Monday v.. . 1 , . TUB DAILY KWJ .I " "i r A if t Let Us Gasoline Save You or Money Distillate on your It's Time for a Change SAVE VANCOUVER FORETOLD IT. We guarantee to nave you 25 rxr cent on casolint or distillate and upkeep and free any motor from CARBON trouble. A "-even ounce VICTORIA EMPHASIZED IT. YOUR box of Carbonvoid fa equivalent to 60 gallons of gasoline. Every box of Carbonvoid win save you THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT, $15 in ranoline and give from 400 to 600 ad Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, Carbonvoid Is a dry powder you MONEY just drop In the : "GO" in Gasoline : tank, will re-from move ail carbon cylinders. Bowser as attorney-general, granted special legislation The largest companies In the world use it THE ALLIES ORDERED It IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 200,000 cartons. Fully to the Dominion Trust Company permitting FOR THE guaranteed or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of 11.60 to take deposits, contrary to the law of the Dominion. Bowser's firm acted as agents for the Dominion Trust For Sale Only by Dominion War Loan Geo. L. Clayton, Frlnce RuPert B-c- Company, - Bowser protected tho Interests of the Trust Company but failed to protect the Interests of the working-men TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER; depositors. Bowser permitted the Pacific Great Eastern to use millions of dollars of your money which they had no "The Daily News" AKERBERG, THOMSON legal right to use. COMPANY By purchasing a bond you will help CLASSIFIED ADS. Bowser's Arm acted as agents for the Paclflo Great to WIN THE WAR and obtain for tola Agents for the Eastern Railway Company. yourself an Investment of tho highest PALMER OAS ENQINE COMPANY WHO PROTECTED YOUR INTERESTS? class yielding a most attractive rato WANTED. PHONE 525 of Interest. WANTED Second-bind high omce desk. Apply Box 100 DUy News. .lei M. Manton,W.B.A.r. Williams. B.A.. L.L.B A VOTE FOR WILLIAM MANSON IS A VOTE FOR BOW-SERISM WANTED LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY IS A VOTE FOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY WEIOH SCALES. If, WILLIAMS & MANSON A VOTE FOR T. D. PATTULLO Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. YOURSELF AND FREEDOM. WASTED Woman to do housework, one OTTAWA. or two dsys s week. Phone Black 2ti. MONEY TO LOAN r" BOI till LOST Helrerson Block Prince Rupert. B. C cit-ty for llritish Columbia, conducted LOST S-foot lsuncb, painted white, with canopy top. Eatthope enrlne. Phone ; Local News Notes the service in the Presbyterian Black IPS. tf. Church on Sunday morn LOST Watch and chala Between Davis' Prince Rupert Feed Co. i I ing. Public Opinion Indorses float and hupert HoteL Return to Dally Mrs. Frizzell returned from up- P. O. Bo I 333. 80S TMrd At. news omce. tr. river last night. Ilev. N. D. Kcilh, president of this family remedy by making its sale larger than that FOR RENT RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS the Alberta Ladies' College, formerly of any other medicine in the world. The expc tc . :c " WE HANDLE Van generations has proved its great value in tr. t Mrs. II. Montador left for of lied Deer and now of Kd-monton, c FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed house, ln'8 morning. of indigestion, biliousness, headache and c in tipat. couver nicely sltusted, foot Elrhtb Avenue. Seal Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, arrived from tho east Cove. $8.00 per month. Lou of free and Brlgg's. .last night and proceeded south fueL Apply box t0, DaUy News, tf . J. Prudhomtne returned last Garden and Field Seeds. this morning. BEECRAM'S FILLS evening from Telkwa. FOR 8ALE Also Fertilizers. FOR SALE Gasoline flshlnr boat, SS feet We Take Orders for Nursery Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Amcss left Maurice Corkhill and Ralph relieve these troubles and pnerent them from becoming serious I..j j long-, 10-foot beam, 14 h.p. Reral en-rlne, Stock. for Vancouver this morning. Ilogers, formerly of Prince Hupert promptly c-r.-ig a d poisons out of the digestive r J cylinder, 4 cycle beavy duty, Hay, Grain and Feed at and now of Oranby, spent They atrer,-4hen the ttotnach. stimulate the liver and reru!;e the also raaollne launch all covered In cabin, Vancouver Prices. bowels. Mild and harmless. A proven family remedy, unequal.,d IS ft. long-, 9-IL beam. S h.p. engine, Aid. II. J. I). Smith has gone to Saturday in the city. The boys both lying-purchaser;Vancouver.owner Snap enlisting-.for Immediate Chicken Feed A Specialty. New Westminster. on a visit. arc on their way to Vancouver on For Digestive Troubles Apply Box tto DaUy News. ISI. a launch trip. Kail Orders Promptly Attended To. E. F. Doyle left for Seattle on PrvparW tr tf TWii lWrliaf, S. Hlr, IMaadtrt. Fatfiastd. MISCELLANEOUS &o44 mfywhtit im CaMdi mod V. S Ancm Is bos.25 entt the Princess Sophia on Saturday. After the holidays I shall have ReOned young widow, no encumbrance, ex few vacancies for pupils for cellent cook and housekeeper, wishes Mr. .and Mrs. Thurston Peter piano instruction (Leschetizky position of trust. Apply Box 10S, Dally HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. lf son left this morning for Priestly. method). Mrs. L. J. Day (Conservatory News. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS education), 1220 Second VACUUM CLEANING CO. LUMP HOTEL Avenue. Phone 497. 201. Mrs. Gordon Allen was a pas IS SOW OPEN TO ctts:- WANTED . .Ws Clean Homat, Offices, Churchts COAL Lodgs and School, rooms at low senger for Vancouver this morning. George L. Clayton left for Vic On or tbe Isrrest Hut (;on a Prlcss. $9.50 Ton Cash on America, circumference I ; fert-Temperature per Experienced Bridge men, toria on the delayed Princess Maquinna of Water, II J fl. fi- Track men. Tracklayers and GOOD WORK GUARANTEED this morning. Mr. Clayton Delivery General Construction Laborers Mr. and Mrs. Larry Munro left Money Back If Not Satisfactory EitftlUnt Trout Fishing I UtiiM to join the 239th Battalion, All Ordsrs Attsndsd to Immediately. for Vancouver on Saturday after has prepared for the provincial Lake. Overseas Railway government a plan for an aerial Phone Connections with Ttrrns Construction Corps. noon. RATES I (2.60 per ej. Drafts leaving Vancouver, OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. tramway across the Skeuna at UNION TRANSFER CO. 13. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., PHONE GREEN 268. for rurtber particulars, sp;'7 Mrs. V. J. Smithers and Mrs. pacific. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 weekly. ... i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Mtng. lie attested and forward W. T. Muse left for Lakelse this papers to Vancouver, and J. O. Powell passed through transportation will be arranged r morning. Prince Hupert last week on his SHCRIFPS SALE OF HYDRAULIC MINING MINERAL ACT at once. LEASE ON OOLD CREEK Send all communications B. C. UNDERTAKERS H. S. Wallace and his two way to liazeltnn. where he win IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Certificate of Improvements to: Olllcer commanding, children left for the south on the take a position with Stuart J COLUMBIA NOTICE 239th Battalion, C.E.F. O. F. Flncb, rittntlff "Albion" snd "Sunbesm' Mineral Utias. 175 Cordova St., W. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SATISFACTION AND GUARANTEED EM-IALWCRS Maquinna. Martin, the assayer. Mr. Powell vs. situate In tbe S keens Mlntor t'.r.U.i Vancouver, B. C, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT is one of the best known assaycrs Csstlsr llrdrsolie Mlnlnr Company Limited, Cassisr nistricL (Non-pcrsonsl Liability), Defendant Where located: About five ic::i.i tm 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 V. P. Lynch returned last and analytical chemists in the By virtue of a writ of flera facias Is the besd of Alice Arm on -Midiis evening from a business trip to province, and until recently ban sued In this acUon and directed to me, t TAKE riOTICE that I. Wm. T kerfti hare seized Lease No. JJi on Gold Creek. of Prince Rupert. B. C, Tree M.'aers 'Jf the interior. had charge of tho well known J as recorded In tbe mlnlnr recorder's omce lines le Ho. VI031B, intend sixty CW frj" O'Sullivan Assay Ofllce in Van. at llsxelton, also all machinery, ptplnr. tbe date hereof, to spply to toe n:ai Be Wise CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- lows, ana oiner rooas on toe premises, Recorder for s Certiorate of Itn?' vmk FOR SALE corner. All or which I will offer for sale by public for the purpose of obtamlnr a : t Jrui sell & Cunningham, and Parkin auction for casb at my otnee In the Court ft tbe above claim. Ward Klectric Co. tf House, I'rlnce Rupert, on Wednesdsy tbe And rurtber take notice that s: Lots 19 and 20, block 35, in DOUBLE ATTRACTION AT ird day of Aurust, lie, at JO o'clock tier seetltiQ 17, must be cumin 'j section 1. Lane corner on in tbe afternoon. WINTER IS COMING WESTHOLME THEATRE tbe Issue ot such Certlflrsle ct I -tnenls. Third Ave. Lots have been Mitchell Albert was amongst JOHN SHIRLEY. Sberltr of tbe County of brought to street grade and the southgoing passengers on the Atlin. Prince Rupert, Aurust a, i o t e luted this leib dsy of Mirch, HAVE YOUR FURNACES at There is a big double attraction 1916. basement excavated, a Maquinna this morning. LAND ACT AND ROOFS OVERHAULED cost of 1 1,000. Price for the at the Westholme tonight, when WM. T. KERCl.N, PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT Dlt BY pair, $2,850. $950 cash and Ed. La Fortune and John liar the second installment of "The TRICT OF COAST, RANGE III. MINERAL ACT balance arranged. kins left for Winnipeg this morn Master Key" is presented and also TAKE .NOTICE