.., aAhv August 30, 1010. . ma daily hkwb. fllll" " i f WONDERFUL Lin the Lctlcr Box It's Time for Change BRAID'S MEDICINE T st G'T'f$t0o3 0 ja a j a a -d a Fl WIT To I lie Kdltor, If it bo naked what hn rninr-d Ideal Blend VANCOUVER SAID SO IN FEBRUARY. Owe Health And such n wnvo of sentiment In fn. Thousands vor of Prohibition to vr-eii ovrr VICTORIA SAID SO IN MARCH. Strength To "Friili-a-Ilves" tho country, I reply tho example ALL THE PEOPLE SAY SO NOW. COFFEE tho marvellous of llussln, in eonlmut with FRL"IT A TI VES", (lUr mcJIcinem.Jorrom fruit Juice--ha, nppnrenl helplessness. Hr Is a Coff an Idtal BUnd ind an Idaal Valua. VCJ more cases of Stomach Lhrr, Huanln saved the day no fnr n Bowserlsm means playing the magnate against the , other x,jey tntiUint.and Skin In TroubUs erero cases than tho vnr In concerned nnd saved people. No More, No Less - $0.40 per lb. gny Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Iicp people from degradation by Bowserlsm means closed corporation towns, as In of AT THIS PRICE THERE IS N O BETTER COFFEE OBTAINABLE. Ncu-raltia, rm In the Hack, Impure Wood, ono decisive net of proliihltion, Qranby, Chronic OTHER COFFEES THAN BRAID'S SOLD AT Chronic and Headaches,Indigestion, "Fruit-atives" Iltissln vn nblo to do this he- Bowserlsm means feeding millions to the railroad GREATER COST HAVE NONE OF ITS FINE QUALITIES. Constipation effcctlvo canso of her national ownership contractors and no questions asked. has giTen unusually results. fly Us -cleansing;, healing-powers of tho liquor trade. Had there Bowserlsm means taxing the Qranby Company $7.C At AH Good Grocers on tho eliminating- organs, been the license system and a an acre on their built-on lands, and taxing adjoining "Fruit a lives' tones up and Invigor hiifre monopoly entrenched hc- property $400 an acre. the whole system. WM. BRAID & CO., n?oVvTrortebS atcs 50c.a box, 0 for tnai aup, zjo, hind special privileges and vest A change of government rrcans more change In your At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit ed rights her hands would have pocket. Stewart A MoMey, Ltd., WhoUsale Dletrlbutore, Prince Rupert. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. heen tied, just an flreal liritain's A change of government means agricultural and hands are tied, as Lloyd (leorgc mining development along sano lines. has discovered. A change of government means giving the land to "Uritons never shall ho slaves" the farmer Instead of to the speculator. 2,000,0001 wo proudly sing, and yet we nlliw a privileged class to expend thou, sands of doljars, made through A VOTE FOR WILLIAM MANSON IS A VOTE FOR BOW-SERISM Belgians our voting to them a lucrative A VOTE FOR T. D.PATTULLO IS A VOTE FOR Depend on us The Whisky monopoly, to frustrate the evi YOURSELF AND FREEDOM. Quality dent great desire reform.of our people for a for Bread! Aged In Wood In municipal, provincial nnd nt this lime in order, by possible to excuse. province 8 Years Dominion politics the organized Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians "The soldiers keeping out one province, to frankly are sick before bottling liquor trade exercises n most df have depended for food entirely on the "Commission politics in frustrate a Dominion Prohibition army affairs. Tht.y CUARANTEED BY THE baneful power. for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, GOVERNMENT of CANADA Act. feel that the issues are too vitally Politicians have been known to if would last even not destroyed or pillaged, only important for this Russia is free. Canada Is net. and they ask tremble before this power. three weeks have had chance raise; they to no more because she has sold her birthright. that the whole matter of military Aldermen have been known to control, administration and and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I cringe like slaves before this LAND ACT Tight for Freedom, Vote Or equipment should bo taken wholly Backed by the power and vote as told. Prohibition. out of the hands of pojiticians Husiness men have been known Land District district of Yours faithfully, and placed under an expert nonpartisan flupirt frmet to sign petitions against their Belgian Relief fund Cent, Rang 3. p. ii. du VF.UNirr, board; that ministers TAKE .-NOTICE that the facine MUM, will becnuse of this power nnd the should be debarred from of B. Ilishop of Caledonia. bringing tlir.:ud, Vancouver, c., occupation ps!p i:i pspr makers, Intend to apply big club held over their heads. pressure, direct or indirect, upoi so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United for p-rmlnloD to pu rebate the follow in r This is the logical result of States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commiaaion has imported CANADIAN SOLDIERS commanding officers fo recommend de"rtt4 lands: Commenelni- at a post tho license system and a huge enough wheat. Hour and other foods to feed the whole nation t'MUi it tn southeast corner or Lot 9 DON'T LIKE SIR SAM men for promotion or appointments; so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in oa its veil shore of Cousins Inlet, thence monopoly. Ilritisb Columbia is well it chains, thence south to chains, that appointments the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of tttrr.r: east to shore, thence northeaster); the last stronghold of the liquor (Continued from Pago two.) should be mado irrespective of bread but steadily growing number have no money left. sb.il store to point of commencement, trade in Canada. Tho united ef S less. political affiliations nnd that Unless willing to let these hundred'of thousands of c;.rjir.:.ir seres, more or forts of tho whole liquor interest denffmstrations like that nt Camp we are PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, ministerial commands to army women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the Mark Smaby irtnt. from the Atlantic to tho Pacific ! Harden, Ont., declaring these are commanders or their subordinates expense of the Belgian Relief Fund- To make this possible nt.d May ISth. A. D. Kit. Aur. 11 are being concentrcted upon tli I Injurious to discipline and im- should cease." someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every month all this winter I No people under the Allied Flagt are as well able to contribute generously as we Canadians 1 No cause ha ever been more r LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS deserving of help! In the name of Juitice and Humanity for HOTEL the sale of our own self-respect -lei u give all w can to help our martyred Allies! 13 KOW OPEN TO QUESTS Snd your ubtcriptiou weekly, oatMy at la Mllnf mmm aa Lecal m One of the- largest Hot Springs In ProriacUl CemmiUeet,ot la Ut g America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. Central Executive Commitiee, 59 St Ptter St, Montreal ThreeMigM7R)rce& Eictllant Trout Lfc Fishing In Laktls $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Phona Conntctlona with Tarracs. RATES! S2.E0 par day. lose SB For further particulars, apply to I. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Managar. Advertise In The Daily News. Have you ever noted how an audience reduction aidThrif 1 1 yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? TO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth Its full collective power In men and in money. From this viewpoint it Is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth.. To productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy,which reduces to the minimum ail expenditures upon luxuries end non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able impart belief in anything, a man must believe it to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so m&ny of our workers from Industrial activities,repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for its continuance. It deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry end thrift are, for those who 'remain home, patriotic duties whose faithful fulfilment at supreme upon This applies to the written word also particularly our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minuttr of Finane. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience tho readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. "lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement ' SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable -v4 impression of enthusiasm. This it LET US PRODUCE AND Sf.VE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do when the article The war la now turning on a contest of all forces Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries advertised has inherent worth. and resources men. munitions, food, money. The and wage is spent on the home food, fuel, light, rail to all is to produce more and more. It may be clothing. Arc any of these things being wasted T necckiury lu woric luirucr. ine puce ot ijiom: wno $20.00 a year saved from waste in every home in i Thus we have: enlist must be taken by those at home, men and Canada will more than pay the Interest on a war debt women, old and young. The more we produm the of 500.0U0.000. ! more we can save. Produce wore on the farms and Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: in the burden. ' Save mora and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Three mighty forces, close-linked. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are What you spending do your money to the best advantage? think you ot extravagance In war In this war-time all Uhcut'should be directly productive timet Tens of thousands of Canadians arc daily or should be assisting in production. Mate it risking tbeir live for us at home. 1 it not our duty 1 )ou art Joint a local hiintn talk $vtr your advirtitimf prokltmt with tkt Advtrtitimf Dpftmt as t llicicnt as possible. If your labour is on something to be careful nnd economical t Canadian dollars art of tkh uiwtpapir. tj yu an Joint a provincial r national kutinitt it would kt will of that can be (ustponcd.put it off till niter the war and an important part of the war equipment. Make them you to kavt tht outl uhJ uiiJi'u.m u tJ udvttliunt (tmcy. A Hit (iw make your labour tell now. Making war is the first till. Have a War Saving Account. Uuy a War business of all Canadians. Efficiency In labour is as liond. will it furmltktd, without toil or obllfutlom, by tkt Srtritary of CauadUm imiiorunt a etliciency in fibtlng. Prtil Aviation, Room SOJ. Lmmidtn Ituildinf, TtnmH. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 I I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE