The Daily News sot Ml m' PRINCE RUPERT, H. C, W UlNI SDAY, AUGUST 30, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENT m diets 77 T?AS KISSED VON FALKEN All DN a HINDENBURG TAKES COMMAND RUMANIAN MOVE COSTS GERMANY DEAR HiNDENBURG RUMANIAN MOVE SUPERSEDES IS BITTER BLOW FALKENHAYN TO THE GERMANS of German General Staff Is Chief Germany will Lose Immense Dl$ml$ed Iron Crosses Quantities of Supplies Bulgaria's Galore Britain Wants Fate Greeks made Leather. Big Mistake. ,v HI to The Daily Kewi.) (Special to The Dally Newt) Itc: ..xi, Aug. 30. -Tim Kaiser ''ieI,l Mnrhal Von London, Aug. 30. Hoiiniaiiia's hfl i,. i '"'' i; f; in Ik a Chief of Hie flcn-r decision to untcr tho war on the j sta.T in succession to Gen-c side of the Allies has caused con ., V ii ralkenhayn, who has sternation in Germany and the I. n dismissed. countries of her nllies. Tho Rou V 1 mJciiburg wnc respon- manian move means to Germany t ...;: f t Uic breaking up of the the sacrifice of the receipt of tremendous j. a llossian offensive and quantities of supplies f ill i mg of the Russian anil the necessity nf extending her ; l ai k on the eastern front. lines of defence. t the winter, hehl the Germany had arranged for the n ; ' ! hut wan recently nil taking over of tho entire wheat 1 i it the Archduke Trcd- surplus in Iloumauia and for supplies of rolling stock, hides, etc. V uhayn succeeded Von Austrian monitors have bom. K uud has had control of the harded the Roumanian coast ! i fi nt for over a year, towns of Verciorova, Turnu, Sev- M h th- exception of the attack erin and Glurgevo. SIR SAM HUGHES ENJOYING HIMSELF IN OLD ENGLAND. am is a hero in England, at least to the English crowd. V j.ii which wan loft in the Bulgaria's Fate. Iii the picture he is seen acKtiow d s t.lie beers t a crowd uii .1 1 Thames embankment on his return from a visit to the tar :.i f the drown Prince and Paris, Aug. 30. The feelfng is captured German submarine nun. lavm which is being exhibited at Temple Pier. h i staff. prevalent that llulgaria will The Toronto Globe of August says editorially 'it would be a crime, the ghastliest and must murderous crime, of tho war, Iron Crosses. lrflSk,tQ jist n a staJ.oaTtrjy!:., no matter w hat the excuse or what the cause, were General Sir Sum Hughes given a real command of living soldiery 1tr a ge1iuln? C .mhagen, August 30. The war., i engagement anywhere on tho war's battlefront.'- Kic Z itung announces that, Greek Mistake. "The thing even the thought of such a thing suggested in yesterday's despatches from (Ottawa, .is so monstrous that the f th r iminenccincnt of hos- Athe,ns, Aug. 30. Fifty thousand man in the street would scout offhand the suggestion were it not for the fear that, judging from the experiences of tho past Germany has distributed Greeks, realizing tho mistake two years, tho thing might bo true. And If true, then Ood havemrcy un tho officers and men doomed to service in that command. f I: ;ndrcd and thirty thousand made by the government and "Ills limelight posturings in Canada, in England, and in France are Canada's humiliation; but, fncing a German charge, limelight Ircn I -esses, King Constantino in showing for General Hughes would bo the blueknoss of darkness for his men condemned 'to do and die.' Canadian Leather Wanted. sympathy with the cause of Germany If the Prime Minister has no other way by which the country can be rid of Sir Sam Hughes, let the Canadians atdiomo endure l--rl i Aug. 30. Great Ilrit-t and Austria, paraded In the nllliction to its worst rather than imporil the lives of Canadians at the front by an army command as tho price of his resigna-tion.- " , ndcr tho Defense of the front of the residence of ex-premier r : Act. is requiring that all Venizelos, who has firmly r-: 2;'a 8 available leather supply favored the Allies, imploring him l " ;ipei to Britain and none of REPUBLICANS WOULD T. D. PATTULLO GIVEN STRIKE SITUATION CANADIAN SOLDIERS to give assistance to tho peoplo !1 foreign countries. BRING WAR, SAYS REID SPLENDID RECEPTION BECOMES CRITICAL DON'T LIKE SIR SAM and to urge tho King to join tho Entente Allies in tho war. (J. S. CRUISER MEMPHIS (Special to The Daily ?(ei.) Since leaving here on Monday (Special to The Dally ISewi.) Toronto. Aug. 20. The Toronto ference with high officers in tho LOST IN WEST INDIES Washington, August 30. Re T. D. Paltullu. the Liberal candidate Washington, August 30. The Star (Liberal prints a field, his open criticism of com- viewing the records of the Demo for this district, has bi ld executive of the railroad men announces special cable from its London nianders, his language toward pirlal to The Dally .iewi.i cratic administration, Senator meetings at Kitwangar, Lome that a general railway correspondent them and his notable letter to 'a Domingo. West Indies, Held asserted that, if the llopuh-licanw Creek, Dorreen and Pacific and at strike, will become effective at today regarding General Alderson. seven o clock on uie morning oi tho alleged attitude of the troops A 4 30. -The United States were granted the change eaeh place was accorded a splendid "These have produced a very lie Labor Day unless the demand of towards the minister of militia it would Everywhere which demanded, reception. armnj-ed cruiser Memphis struck they pronounced feeling of repugnance the men for an eight-hour day is who has just returned to London a ro. k and grounded in the outer mean the precipitation of tho found a firmly rooted distrutt of and disgust which I find it hard harlmr and is expected to become United Slates into tho wnr and Howser and his government and granted. from a Visit to the Canadians in to describo adequately. Tho sol a Hal loss. It is believed that the undermining of tho national a desire for a change. The mass Serious Situation. 'ranee. The despatch says: diers hero condemn, however, New York, Aug. 30. Provided "A shrewd and experienced ob rushed through by been of which had enjoyed legislation a percentage of her crew of nine prosperity Continued on Ptge Three hundred ami ninety perished. under President Wilson's the goernment 'in th last ses the railway strike becomes etToc- server who has unusual facilities management. sion is not accepted as any criterion tivo, seven million residents of for ascertaining tho views of th MI of tho good intentions of this city would face starvation in Canadian troops here, declar is interested in tho defeat of Majestic Theatre Hie Ilowser governmentn are in SUN AND TIDE Howser and his gang and the a fortnight. If tho operation of that if there were a federal elee viled to the Liberal rooms an Fri people are determined to turn food trains were suspended, the tion tomorrow with tho soldiers HOUSE OF CLASSICS J:iy night. Thursday, August 31. them out root and branch. Mr. situation would rapidly become voting, nine out of ten of them TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Sun rises .5:52 a. in. Patlullo was ably assisted by W. very serious. Tho milk supply would vote against Sir Sam MUTUAL MASTERPIECE WE NOW HAVE WASHED NUT Sun sets . 7:28 p. in. P. Lynch, who understands the would be i consumed in twenty Hughes. My own experience at "THE QUEST" In five parts. COAL ON HAND. ALBERT A Mc High water .. .2:30 a. m. lit. 10.7 situation in the interior and in four hours; the available Hour the front recently supports this Featuring Margarita Flschtr and CAFFERY, PHONE 116. Low water ...8:18 a.m. lit. t.ft regard to the P. G. E, In every supply would last only one week; contention. The feeling through Harry Pollard. High water ...2:52p.m. lit. 20.0 detail. Tho Liberal candidate i meat would give out In ten days, out the army is strongly against MUTUAL WEEKLY Low wnter ...0:11p.m. lit. 1.8 receiving whole-hearted support nnd general groceries would be Sir Sam. Qtllcers and men alike Srreemnr the Uteat In war nwi and I'arWIan fashion lu color. WESTHOLME Captnin McGee. M. M. S. A. all along tho line and often from used up in three weeks. have come to me praising articles "CUPID AT COHEN'S'1 Railroad Embargo. puniisueu in Canadian the papers most unexpected quarters. OPERA HOUSt A rapid-ore comedy of sbetto love. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Men who liae always supported Chicago, August 30. Several criticizing him. Coming and Krlday Saturday Lock tt this program tho bsst IB SEATTLE PROSPEROUS the Mcllride goveiniment in the western railways have placed an afiii me criticism i i i uero rest on Fannie WARD, who sco rod a great outs worth or offorod. embargo all perishable freight several surrcst In "THE CHEAT", will appear Wsrrtn lUrrlgan the groat Nroad-y past are amongst the strongest on counts. There is much llf "TCNNCSSEC'S PARTNER" 8Hr. in great iwa Feather The banker in Seattle opponents of Ilowser and How to become effective on September complaint about tho wasteful rive Parts. Photoplay. report tmt bank clearings serism. sixth. equipment which was suppliod to i','THE. P00L OF FLAME" Musle I always up to th Mark. m, vsme, lit nve acta. In their city increased 53 the men in Canada only In bo Richard Stinton and Jans Noak In tlm 1th Kplsode of millions during the llrst DOMINION ARSENAL HEAVY DEATH CLAIMS scrapped as soon a they arrive of h"Q RAFT"t Faaturss Posslbl six months of Prohibition, Ollnwa, Aug. 30. A cantiact London, G,nt., Aug. 30. Tin hero. It is felt, too, that too to ObUln. mid that 7,000 new accounts amounting to Ku75,noo lias been Ancient Order of United Workmen, many men closely associated with Owing r""to tits Monday mrrrt evening,of the were opened. Let let for the building of a Dominion on account of tho settlement Sir Ham, or related to him, have LONDON CAFE he n.u.ic u,i, vniln will le In us huvo mouiu of this prosperity Arsenal ut Lindsay, Gut. Tho of three quarters of a million been gien high commands, while AND GRILL rf"ll,Miure or violin and piano and vote out Ih work was awarded to the WesU dollars In death claims, has re conversely, moji of opposite po. Third Avenue 'r'ly. The llupert Chaplin ind all-ur bar on September 1 Uh. fnghotive, Church, Kerr Company vised it policy of valuation Iltienl views have been kept back Serves Nothing but the Best Hupert Karre rati Entitled in an orlrlnal VOTE YES for tho 11. fl. transferring the financial burdon for no npparcnt reason. Tho main STRICTLY UNION HOUSE M UTHK llMlan Prohibition Act. "Labor Day Spoils," our shoo to member oxcwdiiig twenty resciitmont arises, however, from MlwutM of aldOMpllltlng fun. BOXES FOR LADIES win Wallace's. 201 standing. races. years General llughus' attempted inter-