Wednesday August 23, 1010. Tim daily hkwb. TWO LONG YEARS CANT I WfclTf HE SUFFERED lAHY NOTES MORE This Superior "Friiil-a-tives" Made Him Fee! COFFEE As II Walking On Air ORtu.M. Out.,Nor.28th. 191 1, nr..nmr two vrars. I wm troubled Lack As Its nemo Implies Is a blond of four special coffees. with Conixttion, Drowsiness, tJ : .i.itnA lleadathtt. Ono dav I saw ! It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and which read. "Kruit-a-tivrs ) iir sign Invigorating cup of coffee. " maliO you feel like walking on air. Tins appealed to mc, so I decided to t y a box. In a Tcry short time, I ,, m to eel hotter,and now I fetlfine. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS relish everything I have a good appetite, I cat, and the Headaches aro pono lb. ( til foly. I recommend this pleasant $0.45 per frmt vudicine to all my friends DAN McI.HAN. WM. BRAID & DIRECT IMPORTERS COc. a hot, 0 for $2.60, trial size, 2:. CO., VANCOUVER - B.C, At all dealers orsent postpaid by Fruit, ttwsrt A Moblty, Ltd., Wholssalt Distributors, Prlnes Ruptrt. Ottawa. a-tircs Limited, LAND ACT print Rupsrt Coast,Land Rang Dlttrlct a. Olttrlct cf ne osm 2,000,0001 TAKE NOTICE that the pacific Mills, l.lmltiit, of Vancouver, U. C., occupation p:;lp a::d paper makers, Intend to apply Belgians r;r permission to purchase the following doeribcd lands: Commenclnf at a post Bljrfwi'lp Depend on us planted at the southeast corner or Lot 1st cn tna west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence west 40 chains, thence south to chains, jig- im i- for Bread! tr-.rr.:3 cast to shore, thence northeasterly slanr shore to point of commencement, containing acres, more or less. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians Mark Smaby, arent. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission patcd May 13th. A. D. 1016. Aur. tl for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only three weeks they have had no chance to raise:more and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! Backed by the "TUB SGAIIEHKA IT -Cartcon from Haltimore A'erican. The Whisky Belgian Relief Fund PRISONERS OF WAR Sweet, Sinnott, Fraser. Winshy, to Mrs. Locke for a plnle (coronation Cartti. Mcintosh, Homer, Du Vor-net. which was held over. The so generously contributed in the British Empire sad the United Aged In Wood Tho Kale of cooking for the Hesner, Little, 0. C. Walker, sack of Hour, donated by II. Mc-Leod, States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported prisoner of war fund, which was was not drawn for, and tho enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation 8 Year held last l'ciday, realized 20.10. Otto Nelson, Atkins, Kggert, Ford, aluminum broiler, donated by J. so (at. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Belgians led in Wort bottling McMullin, Williscroft, Mcllac, the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of The coinmitlco oxlends thanks to II. Thompson, was won by J. L. GUARANTIED BY THE ' bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. GOVERNMENT ol CANADA mm Mrs. C.ainhie and Mrs. Homer for Johnson, The Journal and The Mitchell. takitiR cjiarge of the sale and the News. Thanks are also extended Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of following for donations: Mes- to I). O. Stewart for two pounds women, ctiOdren and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible dames Locke. C. L. Munroe. Tyre. "f ' 'ilTee, won by V. M. Fraser; someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month eyery THE rJiOINEyRmNrjlENT month all this winter I tucst botes of eSfot J C22H22Di No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute FISHERMAirS) ENQINt generously as we Canadians I No cause has eret been mote 2 Cl-6 1.2 In. by 7 In., 12-tS deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity for Horss Pow.r. the sale of our own self-rerpect let us grst all we can to Cl. 3 3-4 In. by 6 1-2 In., 25 help our martyred Allies 1 , Horts Pow.r. Send yout luUcnpttou weekly, oiUy la mm kafx Sa Lacal Cl. B 1-2 In. by S In, 25-33 PioTiacUl CommiUeev c la tk S Horss Powsr. ThreeMfeMyForces Central Executive Committee, 59 St Ptter'SL, Montreal For Further Information $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Close Lieke Apply to W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. C. Advertise In The Daily News. 3 Have you ever noted how an audience fk Auction arxdThrift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when the speaker reveals enthusiasm? 1 'TvO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire -L will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From thia viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy,which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries and non-esscntida. Only in this way ahall we be able impart belief in anything, a man must believe it to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial activities, repair the wastage of the war,and fond the funds for its continuance. It deeply himself. We call such a man on enthusiast. cannot be too frequently or too earnestly Impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are. for those word also who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This applies to the written particularly our auccess, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." SIR THOMAS W1I1TE, MiniiUr of Financt. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience the readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. 'lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable impression of enthusiasm. This it LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do when the article Ttic war is now turning on a i-ontcst of all forces Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries' . advertised has inherent worth. and resources men, munitions, food, money. The and wages is spent on the home food, fuel, light, call to all is to produce more and more. It may be f lot him'm Are nnv j rf-- iIima-. tKinn. I,.! n. w4dK w.niu 4 nix-cnury to work Harder, inc place ti tnut wno S'Ji.lXi a year saved from waste in every home In Thus we have: enlist must be taken by those at home, men and Canada will more than pay the interest on a war debt t women, oia ana young, ine more we prouice toe of two,oou.ouo. Enthusiasm more tc can save. I'ruduce more on the farm, and Sincerity - Advertising: In the gardens. Save more and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Three mighty forces, close-linked. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are you (pending; your money to the best advan- V What ' tagef do you think 01 extravagance in war In this war-time all Ialrur thould be direct Iv pro time? Tena of thousands of Canadians are daily ductive or should tc agisting lu production. Make it Hiking their lives (or us at home. Is it not our duty f) art Jeimf a kmim talk tvtr fur aJvtttiilt pnkltmt wiik tkt AJvtrltihf Drftrtmnl as cllkient a possible. )(your labour is on nvmcihiiiK to be careful and oronomical T Canadian dollar are ( iktt utwipaptr. a art Joint a prtvtmttal r mu it wtalj it will fr (hat can le xtHiu'l,put it on nil alter tho war an.I -an iinnnrtant i .tnrt of thi.. urir H,tnitiman,'t.,. '. If.t in ... , ( kavt tkt (mini and atihlanct a fW aJvtrliiimt "fO A lilt tktu make your labour ti-lt now. Maling war is the tint tell. Have a War Savings Account. Uuy a War I business o( all Canadians. Etlkicncy in labour Is will it furuhktJ, witktat tut r tltl(tlm, kj tkt Stcrttary of CamaJitm important as clliclcncy in fvhtlo?. as trill AliKiutitii, ( S01, LumiJt liuUJiMf, Ttrtmtt. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3' I I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE