LEST YOU FORGET Need a Laxative? PRINTERS' "PL SALARIES OF PREMIERS Don't take a vicK iitmrj. . r . LIBERAL MEETING thosJuRglshc JT Novo Scotia 10,000 voluble rui ;y v. 4 v VA TUB NOM.MM'LUME HE beljcves that, New llrwiAWick 5,ono He conildcnce lot t f, Jj OF Till: LITTLE man HAD THE ALLEGED roads 1. E, I 2.701. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND AT 8. P. M. Islands Onlnrio l'.ou BEECHAfiTS 1'IIOM Hrnttlo ON the Manitoba MO IN SHOULD HAVH been COST 50,000 it injle pRKkalchcwan O.UOu LIBERAL ROOMS "DODOK tho Issue' INSTEAD of $10,000, Alborla 0,000 PILLS . . BRITISH COLUMBIA .... 10,600 STORK BLOCK, TI1IIU) A VEX! E. HE STAllTED out THE provinco t LswS.LefArM.J-taJ,,i.w ELECTORS, REMEMBER Speeches by TO SHOW that WOULD be better t off, LOCAL LIBERALS FINANCIALLY... IT IS this ; Every man In H. C. ought to THIS SOIIT of reasoning belong lo tho "H. M. O " Club. province All Interested In the defeat or the Bowser government aro t Invited to bo present. is nirrrmi on THAT HASJruided LAND REGISTRY ACT-Notice THAN nny other. , , THIS province Under Section S3- TAKE NOTICE tbst an application nan NOW T SO FA It Inthejiblc. been made to re inter Oltf llsnson. of Prince rtupert, B, C, as tbe owner In HE says DOUBTLESS the llttlo man Fee simple, unler a Tat Sal Deed from "The Daily News" AKERBERG, THOMSON ... the collector or tbe City or Prince Rupert THAT indebtedness BELIEVES .that. . to Olar Hanson, bearlnr date the iOtn day COMPANY of September, A. O. 191 S. In pursuance CLASSIFIED ADS. IS an asset. ISO.OOO.OOOworth r a Tat Sale held by said Municipality mj lt Agants for the or about tbe 0th day or September, 1914. IF HE keeps OF HAILnOAD bonds or all and slnrular certain parcel or tract If honvi (li I . . . .... PALMEI OAS EMOINK COMPANY or land and premises situate, lylnr, six! FOUND PHONE 525 ON THIS trail AUK an asset beinr In the City or Prince nuperl In the Seal of Purity Province or Drltlsb Columbia, more pra- All over the u. ihs FOU.D A lady's trinket at Salt Lakos. HE WILL tell us AND HE Is content ticuisrly known and described asi tot name SunliiJ t j; Apply . I!. Mot timer, 317 irJ Alex ten (10), Block elrhteen (It), Section Secy., M. Minion, B.A. for purity in Avenue. THAT the provinco TO remain six , Map St. (Jti W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B Ym and those claimlnr tbrouih or under $5,000 guarani . 0 WANTED. WILLIAMS & (HANSON WOULD bo IN bondage you, and all persons claimlnr any Interest Purity is souiuhin; in the said land by descent whose tula more than WANTED Household roods or quality, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc IlKTTEn off TO Mackenzie Mnnn I. not rerlstered under tbe provisions or tiscmcnt. It an mark river, uY mechanic tools, offcast suits, boots, etc the "Land Iterlstry Act" are required to Highest prices Ild. l-bone Red t7. MONEY TO LOAN IF it wera AND the 1. O. E. contest tbe claim or the tat purchaser high standard v c hv Will call any time. 839 Third Avenue. BOX UK ... within forty five days or tbe service or set for ourselves togivc Heljerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C A BILLION. in .debt,. FOIt ALL time. this notice upon you. Otherwise you and you the best lau iJry WANTED Billy goat Apply W. Brakcn-bury, each of you will be forever estopped ami soap it is possible nemo, ). a SO'J. AND that Oerinany... HE WILL yet live debarred from settlor up any claim to or produce to at price. In respect of the said land, and I shall any WANTED Second-hand high omce dealt. Prince Rupert Feed Co. BECOMES wealthier TO realize register the said Olar Hanson as owner Apply Box 109 Dally Newt. In fee. P. O. Bo I 333. 808 Third Ate. Every day.... HOW VEIIY foolish Your attention Is called to section JO Sunlight WANTED 25 LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY of tbe "Land Registry Act" and amend RECEIVED OUR 191G SEEDS NO doubt HE HAS been. CITY WE1011 SCALES. tr, ments, and especially to the rollowlnr et WE HANDLE tract tbererrom which relates to the above LOST O. H. Smith, mi'no manager; F. P. notice. -30 a p "And in deraull or a caveat or certificate LOST Grey sweater between 0. R. Na-den's Rennle's, Ferry's, Steele's, Local News Notes Newton, who is in charge of diamond of Its pendens betas filed before the omce and the Weslbolme office. and Brlog's. drilling, and E. Conway, a registration as owner of the persons en Finder please return to 0. It. ftaden's Garden titled under such tat sale, all persons so NAVI3ABLC WATERS PROTECTI0H R and Field Seeds. office. tf. civil engineer, on board. They served with notice, or served with notice R. 8. C. Chaptsr 115 Also Fertilizers. Have you joined llio M.O..-' left for home last evening. under subsection (ft) or section III or tOST 85-root launch, painted white, with We Take Orders for Nursery Club? ... the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 10,' or see Robert Cecil Ootse hereby t'.fcs tetvt lion If 1 or tbe 'Municipal Act,' or section that he has under rbone Section canopy top. Easthope tnglne. Stock. ... 7 f Um im What do think of the "II. III or Black 201. tr. you tbe 'Assessment Act, ISO,' or Act deposited with the N)n.-;. ' ( r, Hay, Grain and Feed at You arc invited to tho Liberal M.G." movement? section til or tbe 'TaiaUon Act,' In cases Works at Ottawa, and In the fflc? ?f tt LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' Vancouver Prices. rooms on Friday night. In which notice under this Act Is dispensed District rurlstrar or Titlrs si lie UU noat and Rupert Hotel. Return to Dally ... with as hereinafter provided, and those Reristry omce at Prinn- II uj" rt, ir.ui News office. tf. Chicken Feed A Specialty. DOUBLE ATTRACTION AT claimlnr throurh or under them and all Columbia, a description of tbo e Miss Vierick has returned from persons claimlnr any Interest in tbe land or wharf plana a proposed i t: t.na FOR RENT a visit to the Lakc'lse valley. WESTHOLME THEATRE by virtue of any unregistered Instrument, the Ncrth Skeena Paari. at tin Bi...:ntf Mall Ordtr Promptly Attended To. ... and all persons claimlnr any Interest in the Skeesa Itiver, Unimi ' i .tbhia, the land by descent whose title Is not front of Lot bundn i i 4 one i- -:i.na FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed house, Tho Sons of Enplane! Football J, Warrcji Kerrigan, ns Ter rerlstered nnder tbe provisions or this Act. (117), lunre five ii .i.ai b.-ir.n, im-liii nicely situated, root Eighth Avenue, Seal Club will hold a practice game ence olRourke, an Irish soldier shall be for ever estopped and debarred rjiurnhla. Cove. 16.00 per month. Lots or free from settlor up any claim to or In respect And lake notice thaL after Vv ; i- t fueL Apply box tot. Dally News. tr HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. tonight at 0:30. of fortune, made a big hit at the or the land so sold for taxes.' one month from tbe date of the r,r- CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED ... Wostholmo last night in "The Dated at the Land rteristry omce. at cation of this notice, riob.ri ..: o-jiit FOR SALE the City of Prince nupert. Province or under 7 or tbe CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. will, Section ! A.l. apply Pool of Flame," a splendid lied British Columbia, this Itth or day January, YACUUM CLEANING CO. to the Minister or Public Wortf. it tus FOR SALE A rood lady's bathing suit, sett & Cunningham, and I'arkin-WarU Feather feature. Terence' hwohI A. D. IBM. omce in tbe City or Ottawa, for wrml of cost 18.50. Sell for si.50. Address P. . .We Claan Homss, Ofncte, Churchss Electric Co. If. II. F. MACLEOD. District Registrar. the said site and plans, and f.' Jest lo hns not won him fortune but the To Paul M. Schubert. Lily Schubert. O BOX tit. SOS Lodge and School, rooms at low ... eoostruet the said wharf. Prices. love of a princess, to whom he Dated at Prince rtupert. B. . Um i:u COAL Favorite Ladysmith day of May, 1816. will not offer his hand as he is GOOD WORK 'HL GUARANTEED ItOBEftT 01' II. Wellington lump and nut, best results. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM penniless. The chance to obtain mso-jio. WANTED All Orders Attended to Immedlatsly. Phone 15. P.n. C. Co. tf. ... possession of a famous and very CIRCUIT NO. 1. SkEENA LAMD DISTRICT MsTRia OT OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. fieorge Hill has received word valuable diamond is given him COAST, IIAMUE t Experienced Bridge men, as II lib SL and Ird At. Track men. Tracklayers and PHONE GREEN 268. that J. Day Hell was not killed, and ho marries the princess on Bob IS 6th St. and Ird Ave. General Construction Laborers but only wounded and taken tho strength of it and then pro Bos 1 lib St. and Ird Ave. TAKE notice that Oeorre "d'nrk lit kenzte, or Prince ItuperL B. ' . "-urtUisj to join the 239th Battalion, 1S Bos Junction or lit, lad sod Overseas Railway prisoner. ceeds to Calcutta on his danger Ird Aves. enrlneer, Intends to apply f- r I1" Construction Corps. ... ous missioji. It is a story of Box 1- lit Ave., between 1th snd to lease the rollowlnr d(ntx 1 lum- Drafts leaving Vancouver, (lb Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Commenclnr at a post pltiif'1 t t Jack who left hero with 11. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., B. C. UNDERTAKERS Wynn, great adventure which provides Bo i 17 1st Ave. and Tib 8. (Co X E. corner or T. L. Lot 7, Rn k weekly. the 102nd, has taken unto him plenty of thrill. trsl HoutLj Coast District, rorcber Man', thtsa south to chains, thence west l" fD lie attested and forward papers to Vancouver, and FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KM-BALMERS self a bride since he arrived in Tho 10th episode of "Graft" OIROUIT NO. 2. thenco north 10 chains to sb r. Ui" transportation will be arranged SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tho old country. excitement and south-easterly rollowlnr sb. r. nt t W OPEN DAY AND NIOHT furnishes more Bet 22 Ird Ave. and Ird St. polul or conunencement; ontalmni W at once. ... (l-oil omce.) Send all communications 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 sonio very line work by Jane acres more cr less. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipsetl Bei S3 Ird Ave. and McBrlde St. RODEtUillC SIclEMa to: Ofllcer 0E0I10E commanding, Novak and Ilichard Stanton, Two Bo i 24--isi ave. aud McBrlde at. 239th Battalion, C.E.F. aro visiting with their son, whq Box 25 md Ave and ind 8L 175 Cordova St., W. other good reels complete a flno LAND ACT has charge of the Lipsctt, Cun Boa 26 tnd Ave. and sin 8L Vancouver, B. C. show in which the musical recital Bex 270. T. P. ningham business here. FOR RENT . . . is a feature. There is a CIROUir NO. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DIITmCT- TRICT OF COAST, RAN0E Ilk The coal contract for the city great local Chaplin stunt for Friday. Box 81 Itn Ave. and Fulton St. Min-. L""1"4 TAkE NOTICE that Pirin. House, 8 rooms fully modern 125 schools was last night let to Mc- Bex 82 dordrn and Taylor Bit. or Vancouver. British o.lumbia. ..f-uBt Box 84 7tb Ave. and rultoa SL ltit.n l to WW Cottage, 0 rooms and balh....$!S Caffcry & Albert at $8.19 ton. Bex 86 pulp and paper makers, p(.r 9tn Ave. and Comot Ave. Tor permission to purcbxfe tw tam'z Be Wise Apartments, 5 rooms and. bath. .13 Last year's price was 88.39. The Daily news delivered bj Box 87 dtb Ave. and Dodre PL described lands, commi ni ini si s r Cottage, S rooms, Fraser SL...SI0 ... carrier, 50 cents per month- Box 38 Ath Ave. tnd Tbnmpsoo 8L planted on the north hank nf K e Cottage, i rooms, 8th Avenue about one-quarter or a nmo "P Mrs. W. J. Grant has received CIRCUIT NO. 4. SnuiM; ew near McBrlde 16 from tbe shore or Fitx-llurh Bos 41 4th Ave. and Lnuoersou cat t McMordie Apartments, 8 rooms, the sad news that her cousin, PL north twenty chains, Iheu.