1 6AILY NEWS, M" i'ul ay -TUB . - The Daily News Lashing a Lazy Liver NEW FROHMAN AT MAJESTIC STAR THEATRE J COOD CVCRVi TucKctts with pills may give temporary HOUR mn THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA relief--but the pill hnbit is not l and the Humming , Published Dally and Weekly In The Mummy ICLUBSPECIAL health habit. It will Qutranteed Largest Circulation a put the Bird," the Famous Players liver out of business in time Co. introduces to the motion pic-lure HEAD OFFICE and then everything else N public another famous Froh-man re looking for tho most .,,. Dally News DulldlnR, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, n.fl. Telephone 08. fjocs out of business. Get of ticular smi.ker in town v star. The drama Is one got just Vf the health habit by eating what ho TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cnts Inch. Contract wants, pr those rare plays which permits Shredded Wheat Biscuit, OIL'S CIGAR STORE rates on application. the ideal hot-weather food, nn actor of real ability to display Third Avenue Prince which contains more digestible, the full force of his histrionic RUpert DAILY EDITION EJI Monday, August 28, 1910. brain-making, muscle-building power. The story recounts tho material than beefsteak tragedy of a neglected wife who or eggs. The tasty, delicious seeks nmusement In tho company COLONIZATION far as British Columbia is concerned. crispness of the baked wheat of unscrupulous Italian novelist, an When a parly of Norwegians With tho land, lumbering gives palate joy and stomach Signor D'Orelll, known as the Summer Steamship Service wrote to the department of should be included, for comfort. It supplies the humming bird, who seeks firsthand lands at Victoria boom in TO enquiring as a lumbering through, maximum of nutriment in information of the ex. ALASKA AND to the possibility of securing out tho province is certain to YUKON smallest bulk, and its daily perienccs and emotions of which Tho S. 8. Prince llupert or Prince George land on which to create a col como with tho rebuilding of the bowels use keeps healthy ho writes. Unfortunately his next leave Princo Rupert every Wednesday at i ony, Hon. V. R. noss replied Belgium and Northern France and active. For breakfast tho noon for Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Skagway. Conner wrecking is to concern that the Uritish Columbia government So far as farming land is concerned, with milk or cream, or for story (ng at Skagway with tho Whito Pass and Yukon lloute. of home. Tho awakening of the a was not in the coloni tho government must any meal with fresh fruits. SOUTHBOUND unsuspecting husband, tho re Tho S. S. Prince llupert or Prince George leave Prmc zing business. Mr. noss stated carefully consider and adopt Made in Canada venge which a former victim of llupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. m, for Vancow. the truth very baldly and he measures for tho bringing un vcr, Victoria and Seattle. the wily schemer wreaks upon Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands might have added that the government der cultivation of the hundreds land behind the cities; from tho him, and tho saving of the innocent TRAIN SERVICE was simply running i. of thousands of acres of good production of tho soil and tho fraught with Trains leave Prince llupert every Monday. Wcdncsaat glorified Ileal Estate Exchange, land which are tied up for woman, are nnd Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all points Kan", hills. Every new settler is thrills and dramatic suspense in nnd South, Mixed train leaves Princo Hupert every Satu. in which the plums and the speculative purposes. A heavy weekend faro to Terrace and worth a thousand dollars to abundance. A splendid Kclair day 0 a. m. Special return .K commissions wont to the men tax on unimproved land, making " l-'or full information & reservations apply to city ticket ofiii., this province, provided that Animated Weekly completes a AVENUE PHONE 2C0 who helped to tho THIRD keep machine it unprofitable to hold land settler is progressive and allowed great show. in good wdrking order. for speculative purposes seems to make progress along One of tho biggest problems tho easiest plan, but that can proper lines, but filling up our SCANDINAVIAN FRATERNITY i which will face tho Brewster safely be left to our now administrators. cities with for men looking CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY government will be the question Once it is regained work is not progress, but