that Tactile Mills, Limited, uf Vancouver, Brltisb Columbia, occupation, House and lot near Cold ing to Join the Vikings. a great four-act drama entitled pulp and paper makers. Intend to spply NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARThl J. G. STEEN TO 1. A, RO0ERS. Storage. House is 20 X 30, "The Wolf of Debt." "Tho Mas for permission to purcbare tbe followinr TAKE NOTICE thst. whereas I plastered, 4 rooms, bath, COAL Favorite Lady smith described lands. Commenclnr st a post caused to be done the ssseismfit WORK GUARANTEED ler Key" is a great mystery serial planted on tbe mrth bank of Koeye river, dsn" water, electric light. Now tor ih vnr bis on the mineral Wellington lump and nut, best re about one-quarter of a mile up-stream ' which is hold the Mineral laying on in known No. JJ ss "Lsdjbtrd PHONE 5. rented $12. Price, $1,200. from tbe sbore of Flti-llurb Sound; tbence Terms. suits. Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf terest of Westholme patrons and nortb twenty cbslns, tbence east twenty sltusted In Cascade Creek valley, t is calculated to hold it to the last chains, tbence south to river's bank, tbence Silver Lake, In the Stewart,Mineral B. We write fire insurance. OUtrlcti and tbe "Stumpy" Aid. Montgomery left for the alonr sbore In a westerly direction to .rt" . ADVERTISE IN Only very best companies. reel. In "Tho Wolf of Debt" ap pot n I of commencement and contalnlnr sltusted on the essl side of Csrsds se prairies this morning. "Hill'' Is snd hsve psld for sail Ask us for your rate. rorty (to; acres, more or less. district, pears Violet Marsereau, one of Dated June inent work tbe sum of lG Blj going to try his hand at harvest lOtb. 19)6. Septa J' the stars of the who haw I-ACIF1C you psy to me the sum of I The Daily News H. G. HELGERSON, LTD ing. stage by "Mark MILLS,Smahy,"LIMITED,A rent. your shsre of tbe sstd sisctsnicct w taken up film work with great toretber with tbe costs of Wt Middle Dance in nid of iteturn- success. There Is an L-KO com SKEENA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or st tbe heed, in tbe ssld Stesrl. i COAST. HAN0E S. inrnt. I sbsll, at the expiration r ed Soldiers' Club in Hailwaymen's edy to complete this great eight, TAKE notice that Oeorre Roderick Mc-Kensle, .sys from the dste hereof, sr J w Hall, on Labor ')ay September 4. reel show. Wednesday will see or Prince Rupert, B. O, occupation Miomr Recorder st stewsrt. B. '3- w . enrtneer, Intends to apply for permission your Interest In tbe ssid 'Lsd.vt FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Westholme Orchestra, tickets 50 another big double program with to lease the followinr described lands: and "Stumpy" Mtuersl Clsims 'l,a"Uie cents. Refreshments. 204. "Graft" and a Red Feather Fea Commenclnr st a post planted at tbe in pursusnce of tbe provlf N. E. corner of T. L. Lot 1719. Ranrs I, Mlnersl Act." . tt turo. coast District, rorcber Islsnd, tbence Dsted st I'rlnce Ituperl. ' 710 SECOND AVE Mrs. II. Davies, whose husband south 10 cbslns, thence west SO chains, day of November, Kit' Ibeuce north so rbslns to sbore line, tbence A. LUND. U on the C, P. 11. ofllce stair here, Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware 8hlp Chandlery soutb-eailerly followinr sbore line to the Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle arrived from Victoria this morning. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. puln I of commencement) contalnlnr 110 KEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 4. acres more cr less. COAiT, RANOE , Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns They have taken up their 0EQR0E RODERICK McKENZIE. TAKE NOTICE thst Frederick Rope Valves Ammunition residence in the Steele Mock. Announce Uiil tbey hart purchased ot Tonopsb, Nevsds. occupstl n P Hose Paint I be business or the prince Rupert srer. Intends to spply for pcmi Pumps Trsnsfer Compsny tail solicit purchssr tbe follomr decrU ttt The Maquinna did not leave for a eon-Itnusnce Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroh of the petronsre or ths DENTISTRY ttiinmenclnr at a post P'"a !jr. the south until this morning, customers of tbst Arm. too reel essterly from the "rl""i,wicti "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" having been delayed in loading a Careful attention to all orders CROWN ner of Lot 40, Rsnrs , " ' . ,t AND BRIDGE WORE l.nce north 0 chalnsj thencs r heavy cargo of salmon from for Cartage and Coal. A SPECIALTY ' chains; tbence south 10 cU n Wales Island and other points. DR. J. S. BROWN less to tlie shore of Surf '-' j FRED STORK'S HARDWARE PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. DENTIST eummencmienl,fullowlnr the shore contslnlnr Jlne t" lCfrt Ilev. Dr. Wright, secretary of PHONE 93. Officii Smith Blesk, TnlfS Avenue more or lss. the llritish and For.Vr Diblo Ho. Phone 464 Frbruary IS, l. FREDERICK BRI8UW