-o bank, twi" WINTER IS COMING bath, range, k'alsomlned to suiL Arthup Schofleld, formerly of this CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Box 42--tin Ave. and McBrlde SL alonr ctialns, thence hore In south a westerly tq river' 4irecUJ i" Box 43 Ith Ave. and Oreen 8L and STORES commencement point or city, has been killed in action. Box 44 etn Ave and HAVE YOUR FURNACES Store Helgerson Bile, Third Avenue, ... 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Bo 4-7lh Ave. anal Basil Itvti.St. Dated rorty 40; acres,till.more or u iune 10th. omce ground floor Helgerson Bile. AND ROOFS OVERHAULED Malcolm field, inspector of 1m Prince Rupert Box 141 7th Ave. and Ymnr BL PAailC MILLS. I'MTW Store Third Avenue, St X SO, with by "Mark smaby," t BY full basement ISO migration in Victoria, passed Concrete Works, McBrlde St. Bakery Third Avenue with oven In through tho city yesterday on his MINERAL ACT place and other equipment. way north, He was accompanied J. G. STEEN FIRE INSURANCE. by Mrs. Held. Certificate of Improvement! WORK GUARANTEED BEST COMPANIES ONLY. ... "A Little Saving Is Stuart J. Martin NOTICE H'"'" Tho sailing of tho Princes Albion" and -Sunbeam" t PHONE 6. H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD A Handy Thing" situate In the Skeena Minim t"1,")B Maquiuna to Granby and Alice ASSAYEK Cassiar District. ,ua rn!a Arm on Friday, Sept. 1st, and to a man has lost his HAZELTON the Where head or located:-About Alice Arm on "MIMK Vancouver on Sunday, Sept, 3rd, MANY to become B. C. TAkE NOTICE thai ll, W has been cancelled. independent by not or Princo nuperi, n. i... my ''" fws tlflcate No. 10U, intend FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ... having the ready money to The oldest established Assay the date hereor. to sppiy ' .. Middio Danco in nid of Relumed take advantage of a really big Oftlce In tho North. for Itecorder the ror a Certificate of obtammr oi ( ruB Grl, Soldiers' Club in Ilailwaymcn's purpose opportunity. f the above cla m. u. 710 SECOND AVE Hall, on I.alior Day, September 1, "Fortune knocks once nd rurthcr take nom-c at be n"""" dcr section JT. must Wostholmo Orchestra, tickets 50 every man's door". Greet such O-riin.'SK' of pruvi-the Carpenters' Tools Guilders' Hardware Ship Chandlery her Issue or Wire Cable 8teel Blocks Taokle cents. Refreshments, 201. with a Savings Account, and menl. h k. P. Fishing PHONE 03 P. O. BOX 38 Dated this lth day of Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns bo ready (or what she brings. ,m JtJ The Prince Albert arrived from One Dollar PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. WM. T. KB'lWj Rope Valvss Ammunition opens an account Alaska last night with a ship In the Pumps Hoss Paint Savings Department. ment of 15,000 of canned Stoves and Ranges nubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroi, cases Transfer and DENTISTRY Kalmon for tho cast. There were THE BANK OF Storage "WE BELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" 11,000 cases from Flndalgo Can. British North America BEST LUMP & NUT COAL 'crown o '"00, W0M i)cry and 4,000 cases from Hidden A 8PEOIALTV Inlet. 7 YEAHS IN BUSINESS. NO LONQ WAITS CAPITAL ANU Dlt. J. S. DROWN S.UUPLUS, 17381.000. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ... NO SHORT WEIGHTS id Tho Granby Company's tender PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH When You Order from Ui. Offlssi Smith Bletk, Thl ,"", Azurlto made port yesterday with W.J. SMITH L RS, Munnflcr tni Phen