ThUrS'Ly , TUB DAIL1 Wi . , I I ..,.jiM I HBBHyM INTERESTING CASE IN ,,,ufffi , IBM , WWWB "TIlO Xv IW" THE SUPREME COURT DD JAITKQ V "PI " I I UIV AXSAall AlWfU Z IX Vli T 2 iJl k ' l Will The I II Whisky (Continued From Page One.) CLASSIFIED ADS. I j j of the over (he management NOT PAH from hero THM OTHER nothing. ... business in January, 1010, and Til Mil K DWELL two farmers, BOTH nre Canadians. Combine Defend FOUND thai a few months after that, Hie ... railway company made n flit ON ADJOINLNO farms. BOTH arc good farmers, FOUND Lady's watch, apply ft W. Rogsrs Tony Express. tlO. across the opening of tho cove ON II IS n Uowscr nmn; HUT NOT neighbors, This Direct which made it impossible for his FOUND A lady's trinket at Salt Ukes. THE OTIIMH is honest. TIIOUOH LIVING next door. Apply E. II. Mortimer, Secy., tt7 trd company to land scows of lumber . . Avenue. for piling on the lots owned BOTH have teams. PATRONAGE gono WANTED. by the company on tho cove. THE works' AND FREEDOM restored Accusation? WASTED Household roods Of quality, Ho gave figures of their ship. ON THE government form, BOTH would be equal. offcast etc mechanics tools, suits, boou, incuts of lumber from 1010 to ... of tho Social IliFhcst prices paid. Pbone ned III, f Mrs. J. O. Perry Servfeo Will call any time. l Tblrd Avenue. tho present, showing how much BUT the other,... EACH would share Tho Provinco of August 30: of it had been brought in from BHINO honest, IN PROVINCIAL work. WASTED Billy roil, Apply W. Braken ... '"Out 117 under 18 of girls bury, nemo, B. C toe. the south by scow and how much WOULDbefricnds, years which my social ervC9 DOES not. Til MY ledger records, iu assert inai me nrst downward by steamer. His contention was tep WASTED Second-band high offlce desk. THE HONEST man AND HELP each other would not have been possible had they not been Apply Box lOt Sally Kewi. that they were forced to. bring ... first Plied WANTED tl LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY the bulk of their stock in small IS DISCRIMINATED against TO HE better men with liquor." ' CITY TPEIOH SCALE!!. tf, quantities by steamer, at largely AND treated AND THINK OF THAT, FATHERS AND MOTHERS) LOST increased rates, because they were unable to handle scowloads AS AN alien. THEIR families would And here is the Whisky Combine spending tin. LOST Irish retriever, 8 montbj old, picked HE HAS NO GROW UP together thousands of dollars In a wild endeavor to cunt up on Tueaday mornmg. Anyone owing to the fact that they had rights i giving Informstlon leading to in recovery snloun and dive. will be rewarded. Notify the not access to the cove. He explained AND NO privileges IN happiness. bally Newi otn.ce. tf. that handling lumber at They make no defence ' ' j ' . ' ' J EXCEPT to pay THEY might Intermarry, LOST 1 8-foot launcb, painted white, with the wharf on the waterfront cost ... . Tho funds of their "boodle" lmrrel nre lining n-.c. canopy top. Eastbope engine. Pbone from $1.25 to $1.75 per thousand HIS share ... AND increaso.... reive and ronfuso tho people on the MirfU of tin I Black sot. tf. more than handling in the cove OF HIS neighbor's living, r AND farms . COLUMBIA PROHIBITION ACT. They nttRCk tho :vl LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' would have done. the wnil, IT DOES NOT PROHIBIT. float and Rupert Hotel. Return to Dally BOTH have families. AND LAUGH at the time News omce. tf. Cross examined by K. 1'. Davis, If tho BHITLSH COLUMIUA ACT DID NOT lm;,TiT K. C, Mr. Albert stated that they THEY AnE at enmity. WHEN BOWSERISM FOR RENT ' THE WHISKY COMBINE WOULD NOT SPEND T had tried to make a settlement THEY DO NOT speak. KEPT them apart. MONEY IN AN ATTEMPT TO DKFItAT IT FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed bouse, with the company without going THE CHILDREN do not play TODAY they pass Remember that. nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Peal to court. Mr. Davis asked why Cove. 16.00 per month. Lots of free If you, mothers nnd fathers, could gin nee TOGETHER. WITHOUT speaking: ovi i f; fuel. Apply box 104, Dally News. tf he stated now that the extra cost orilt of crime in tho police emirti of Canada if j of handling was $1,25 to $1.75, THERE IS a barrier IT IS'sad know the extent of hiinuji degradation enused by l whereas he staled in his examination BETWEEN them. IT IS NOT Canadian. traffic you would rush to the polls on Septetnhi i for discovery that it cost Be Wise $1.00 extra. Mr. Albert replied THAT barrler IT IS NOT British. send the death blow to the saloon and dive in Hn! - i i lurnbia for nil time. that he wanted to thakc the IS BOWSERISM. AND MUST be changed. charge as reasonable as possible. THE ONE gets all; IT IS UP TO YOU. Your chance will be here on September 14. Go forth and WINTER IS COMING Mr. Davis wanted to know why vote for the BEST Prohibition Act in Canada. the company slated their claim STILL UNANSWERED HAVE YOUR FURNACES to the company In 1913 at $27,000 Local News Notes Are In T V AND ROOFS OVERHAULED ami in 1915 at $157,000 and now Until the Bowser party is able VOTE favor of you bring- I PS vo A " at $190,000. Mr. Albert said that to answer the following questions ing the "Brit- BY .The B. M. Q. Club meets In the Ish Columbia the claim had been based upon to the satisfaction of tho public, Prohibition Stork Block evening. t reasonable figures and that his every there is no hope that their ma "YES Act" Into Nsi J. G. STEEN force? books showed the whole state of n at'tho Kmpress Theatre at chine men, F .W. Welsh and John WORK GUARANTEED affairs. Mr. Davis had some 8:30 prompt on Thursday night L. Sullivan, can escape from public iy r Tbla no-' I paid for fronia n.nd Hi PHONE 5. difficulty in gelling the witness condemnation in connection lffp ubi'rtptlon of men and woiu-n who brllcv: . it to understand his The The Bowser Must Go Club liquor traffic questions. with the "plugging" at the Vancouver case will be resumed today. meets In the Stork Block every by-election. evening. Why did not John L. Sullivan WANTED BISHOP'S CH,.-E have the Immigration officers turn CARBONVOID for'Sdle by Lip- TO ANGLICAN SYNOD back the "pluggers" at the crossing LEST YOU FORGET LAND ACT Experienced Bridge sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward Track men, Tracklayers men,and Electric Co. tf. of the boundary lino? General Construction Laborers (Continued From Page One. ... How did Fred Welsh know from PRINCE RUPERT LAND OUTtlCT DISTRICT to join the 239th Battalion, Seattle. July 17. OF COAST, RAW! U. to go round and it behooves those ,Mr. Zipf, traffic manager of the whom the wireless came Overseas Hallway message Ul4, JOHN L. SULLIVAN. TAkE NOTICE that I'acL" I'.J, Construction Corps. who have plenty not to draw self- KVIiile Pass & Yukon Railway, was when they were unsigned? or Vancouver, British O icasoa. Drafts leaving Vancouver, ishly on the store more than they Hotel Irving, Vanconv-r, B. C. prip and paper makers, k-'xzl vtl in the city yesterday on his Why did Welsh destroy the li. C., for Valcartier, P. Q., way tor pennlatlon to purcbare Us jai Send at Scott muney once. sore weekly. really need. to Dawson letter supposed to have contained deacrtbed lands, Commca.i si l Be attested and forward In conclusion he said "Christ ... and threatens to return and expose planted on the nor la bank cf toe;? mr. papers to Vancouver, and Incriminating evidence against about one-quarter or a Kit vt-vxa transportation will be arranged came into this world to establish Mr. and Mrs. Hilller, of Ikeda, the Liberals, which he received whqle election scuudal. froiu the shore or Fltx-lliirb V at once. a kingdom of love and righteous- Q. C. I., have returned from a Clancy out of city. What shall I north tweuty chains, tbc ut Send all communications from Sullivan? ehalna, thence aouin to rivers bantu"1 to: Officer commanding, ness as well as to save individual visit to the south. Mr. Hillier is Why did Welsh destroy the do? Letter following. alum ibore In a mestctiy teM 239th Battalion, C. E. F. souls. Our religion Is not truly I wireless operator at Ikeda VANDERVEf.R. point of commencement and CMUiaiai 175 Cordova St., W. two wireless messages which he forty (40, acres, more cr less, Vancouver, B. C. Christian unless it affects our claimed contained Incriminating (From the columns of tho Vancouver baled iune I Oth. 1916. W The oil tanker EI Segundo ar orporate action in all matters Liberals? Province, Aug, , !U 1 . pACiric niu.s. vv.ty rived from San Francisco this evidence against the by "Mark Smaiy, which concern the public welfare morning with 7,000 barrels of Why did Welsh, under oath, ELECTORS, REMEMBER as well as influencing our per NAVI3ABLC WATERS PBOTICTI0S Kl of the all distillate and 10,000 barrels of deny knowledge presence Prince Rupert Feed Co. onaI conduct. We live in stir R. S. C. Chapur IIS fuel oil for the Imperial Oil Co. of these men, when his landlord, P. O. Bo I S33. 08 Third Ave. ring days. The bugle call to ad . staunch .Conservative, ... Clark, a Robert Cecil Oose hereby RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS vance all along the line both as The Japanese briganline Ho- swore that he personally told ANNOUNCEMENT that be has under Se ll a yt af T wllh the M . t Act deposited individuals and as a community. t WE HANDLE kuto Maru, which has been in the Welsh of their presence on two Worka at Otuwa, and la t' ffir"' both Church and as a Nation. James (1. Stcen and 6 as a st District Registrar or l i: harbor for a few days, left this occasions on the morning before " ,J Walter Longwill havo Registry office at rrtn o I . Rennle'v, Ferry's, Steele's, s ringing' in our ears. morning in tow of tho P. R. T the election? Columbia, a description t f tas '-!'1." and Brlgg's. clergy and laity, fol formed a partnership In t! May our plans or a wbarr prop 5 ; 1 did Welsh not the Seeds; No. 1 on her voyage to Jedway ..Why notify Garden and Field Ibe ."lortb Skeena Passage ai t- . lowing the Cross of Christ, bo in nlumbimr. steam heati -a. Also Fertilizers. to load salmon. police until the afternoon of elec the Skeena River, Bra the forefront of movement roofing, etc. arl ttr-(117) every tlon front or Lot one bundf 1 We Take Orders for Nursery day? Range ne ( t aft I for the betterment of mankind Ship plumbing and rheet There nino halibut 8 took. were Was It a likely thing for Lib Itb Columbia. and tho uplifting of humanity, schooners in this morning with metal work will bo spec- And Uke notice that, after f "t ni Hay, Grain and Feed at . .. . ... .1 erals to hlvo "pluggers" over Mr. the date t ta fit F- Vancouver Prices. ana may mo cause oi nueriy ami about one hundred thousand Welsh's store? laity with the new firm -it one cation month of this from notice, til- ' ; Chicken Feed A Specialty. justice, puruy anu temperance, -,HJUrus between them No sell Why did Welsh have the soap STEEN A LONGWILL will, under Section 7 or Iho r. JJ W righteousness and love win the Phono 5. Night to the Minister or I'ubll. phons, ing had taken the to place ' up contractor add' the S25 to his omce In the Oty or Ottawa. fo SPPJ B Ull Orders Promptly Attended To. Z well-fought day." lime of going to press. tender to Ahe school board? 570 and Blue 270. the said site and plans, and ' construct the said wbarr, ;9 ? Why did Welsh the Van H. quit Dated at Prince Rupert. l - Don't miss the big public meet. Mrs. James Adams, president couver Bowser ticket, or was he .lay or way, tvio. ,5t ing in the Empress Theatre on of the Women's Auxiliary of the JKLEMA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTMCT OF ROBEflT compelled to quit? COAST, HAM0E I. mJOJJO. Thursday night. Anglican Church at Port Essing- Fire Insurance Why was Welsh sent to London ton, is in town attending the COAL Favorite Ladysmith to supervise the taklna of the TAkE notice that Oeorre Roderick Me. Synod. Mrs. Adams is the guest kensle, or I'rlnce liupert, II. C, occupation DENTISTRY Wellington lump and nut, best re soldiers' vote? engineer, Intends to apply ror permlsalon of Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Is carefully written by us in sults. Phone 15. P.R.C. Co. tf. ... to lease the following described lauds. wM Wo Commencing tt post planted at the CROWN hHX brimi reliable companies. are SCHOOL NOTICE A. J. Galland, who is with the N. E. corner or T. L. Lot 7!, Range I, A SPECIAL!I TO PARENTS AND QUARDIANSl permanently engaged in tho Coast District, rorcher Island, thence BOWSER MUST GO Railroaders Battalion at Valcar Pupil will not be taken Into I lie re south to chains, thence west 10 chains, DR. J. S. BP.0WN business and our records tier, says that L. J. Conkey, W, relvlnr elanea later than .Monday, Sept thence north (0 chains to shore line, thence DENTUT t tii. 1 9 1 e. F. Lake, "Middy" Fortier and W south easterly following ihore line to the Smith "' ,n,r" are accurately kept so that Tlte Hoard of School Truileei having point or Sio Offleel commencement) containing paiud the reiolullon Phon authorized by Src fccnmgenur are enjoying camp acre more or W-s. when your policy expires AKERBERG, THOMSON tlou of Chapter 31 of the Statutea or lifo immensely, Mr. Galland says IBIS, hereby notify tho parent iml OEOIIOK RODERICK McKEMZIE will be notified in sufficient you COMPANY that The Daily News is eagerly Ouardlan or any child from the age of 7 to 14, who lu'gleal to aend B0 - time to keep auch child O. your 93 P, Sole Agents for the looked for and passes through so to arlKml, that h or (he la liable to tho PHONE properly protected. Wo solicit PALMER OAS ENQINE COMPANY many hands that it Is in ribbons lienaltlra provided In Section 141, of CARTAGE,jjjj; PACIFIC Chapter too li. s. ii, C. I.e. That a fine your business. PHONE 25 before they are through. not ereedl-ir 11.00 shall be Imputed Mr Stuart J.Martin the II Ml willful offence, and double that penalty ror each aubsequint offence. TMn:fpr and Storage ENTRIES FOR FAIR W. U, VA.NCE, Secretary. ASSAYEri H. G. HELGERSON, LTD C B. C. UNDERTAKERS In order to allow people to ci M, Manaon, a.A, BEST LUMP A make entries before the 10th, tho w, K. William. B.A., UL.n HAZELTON B. O. 'UNERAL DIRECTORS AND KM-lALWfftl office of the Agricultural Assocla. WILLIAMS A MANSON N0 LONG WAITS ADVERTISE IN SATISFACTION OUAR. i lion, next tho Savoy Hotel, will bo Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Tho oldest established Assay NO SHORT WEIGHTS ANTEED OPES) DAV AND NIOHT fr until nino o'clock each MONEY TO LOAN You Order open even. When 117 END STRUT PHONE 41 Orrtce In the North. BOI III! The Daily News ing this week. lielgtrson Block Prince Rupert, a. C