,,iir August 28, .QIC, rna daily hkvvb. NOTED miisiciai. Candidates for the Approaching Election in B.C. OF MONTREAL LIBERALS CONSERVATIVES INDEPENDENT Alborui II. C, firewater J. . C. Wood J. I). Kendall Atlln l-'rniik MoMey W. X, MeDonalil Aa" . p ... Pmll Madicin.. Caribou J. II, Yorslon J. A. Frascr Direct From the ID rtmw - (Jlnlllwuck It, I). Harrow W. I, Mackori , V Columbia Cuwiclian John K. (J. Iluclian Duncan Cnpt.Dr. Taylor Hayward Plantation to the Cup Cioniox Hugh atownrt Mike Manson V. A. Wildcard (8) Braid's Best Coffee Cranbrook Dr. J. 11. King T. I). Coven Dclln A, D. Patterson F. J. Mackenzie Start the day right with asteamlng cup of dellclous coffee always obtainable when you uso BRAID'S Dcwiiiiey John Oliver W. J, Manson BEST COFFEE. .And In the evening at dinner or J;s(uiinalt A. '. McCurdy H. II. 1'ooley , supper a cup of this delicious coffeo ensures comfort Fort (ii'Mgc Hon. V. It, Iloss John Mclnnes (8) and good digestion. W. n. flillel. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS B0o. A POUND Ferule Alex. I. Fisher Thomas Uphill J. A, McDonald (8) (ireenwood Dr. (J. D. McLean J. It. Jackson Oram! Forks J. It, Thompson Hon. It. It. Miller , 4 - " Wm. Braid & Co MR POSCNDURQ Islands M. 1). Jackson Oapt. W. W. Foster Dlract Importara, Vancoutar, B. O. fcSO C'asj-raln St., JIontrc.il. Kamloops F. W. Anderson J. I. Shaw Arril 20th, 1915. Kaslo John Keen It. J. Long "In my opinion, no other medicine Llllooel J, U. Uryson A. McDonald' curative for Constipa. In the world I to lion and fadigrstion as"1'ruIt-a-tlTM". Nunaiino Wni. Sloan A. H. 1'lanta it Sam .Skinner S) iA lwisasuITcrerfrom these complaint for Nelson A. M. Johnson Dr. V. O Hose L. L. Hoomer' ffc) S3 aft af&arSti fiTO years, and my sedentary occupation, N. Okanagan Dr. K. McDonald I'rice Flllson m 2,000,0001 Music, brought obout a kind of Intestinal Paralysis with nasty Head-aches, South Okanagan L. V. llogers Mayor Jones belching fas, drowsiness after Newcastle Dr. Doier I'arker Williams Ind. ans rating and Pain In the Hack. I tried N. Westminster D. Whilcsido Thomas Oifford TO pills and medicines of physicians, but Omineca Alex. M. Manson F. M. Dockrill f Depend on us nothing helped me. Then I wa Induced to try " Fruit-a tlves and now for Frinco Ilupert T. D. 1'attullo Hon. William Manson six months I hare been entirely well. Ilevclstoke Dr. W. H. Sulherlandllcm. T. Taylor for bread! I advise any one who suffers from that 4 v. Itoaslnnd W. D. Willson Hon. L. A, Campbell horrible trouble Chronic Constipation with the resultant Indigestion, to try ltichmond G. G. McGeer W. J. Haird W,Robert J. Ledingham McHride (Ind.)(S) Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians 'Fruit-a'tivet", and you will be Saanicli F. A. I'auline I). M. Kberts have depended (or food entirely on the "Commission agreeably will receive surprised". at A.the KOSKN'HUKQ.great benefit Similkameen II. S. Conkling L. W. Shatford for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, you COc a box, G for J2.G0, trial size, 25c. Slocan Chas. F. Nelson Wm. Hunlec even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit N. Vancouver Mayor Hanes O. H. Morden Wm. McN'elsh (Ind-Cons.) three weeks they have had no chance to raise!moie t-tiros Limited, Ottawa. S. Vancouver J. W. Weart Ilev. W. Itoulton J. K. Wilton (Labor) and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I Trail Michael Sullivan J. A. Scofleld i J. Goodwin (S) LAND ACT Backed tho by Vancouver m. ... Macdonald Hon. W. J. Dowser J. D. Harrington (S) V, Donnelly Hon. Dr. McGuIre II. Cassidy (Ind-Cons) Print Rup.rt Land District District of Coast, Rtngs 3. Dr. J. W. Mcintosh Thomas Duke T. O. Townlcy (Ind-Cons) Belgian Relief Fund TAtE NOTICE Ultt US Pacific Mills, "J. W. dell. Farris C. K. Tisdall W. II. Trotter (Labor) Li. vJ. or Vancouver, B. a, occupation pelp s:d paper makers. Intend to apply nalph Smith A. II. H. Macgowan K. C. Appelby (Ind) so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United (or (wrmliilon to purchase the f olio win r J. 8. Cowpcr Waller Leek H. O. White (Ind States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported fluent! Undi; -Commfnclnf at a post wheat, flour and other foods feed the whole nation plicud it the southrsst corner or Lot tit A. F. Fawcett (Ind) enough to ca the veil shore or Cousins Inlet, thence Victoria II. C. Hrcwstcr Hon. A. Stewart A. J. Morley (S) so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in veil 41 chains, thence south 10 chains, the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of Vkcts tut to shore, thence northeasterly John Hart Iteglnald Hayward Dan poupard (S) bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. iLir ibore to point or commencement, George Hell John Dilworth P. II. Smith (S) ccsumiGf (t acres, more or less. Unless let these hundreds thousands of II. C. Hall Leonard Talt Dr. E. Hall we are willing to -of PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the Mark Smaby arent. Yale Joseph Wallers Alex. Lucas expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible tulrd Mir lllh, A. D. 1016. Aur. 11 someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every month all this winter I No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute r LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS generously aa we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for HOTEL the sake of our own self-respect -let ut give all we can to 13 WOW OPEN TO QUESTS help our martyred Allies I One or the larrtst Hot Sprlnrs in Send yovt ubccnptwcu weekly, -aeaiaJ?at ha aamkmaf aamta Local m America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature PtovUcul Committees, ot to the S of Water. ISO d. Fahr. Central Executive Committee, 59 St Ptter SL, Montreal ThreeMigMyForces Cicalltnt Trout Laka.Fishing In Ukdii $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Phon Connections with Tarrac. RATES l 92.50 par day. For i. BRUCC further JOHNSTONE,particulars, Managae.apply to Advertise In The Daily News. Have you ever noted how an audience traduction andThrift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? TO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men and In money. From this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able impart belief in anything, a man must believe it to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial activities, repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for its continuance. It deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still He before us, and that Industry and thrift are, for thise who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This the written word also particularly applies to our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." Slit THOMAS WHITE, Minitter of finance. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his 'wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience tho readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. "lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement must convey an unmistakable SPEND MONEY WISELY. . impression of enthusiasm. This it LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do' when the article The war U now turning on u contest of all forces Ilein at home.. The larger portion of salariea advertised has inherent worth. and resource men, munitions, (.km, money. The and wages is spent on the home food, fuel, light, call to all is to produce more arid mure. It may be clothing. Are any o( these things being wasted T necewary to work harder. The Uce o( thote who 1JO.IX) a year saved from waste in every home in Thus we have: enlist must be taken by those at home, 'men and Canada will more than pay the interest on a war debt women, old and young. Tae more we produce the of 1500,000.000. Enthusiasm more we can save. Produce more on the (arm and Sincerity -- Advertising: in the gardens. Save more and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Three mighty forces, close-linked. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are you spending your money to the best adtan What do tage? you think ot extravagance in war In this war-time all labour should be directly productive timet Ten o( thousands of Canadians are dtily or should t assisting in production. Make it risking their lives (or us at home. Is it not our duty If J art JaUf a local in talk tvtr fr oJvrtitit fniltmt with tht AJvtrHtlnf Dtrtmi as tllkivnt aa pusaibte. I( your labour Is on something to be careful and economical T Canadian dollar, are f tkii utwtpaptr. J u art Joll a prvitlal r malhmal ImUih It muU h miU far that can be postponed,put it oil till after the war ami an imiKirtant part of the war equipment. Make ilirm fa la htivt tki ttkniW and anMiti J tJ aJvirti$iat attmcy. A Hit af tkaa make your labour tell now. Making war is the first tell. Have a War Savings Account. Duy a War business of all Canadians. Elficiency in labour is as Uond. mill h farnhktJ, wllktal rati ar aUlftllaa, jr ikt Sttrttarj CaaaJiaa important as eilkicucy in fighting. frit Anaciatlta, Itttm SO J, LumtJtn BallJiaf, TtnaH. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA O I (D I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE