Hltt DAILY WEW8. it i i WOMAN'S AUXILIARY iw uu,u iriL. 'in 'j, "Meat Prices Will Not CALEDONIA COOD EVCRV V The Daily News DIOCESE OF Tuckcf: Come Down" is the THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA CLUB Published Dally no' Weekly cheerful news from the The annual meeting of tho SPk:; v Guaranteed Largest Circulation Department of Agriculture. ahovo board was held during tho Cigar Meat prices will not worry Synod week on Wednesday, Sept. Wo'ro looking for HEAD OFFICE the man or woman who 0. Delegates were present from tie(llnr towj V'"' Dally News Uulldinir, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, H.U. Telephone 98. knows that a Shredded Port Esslngton, Haicllon and fft smoker, m he uanl, " TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per Inch. Contract Wheat Biscuit will supply other places. Mrs. Du Vcrnet, OIL'S CIQAR STORE rates on application. more real body-building the president, presided and gave Third Avenue PrInce R nutriment than beefsteak or a most interesting address. Reports DAILY EDITION sjj$P Monday, Sept. 11, 19 1C. eggs and at niuch less cost. were read from the treasurer ""--".ii J, Shredded Wheat remains the and tho different secretaries THE WRIT been committed should bo same price, the same high present of the different branches, blamed for the crime. All that quality, supplying all the all showing deep interest in tho The Ilowscritcs continue to Summer Steamship the Service nutriment n man needs for church, and in many urgent Mr. Brewster has done is to to mislead the public attempt calls on the women's lino patrio. half-day's work. Two TO a - ask by the proper legal means in regard to the Urcwster writ, whether tho altorney.general shredded wheat biscuits with tic services. ALASKA AND YUKON though they aro bound to fall peaches and cream other Special mention was mado of Tho 8. S. Prince Rupert or Princo r,e ir. has broken or again the law, as lenvo Princo Rupert Wednesday 7: work being done every m tho splendid by In their effort to withdraw the fruits make ' a complete, he admits himself he has done noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Cum attention of the public from in the past. If Bowser has nourishing meal at a cost of the Junior branches, who have ing at Skagway with the While Pass and Yukon Route V not over five cents. given many articles to tho chur SOUTHBOUND the sort of government this broken the law, he must be Made in Canada ches in this diocese, as well as The S. S. Princo Rupert or Prince Oeorgo leave Pi ine province has had in the past held responsible and not the helping many children not so welt Rupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. m. fur Vi ,T JV few years. man who simply asks the ver, Victoria and Seattle. jump at such a chance to make off as themselves. Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte I standi. They try to lead the public question. If Bowser has acted Thanks were given to all the TRAIN SERVICE to believe that tho Hrcwster illegally, which there Is grave easy money. Trains leave Princo Rupert every Monday, Wcdrd olllcers and nt tho close present writ has some miraculous fear to believe he has, then he and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and nil points'tal; Hon. William Manson bases of the meeting the members and and South. Mixed train leaves Prince Rupert every siC is no fit to rule this power of rendering legislation person uay u u, in, 0ictiai nccicuu iuic tu 1 1'rrucv anii rCl'i.'" illegal, while all that the writ province, even if he had not his appeal upon his honesty and delegates present were entertained Tor full information & reservations apply to city tn 1 integrity. Does Mr. Manson think at tea in the rectory by Mrs. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 docs is to ask the question as been guilty of many other that tho Dominion Trust Rix. misdeeds. depositors to whether the legislation grave President, Mrs. Du Vernct; passed since March 14th was However, opart altogether were treated honestly? Does from tho legislation in he think that tho people of British Hen. Vice-President, Mrs. Rix; another legal, or simply piece question, CANADIAN PACIFIC st Vice-President, Mrs. McCos- RAILWAY of Bowserian illegality, as the Bowser has, in the past Columbia as a whole have krie: 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. premier has already admitted few years, shown