en A 6AILY J5RW8. I REMARKABLE DRAMA AT The Daily News THE MAJESTIC THEATRE COOD CVSi.J IIOUU n rsl SEly-., THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Pabiuiicd Deity xmI Weekly The Price of Her Silenced the Guaranteed Largest Circulation oig illm at the Majestic tonight. . STL' fUSUW . rather out of the usual. The We're HEAD OFFICE s looking for it.. with a love affair Daily News Hulldlntr, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. Il.C. Telephone 08. trouble begins si whant tr:nt th ily ff..in S 'ldieis who formerly between a chauffeur and his employer's .1 I 1 v .1 rnANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cut pr inch. ''.ontract g.:J7V U OIL'S CIGAR daughter. supported Bowser. They say STORE rates on application. Third that they .n this occasion voted An elope"11! 19 n'PPd in the Avenue - Prlne. Rupii against the government and that bud but the lovers meet again on DAILY EDITION H352B Thursday, Sept. 7, 10 10. an overwhelming majority of the a yacht. The vessel is burned boys 'did likewise. at sea and they escape with the ALL SAME BOWSER not like bureaucracy, or premiers captain, who, Just before dying, The Monetary Times, (sotno without backbone, "Soapy" Welsh managed to get marries them. They land on a SUMMER STeAMSHIP SERVICE paper wmcn cannot ne accused some without honesty.), lists of the Bowser candidates barren coast and shortly after of being- partfsan In politics, or bribery and corruption In into the military eamps in England, the husband is caught by a shai TO has the following to say high places, all of which they though the Liberals were while spearing fish. A ships f-ft... hi E 1 ALASKA 1 2 tl AND. YUKON in rejrartl to the result of the have had in the last few years debarred from getting lists of crow land to get water and rescue 1 IS Iravc' 111 -".I'rincc i nute Rupert uuperi every or WoUi.emiay Prince atT in nauseating quantities. If Liberals there. The Bowser She is restored South-West Toronto election, lists the young widow. 00: 'n for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway tonne-at and the remarks are peculiarly politicians refuse to read the were placed on the tables of the to" her familynnd then complications in? Skagway with tho While as and Yukon U nite , applicable to the present situa signs they will have to taste mess rooms. The boys found ensue. The climax is dramatic SOUTHBOUND tion in British Columbia. defeat at the polls. Defeat of them useful In knowing who not in the extreme and the The S. S. Prince Saturday Ilupert and or Prince George leave Pr, .flupert every Monday at 10 a. m. fur Van. "In the South-West Toronto sueh mistaktn ideas of government to vote for. play points a moral in regard to vcr, Victoria and Seattle. iow. constituency of Ontario this is good for the country." . . telling the truth first instead of Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands TRAIN SERVICE week a Liberal candidate defeated Hon. William Manson is silent last. The rest of the bill Is good Trains leave Prince Ilupert every Monday, ,i,.1i, a Conservative nominee in regard to T. I). Palluilo's challenge and the music ns usual of the and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all p.mu vi and South. Mixed train leaves Prince Hupert and transformed a government NOTES AND COMMENTS to meet and diseuss the brightest. day 0 a.m. Special weekend fare to Terrace and c.ftn iy-u i. majority of 1,000 into an opposition issues. The last thing William For full information iV rcs rvalions apply to city ti, a. ( r majority of C3. The Publishers throughout the desires is open discussion. He Have you Joined the Bowser THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2G0 event in a strongly Conservative country are finding the price of prefers to allow his machine men Must Go Club? It costs you nothing province leads the Monetary newsprint steadily increasing. to use their own type of argument. to Join,- but It will cost you Times, which has never The Daily News does not intend This argument costs the much if you don't. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 taken a part in partisan politics, to reduce its size, but subscribers province an enormous amount of to repeat what was stated! can help out the situation con money, but what do they care. Lowest Kates all Eastern BOWSER MUST GO 'o Points in these columns after a similar siderably by keeping their sub via Steamer to Vancouver and the event in the North Perth scriptions paid up. Are you a member of the B. M. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY constituency of Ontario. Q. Club? It meets In the Stork Need a Laxative? Meals and Berth Included on Steamer The Ontario government Knowing well that M. A. Mac-donald Block every night. There Is no Princess May for Granby and Alice Arm Friday 11 pjn. Don't take a violent purgative. Right may, easily discover the" reason's had nothing whatever to fee of any kind. the sluggish condition with the safe, Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. which accounted for the do with the "plugging," the Journal vegetable remedy which has held public Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. defeat of their candidate by now refers to him as "Donald, BOWSER MUST GO confidence for over sixty years. Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday Sept. 11. reading the heart of the rank the plugger." This , is typically and file. They are ignorant UtmstM-iuii and, will be taken at BEECHAMS J. I. PETERS, General Accut 8alvatlon Array. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. of or blind to the dissatisfaction its true value. of members of their own Public meetings, Tuesday, PILLS party and of voters at large. In referring to the Liberals, the Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTIO la. The Ontario cabinet has become Journal says, "Anything to be Sundays at 7:30 . m. LwtMt Sal of Aar Mdki la the WorU, R. S. C Chaptsr lis. Sold ercrywhara. Inborn,25 cat. a bureaucratic institution opposite is the policy of that Certificate of Improvements The Orand Trunk Tactile Rtitti; ua- in a democratic country. party." Does the Journal expect SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF paay hereby rc ounce iial .i ui uat COAST, RANQE 4. That is the verdict of hundreds self-respecting Liberals to favor BABY'S NASTL'IVTIUM. IRIS FRACTION, DELLI3 Scctiuu J of the ld Acl dVpusiM M the M tauter -jf Publx S the Dowser the FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLl'E DELL rKAC-TIONt ra- si urju slavery system: of Conservatives who will take TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, SHd Ut IB OttC Of UK) il.-.TKl kt(JW the "strongest possible measures, ruining of thousands by the Dominion f Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine roan- 0WNg COSMOS TRACTION, THISTLE of Uie Land lterlry oQV.. Mitnn arer. intend to apply for permission to FRACTION, MARIOOLD FRACTION, LILAC Prince Rupert ai Itiikc hu(rri. k- as they say themselves, Trust Company; the payment parchase the followlnr described lands: FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, I'LIE APPLE scrlplKKi of the Mte and pisiu f in- 'to teach the government a lesson. of $80,000 to Hamilton cemmenclnr at a post planted about FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRACTION, bouse propod to be built la rrum a 100 feet easterly from the northwest cor MINEnAL CLAIMS situate in the pert llarbvr at Pnace Rapert, Inutt The dislike of bureaucracy Read; the payment of $75,000 to ner of Lot 40, Iian re 4, Coast District; gueen Charlotte District, located at or Dear lumMa, In front of watrrfr oi Slock T is shared by the opposition Joe Matson; the handing over of ience north to chains; thence vest to Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island. PnAioce arrordlnr to rer'stered piso ul tat (on- chains; thence south SO chains more or of British Columbia, and U fully held by site of the said elly uf 1t.uk Safari de and by independent voters millions illegally to the P. O. E.; less to the shore of Surf Inlet, thence &ay Ikeda Mines Limited. posited in the aforesaid ut ittsj who are becoming more numerous the sinking of the province under followlnr the shore Jlne to the place of TAkE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnls, ufflce as No. 933. commencement, contalnint forty acres scttcltcr for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND TAKE NOTICE that tint M tl- as years pass because an $80,000,000 railroad indebtedness, more or less. miner' certificate No. 70J5t B, Intend parauon of one month frust a cm at of the unsatisfactory political and the taking away of February 18. HI. arver the expiration or sixty daya from ism Oral publication of Uui Mka, Uw FREDERICK BRADSHAW. the date hereof to apply on behalf of the Grand Trunk 1'aciBc Raiisy Costt state. the livelihood of workmen because said Company to the Mlnlnr Recorder for under Section 7 of the said Art lEtf The same argument applies they refuse to support a MINERAL ACT a certificate of Improvement for the pur the MlnMter of Public Wurkt it ku cSa The pwt;- and f.zfance of pose of obtainlnr a Crown Grant to the m the City of ott fur at"! X to federal politics and to politics corrupt government. Baby'a Own Soap have tnade it above claim. said site and plans, and fur mint-struct in other provinces. The a universal fa- orte. It use is AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE that actloa the saw warebuusf. Certificate of Improvements beneficial to iltin, under Section St of the Mineral Act must Dated at Wteolper, MaumM, la H political machine has been Hon. William Manson failed to rx; 4.4.1 j be commenced before the issuance of uen day of May A. D. to te he Albert Soap limited.Montreal. certificate of improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK I A IIIC lillI running the country, and the get for Prince Rupert -what NOTIOE Dated this 3 1st day of May, A. D. 19 1. COMPANY people being generally regarded helped get for Point Grey. The Silver Bow Mineral Claim, ntuate In in JOHN A. MACINNES. II. II. II A.N S UID. SskdM. Sktena Mlnlnr DItUIod or Castiar District. Solicitor for Ikeda Minea Limited. as automatic parts of the Ilrcwster government will have Where located: At the head of a branch machine to be cranked at will. the privilege of helping Prince of Lime Creek about four miles from the NAVIOABLt WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT beach on the south aide of Alice Arm. While the blame for the present Rupert out of the difficulties Into TAKE NOTICE that 1. Oeorre R. Naden, R. S. a CAP. 11B. late Free Miner' Certificate No. 909B. acting JOT THE LN'OIN'tyKLf INEMLN Certificate of ImprovemtnU condition rts with the which it was plunged by the Jmt L'ACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby rive as agent for Tnos. .Velio tie. Free Miner's NOTICE country at large, the time has speculative government. Certificate .No. cost IB, and James L. Hatch, finest fxuta tf(Ybe notice that It has, under Section 7 of the Bailn Mineral Claim, siiusw when the be-1 Free Miner's Certificate no. S79SB. la said Act, deposited with the Minister of Skeena Mlnlnr Division r '.ainar W come people are tend, sixty days from the dat hereof, to FISHERMAN') ENOINE Public Works at Ottawa, and In the omce Where located:-About f ur nuisi ginning to revolt. They doj Letters have been received In apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certlfi 2 cl. 6 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12.16 or the Registrar Oeoeral of Titles at Victoria, the beach on the south sile of Al ale of Improvements, for the purpose of Hors Power. British Columbia, a description of U the head of branch t Vmt obtaining a Crown Orant of the above the site and the plan of certain structure TAKE NOTICE that I, 0. rfe . jj cl. 3 3-4 In. bv B 1-2 In, 28 claim. Hora Power. to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one re Miner' Cerimcate ittil-tend, And further take notice that action, (II , lunie Three (3), Ccail District, sixty day from the d 4 Cvl. 6 1-2 In. by 8 In., 28-38 British Columbia, at the bead of Cousins for i Launch Alice B. under sectloD 85, muit be commenced before pply to the Mlnlnr Ren.nl.r Hora Power. the issue of sucb Certificate of Improvements. inlet. rate or Improvements, f-r U ff. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration obtainlnr a Crown Oram ' f V Dated this !4th day of March, A.D. I9K of one month from the date of tUUn- Leave Davt float for GEORGE ft HADE. For Further Information the first publication of this Notice, Panne And further take n-i mZ. Salt Lake Saturday afternoon Apply to Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 under section S. must be r,.mmescei and all day Sunday. ir the said Act, apply to the Oovernor-ln-council fore the isioe of such ... ruii.iK ' Rsturn Far 28 Canta. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- W. E. WILLISCROFT for approval of the said site and provrmeuts. For term and particular TION ACT - plan. Dated this lth day f March, A J1 Prince Rupert, B. C. Dated at Vaucouver, British Columbia, OEuRuE IL Call ihia SCih day or April. A. D. lflte. VV. t. THOMAS, Phon. R. . O. CHAPTER 115. BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE. MINERAL ACT Qraan 391. The Surf Inlet Tower Company Limited Solicitors for raclfle Mills. Limited. notlCE I hereby riven that NOL.Y P""eri hereby give notice that It ha under Section Notlco to Delinquent UDE.XUM M1.M.N0 AND flEDL'CTIO COM 7 or said act deposited with the Minuter MINERAL ACT and Chsrl.t Wa-JJ - PANY LIMITED, NOJC-PEflSOMAL LIAB1L To O. W. asaswa.l or Public Work at Ottawa and In the mhcr.U I " , ITY, the owner of the "Molybdenum.' TAKE NOTICE that office of the District Registrar of the Land ' Success" and other mineral claims, situ liivermoutb Fractional mineral rlalm, and caused to be d,.n. fMDf , Tickets Registry District at Prince Rupert, B. C, ated on the north side of Alice Arm, about situated In Ibe 2 keen Mlnlnr Division ol on the Wolf Mineral claim, , of the site and the plan rvstorj description Hire- mile from the bead of the Arm, In caslr District bead of Alice Arm. "bse of wharve and bouse proposed to T power the Skrena Mlnlnr Division of British Co Where located: At the bead of Alice the Skeena mlnlnr dlvuwn be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess lumbia, intend thirty days after dale hereof Arm, adjolnlnr the filvermoutti and Carl-boo Irut, asement work f' r tne , to and from Norway, Swadan, Dan-mark, Royal Island, In front of Lot 40, Range 4 to apply to the Minister of. Lands for mineral claims, 1914. and 1915. and have p sjd Finland, Half and Ruaala. Coast District, D C authority to transport ore or other min TAKE NOTICE that I, 0. R. Naden. Free work and recordinr " lu, ( SAILINOS FROM NEW VORK And take notice that after the txplrtuon rial rrm suili mineral claim and to re I Miners' Certiorate No. S4.098D. actlnr ai 1307.50, Unless you psy " l ulled SUle" St-plember I4IU month from the dale w i of one of the first of . . 18th In machinery and supplies to such mineral stent for Carrie Pratt. Free Miners' Cer 1331.30. for your shar rf "Bergensfjord" September of this notice the .... publication Surf Inlet claims acros the "Dlackell" Mineral tiflcate No. S3.9I7B. Intend, sixty days sesMuenl work, torrm" "I,1!mVpW 'Oscar II" September 9th power Company Limited will, under Sec-lion Claim, situated on said north side from the I 'Stockholm" September J Oth of Alice dale fcereof, to apply to tht Ihl (lvertlement, & 7 of the said Act, apply to the Min f Arm aforesaid, and for authority to con Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, lion of ninety (99) day f Hava Your Rssarjratlona mad Early. ister of Public Works, at bis omce la struct a tramway and lay a line to the ni..m For Hate. Illustrated Folder and pipe from for the purpose of obtaining hereof apply the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said Molybdenum and Success B. C to Crown General Iuforuialluu Apply to Mineral a Oram of the, above claim. Prince Rupert. &aid site and plans and for lean to con Claim across said Dlackwell Mineral Claim And further take nolle that action, et in the Wolf mlner.l rUV , DVBIIAVN HANSON struct the said wharves and power bouse. Dated this istn day of Aurust, A. !. under section st, must be commenced be-fore me, In pur.u.nce of V Pf"l,'01 Insurance and ataamahlp Agency, Dated at Vancouver, B. C, this it to 1916. the Issue of urb Certificate of Improvements. mineral act. - mi l1 Prince Rupert, a. O. day of May, ttlt, MOLYIIUKNUM MINING AND HEBLTTIO.N Dai0d at rrinc0 nurcrt. . the surf inlet rowEn company. to Ml'ANY LIMITED, NON PEHSONAL Dated this 13rd day uf December, A, V. day of February. t May 9th. mo. Jy LIABILITY 1911, Apr t, ml, J. E. STn. EMPRESS C0FFE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ,F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT'. B.