Ill n&. OAtLt NKW8 AV.'lk, ,;,, TREASURER TO SION The Daily News "Meat Takes Another ALL REQUISITIONS Good nvcRVi Tuckdtk HOUR THE LEADINO NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN ORITUH COLUMBIA Jump" a familiar head Published Daily end Weekly Tli.- it council Monday niglit CLUBSPECIAL line in daily newspaper. Guaranteed Largest Circulation your passed the second reading of u Cigar But why worry about the hlnw renuirinn flll items of ex. HEAD OFFICE cost of something you don't l.-wlilur to have the slfnatuiv We ie looking f M Dailjr News Ilulldlng, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. U.K. Teh-phono 08. lienlitr sini-ku I" II, I, need? The most expensive ..f the city treasurer. sol lual u.l.,.1 i - ,. "i n fc 1 1' a i TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 r-nts p-r irTi-h Contract Aid. Casey thought that this foods arc generally the least OIL'S CIGAR STORE rates on application. was placing too much In th-hand Third Avenue nutritious. In Summer of one man and described DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1910. health and strength come it us approaching a monarchy. A PLCAvpr from a meatless diet. Two The mayor explained that il Shredded Wheat Biscuits, was not a matter of delegating (r- TORONTO reverse in Toronto, it stands but simply the Liberals nnd Conservatives shattered to its foundations. heated in the oven, covered nny new Mwer T sW umber Steamship plariMK f n added responsibility Service nlike rubbed their eyes nnd It is nmiistng to notice the with berries or other fruits citii-nnd all bigger It was ihflc in took another look at the pros tand taken by J. A. Norris, the and served with milk or he thought it essential that ALASKA AND To YUKON bulletins yesterday, when they Conservative candidate in this cream, make a complete, Hi.' man who was thoroughly ""n- The S. S. Prince Ilupirt or Prune read tho following': "Dcwart, hy-elcelion. Ho stated that he leave l'rinco Kurort every Vpi1h,...i . with the expenditures under satisfying, nourishing meal at x. i sant Liberal, relumed for Toronto, came bofore the electors on tho noon for Ketchikan, Wrnngell, Juneau, Skagway. f .- J majority CI3." II has long record of Whitney, which was a cost of five or six cents. All the various departmental appropriations ing at Skagway with the While Pass and Yukon il...j, was the proper been apparent that there is n rather unkind, considering the meat of the whole wheat. SOUTHBOUND party to carry that responsibility. The 8. S. Prince Ilupcrt or Prince Ueorgo leave Pi , tremendous wave of Liberalism Hint W. H. Hearst is now premier. Made in Canada Aid. CMy wanted to know if. Ilupcrt every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. T i- vu V iPi sweeping over the entire Dominion, In Hritlsh Columbia, ver, Victoria and Seattle. after the committee had approved Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands but that it would'wash tills plan was reversed as, nt BASEBALL of any expnditure, the treasurer TRAIN SERVICE out nny portion of the Conservative the by-election In Victoria, A. Weather permitting, tho Colls would have tho power to veto il. Trains leave Prince Ilupcrt every Monday, Wed: x stronghold in Toronto (J. Flumerfelt would accept no and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all p u, l a-: and C. C.'s will meet nt four Aid. Nelson said that Aid. Casey ami Jvuiiii. Mixcu tram leaves rnin-o unpen cv y was beyond the fondest responsibility for tho record of 'clock this afternoon at Recrea had got a wrong idea as to the day 0 n. m. Special weekend fare to Terrace and r lit hopes of Liberals. tho McHride-Howsvr administration, bar full information it reservations apply to cily !,, tion Park. If tho Club boys win bylaw. The Idea was simply l THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 Peel County threw down the but called for support will take this game they the have someono In tho oily hall accept Hearst candidate with a thump on the ground of what he hampionship and tho cup. They responsibility for each item and North Perth did likewise, would bring about In tho'new have already won, tho latter two of expenditure. but it was not imagined for a government. In both cases, years In succession so that if Aid. Casey said that tho finance CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY moment that such miracle the result was the same. It is a a they win it this season it becomes committee had chargo of such a Liberal victory in Toronto j now up to Ilritish Columbia to their own properly. matters nnd that last yenr it had Lowest Rates to all Eastern Polnta would ever bo recorded. It is show Ontario and the Dominion to have via Steamer to Vancouver and the not been found necessary enough to make many an old generally that tho wave of iberal volo and will defeat W. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tory turn over in his grave. Liberalism which struck the Ross handsomely, in spite of any The such mnyor measure.said that Aid. Casey Meals and Berth Included on Steamer Tho result is all the more coast cities early in the year the Gillctt faction. Mr Mcluues did not seem to understand the Princess Maqulnna for Qranby, Alico Arm Frl. it p.m. surprising when one remembers has not receded, but has risen will be an asset to tho province bylaw. It did not interfere with Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p.m. that there were four candidates high enough to engulf the a member of tho Legislature. the authority of the council, nor Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 d. nl in the Held, two of party which has so long masqueraded So far as Prince Rupert is con did tho fact that tho last council Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, August 28th. H. as Conservative, to the debatable point whom were Liberals. H. cerned, only did not follow this plan have nny J. I. PETERS, General Agent . Dewart, K. C, was the straight tho detriment of the province. s the size of T. D. Paltullo's .ma bearing on the subject. II was Third Corner Fourth Street and Avenue, I'rince Kupert. B.C. Liberal candidate; J. A. Norn's jority. a method followed b most cities was the Conservative; Gordon NOTES AND COMMENTS and was found to be very elective. Waldron was an Independent For Good Looks The bylaw carried. MINERAL ACT NAVIQABLC WATERS PROTECTIOI KT. Liberal and anti-prohibitionisl It is time Routnania got busy a woman must. .nave gooa B. S. C. Chaptar IIS. and J. M. Connor was a Soci(l in tho way of confirming the rumor health. She can do her part by T. I). Palttillo will address a Certificate of Improvements The Grand Trunk Pacini Democrat. Had Mr. Dewart that .she is really going to helping nature to keep the blood meeting in the Liberal rooms. pany hereby rives boUce it bu -ahr jty defeated the Conservative candidate fight. She should have no diffi Eure, the liver active with the and aid the of St. .ik Ml.iik, mi Friday at 8 p.m. NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELLIS bectton 7 of tbe said A: u , : ; j t:a regular, the Minister of Public v rki it .an in a straight fight, it culty in making up her mind on the mild, vegetable remedy FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL THISTLE FRACTION. and la tbe race of tbe D.-' . utJSt would have been a big enough which side to come in. A Rol Itmt llmalaUsa j COSMOS FRACTION, ULAC of the Land Registry KRACriON. MARIGOLD FRACTION, Prince Rupert at Prlm o 1 .;-::, i fc surprise, but for the Liberal BEECHAMS GOLD WATCH FREE. FRACTION, FERN FRACTION. PIN E.APPLE scripuea of tbe site and iiim r -nouae FRACTION, COXCOMB. BEOONIA FRAC proposed to be buut . ) . b to win with an Independent Reports from Ilritish head a m'htfqnrH WW uaa TION, MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the pert Harbor at Prince Hup- it, C; ;j!u Liberal in the field as well was quarters in France confirm Lloyd PILLS SL aSar irm. I Tom. am mm !vto rtabtfal4 Queen Charlotte District, located at or near lumbia. In front of wati r;: :.t B t u something extraordinary when George's forecast that the war Wtaa, ml.t H UMOMnda m am of ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island. Province accordior to rerutered piau ' tu li Emr 6s SsacUl Valw U DiractMM vitk Mli M a f British Columbia, and lawfully beld by site or the said city of i : . one bears in mind the political will soon bo over, . However, every ScUmrrvkn. IakuM,Z3i la fclmll row nwil.thaw.,ttww ta Ikeda Mines Limited. poaited in tbe a Tore said l:al hfitf Mala aaa. Writ TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. MacInnU, ip mc as No. til. anrfaalM history of Toronto. nerve must bo strained until the w, s Cororation of the City of Prince j aanta tat aaa af aar itllritor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND 1 AkE NOTICE that ': C Undoubtedly local conditions last shot is fired. Ruppert. I laahlaaabU Uai Oaaraa.LaSlai or miners' certificate