Ri.utp are due, by throwing the onus September 14th, a Liberal government for luncheon with berries. troop were in eonlthU. With SOUTHBOUND Blanche Sweet in the lead the The S. S. Prince Rupert or Prince Ueorgo leave i' on the city councils of past will be returned Made in Canada lUr to of the play lacks Rupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. fr Va .' years. The Journal Is either poMner under the able leadership presentation ver, Victoria and Seattle. nothing in effect. The rest of the Fortnightly service to tho Queen Charlotte Islands ignorant of, or deliberately Ignores, of Ji. C. Brewster and the produce results of that value for is to the usual high TRAIN SERVICE the fact that it was not north will have real representation the province of British Columbia. program up Trains leave Prince Rupert eviry Monday, Wed nt until the 1015 amendment to in that government. standard awl spelal music will and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all poinM j a. be rendered by the Majestic or and South. Mixed train leaves Prince Rupert every the Municipal Clauses Act came Bowserism says that there-must day 0 a. m. Special weekend fare to Terrace and r- t ,i ,i Into effect that such a measure NOTES AND COMMENTS be no freedom of thought amongst chestra. For full information & rrsrrvalions apply to city tn-. t , THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 was possible. Neither Mr. PaU the workers of this province, as There will bo bright speeches lullo, nor any other mayor of The general opinion amongst Mr. Pooley ably exemplified at at the Liberal rooms on Friday this city, could possibly have the vast majority of people in Esquimau. Can you dare to support night. Be there. done anything along this line. Vancouver is that not a single Bowserism? CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY The recent amendment to the Bowser representative will be returned "ADollarlnTime, act made the ehange possible. for that city at the general Bowser thinks it is perfectly Lowest Kates to all Eastern Fo.nta and Point Grey, which, like election. fair that he should represent Saves Nine" via Steamer to Vancouver and lite Prince Rupert, had for years your interests While his firm represents CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY VISIT to The Bank of Meala and Barth includad on Stetmer been trying to find a way out There is no truth in the rumor a corporation which is of a serious situation, insisted that William Manson took a absolutely opposed to your interests. A British North America oi Princess Maqulnna fop Qranby, Alice Arm Frl. it p.i. for the upon the government coming gramaphone and several records What do you think about purpose Princess Sohla Southbound Saturday, August 19u;. tt aa arraHsrement under which it? depositing part of your Southbound Sunday 6 of II. II. Stevens' speeches with Princess Maqulnna n. v.-Princess earnings, becomes a pleasant arrears of taxes were assumed him to the Islands and that Joe Alice for Alaskan Ports, Monday, Auoust ritx. and profitable habit,when once aad taxes up to 1920 guaranteed was to run the show. Joe might PRISONERS OF WAR you have acquired it. J. I. PETLRS, General '.cent by the government. This run the .show all right but he The of committee The dollar use to Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince kuscrt. B.C. war agreement was entered into by would have nothing to do with prisoners you open the executive council, of which the speeches, even if they were f the Red Cross Society wish to an account in the Savings W'HHam Manson was president. thank Mrs. Pfenning and Mrs. Department in turn saves second-hand. NAVIOABLE WATERS MINE HAL ACT PROTECTION ICT. William Manson knew the situation Woodland for conducting last others, as the habit of saving ft. S. C Chaptir lit. Friday's sale and also the following grows. in Prince Rupert, but did Throughout the province there Certificate of Improvements for contributions: Mesdames THE BANK OF Tbe Graml Trunk rami haaat) ua-paay not advise the civic authorities even is a demand for a change of gov bertby tltea no lice tbat II ui uatr here as to what was be-v ernment. The province has been . O. Stcen. Bowling. Shrub.all, British North America NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION. BELU3 Seclloo 7 of tbe sakt Act ii lb Miatster or rubtlc V iu it lUn ing done for Point Grey, and William Millar, George Kerr. L. mACTlwJI, OtJITIA.N, BLUE BELL FRAC short-changed so often that one and la tbe ofIKe or the ti.M. hi Roiuinr did not lifi his finger on behalf cannot wonder at the demand. M. do Oex, Craig, Curtain. Clancy. 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. TION, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE ur tbe Laird Re r Is try un... uum t rUAUTIO.N, MAIUGOLD FRACTION, LILAC pnawe Itopert at Prince Itupext, i it-senpttoo oflhis city, though he was C. L. Munroe, Venables, Syrotuck. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 87.881.000. supposed FRACTION. FERN FIUCT10N. PINE APPLE of tbe site and plau uf am-bouae to be its representative The real issue in the provincial H. McMullin, Smith (I)igby . PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEOOMA FR.AC-Iln.i, profwseal to be built ji tnuci Rupert Arnold, Otto Nelson, Bowness, Hal MINERAL CL.MM3 altuate tn tbe Harbor at Prince Ru n, Briulk ui in the Legislature. campaign is the handing over of W.J. SMITIIERS, Manager Uueen Charlotte District, located at or near Mtmtiia, lb front of waterfr m skxk i, The information regarding the province to the railroad mag Peck. A. Little, O. Besncr, Carroll, Ucda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province accordinr to rerloered pu.i ,A tM ttii-site Eggert, Turnbull, George Swret. ur Brttisb Columbia, and lawfully held by or tbe said city of l'r... Impert fe-poaited the Point Grey deal came to nate and the speculator. The A Bui Lawar llm.l.Uoa lkeda Mines Limited. tn tbe aforesaid urn Rtrsci our civic authorities through Bowser government admits that R. L. Mcintosh, Tremayne. J. R. TAKE NOTICE tbat I, John A. Madnnls. offlee as No. 911. Beatty, Allison. Mellior, I). C. Mc- COLD WATCH FREE. suicitor for lkeda Mines Limited, free AND 1 AkE NOTICE that rwr tut a-pirstloa the medium of the press, and it has done both, yet it has the miners' certificate No. 70JI4 B, Intend of one tuoulb fr in l:.'' tftu City Solicitor Peters at once nerve to ask to be returned to Rae, W. E. Williams, M. M. Steph aTa after tbe expiration of sixty daya from tbe Brat publication or w. i. net Ot Fraser, Morrow, Patton, Du Arm. . .r. ftTim, wt tbe date hereof to apply on behalf of tbe uraad Trunk ractrtc Railway Uiaaj ens. took the matter up with the power. tald" Company to tbe Mlninr Recorder for under Seetioo 7 of tbe saiJ A t apt'! u reeve of Point Grey and is now Vernet. Morrissey and the Journal mil H tnm tin a certificate or Improvement! for tbe pur tbe Minister of Public W..U3 at Us da and News. pose of obtalnlnr Crown Grant to tbe in tbe Clly of Otia f-. a;,r (U going into the matter direct The Bowser press is paid to ar, aadoalM a. Writ.u above claims. said site and plans, and tut .- to AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat action struet tbe said wartbousc with Victoria. Undoubtedly he state that Brewster's terms for ImMomM. Lailtt' MINERAL ACT tMf Oaanta, ar under Section IJ of tbe Mineral Act must Dated at V low per, Man.i 1 1. iiiu ! will be successful, and his success the extension of the life of parliament Oara aibm. Ml be commenced before tbe issuance of audi day or May A. D. lilt. with lha wia,wh. certificate or improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PA'.11 i lULUkt will mean a. saving of were impossible. The only tu aa m m Certificate of Improvements Dated tbls list day or May, A. D. It It. COMPANY. $i 5,000 to this city, but William matter on which Bowser and NOTIOI tmmiiin 1 1.rami. JOHN A. MACINNE3, II. II. HANSArr, S-l.i'U Manson made not the Brewster differed on that occasion Sllrer Bow Mineral Claim, situate in toe low effar. atrart raa to twlM.rlM,atfnl.aal raJraaa, Solicitor fory lkeda Mines Limited. Skeena Mlninr Division of Caiitar District ahaM Ik t Ulak aa aM tbl.afcov aOal tea Ibaai moot tka to Wa aaaaufalW.awa.araa. kat aa4 MINERAL ACT slightest effort to effect Jhis was the paying of 815,000 a year Where located: -At the head of a branch Ba aaata to-aar .a. aia a Praa a'atra. Taa NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, wn a. aaaat-ariLUtH UOTD. kofaala saving. to Sir Richard McBride. of Lime Creek about four miles from the InriM Umvl la t,mt,Canvallla kaaj. Uaclaa,M-lla4. R. S. C. CAP. 116. beach on tbe south side of Alice Ann. Certificate of Improvement! Prince Rupert needs a live TAKE NOTICE that I, Georre R. Neden. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, bereby tire NOTICE representative in Victoria, and, Sir Richard McBride may be Free Miner's Certificate Mo. 910MB, aetlnc notice tbat It has, under Section 7 or tbe Basin Mineral Claim, situste la t aa agent for Thos. McRostle, Free Miner's said wlin tbe Minister or Act, deposited DUirk-l in T. D. Pattullo, it will have worth 815,000 a to the Bow Skeena Mlninr Division or '.a.' year Certificate .No. est IB, and James L. Hatch, Public Works at Ottawa, and In tbe office Where located: About f ;r n- just the kind of representative ser machine but he can never Free Miner's Certificate no. S7teB, In FIRE ALARM SYSTEM of tbe Reristrar Oeneral of Tltlea at Vic tbe U-ach on tbe aoutb side f Alice km tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to toria, Brltiib Columbia, description of t tbe bead of a branch ut rt apply to the Mlninr Recorder for a Certtn tne site and tbe plana of certain structures TAkE NOTICE that I, Oe. i't R- Ji1 cate of Improvements, for the purpose of CIRCUIT IO. 1. to be erected In front or Lot Tblrty-one rree Miner's Certificate No. 4UI. obtaining: a Crown Grant of the above lt , Rans-e Three (1), Coast District, hereof."1 Baa 12 -Ub 6L aad trd tend, sixty daya from tbe date Launch Alice B. claim. Bai m etb 8t. and trd Mt UrltUb Columbia, at tbe bead or Cousins apply to tbe Mlninr Recorder f r a ar And further take notice that action. h Ooi 1- rth 81 and Ird A 'nleL cate of Improvements, for the t under section 85, must be commenced be AND TAKE NOTICE tbat after tbe expiration tM snow Bo i IB iuDctlou or til. lut aud obtaininr a Crown Grant or fore the Issue of such Certiorate of Im Ird Area. of one month from tbe date of claim. Leaves Dirts ricut for provements. Boa It . tit .. IiIcd till aud 11 nrst publication or this Notice, ra-ciili. And rurther take notice tut atu-A Salt Lake Saturday afternoon Dated this I4tb day or March, A.D. Hit Limited, will, under Section 7 in U. (kooi He It Li Mills, under section S3, must be " n ai' and all day Sunday. CEOR0E R. NADEN. Bot 17 III Ava. aod 7tH S. On or the said Act, apply to tbe Governor-In-Councll fore the issue ol such t. n ' ii. Rtturn Far 28 Cant. tral Hi !t for approval or the said site and provemcnts. . For term and particular! NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC plan. Dated thla tttb day of Marn AP m-GEORGE TION ACT CIRCUIT NO. I. Dated at Vancouver, Urttlsh Columbia, R. NU)t.V Call Boa 1 - ird A.. and trd St. this 18th day or Aprl', .V. D. ll. W. i. THOMAS, Phone. DODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. R. t. C CHAPTm 11B. a OR1CC. I MINERAL ACT Onm 891. The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Bos 23 .rd Art ud McBride St Solicitors for raclfle Mills. Limited. bereby glvea notice tbat it baa under Sec Bot 74 1st ve. and MfPrlde 31. Notlco to Delinquent Partner!. tion 7 of said act deposited wltb tb Mln MINERAL ACT Bit 2S tod Ave and tnd St. To Q. W. Maiweil and Charlu itter of Public Work! at Ottawa and tn tbe Boa it tnd Ave. and (tb St. TAKE NOTICE tbat whereas I bs" offlce of tbe District Rerlitrar or tbe Land bi 21 -a. T. P. nivermoutn Fractional mineral rlaim, and caused to be done aiscsmcnl w Tickets Rerlstry District at Prince Rupert, B. C situated In tbe Skeena Mlninr Division of on the Wolf Mineral claim. sltustcK H " a description of tbe site and tbe plans OIRCUir NO. s. Caislar District. bead of Alice Arm. Observsti ry Ii. of wharves and power bouse proposed to Boa si Itb Av. and Pulton St Where located: At tbe bead or Allet the Skeena mlninr division f BM M be built at tb bead of Surf Inlet, Prlncesi Boa t2-Borden and Taylor Sta. Arm, adjoinlm tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo irlct, assessment work for th? years to and from Norway, Iwidin, Otn-mark.-Flnland, Royal Island, in front of Lot 40 Ranee 4 Boa 34 Itb Ave. and Fultos 9L mineral claims. 1114, and llt, and bare paid W " SAILINGS FROM Hair NEW and YORK Ruaala. Coast District, B C. Bos SS Stn Ave. and Comoi Ave. TAKE NOTICE tbat I. 0. It. Naden, Free work and recordlnr same, ma . And take notice tbat after tbe Oscar II." Aurust 17th expiration Bos 7- atb Ave. and Dodra ri. Miners' Certificate No. 4,uH, aetlnc as IS07.10. Unless you pay wc lb of montb from tbe date or one tbe nrst Krlstlanlafjord" Aurutt Sttn Ooi IS-'Mb Av. and Tnompeoo St. a-ent for Carrie Pratt. Free Miners' Certificate 1131.10, ror your share of urn . publication or tbls notice tbe Burr Inlet No. with W 'Stockholm" Auruit Sola 91.JI1B. intend, sixty ttayr tessment work, toretber Power Company Limited will, under Section CIRCUIT NO. 4. fruni tbe date liereor, to apply to the this advertisement. 1 shall, at lbs P" Berrensrjord" Sept. Sttn 7 or tbe said Act, apply to tbe Minister 801 1-4tb Ave. and Lmmerson Mlninr from tM Recorder days Have Your Ruinations maai Carl. for Certificate or Improvements, lion of ninety 0) or 'Public Works, at bis omce In For nates. Illustrated Folders and PL for the purpose or obtalnlni hereof apply to the mlninr General Information Apply to tbe City or Ottawa, for approval of tbe Boa 42 tin Ave. and McBride 8t. a Crown Grant or tbe above claim. -i-nnce. Rupert, u. i... .Hi i..., vtiur" in u said site and plans and for leave to construct Bos 42 ttb Ave. and Oreen St. And further take notice tbat action, cats in the Wolf minersl -laim ' DYBHAVN at HANSON the said wharves and power bouse. Bos 44 tU Ave and Bull 8L under section IS, must be commenced be-Mre me, in pursuance or tne prur...w-mineral Insurance and Stsamahlp Agency, Dated at Vancouver, H. C , tbls tftb Boa 4C 7th An. and Kbarle. the Issue of- such Certificate or Improvements, ecu nil day or 1916. lhll aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatai Prince Rupert, B. C May, Boa 141 -7Ui Av. and Viunt 81. Dal0l at Prlne, Ruiert. c. THE SURF I.1LET I,,,,,,.,,,.,.,.,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, POWER COMPANY, Dated this Urd day or December, A. D. day of February, intuit. May th. 1916. '. STARK- Apr, t. I. E, EMPRESS C0FFE E WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON TZTZTir 0- C' PRINCE