simply At tho meeting of delegates o f colonization. Immi for the people, the land a preparation for future from the western lodges of the Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points grants have been brought to must be settled upon a carefully slums; pale-faced and stunted Scandinavian Fraternity of America, via Steamer to Vancouver and the this province In tens of tnou-sands planned community system children, and national weakness. held at Spokane, Wash., the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY in tho past, and, when so that the farmers have Canada's hope lies in 17th to 10th Inst., it was decided Meals and Berth Included on Steamer the war is over, many more all the advantages of town life to form the lodges in Montana. lier new lands and it is to the Princess Maqulnna for Grant), Alice Arm Frl. tt p.m. thousands will come. Every in the way of schools, churches land, and the land only, that Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Brit- Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p.m. British Columbia soldier who etc. tho new arrival must be sent, sh Columbia and adjacent terri Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 o. hu has gone to Europe is, unconsciously, Itoom can bemade for thousands and he mint not l ent to tory into one Grand Lodge, and Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, August 28th. a n advertising more in the fishing industry hew out a home miles from a officers for tho ensuing term were J. I. PETERS, General Aeent agent, and results will follow by the ousting of the .neighbor but must be made ono elected as follows: Grand Presi Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. U.C and it will be one of the most Oriental, who has controlled of a community which will ultimately dent, A. ChrislofTson, Tacoma. important duties of the government the labor end of this business build up a healthy Wash.; Grand Vice-President. to prepare for -them. many years loo long. With town. John Dybhavn, Prince' ftupert; MINERAL ACT NAVIQABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. At the present time, this the cannery monopoly broken, Grand Secretary, Frank Burman, R. S. C. Chaptsr Its. province is ill-prepared to receive there will be more canneries 8alvatlon Army. Spokane, Wash.; Grarfd Treasur Certificate of Improvements Tbe Grand Iruuk Pacific tuiliij u. any great inllux of settlers and a greater demand for labor. er, Otto Johnson, Seattle, Wash.; pany hereby rives notice thai It :,u wlef of any kind. Our cities With the boat raling Public meetings, Tuesday, Grand Chaplain, Alex. Benson, NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, DELL13 Section ? of tbe said Act d.p itcd .u tbe Minister of Public W it.- it mutt do not jieed them, and, when gone, tho independent whilo Thursday and Saturday at 8 v. m Missoula, Mont. FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE HELL FRACTION, and In the mice or tbe Dlsi-it; Herutnr the boys return from Europe fishermen will get prices for Sundays at 7:30 p. m. The next meeting of tho Grand C03M03 FRACTION, THISTLE ir lue Land Registry Omi . DUtrlct of FRACTION, MAR10OLD FRACTION, LILAC Prima iluprrt at Prluce li.rt, tilt and the thousands who are at their salmon which will enable Cororatlon of the City of Prince ,odgo will be held in June, 1917. FRACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE scrlptlon of tbe site and plans of in present engaged i n making them to purchase boats Huppert. in Seattle. FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRAC. bouse proposed to be built In tuna taper! TIO.N, MINERAL CLUMS situate la thl Harbor at Prince Rupert, B.mua Columbia, munitions are released, there for other lines of fishing, such Queen Charlotte District, located at or nea inftftmt or waterfr-m fiml u ROAD TAXES 1910. will be serious problems to be as halibut, thus building up a The Dally flews delivered h Ikcda Day, Queen Charlotte Island, Province according to registered plan of u loss-' of Drltlsa Columbia, and lawfully held by site or the said city of FruKO Rupert deposited faced. However, settlers will Canadian fleet of halibut boats. These taxes are now due and payable carrier, 50 cents per month Ikeda Mines Limited. in the aroreaald luk arrstr como in, whether we want them In mining, lies the greatest to the City of Prince Rupert on demand TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Maclnnla, omce as No. tn. of Collector, or authortied agent, rerson solicitor for Ikeda Minea Limited, tree AND TAKE NOTICE that after oe tt-piratlon or not. The war has unsettled hope of this district, and, with In default will be aubjeel to the penaltlea miners' certificate No. 7031s B, Intend of one month frum th: data t tens of thousands of young encouragement given to the Imposed by Municipal Act. Please note. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR arter the eiplratlon of sixty days from the Drat publication or iha coucs, the E. D. JOHNSON, the date hereof to apply on behalf or the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway mem u men of energy in the old country small miner and less power Treaiurer and Collector. SECOND HAND GOODS aald Company to tbe Mining Recorder for under'Section 7 of the said A t apply to and Prince Rupert, Aurust it. 19 IS. SOI- a certificate of improvements for tbe purpose the Minister of Public Wurks it U nice of those many young given to the big corporations, OF ALL KINDS Orant to the ot of obtaining Crown in the City or Ottawa tut arpntil fellows will turn to Canada as there should be a big reawakening MINERAL ACT above claims. said site and plans, and for leave to eoa-struct BOUGHT AND SOLD AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action tbe said warehouse an outlet for their energies. in this industry under Section IS of the Mineral Act must Dated at Winnipeg, Mana ma, ti-t Kis These men would be an asset with the results that there will Certificate of Improvements HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A be commenced before tbe issuance of such day or May A. D. 191ft. SMALL PROFIT certificate of Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PAUFIt RAIlWlT to any country and it would bo be enough ore produced to D. 1916 NOTIOI Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Rd 268 Dated this 31st day or May, A. COMPANY. poor policy to turn them away, warrant a smelter and prob JOHN A. MACJNNES. II. II. HANSARD. SoIkJU. Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate tn the Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. yet labor men will tell you, and ably a refinery in this vicinity. Skeena Mining Division of Casstar District. they know of what they speak, The most important point is Where located: At the bead of a. branch NAVIQABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT of Lime Creek about four miles from the that there is no room for any that, for the present, tho cities beach on the south side of Alice Arm. R. S. O. CAP. 11B. Certificate of Improvement! great number of fresh arrivals. of this province do not require Free TAKE Miner's NOTICE Certificate that I,No.George 94094B,R. Naden,acting THE OINtyRrJINLMENT 1 PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, hereby give NOTICE The solutions lie in the land; men. Our cities will grow, and as arent for Tnos. McRostle, Free Miner' vr finest bend ttef?ee J notice that II has, under Section 7 or tbe Basin Mineral Claim, situate Id and Jamea L. aald Act, deposited wltn the Minister of Skeena Mining Division of casslar Dutr in new mining development Certificate No. 688a IB, Hatch, but that growth rapidly, grow Free Miner's Certificate No. S7966B, In FISHKRMAIfS ENGINE Public Works at Ottawa, and In tna otoce Where located: About r u" n. t f and in the fishing Industry, so must bo produced from the tend, sixty daya from tbe date hereof, to or the Registrar General or Titles at Victoria, tbe beach on the south side of AUco in 2 Cl 12 In. by 7 In.. 12-15 apply to tbe Mining Recorder for a Certifl British Columbia, a description or at thtf bead of branch of Lime i:rt'L cate of Improvements, for the purpose of Horae Power. tbe site and the plans or certain structures TAKE NOTICE that I, Gorge B. M obtaining a Crown Grant of the above Cyl. 3 3-4 In. by S 1-2 In., 20 to be erected In front or Lot Thirty-one rree Miner's Certificate No. 91CB, a-lend, claim. Horae Power. (31 , lunge Three (3), Coast District, sixty daya from the daw tereof," Launch Alice B. And further take notice that action. 4 Cyl. B 1-2 In. by S In, 25-35 British Columbia, at the bead or Cousins apply to tbo Mlnlnr Recorder f( r a Of"j under aectlon 81, must be commenced be Horse Power. nlet. cate or Improvements, for the r'10'' AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration Orant i f tM aw" tore tbe Issue of such Certificate of Im obtaining a Crown provements. of one month from tbe date of claim. Leaves Dirls flott for Dated this 14 lb day of March, A.D. 19 It For Further Information the first publication of this Notice, Pacific And further take notlco thst i'1 Salt Lake Saturday afternoon GEORGE It. NADE.1. Apply to Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 onder section St, must be romm'DCti and all day Sunday. of the said Act, apply to the Oovcruor-ln-Council fore the Issue of such cvr:. ; Ho or improvements. Return Far 25 Cents. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC for approval of tbe aald site and , W. E. WILLISCROFT plan. of Nar X A.D-1" For term and particular! TION ACT Dated this 14th day Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, GEORGE R. NAUi-S- Call this stb day of April, A. D. 1916. -W. J. THOMAS, Phone. R. S. C. CHAPTER 116. BODWELL. LAWSON It LANE. MINERAL ACT Qreen 391. Tbe Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Solicitors for TaclOc Mills, Limited. NOTICE Is hereby riven that M0LY Partner hereby gives notice that It has under Section Notice to Delinquent BDENUM MINING- AND REDUCTION COMPANY MINERAL ACT 7 of said act deposited with the Min LIMITED, NON-PERSONAL LIABIL To fl. W. Maiweil and Charlst NeM'" uter of Public Worka at Ottawa and In tbe whereas I TAKE NOTICE that ITY, tbe owners of the "Molybdenum." office of tho District neglatrar of tbe Land success" and other mineral claims, situ Rlvermouth Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done -i'": mc', m Tickets Registry District at Prluce Rupert, B. C ated on the north aide of Alice Arm, about situated In the Skeena Mining Division 'of on the Wolf Mineral claim, siwawd a description of tbe site and tbe plans three miles from the head of the Arm. In Casslar District. head or Alice Arm. Observatorj' of wharves, and power bouse proposed to the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of British Co Where located: At tbe bead of Alice Uie Skeena mining division or 3k"" , be built at tbe bead of Surf Inlet, Princess luinbia, Intend thirty daya after date hereof Mm, adjoining the Rlvermouth and Carl-boo trlct. aasessment work for tha to and from Norway, Swedan, Dan-mark, Royal Island, In front of Lot 40, Range 4 to apply to the Minister of Lands for mineral claims, 1914, and 19U. and havo paid foM Finland, Italy and Rum la. Coast District, ts u. authority to transport ores or other min TAKE NOTICE that I, G. It. NiJeu. Free work aud recording sam , SAILINGS FROM.. NEW YORK And take notice that after tbe expiration erals from auch mineral claims and to ret Miners' Certificate No. 94.094B. acting ai IJ07.10. Unless you psy mo M u! 'United Statee" . . September 14th of one month from tbe date of tbe first In machinery and supplies to such mineral agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Certificate liJl.50, ror your share of ini i "Bergensfjortl". . .. September lth publication of this notice tbe Surf Inlet claims across tbe "Blackwell" Mineral No. 03,I7H. Intend, alxty dayr tessmeni work, together w-iti "Oscar II" .!. September lh Power Company Limited will, under Sec Claim, situated on said north side of Alice from tbe date tereof, to apply to the this advertisement. I shall, at tns v Stockholm" September 30th tlon 7 of the said Act, apply to tbe Mln Ann aforesaid, ar.d for authority to con Mlnlnr Recorder for Certificate of Improvements, tlon of ninety (90) day! fr-m Have Your Reeervatlone maae Early. later of Public Worka, at his office tn struct a tramway and lay a pipe line from for tbe purpose or obtaining hereof apply to the wiainr 'a 'vt. For General Rates. Information Illustrated Apply Foldera to and the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said Molybdenum and Succeas Mineral a Crown Grant or the above claim. Prince Rupert. . C. t0 un your 'n u aald site and plana and for leave to con Claim acroaa aald Blackwell Mineral Claim. And further take- notice that action, esis in tbe Wolf mineral claim "K DYBHAVN HANSON atruct the said wharves and power house, Dated thla 18th day of August, A. D. under section It, must be commenced before me. In pursuance of lbs provisions Insurance and Staen.ihlp Agency, Dated at Vancouver, B. C, tbla i9tb tvio, the Issue of surb Certificate of Improvements. mineral act tt Prince Itupertw . 0. day of May. itlft. MOLYBDENUM MININ0 AND REDUCTIO.N Dated t'tlato Rupert. B. d m THE SURF ISLET POWEn CONPANY, COMPACT LIMITED, N0N PERSONAL Dated this Jrd day or December, A, D. day of February, i9lt. May 9tb, lOtft. Ill LIABILITY. 19 IS. Apr. I. tnt, i, E. ! EMPRESS G0FFE E WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F, Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT. a III