that ho possesses been treated honestly? Docs he Hogan; Secretary, Mrs. Mcintosh; Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points his handing over of about $7,-000,000 a conception of right think it was honest of Fred Welsh via Steamer to Vancouver and the to the Pacific Great and'wrong, or rather a misconception, to collect machine funds from Treasurer, Miss West; Sec- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Treas., Girls, Miss Du Vemet, Meala and Berth included Eastern nallway was. which should not be soap contractors? Docs he think on 31 earner tolerated by free it is honest to "greaso" tho hands Sec Treas Juniors, Mrs. Jennings; for Oranby and Alice Arm If the work of Bowser was any people Princess May Friday 11 p.m. done legally no writ that ever for a moment. He passed of men as Bowser does? Scc-Treas., Babies, Mrs. Princess Alice Southbound Saturday C p. m. de Gex; Sec.,Treas., Literature. was issued can make it illegal; special legislation allowing the Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Mrs. Jenns; Sec Treas., Dorcas. the legislation is of itself Dominion Trust Company to Does Hon. William Manson Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday Sept. 11. Mrs. McNichol; Sec Treas., T. O. either legal or illegal. If.it is lake deposits, contrary to the think it was honest to send a man Boxes, Miss Rose Davis; Leaflet J. I. General PETERS, Agent of the stamp of Welsh to "take illegal. Bowser himself made law, while his firm ucted as Editor, Mrs. A. L. Ford. Street nd Third Co ntr Fourth Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. it so, AND HE HAS NEVER solicitors for the company. care of the soldiers' vote? Does YET SAID THAT HIS ACTION When this legislation had to be William Manoon think it Is honest The Daily riews delivered bj WAS LEGAL. If Bowser acted withdrawn, his firm drew up a for Bowser and himself to en carrier, 50 cents per mouth- MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION act. illegally, as he has done on clause which was inserted In dorse the candidature of a man R. S. C Chapter IIS. many occasions, as witness the the company's deposit books in who had to retire from the cabinet Certificate of Improvements BOWSER MUST GO The Grand Ironk Pacific r.ailair oa- to mislead the depositor, for cattle rustling? Does William passing of the Dominion Trust ordep poor pauy hereby fives notice tUl it ju legislation in direct defiance of who had no knowledge Manson think it is honest NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION. B ELLIS Section of tbe laid Act i -.i ;j the law, a writ might be served of the intricacies of legal to devote the people's money to ixzvlxtttf FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL'FRAC and the Minister in Ibe omce or Pub!l of tbe i 'I. ;tt lif.-.zv;un who the up-keep of a political ma TION, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE uf uw Land hertstry '.-it j (? by any citizen of this province phraseology. Any man TNC LVOINEREflNLMLNT 1 MARIOOLD LILAC FRACTION, FRACTION, priiM-e Itapert at Pnn:e I i cs-scripuoa at any time, demanding the thinks it perfectly right that he lt ine? FRACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE f tbe site and im t n setting aside of any part of should act for the people FhACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRICTION, bouse proposed to be bi ,t a l :j t. MINERAL CLAIMS situate In tbe perl llarbwr at Prince hyp- rt, t::ujS u FISHKRMAITS ENAINt the legislation passed illegally. while his firm acts for trusts William Manson has seen the Queen Charlotte District, located at or ear lumblala-Xfunt U waurft M t: . It Is the duty of the attorney-general and railway combines which alleged roads on the Islands. 