TUB DAILY flKWB. FMILY DOCTOR'S CANADIAN GO TOWASHINGTON OFFICIALS It's Time for a Change BRAID'S GOOD ADVICE Oltftwn, Auk. 28. Hip Joseph Pope, under necrctary of ulnle for Ideal Blend extornnl nilalrs, Ims lofl for VANCOUVER 8AID SO IN FEBRUARY, ToGoOnTaklng-'Frult-a-tlves" Washington when, in oinnnny VICTORIA SAID 80 IN MARCH. Because They Did Her Good with W. A. Foiinil, Hiiperinlentlenl ALL THE PEOPLE SAY SO NOW. COFFEE ROCHM.P. Q..JA-. Kth, 1915. of flsherlos, will cunfer with the t tuff rrJ(or many years with tcr-riWaldJlfc- Washington authorities regard, Her It Coffee an Ideal Blend and an Ideal Value. .jtlon and Constipation. I ing tho leglHlallou now ponding MfuquontJiy pcI s nd Jcamo in connection with the fisheries No More, No Less - $0.40 per lb. ally run down. A neighbor-advised DO YOU WANT ANOTHER DOMINION TRU&T SMASH? r r of the. I'nciflc "Frult-a-tlrcs". I did so and count. e to try AT THIS PRICE THERE IS NO BETTER COFFEE 01!-TAINABLF. 1 bctfan Tho DO CAT the wrvrto ot W doclor' proposed nioendirienl In YOU WANT MORE t.USTLINQ? OTHER COFFEES THAN BRAID'S SOLD AT and he advised mo to go on the to mpro, revenue hill hy which it is DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ANOTHER $75,000 TO JOE GREATER COST HAVE NONE OF ITS FINE QUALITIES. mith "I'rult a-tlTcs". intended to. prohibit the ship life to"Fruit-, I consider that I owo my MATSON? tivcs"and 1 want to aay to those who ment of fish in bond through At All Good Grocers n rfromlndigcstlon,Constipation or Canada to the United States un DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ANOTHER $80,000 TO HAMILTON ,r Frulta-tircs'and you less from Atlantic flates nnrts READ? DIRECT IMPORTERS "uisctwcll". COUI.VK GAUDREAU. WM. BRAID & CO., strikes directly at Prince Kiipcrl,! VANCOUVER B.C, iOc abox,ofor?2J, inai sue, zoc. DO YOU WANT MORE COAL SHARE GRAFT? At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-t.tircs which is now the centre of the Stewart Moblt, Ltd., Wholesale Distributor, Print Rupert. Limited, Ottawa halibut trade, and contemplates, DO YOU WANT SUCH MC AS HARRY PRICE, JOHU it is slated, the development of an L. SULLIVAN AND JOE MLRRYFIELD TO HANDLE American port on the "Pan-handle.'' YOUR AFFAIRS? Complaints from Seattle are ML fm 2,000,0001 said to be responsible. Tho legislation was introduced as an A VOTE FOR WILLIAM MANSON IS A VOTE FOR BOW-SERISM M Belgians amendment to the revenue bill in A VOTE FOR T. D.PATTULLO IS A VOTE FOR The Whisky the I nited Slates senate, but has YOURSELF AND FREEDOM. Depend on us cQuality not yet passed. I'lfli for Bread! Sir Joseph Pope will make representations (din Wood to tho United States and carries her off. ' 8 Yean authorities and will present Canada's native belle Coughing scatters gem Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belg'ans Lefor bottling In lleeing from her irate father, views on the subject. have depended for food entirely on the "Commiss;on CUARANTtED BY THE am they discover a yacht off the Stop it cl CANADA for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, GOVERNMENT SPLENDID SHOW AT coast and the hero is tempted to Coaching Increase the even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only make for civilization on board of Irritation of the already Inflamed MAJESTIC THEATRE mncnou membrane three weeks they have had no chance to raise more it, but a dream shows him how and is moreover to disease to apt carry and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I other. society will regard his wife and "The Quest" at tho Majestic, Math feu's Syrnp oTar and LAND ACT gives Margarita Fischer a great he decides to remain amongst the Cod Liter Oil promptly.too Backed by the opportunity to display her power primitive folk of the islands, coughing,to Ita tunic and properties,aooo, thanks effect print Rupert Land District District of A Mutual Weekly and a a permanent enra. good Coast, Ring a. as an emotional actress, and this The wonderful popularity Belgian Relief fund TAKE JIOTICE that the racine Mills, clever star of the film takes full most amusing Jewish comedy of Mtthien's Brnp of Tar of Vancouver, B. and od Liver OU la specially Llrniul C, occupttloa make fine in which the a show, advantage of it. It is the story up pulp kA piper makers. Intend to apply do to it great ralne a a so generously contributed b the British Empire and the United tor permliilon to purchase the rollowinr of a wealthy society man who is music is a special feature. William permanent healer.Tang and bronchial States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commisswa has imported ofieruvd Unas: Commenctnr at a post sick of the unreality of city life llalagiio last night gave a Bold everywhere,15c Urn enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation the southeast or Lot pluted it comer f on il veil ibore of Cousins Inlet, thence and accepts hn invitation to make splendid rendering of "Trau- bottle. so far. The great majority of the 7.000,000 Belgians left in welt it ensins, thence south to chains, mcrei" and the concerted pieces J.L. MATKIEO CO,to. the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of The a cruise in the South Seas. ith'Kt tut to shore, thence northeasterly bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. il.mr ibore to point or commencement, yacht is burned and he is landed included Hallet Kgyptien, Storm t;.iui;lnf el acres, more or less. on an Island amongst the natives Scene from William Tell, and mm mum tmmt Unless we are wining to let these hundreds of thousands of sfl?9JC: PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the four Indian Lyrics. This will be Mark Smtby arent. and ultimately becomes ns one of expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible Ditrd Niy Mlh. A. D. It 16. AUf. tJ them. He falls in love with a repeated tonight. someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month arvery month all this winter I No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribote generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more r LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity iai HOTEL the sake of our own self-respect 1st us giv aO we can to help our martyred Allies I 13 WOW 0PE.t TO QUESTS Sead rout .ulcnpioa. weekly.1 loalVlr at In MSass) sss I One or the larrest Hot Sprlnrs In Pronacial Committeo,oe I tie America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature or Water, 180 d. Fahr. Central Executive Committee, 59 St Ptttr SL, Montreal ThreeMigMIbrces Eic.ll.nt Trout Lake.Fishing In Lakds $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Phone Connection with Tcrrae. RATES 1 92.B0 per day. For t. BRUCE further JOHNSTONE,particulars, Manager.apply to Advertise In The Daily News. Have you ever noted how an audience roduction ajk rift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? 1 "pO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy,which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able impart belief in anything, a man must believe it to make good the lots caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial activities,repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for its continuance. It deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that Industry and thrift are, for th Jse who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This applies to the written word also particularly our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minitler 0 Finance, to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience tho readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. "lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable impression of enthusiasm. This it LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will do when the article only The war is now turning on a oontckt of all forces Dcgin at home. . The larger portion'of salaries advertised has inherent worth. and resource men, munitions, food, money. The and wage I spent on the home food, fuel, light, call to nil is to produce more and more. It may be clothing, Are any of these thing being wasted f iicccuiary to work hunter. The place ot thoMi who S'JO.OU a year navcd from wate in every home In Thus we have: nil i.t mu.t be taken by those at home, men and Canada will more than pay the Interest on a war debt women, old and young. The more we produce the of 1500.000.000. more we can save. Troduce more on the farm, and Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: in the garden. Save more and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY Three mighty forces, close-linked. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are T What you spending do your money to the be.t advantage you think 01 extravagance in war lit this war-time all labour should be directly productive time? Ten of thousand of Canadian are daily or should I assisting In production. Make it risking their Uvea for us at home. 1 it not our duty If j mr, J.lmt a ltal Imfwii talk pr year advttUiimf prtHtmi with tki AivtrHtlnf Dtftrlmtml aseUicicntas oMible. If your labour is on something to be careful and economical? Canadian dollar arc ( lilt uiwipaptr. IJ ym art Joint a lrvlcUI r nalUmal kmtntu it wlj it mill r that can be postponed,put it off till after tho war and an imortant part of the war equipment. Maku them yen I kavt ike coumul and tiuuUnet u fd udoirUiInt ermtj, A lit I ef lift make your labour tell now. Making war is the tint tell. Have a War Saving Account. Uuy a War busincsof all Canadians, Etticiincy la labour la as Ikind. mill it furmltktd, wltkiul tut r eUlititlA, h) tkt Sttrttary 1 CeueiUe Important as cilkicucy In fighting. Prill AuMialiin, Ktim SOS, l.umtJtm ttuitJint, Tin. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 I (V I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE