Ill 1'rhlny Angr, t 1R. j. niff DALL1 JWWJ Let Us Save You Money on your 3 It's Time for a Change Fresh Sweet Bread Free! Gasoline or Distillate THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY, THIS WErir WE WILL GIVE FREE We guarantee to gave you 25 per rent, on gasoline or distillate anil VANCOUVER FORETOLD IT. ONE LOAF OF LACASSE BREAD Upkeep and free any motor from CAKBON trouble. A seven ounce VICTORIA EMPHASIZED IT. With every sale containing 2 lbs. of box of Carbonvold is equivalent to CO gallon of gasoline. Every box Of Carbonvold . will save you THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT. OUR OWN BRAND BUTTER 400 to Wad! Carbonvold puts the ditional miles. Our Own Brand Butler Is known Uic us host Carbonvold Is t dry powder a M"SV you 1)0 YOU WANT MOMS IJOWSKIIISM? I,; Just drop In the I HI OaSOlinC t tank. Will remove Itupnrt and sells for 40 cents per pound. Buy 2 lbs . all carbon 1 1 from cylinders. 1)0 YOU WANT TO HULK YOUIt OWN ArTAinSt rr. The largest companies in the world use It. THE ALLIES ORDERED and get n loaf of fresh, sweet hrenil free of charge, IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 cartons. Fully DO YOU STILL WANT T () B K TIKI) T O BOW'SHll'S guaranteed oryour money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of$1.50 CI1AIU0T WHEELS? Fuller & McMeekin DO YOU APPROVE OF Till'. PROVINCE BEING" HANDKD For Sale Only by LEADING QROOERS PHONES OVEIl TO THE MAGNATE? 60 and 672 Geo. L. Clayton, - Princc RuPert B-c- DO YOU Al'PIlOVE OF A PIlEMIim WHO IlEPM'SKNTS THE MEN WHO WANT TO OIIAB YOUIl nESOUIiCKSt DO YOU APPROVE OF MILLIONS BEING HANDED OVEH ILLEGALLY TO THE PACIFIC Gil EAT EASTlillNt "Tr,n DoWv Nmirc" AKERBERG, THOMSON DO YOU APPIIOVE OF PAYING $15,000 A YEA II TO Silt SAVE niCHAIlD McimiDE? I PI AQQIElPn A IK COMPANY AH.E YOU SATISFIED WITH "JELLY-FISH"' IIEPI1ESEN- of Agents for the N PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY TATIO.V? YOUR ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THINGS AS THEY ARE? PHONE 525 WANTED. A HE YOU IHUTISH? WANTED Second-band blgb office desk. Apply Box lot Dally News. Alex M. Maoson, B.A. MONEY W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B A VOTE FOR WILLIAM MANSON IS A VOTE FOR BOW-SERISM WANTED tS LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY CITY WE1QH SCALES. tf, WILLIAMS A MAN80N A VOTE FOR T. D. PATTULLO IS A VOTE FOR WANTED Woman lo do housework, one Darrlsters, Solloltors, Etc YOURSELF AND FREEDOM. FOR THE or two days a week. Phone Black S5. MONEY TO LOAN LOST Helrenon Block BOI tISt prince Rupert. B. C Dominion War Loan LOST Si-root launch, painted white, wltb TP Black canopy Esstbope' engine. Pbone tf. Local News Notes ii HE lOfl THAT TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER! LOST Watcb and chain. Belween Davis' Prince Rupert Feed Co. noat aud Rupert lloteL Iteturn to Dally Good reliable wanted. New I omce. tf. P. O. Be I S33. 80S Third Ave. man BRINGS HEALTH Phone RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS Fritz, 219. FOR RENT WE HANDLE John McNeil of Telkwa, left for By purchasing a bond you will help FOR B.ENT OR SALE Three-roomed bouse, "Fruil-a-iives"' DuHds Up m nicely situated, root Eighth Avenue, Seal Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, homo this morning. to WIN THE WAR and obtain for Cove. 16.00 per month. Lots or free and Brlgg's. . Whole System yourself an investment of tho highest fueL Apply box 106, Dally News, tt J. H. Pilsbury returned from Garden and Field Seeds. class yielding a most attractive rata Thoso who take I'l'mit-n-tiTPs" for Vancouver this mornlnsr. FOR SALE of interest. Also Fertilizers. ' . . . the first time, aro often asloni.ilinl at FOR SALE Oasollne nsblnr boat, 38 feet We Take Orders for Nursery A fish special of seven cars left the way it builds them up and m lies long-, 10-foot beam, 14 b. p. Reral engine, Stock. them feel better all over. They may be for the east this morning. 3 cylinders, 4 cycle heavy duty, Hay, Qraln and Feed at taking "Fruit-a-tlves"for some specific alio gasoline launch all covered in cabin, disease, Indigestion, Vancouver Prices. as Constipation, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE it tL lonr, 9-rt. beam, t tup. engine, Oeorge A. McXicholl left for Chronio Headaches or Neuralgia. both lying Vancourer. Snap for Immediate purchaser; owner enlisting. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Prince Oeorge this morning. Kidney or lU.-uliler Trouble, Rheu OTTAWA. Apply Box 110 Dally News. 188. matism or Pain in tho Rack. And they I Mall Ordsrs Promptly Attended To. Miss Madeleine Nelson has gone fibnen "Fruit-a-tives" has cured the MISCELLANEOUS to Smithers to visit with friends. disease, that they feci better tad stronger In erery way. This is due to Refined widow, no encumbrance, ex young the wonderful ionic of these properties cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes E. P. Spalding-, the Spokane position of trust. Apply Box 108, Dally HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. famous tablets, made from fruit juices. News. If. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED mining man who has interests in &0c. a box, G for $2.60, trial site, ?5c. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS the interior, left for Hazelton this At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives YACUUM CLEANING CO. morning. Limited, Ottawa. LUMP HOTEL - IS NOW OPEN TO 0CESTS WANTED . .Ws Claan Homts, Offlcts, Churchas COAL Lodga and School, rooms at low O. L. Hess and F. II. Beattie, CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT One ol the lsrgest Hot SprL-.n 1 Prlcaa. business man from Edmonton, are WESTHOLME THEATRE $9.60 per Ton Cash on America, circumference IJ fwt-Temperature Experienced Bridge men, or Water, 119 d. rtir. Track men, Tracklayers and GOOD WORK GUARANTEED spending a few days in town. They Delivery General Construction Laborers visit Alaska before returning Charlie Chaplin heads the bill Money Back If Not Satisfactory Eictlleet Treut Fishing In UkUM to join the 239th Battalion, All Order Attsndsd to Immediately. may Lake. Overseas Railway home. at the Wcstholmc Theatre tonight Phone Connections with Ttroct Construction Corps. OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. ... RATES I $2-80 per Sty. Drafts leaving Vancouver, in "The Vagabond." This is de UNION TRANSFER CO. 13. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., PHONE GREEN 268. Captain Oroves, formerly man For further particulars, apply to scribed as the finest Chaplin pic-lure 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 weekly. ager for the Stevedoring Company t. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manig. He attested and forward ever filmed. It is full of papers to Vancouver, and hero and now in Vancouver, ar transportation will bo arranged rived from the south this morn Charlie's funny stunts while there SHCRIFPS SALE OF HVDRAULIO KININO MINERAL ACT at once. LEASE ON OOLD CREEK Send all communications B. C. UNDERTAKERS ing on a visit. is quite a loach of romance running 1M THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Certificate of Improvements to: Onicer commanding, ... through it. The romance Is COLUMBIA NOTICE 239th Battalion, C. E.F. J. F. Sipes, whoso mother, wife o. r. rincb. ruintirt FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KM-BALMERS Miaeral Cum. "Albion" snd Sunbeam" 175 Cordova St., W. not allowed to interfere with the vs. SATISFACTION GUAR and children died of ptomaine situate In tbe Skeena Mining Dlvtsloe Vancouver, B. C. ANTEED OPEN DAY AND NIQHT fun however, and "The Vagabond' Castltr lljrdrsullc Mlninr Company Limited, Casslar District. at Port Clements (Non-personsI Liability), PtrendanL 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 poisoning on Where located. About fire miles rnss is screamingly funny. By virtue of writ or Tiers fsclas Is Wednesday, arrived from Vancou tbe bead or Alice Arm on mil) CmL sued In tbls action snd directed to me, I There are five other first-class TAKE NOTICE that I, Wffl. T ln ver this morning. bave selied Lease No. tSS on Oold Creek, or Prince B. Free Minen Ctf-linrale Rupert. C. . reels and somo very fine music by as recorded In tbe mining- recorder's omce ft No. 840J5U. Intend sixty din FISHERMEN After the holidays I shall have P. C. Daughcrty and II. A. Harvey. st tools,Hazelton.and other also roods all machinery,on tbe premises.piping-, the date hereof, to spply to ht Haiti FOR SALE Recorder Certificate of inifrentiu. ror a few vacancies for pupils for making a most enjoyable show. All or which I will offer for sale by public ror the s of obtaining- a .. Oris! purpue auction fur cah at my omce In the Court On Saturday, Mario Tempest nf the above claim. ATTENTION I piano Instruction (Leschetizky House, Prince Rupert, on Wednesday tbe Lots 19 and 20, block 35, In And further take notice that action, aider method). Mrs. L. J, Bay (Con will be presented in "Mrs. Plum's t3rd day or August, I6, at t:30 o'clock it' section 1. Lane corner -on In the afternoon. section 7, mutt be conui; THE SEL1G SPOON Third Ave. Lots have been servatory education), 1220 Second Pudding." This celebrated Lon JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff or the County or the Issue or sucb Cerlinisie cf Imtiff brought to street grade and Avenue. Phone 497. 201. don star needs no introduction, Allln. rrlnce Rupert, August I, toil. ments.Dsted this nth dsy or Mtrcb, A- & basement excavated, at a ... and Saturday's show is bound to lt. LAND ACT cost of 91,000. Price for the The private car of Morley Don draw a large audience. WM. T. KEB01X Is Now on the Market and PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT Dl pair, $2,850. $950 cash aldson, vice-president and general TRICT OP COAST, RANGE III. MINERAL ACT Ask Dealer for It, balance arranged. your manager f tho Q T. P., and W Railroad Strike. TAKE IS'OTICE that Tactile Mills, Limited, and See that You Get It. House and lot near Cold or Vancouver, Brltlib Columbia, occupation, NOTICE DELINQUENT PARTS'" C. C, Mchan, general superintend Washington, Aug. 18. Presl pulp and paper makers. Intend to spply TO Storage. House Is 20 X 30, ent, were attached to the special dent Wilson has invited the presl for permission to purchase tbe following TO TAKE J. A. NOTICE ROGERS,tbst, wneress I plastered, 4 rooms, bath, described lands. Commencing at s post ....., . ... .,. tori ......mtnl It Gets Them Every Time water, electric light. Now train this morning. The officials dents of tho principal railways in planted on the north bank of k'oeye river, for tbe yesr ll on,h.the mineral elin rented $12. Price, $1,200. are bound for Edmonton. the United States to visit Wash about from tbe one-quarter shore or Fits-Hugh or s mile Sound:up-stream thence known as "Ladybird No. 4" MiDern " Terms. inglon immediately to discuss the north twenty chains, tbence esst twenty sltusted In Csscsde Creek vsi: tivt We have a lengthy reply to tbence south chains, to river's bank, thencs We write flro insurance. differences between employers Nlcnl CM District; and tbe "Stumpy Only best companies. Hishop I)u Vernct letter of yes along shore In a westerly direction to Csirsi cre ADVERTISE IN very and employed. point or commencement snd containing sltusted on tbe east side or " Ask us for your rate. tcrday from It. T. Ferguson, i rorty (o; acres, more or less. district, snd bave paid for Mia ment work the sum or IJOO.Oi visitor in town, but regret that it Dated June totb, ItlS. Sept ' The Daily News H. G. .HELGERSON, LTD PROPHECY PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, you pay to me the sum or iiffJ.w " is much too long for publication by "Mark your share or the said ssseumcnt Tho Rossland Miner, a bred in Smaby." Agent . .. . ,hl adverlt in its present form. If Mr. Fer tho bone Tory organ, has sudden SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF st the heed. In tbe ssld Stewart guson cares to rcduco it to a rea qualified for COAST, RANGE S. ment, I shall, at tbe eipiraitoa ly a large and prom TAKE notice that Oeorge Roderick Mc-Kensle, csys rrom tbe date bcreor, PP'J "v,, S sonable length wo shall bo pleased inent nicho in tho prophet's hall or Prince Rupert. 0, C, occupation Mining Recorder st Bie". . - --your FRED STORK'S HARDWARE j to publish it. of fame. Heferring to a visit of engineer,to lease the Intends rollowlng-to spply described ror permission Jsndst snd "Stumpy"Interest In Nlnersl the sstd Claims"Lsdybird veard so in I i P Good reliable man wanted Premier Ilowser anil party to Commencing at t post planted st tbe In pursusnce or the provi""'" - ' 1 - ' N. E. eonier or T. L, Lot Mlnersl Ad." ( , I7, Rsnge s, ia Ilosslaud tho recently Miner lhll Phone Fritz, 219, inys Coast District, porcber Island, thence Dsted at Trtnce Rupert. B. Ch ;.' 710 SECOND AVE ( in headlines: "The souib to cbsins, theuce west SO chains, day or November, 19 1 S. nun Carpenters' Toots Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery home of the minister of mines thence north SO chains to shore line, tbence A, j-unw. soutb-cssterly rollowlng shore line to the Wire Cable 8teel Blocks Fishing Tackle PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. turis out en masse to greet 'extinguished' point or commencement! containing 3(0 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and 8hotguns personages." Il'g n acres more or less. COAST, RANOE Mf OEOROE RODERICK MCKENZIE. TAKE NOT1CK inai irt""" ,. Rope Valves Ammunition Announce tost tney have purcbssed littlo early to refer to the great of T..nop.h. Nevsd. occupsllon mlns the business of the Prince Rupert Hose Paint - . Pumps sser, inienas to Transfer Company and solicit s con. personages In question as extinguished. describ i ' "dl. m Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated I rod tlnutnce of tbe p Irons rj of tbe Hut on September llth DENT! TRY purchssn Commencing the following st s poll PUn'f4 . tor, customers of that firm. WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" they will bo blown out by a hurricane 100 feet ea.terly rrom lbs Coail D,.trict; Careful attention to all or-ders ner of Lol 40. Range 4, for Cartage and Coal. of ballots and tho clay will CROWN AND BRIDOB WORK rhenie north 10 chainn lbe A "' bo a dark one Indeed for Howsor SPEOIALTV chain.! thence south 10 rM ,, DR. J. S. BROWN less lo the shore or sun . (, of hi FRED STORK'S HARDWARE PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. and Company and tho llowtrvn. DENTIST rollowlng tbe shore line to rr'' , w PHONE 93. tlvo parly in ItritUh Columbia. -Sun. Omssi Smith comnienrriuent, containing it 11 Block, ThlH Anu more or less. Phone 404 Februsry l. tl. .... .n.lUvV. 'ntttwttt(tttttt