No. 70JJ1 B, intend piratkxt r one month U u ROAD TAXES 1916. j Oana" AJbm.'ant after the expiration of sixty days frun tbe nrsi pebtkatioa of - t. . . tte had a great deal to do with the duo and payable I farrlaaa aa!4 ta ntf These taxes are now arum Ui amtrh.whiem the date hereof to apply on behalf of tbe orand Trunk Paeinc Railway n.;": result, particularly the nickel At the last moment, the powers to the City of Prince Ilupcrt on demand via trh.,,ba vaiahf ttai Trm at said Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for under Seetloo 7 of the .ai l A : i;. : of Collector, or authorized a font. Persons roaraataail S rami. a certificate of improvements for tbe pur tbe Minister ef Public V t. : J question, on which point the behind. W. X. Macdonald, tho machine In default will be subject to the penalties Malaaaaf i pose of cbtainlor a Crown Grant to the in tbe City of Ottawa f K Municipal Act. Pleae note. lo. em. w. anart tot o wi ,nr Inati by -Social Democrat advocated candidate for Atlin, tried imposed abaot aa a4 abn laaai Ida kaaaulalUaatek. above culms. akl aile and plana, and (;' I ix t: e E. D. JOHNSON. tma't talak tbla afltf tea aool la ba btim. aal m1 that the government talve over to induce Aid. Casey to onter the Treasurer and Collector. IS hiii lo-aar a4 ma a rna al.h. Toa AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action truet the sahl warehouse will ka am4. WIIJJAM UatV. katMl under Section Si or tbe Mineral Act must Dated at Wlnnlper, Man.; U V.J lit Prince Aurust 8. 1916. fot. lrwU UMBt.1UI.W.CoraaalUa SUiad. Iota,IU, the industry. Apart from fight as a Lib'eral-Labor candi Rupert, Eailaaa. be commenced before the Issuance of such day of May A. D. 1918 merely local issues, However, date, but George stood firm by MINERAL ACT ceruflcate of Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PA. I) tAlllU Dated this 3 tat day of Miy. A. D. I9I. COMPANY there is evidence throughout his colors and informed the ma Certificate of Improvements NOTICE is hereby riven that MOLY JOHN A. MAC1NNES, II. II. HANSAi:. 8 a RDENL'M MIXING AND REDUCTION COM Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. Ontario of the swing of the chine that, if he contemplated NOTIOE PANY LIMITED. NON-PERSONAL LIABIL political pendulum toward running, he would run as a Labor Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In tbe ITY. the owners of the "Molybdenum,' NAVIQABLC .WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District, Success" and other mineral claims, situ Liberalism. Ontario is the last candidate only. Where located: At the bead of brancb ated on the north side of Alice Ann, about R. S. C. CAP. 116. Certificate of Improvement! stronghold of Conservatism, or Lime Creek about four miles from the three miles from the bead of the Arm, In beach on the south side of Alice Ann. the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of British Co PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, bereby rive NOTIOE and for months past its outer Reports from Prince George TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorre R. Naden, lumbia, intend thirty days arter date hereof nonce that it has, under Section 7 of the Basin Mineral Claim, situate la defences have been crumbling. state that John Mclnnes, tho So Free Miner's Certificate No. 94098B. actlnc to apply to the Minister of Lands for said Act. deposited with the Minister or Skeena Mlnlnr Division or i-'s f tjW as agent for Tbos. McRostle, Free Miner' authority to transport orea or other mln Public Works at Ottawa, and In tbe office Where located: About r c w Today, with such a crushing cialist candidate, will receive the Certificate No. 6998 IB, and James L. Hatch. erals from such mineral claims and to ret of the Registrar Oeneral or Titles at Victoria. the beach on the south sMo ' f a: -a Free Miner's Certificate No. S7SSSB. Intend, In machinery and supplies to such mineral British Columbia, a description or at the head or a brani n (if L z sixty days from the date hereof, to claims across the "Blackwell" Mineral tbe site and tbe plans or certain structures TAKE NOTICE that 1, G( "gc R. S apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certin Claim, situated on said north side of Alice to be erected In front or Lot Thirty-one rree Miner's Certlncate N tiiit;. cate of improvements, for the purpose of Ann aforesaid, and for authority to con (SI . Range Tbree (J), Coast District, tend, altty days from tbe cat- tr,tc . Launch Alice B. obtaining a Crown Grant of the above struct a tramway and lay a pipe line from BriUsu Columbia, at tbe head or Cousins apply lb tho Mlnlnr Record! r f r ;crtt' claim. said Molybdenum and Success Mineral Inlet. cate or Improvements, ror t'? I :Tf And further take notice that action. Claims across said Blackwell Mineral Claim. AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration bbtaintnr a Crown Grant of tbs m0" under section 85, must be commenced be Dated this t SIM day of Aurust, A. t of one month from the data or claim. Leavct Paris Host for fore the Issue of such Certificate of Im 1016. the tint publication or this Notice, Pacific And further take dm ; t i: ?3el!SsS? Salt Lake Saturday afternoon provements. MOLYBDENUM MINING AND REDUCTION Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 under section 85, must be n ncnccl and all day Sunday. Dated this lth day of March, A.D. 191t. COMPANY LIMITED. NON-PERSONAL or the said Act, apply to tbe Oovernor-ln-Councll fore the Issue of sucb ' it1. Raturn Fart 28 Ctnta. GEORGE R. NADEN. LIABILITY. for approval or the said site and provements. For teraii and particulars plan. Dated this 14th day nt Mi , AT HI NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, GEORUE II :..l)E.i. CJ.U TION ACT BABY'S tbia lh day or April. A. D. 1916. ,W. J. THOMAS, Phona, R. 8. a CHAPTER 115. BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. MINERAL ACT Orn 391. The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. rcby rives notice that It has under Sec OWN. MAP Notice to Delinquent Partners-To MINERAL ACT tion 7 of said act deposited with the Min Q. W. Mai wail and CneH. NlN ister of Public Works at Ottawa and In the TAKE NOTICE that whereas I W office of the District Rerlitrar of the Land Rlvermoutb Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be dono afsr-:jni Tickets Registry District at Prince Rupert. B, C. c2W sltaated In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Division of on the woir Mineral claim, i:r ' a description or the site and the plans c2W Casslar DUlrlct. bead or Alice Arm. Obsrrvat ' of wharves and power bouse proposed to A, A Where located: At tbe bead of Alice the Skeena mlnlnr division uf 8," S be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess 9ou Arm, adjoining the Rlvermoutb and Cariboo trlct, assessment work for tn I" 4 to and from Norway, wad an, Dan-mark, Royal Island, In front of Lot 40, Range 4 mineral claims. 1914, and ISIS, and bavo psil f rf Finland, Italy and Ruaala. coast District, b u. TAKE NOTICE that I, O. R. Naden. Free work and recordlnr l" " ? SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK And take notice thai after the expiration tM Miners' Certificate No. 94.098B. acting at SJ07.80. Unless you psy c: 'Oscar 11." August 17th of month from the date of the first one agent for Carrie share f Pratt, Free Miners' Cer lfJI.80. for your ,rf "krUtlanlarjord" Aurusl Sth publication of this notice the Surf Inlet tltlcste No. torether wn we Stockholm" 93.9I7B, Intend, sixty days sessment work, Aurust S8th Power Company Limited will, under Section from tbe date I shall. ,D bereof, to apply to tht this advertisement. , "Berrensrjord" S8tn SepL 7 of the said to the Minister Act, apply fr 0) days Have Your Reaervatlone mad Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, lion of ninety M Early. or Public bis office In rc-Prince Works, at tbe wit m'5 for tbe purpose of obtaining hereof apply to For nates. Illustrated Folders and the City of for of the Tbe puniy anil f.-sprance of Ottawa, approval Oeueral Information Apply to a Crown Grant of the above claim. Rupert. B. C. to said site and plans and for leave to construct Baby'e Own Soap have made it And further take notice that action, ets in tbe Wolf mineral ' 1 m.! of tn DYBHAVN at the ald wharves and bouse. unlveisal fVorite. Its HANSON power a use is under aectlon IS, must be commenced be me, in pursuauvo w. .-mineral Insurance and Steamship Agtncy, Dated at Vancouver, B, a, this S9td beneficial to any skin. ore the Issue or surh Certificate or Im act. Sf day or May, 1 9 1 A. P this F-rlnca Rupert, B. o. Albert Soapa Limited,Montreal. provrmrnts, Dated l'rinco nm, THE SURF INLET POWER Ml COMPANY, Dated thla ISrd day or December, A, D. day of February, 1818. May fib. 1914. jytt K- ISIS. Apr. S, niS. I. E. STA. EMPRESS C0FFE IrVHOLESALC DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPEnT, B' -