2 Cil 6 1-2 In. br 7 In, 12-16 Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island. Province acrordinr to reentered p J the t;t Horae Power. of DrIUsb Columbia, and lawfully held by site of tbe said city of l . :jl.,rli of this province to are bleeding the people to Does he think these arc honest In tbe aforeaaiil a Crl. 3 3-4 in. by B 1-2 In, 2S Ikeda Minea Limited. posited us.' uiuaj see that the affairs of the province death, has no right to be even roads, honestly built? Does Mr. Horae Power. TALE NOTICE that I. John A. MacJnala, omce aa No. 9tt. solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND "AkE NOTICE thai CM C 1 Manson think it is honest to hire 4 Ovl 1-2 In. by S In, 28-30 are conducted on strictly an ordinary member of the miners' certificate No. 701(4 B, Intend piratloo of one month f m tie 4t :! Horse Power. legal lines, and he cannfit now legislature and less right to be a man as a road foreman whose after the eipiration of slity days from the nrst publication or u. i t, :'.. uw tbe dste hereof to apply on bebalt ot tbe Orand Trunk Pacific Railwij . .miirja:. whimper and cry that Brewster altorney.general and premier one qualification for the work is For Further Information said Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for under SectUn 7 of tbe -i: 1 K3 t is trying to set aside all the of a province. September 14 that he will look after- the vote Apply to a certificate, of Unproveiaeou for the purpose tbe Minister or Public V k st u :0a of obtalnlnr a Crown Oram la the In the City of Ottawa f t irc'. legislation that has been pass, will see the last of his misrule for the machine, to the detriment above claims. aakt site ami plans, and r r It in ic ess-struct of the roads? W. E. WILLISCROFT AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat action tbe said wsrftn.i.sc and then for and ed in the time covered by the progress under Section It of tbe Mineral Act must Dated al Winniper, MsiaUba, tLs I J Prince Rupert, B. O. writ. Neither Brewster nor decency. be commenced before the Issuance ot such day or May A. D. 19IC certificate of improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PA .1 tU.WH William Manson think it other set aside Does any man can Dated thla list day or May, A. D. I9I. COMPANY that legislation, if it has been NOTES AND COMMENTS is honest to insinuate that T. D. MINERAL ACT JOHN A, NAC1NNES. II. IL HANSAKO, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. properly enacted. If it has Pattullo tried to grab the tele been improperly enacted, the After reading the Journal's absurd phone franchise, when he knows Certificate of Improvements HAVtOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT responsibility and blame lie betting proposal on Saturday, that only by the prompt action R. S. C CAP. 11B. NOTIOI Certificate of ImprovemenU with Bowser. a well known gentleman who of Mr. Pattullo and his friends Silver Bow Mineral Claim, annate In tbe PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby rive NOTICE The Bowser attitude is just has no strong political leanings the franchise was saved for the Skeena Mtnior Divtaion of Caisiar Dlttrict. notice tbat It baa, under SecUon 7 ot tbe Basin Mineral Claim, utaai is Where located: At tbe bead of a brancb said Act. depoalted with tbe Minister of of :uiM ' as logical as saying that a man remarked that there was not -a city? Even The Journal gives Mr Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Lime Creek about four milea from tbe Public Works at Ottawa, and In the omce Where located: - Ah-:.at f .,? C. cJ tr who asks if a certain crime has (man on either side but who would Pattullo credit for saving the beach on tbe aouib aide of Alice Arm. or the Rertalrar General or Tltlea at Victoria, the beach on tbe aouth sUo f Al.3 franchise. TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Oeorre IU Naden, British Columbia, a description of at the bead of a brancb of Lima Free Miner's Certificate No. 9I094B. acunr tbe alte and tbe plana or certain structures TAKE NOTICE that I, Cf ric K aa arent for Tboi. McRoitle, Free Miners to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one sree Miner's Certincate N '"'J'vT! Certificate Noj C IB, and James L. Hatch. ill , Ilanre Three (1), Coast District, tend, sixty daya from tbe cito ""l" Launch AliceB. Have you Joined the Bowser Free Miner! Certificate No. 87946B, In British Columbia, at tbe bead or Cousins apply to tbe Mlnlnr Reorder tt s Must Go Club? It costs you noth tend, alxty daya from tbe date hereof, to Inlet. rate ot Improvtmenta, Mr tic 'Vatl'ia, apply to tbe Mlnlor Recorder for a Certif) AND TAKE NOTICE tbst after the expiration obtalnlnr Crown Orant f Ike ing to Join, but It will cost you rate of Improvement!, for tbe purpose of of one month from tbe date of claim. a Leavea Davis rioit for much If you don't. obtalnlnr a Crown Orant of tbe above the Brst publication of this Notice, Pacific And further take o t tnat act' Salt Lake Saturday afternoon claim. MIUs, Limited, will, under Section 7 under aecUon 11, must be ' tad all day Sunday. And further take notice that IB- action. of the said Act, apply to the Oovernor-ln-Council fore tbe Issue or such Return Far 25 Canta. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC under aection II, moat be commenced be for approval of the aald alte and provements. fore tbe laiue of aucb Certificate of lm- TION ACT plan. of Mir For terma tad particular! Dated this 14 lb day provementa. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, GEiRiJE " Call Dated this I4tb day or March, A.D. I9U inla 6lh dsy or April, A. D. It 16. W. i. THOMAS, Phone. R. . C. CHAPTER 11B. 0EORGE R. NADEN. BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. MINERAL ACT Qren 391. The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited Solicitors for Tacinc Mills. Limited. NOTICE la hereby riven tbat M0LY reby Uvea notice tbat It hea under Sec. Notice to Delinquent Part"" DDE.M'M MI.M.NO AND REDUCTION COM Hon 7 or aald act depoalted with tbe Mln MINERAL ACT Charlss 'f PANY LIMITED, NON-PERSONAL LIABILITY, To O. W. Heiweil and liter of Public Worka at Ottawa and In the wber as 1 tbe ownera of the "Molybdenum.' TAKE NOTICE thai of tb District of the Land office Rerlstrar "Succeaa" and other mineral clatmi, situ Rlvermoutn Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done r !jnf.. w Tickets Re r is try District at Prince Rupert, B. C ated on tbe north side of Alice Arm. about ttluated In Ibe Skeena Mlnlnr Division of on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, -J,wa B oT tbe alte and the plana deacrlpUon Him: miles from the bead of tbe Arm, In Caular District. bead of Alice Arm. Observst: "7 of wharves and bouae propoaed to power the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of British Co Where located: At the bead of Alice the Skeena mlnlnr dlvlsl n f ,,a be built at tbe bead of Surf Inlet, Prlnceai vesrs lumbia, Intend thirty daya after date hereof Arm. adjolnlnr tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo trlct. assessment work Mr tM f to and from Norwar, Sweden, Dan-mark, Royal Island, In front of Lot 40, Raore 4 - to apply to tbe Minister of Landa for mineral claims. 1114. and IBis. ana u Finland, Italy and Russia. coaat District, c authority to traniport orea or other mln TAKE NOTICE tbst I. O. a Naden. Free SAILING FROM NEW YORK And take notice tbat after tbe expiration erala from luch mineral claims and to ret Miners' Certinrste No. 94,0H, sctlnr a 1107.10. Unless you psy 'United States" September 14th of one montb from tLe date of the Ural In machinery and supplies to such mineral arent for Carrie share Pratt, Free Mlnera C.er 1111.10, ror your d "Bertanirjord" 16 lb September publication of this notice lb Surf Inlet claims across tbe "Dlackwell" Mineral tincate No. - - - J,91711, Intend, sixty dsy ment work, ain. 'Oicar 11" September tllb Power Company Limited will, under Sec Claim, altuated on aald north aide of from " Alice tbe dste. fcereof, to spply to th this advertisemeni, i r din Stockholm" 10th September tlon 7 of tbe aald Act, apply to tbe Mln . Ann aforeaald, and for " Have Your Reeervatlone mad Early. authority to con Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate or lin-provementa, tlon cf ninety ,3 $ later or Public Worka, at bia office In struct a tramway and lay a line tbe ' " pipe from to For Ratee. IUuatrated Foldera and for the purpose of oblalnlni hereof spply B; , tbe City of Ottawa, for approval of tbe aald Molybdenum and Success Mineral B. C . t0 yo an General Information Apply to a Crown Oram or tbe above claim. Prince Rupert. bsya u aald alte and plana aud for leave to eon Claims across ssld Dlackwell Mineral Claim. And further take notice tbat action, tsta in the Wolf mineral , OVBHAVN A HANSON atruct lb aald wharves and power bouae, Dated this lath day of Auruit, A, D. under section II, must be commenced lx me, in pursuance of tb Pr ' Inauranc and Steamship Agency, Dated at Vancouver, B. C, this (9tb III). fore tbe Issue of such Certificate of lm mineral acL , iiui H day or May, IS 16. - MOLYBDENUM MINING AND IlEDUCTIO Rupert. Print Rupert, B. O. provementa. Dated at Prince THE SURF ISLET POWER COMPANY. COMPANY LIMITED, NON-PERSONAL Dated this tlrd day of December, A, D. day or February, ill. May lib, II6, jjlt LIABILITY. Illl. Apr. t. ml, 1 E. STARK EMPRESS C0FFE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR . ,F, Q. DAW80N PRINCE RUPERT,