he Daily News VOL VII. NO- 208' d I'HiNr.i: rcpfrt, n. c, wi.dntsday. sfptf.mrkr r, iom. PRIOR FIVE CENI 9 FEEICM AND MIISI C7 GRAD 7 W a II Y GA N NG SIX THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PRISONERS - RUSSIANS ADVANCING RUSSIANS ARE BRITISH STATE OWNED WORKMEN RAILWAYS AND ! FIERCE FIGHT ADVANCING ON RAGING ALONG (Special to The Dally Newi.i ENTIRE FRONT Trades Ilirminghnm,Union Congress,Sept. (.representing The SOMME RIVER two million and n half Fighting from Prlpet workmen, which met here yesterday, Fierce rench and British Advancing hns demanded that the to Volhynla Russians government Marshes on Extended Front Many Landed In tnke over all the railways Prisoners Taken Votes Roumanla. In flreal Mritain. Tho gov In tho Trenches. ernment has controlled tho operation Fpr il to The Pally NWM of the railways since the (Special to The Daily News.) ppli)i-al, opl. Or There is outbreak of the war and the London, Sept. G, Fierce fighting rj t llliting nlong I ho entire Trades Unionists are decidedly of continues along a twenty-flvo Russian front from the Pripct the opinion that the same con-' mile, front on both sides of the Marshes to Volhynla, through ditions should prevail after the Somnie River. The French and f.alicia ami nlfo in tho passes of war. British arc gradually advancing thfl Carpathian Mountains, where tf:i Russians continue to advanee WASHINGTON STRIKES INAUGURATING THE BIG BRITISH PUSH. -Official British photograph taken somewhere on and are maintaining their gains, toward the Hungarian plains. AT BRITISH BLACKLIST the line of the British drive upon the German positions along theSomme front, showing the Lancashire each point taken being consolidated. The enemy is putting up a stout Fusiliers being addressed by their divisional commander just before they advanced to the The Allies have captured several villages and six thousand stance but the Russians are Washington, Sept. 0. The foremost trenches for battle. r : five hundred and fifty prisoners United States new revenue bill, dftc-mined to make their way i.:! Hungarian and Austrian territory which is now beforo Congress, ADMIRALTY REQUIRES PAPERMAKERS WANT EYESIGHT TEST since Sunday. Iff Roumanian ire the snow Front.Hies. strikes ist nnd hard aims at at the preventing British black-the STILL MORE WORKMEN SMALLER NEWSPAPERS WILL BE LOWERED The Voting military In Trenches.authorities are permitting the collection of the Home Sept. G Russian trans- clearance of British vessels from (Special to The Dally ewi) (Special to The Dally Hews.) (Special to The Dally News.i voles of British Columbia soldi 7 ' have landed a large contin-gvr.l American ports. Glasgow. Sept. C. Rt. Hon. A. Port Frances, Ont., Sept. 6. Winnipeg. Sept. G. -An ai ers al the front and Sir nichard f troops at Conslana, the SUPREME COURT J. Balfour. First Lord of the Admiralty, President Bachus, of the Port nouncement is expected shortly McBride is arranging that scrutineers n : 2r.,an Illack Sea port, to rc-i -e the Roumanian garrison. The preliminaries to the hear-ng after making a tour of Frances Pulp and 7apcr Com concerning the appointment of a and returning officers Wcstholme the Clyde Shiplnfitdfng and mu proceed to France without delay. of tho case of tho at convention staff of government directors of arranged On the Dohrudja frontier the pany, a Lumber Company vs. the O. T. P. nition industries, In cominenting recruiting. Under the revised I! .mamans are resisting tho at-Ucm on behalf of tho Western Cana Railway Company we're gone upoti the splendid services ren system, the eyesight test will be PUBLIC MEETING of the Germans and Bulgarians. dian publishers, urged the dc through before JjJdgc Murphy in dered to the nation by the work lowered on account of the fact Weave of re-nding-nutler in .news Special to The Dally Jtews.) tho Supremo Court yesterday. men of Great Britain, explainefl that modern trench warfare'lAeif Italian Ffvtnt. papers on account of the alarm A meeting of the leaUlng mer The following Is the jury: Win. on behalf of the Admiralty that not require the range of vision Tiii' Italians have captured considerable number of nddi- ing scarcity and high price of chants and hotel men of tho city Denholm (foreman): Harry W. necessary for warfare in open t al commanding Austrian po-,.s. newsprint. The price Is steadily is to be held in tho City Hall at at ional workers were required Birch, James Hampton, Harry Atkins, country. including Punta del For-ane increasing owing to the scarcity 4:30 this afternoon to consider the various plants. Gcorgo Hill. A. W. McLean. at tho bead of tho Rio Fell, various other of material and WAR CURIOS ways and means of securing M. II. Large, and Angelo Astori, nn Valley. much of the trado causes. i of tho outlying WET? Adams last YUKON Constable K. C. Mayers, of Ilodwell, Lawson evening The Austrians have dropped districts properly belonging-to received a consignment of mementoes & Lane, appeared for the plain fc.imb 'i Venice but no damage AMERICAN FINANCIER Prince Rupert, which has been tiffs, and K. I Davis, K. C II. H. Vancouver, Sept. 0. Unofllcial from tho front in the was done. HERE LAST EVENING switched to Vancouver. Hansard ami L. W Patmoro for figures for tho entire Yukon Territory shape of Hiin shell caps; a piece ENTRIES FOR FAIR the defendants. Tho jury spent on the question of Prohibition of barbed wire used by tho Huns Mr. Leadbettcr, vice-president In order to allow people to tho afternoon visiting the ground give a majority of three in their defences, and a few WESTHOLMK of tho company which is operat f-s entries before tho 10th, tho covered by the action nnd the against Prohibition. French bullets. They wero collected ing a t Ocean Falls, passed ' of tho Agricultural Associa- hearing is proceeding today and by the late W. II. Kirk and WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY through tho city last evening on W Prtiant on of our Double I' next tho Savoy ilolel, will bo is likely to last all week. JURY DISAGREED brought over here by Mr. Kirk's Show which wo challango anion his from New York. Mr. epr until nine o'clock each even way brother who lives in Fort Wil- to boat. Leadbetter will pay a visit to B Magnlflcint Rl 2 Faaturos inn this week. RED CROSS SALE Winnipeg, Sept. C Tho jury am, Ont. Tho barbed wire is K brilliant cast Including William Ocean Falls his home to Tho Red Cross sale of home in the trial of Sir Ilodniond Rob- Portland, Oregon.on way xtraordinarily strong, but K. H. Doulan and Feather Gloria rhotpplay Fonda In a Red cooking In tho Red Cross rooms Maynard says that tho French l i ti and the other ux-miiiistors of In Dve acta. lie states that the ex Majestic Theatre on Sixth Street on Friday will bo Manitoba who charged with company soldiers bavo animplemenl that "DRUGQED WATERS" wero pects to have its new plant in The last Episode or "GRAFT", "Tho HOUSE OF CLASSICS in charge of Mrs. T. H. Johnson, conspiracy, found it Impossible cuts it through like twine. Final Conquast," with Richard Stanley operation early in the new year Jane Novak and Glen White. Seal and Mrs. William TONIQHT AND TOMORROW Cove, and arrive at was to an agreement and fook forward to big develop UNIVERSAL WEEKLY Turjibull. At last week's sale T. D. Patlullo, W. P. Lynch of World w Pictures. "THE PRICE OF HER SILENCE" discharged. ments. There is a large amount It l the Intention'or the management twico the nmount of cooking do and others will address n big pub r turlng Florence La nadle, In nve of capital invested there and they 'to devote the music or several parta. nated could have been disposed SPORTING CHALLENGE lic meeting in tho F.mpress Tbea-tro evenings to dilTerrnt national composers will make a big effort to produco Ami the music at this show of and ladies are onco more requested on Thursday night at 8:30. MUTUAL ANIMATED WEEKLY adequate returns. will be or the ancient and modern S-rcrning the latest m world eventi to do their utmost for I, William Bagsliaw, of F.ighth French, school. Friday and Saturday 'nl I'arls This is tho first occasion on W. Lynch returned last will be devoted to Russian music, fashions, by Joanne tho welfare of tho boys at tho iVvenue, Fast, hereby challcngo while a Scandinavian night U IlUnrlioL which Mr. Leadbetter has travel to tho evening from a mining trip front. Albert Nicholson, present holder promised neit week. "LOVE AND BULLETS" ' led over tho O. T. P. and ho was Legate Creek district. of tho one mile walking chain . Comedy. greatly impressed with tho scenery Don't miss tho big public meeting pionship to a walking match from and with the road. He thought Coming Friday and Saturday, Marie In the F.mpress Theatre on tho boarding house at Seal Cove Ixto In Sarou'a rreat drama Prince Rupert had one of the Thursday night. to the Post Ofllco and return for "DIPLOMACY" finest harbors in tho world an Five Acta. $25 to $50 a side. all that was needed was a start THE MONEY WE NOW HAVE WASHED NUT WILLIAM BAGSHAW. KEEP SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAMME tho trans-Paciflo trade, to n COAL ON HAND. ALBERT & Mc- make tho harbor of the bust ono CAFFERY, PHONE 113. WATER RATES PRINCE RUPERT IN est on tho B. C. coast. On the The city council has under con way cast, ho met R. P. Trlmblt sideration tho collecting of water Public rates monthly and a revision of with whom ho discussed tho min If you want to build up Ketchikan Meeting ing possibilities of tho Interior the rales. In most cases, there i Ho recognizes that there Is a big and Ketchikan Saloons, not will be very liltlo alteration in field for capital in mining here the cost to the consumer, the Hotels, for this vote so-called IN EMPRESS THEATRE and that some day soon there will chief difference being that tho Thursday, Sept. 7, at 8.30 p.m. larger consumers will be placed be great developments. Prohibition Act upon n meter basis. GEORGE FRLZZELL, Chairman FIRE PROTECTION If you want to build up Prince Speeches by In respond to an application T. D. PATTULLO, LONDON CAFE by the School Board for an In Rupert and regulate the Liquor AND GRILL creased vater supply for flro pro Business and Keep the 1J Liberal Candidate. Third Avenue lection at Borden Street school W. P. LYNCH and OTHERS. Serves Nothing but the Best the city council lust night decided Money Home Vote - - 11 V-J STRICTLY UNION HOUSE to make the necessary nltcra All Cordially Invited Sents Reserved for Ladies tlons. Pupt. Kennedy reporte "---J. BOXES FOR LADIES sssoJssjsJn that the cost would be small.