THft DAILY JIKWJ Monday K.phmt ii i i "SCOTTY" DENNIS IS WKBSEvtf',iMti iiJ23 "The Daily News" AKERBERG, THOMSON Local News Notes ATTAINING FAME CLASSIFIED ADS. i COMPANY 11. II. Hansard, solicitor for the A letter has been received"somewhere from Sole Agent foe the llobert Davie, who Is Vote "Y E S (i. T. 1H left for the east today. PALMER OAS ENdlNE COMPANY In France." Ha snys Uio Scotch FOUND PHONE 625 (i. A. Woodland left for the interior boys are all well and happy And found Uiyt witch, apply n. w. nogert tills morning on n business the reports of thoso of Uiein who on Pony Express, f 10. trip have been wounded are nil favorable. FOUND A Udy'i trinket at Silt Lakes The verses of "Scotly" Den-nls Arenue.Apply E. II. Mortimer, Secy., 17 trd B. C. UNDERTAKERS The Bowser Must Go Club are coining In for much attention, meets In the Stork Block every particularly "Tho Little Prohibition WANTED. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-BALMIRS SATISFACTION GUAR. evening, Wooden Cross," n pleco he wrote WANTED Orneral servant Apply Mr.' D. ANTEED OPEN DAY AND NIQHT on the death of "Jock" Watt, one O. Stewart. (00 4tb Ave.. W. tf 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 S. Johnson, of Telegraph Fred, of the most popular of the boy, WAITED Household rood of quality, Creek, left for Kdmonton this whose death cast a deep gloom THE BRITISH COLUMBIA PROHIBITION ACT IS THE BEST mechanics tools, offcast suits, boots, etc. Highest prices paid, phone fled S43. MINERAL ACT morning. over the Pioneers. PROHIBITION ACT IN CANADA. THAT IS THE REASONTHE Will call any time. 810 Third Avenue. Miss Glccson was amongst the ONLY REASON WHY THE WHISKY COMBINE IS SO WANTED Billy goat, Apply W. Braken-f0. Certificate of Improvements JUDGMENT RESERVED FREELY B, C. south-going .this bury, Itetno, passengers NOTICE IN WESTHOLME CASE SPENDING THE "BOODLE" BARREL IN A WILD ATTEMPT WANTED Second-hand hirb omce desk. "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mineral Claims, morning. TO Apply Box tot Dally Mews. situate In the Skeena Mining Division of DEFEAT IT I (Continued From Pago One.) Casslar District. CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- WANTED ! LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY Where located: About Ave miles from CITY WZ10H SCALES. tf, the head of Alice Arm on "Middle Creek." sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward merely one of thoso promises TAKE NOTICE that 1, Wm. T. Kerglo Klectric Co. tf. made from time to LOST of l'rlnce Rupert, B. C, Free Miner's Cer which arc Don't Be Confused! LOST Irish retrieve, 8 months old, picked tificate Jfo. BIOttB, intend slity days from time by politicians to please their the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Judge Murphy, E. 1'. Davis, K. up on Tuesday morning: Anyone friends. Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, giving Information leading; to Us recovery for tjie purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant C, and K. C. Mayers left for the Dealing with the claim, ho rid will be rewarded. Notify the "f the above claim. south Sunday evening. Danish the saloon nud die in Hritish Dally News tf. on of tho Columbia nd further take notice that action, un dled the figures company, LOST it-foot launch, painted white, with der section 37, must be commenced before pointing out that they did not at 'te for better manhood nnd womanhood. the Issue of' such Certificate of Improvements. COAL Favorite Ladysmlth canopy top. Easthope engine. Phone tempt to show that they had lost Black Sbt. tf. Wellington lump and nut, best results. Vole for the best industrial welfare of our province. Dated this 16th day of March, A. D. any business by not having ac 1916. JeT Phono 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. Take tho strongest from weapon poverty nnd LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' WM. T. k'EnOIX cess to tho cove, but, on the con i mir noat and rtupert Hotel. Return to Dally by abolishing the saloon. had admitted that they News omce. tf. K. P. Spalding left for Hazclton trary, they all tho big contracts in the LAND REGISTRY ACT- got FOR RENT this morning. He took a crew of men with him to work on his city. With regard to tho extra Lloyd George Says: Notice Under Section 38-TAkE FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed house, cost of handling, tho company .NOTICE that an application has property. nicely situated, root Eighth Avenue, Seal been made to register Olaf Hanson, of had admitted that they added the Drink is n more deadly foe than either Germany or Cove. 16.00 per month. Lots or tree rrlnce Rupert, B. C, as the owner in increase to the selling price of Austria. fuel. Apply box 106, Dally News. tf W. Stevenson, who has been fee-simple, under a Tax Sale Ded from the Collector or the City or Prince Rupert here in connection with the Prohibition their lumber, so that they were to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10 lb day movement, left for Victoria really trying to recover that n Rt. Hon. Sir H. H. Asqulth, M. P., adds: or September, A. D. It It, In pursuance WANTED ef a Tai Sale held by said Municipality on on the Oeorge. second time. They also claimed "Drink is the nation's greatest danger and w.v-ic or about the 8th day or September, 1914, ?8G,000 ns the valuo of their or all and singular certain parcel or tract Experienced Bridge men. Mrs. Robert Hyland, of Tele holdings, which they claimed to Track men, Tracklayers and or land and premises situate, lying, and General Construction Laborers being in the city or Prince Rupert In the graph Creek, arrived from tho be unablo to use ns intended. He to join the 239th Battalion, Province or British Columbia, more pra-tlcularly north this morning and left for reminded tho jury that the lots VOTE Are you In 7 V Overseas Railway known and described as: Lot favor of bring- TPS A Construction Corps. ten (to). Block eighteen (18), Section the cast on the train. were valued nt only ?5,000 and Ing the ."Brit- " Drafts six It), Map 923. Ish Columbia leaving Vancouver, You and those claiming through or under they had only a lease of the two Prohibition II. C, for Valcartier, P. Q Madame Robert will hold a T weekly. ou, and all persons claiming any Interest lots. Act" Into Nn Be attested and forward In the said land by descent whose title Spiritualistic Circle in St. Elmo "YES force? 1,u papers to Vancouver, and not registered under the provisions or Hotel on Wednesday, Thursday 12. C. Mayers, in addressing transportation will be arranged the "Land Registry Act" are required to the Jury, sought chiefly to point at once. contest the claim or the tax purchaser and Saturday at 8 p. m. Send all communications within rorty-fivA days or the service or out how railway companies trod Thii spare 11 paid for from a fund mail: to: Officer commanding, this notice upon you. Otherwise you and Mrs. Thomas W. O'Jlrien rough-shod over private con Note: subscription of men and women win; bri: and pass or tho drgrsdlng liquor traffic 239th Battalion, C.E.F. each or you will be forever estopped 175 Cordova St., W. debarred from setting up any claim to or ed through the city on the Prin cerns. Ho held that the plan Vancouver, B. C. In respect or the said land, and I shall cess Alice on Saturday on her showing a fill meant nothinrr am register the said our Hanson as owner In fee. way south from Dawson. that the company was bound to Your attention I called to section 36 keen the entrance to tho cove of the "Land Registry Act" and amendments, Constable Ilrethor took the two to allow of the bringing and especially to the following ex open, Prince Rupert Feed Co. tract therefrom which relates to the above young Hazelton Indians who got in of scows. Ho accepted respon LEST YOU FORGET LAND ACT notice. P. O. Bo 833. 808 Third Ave. six months for house-breaking, I "And In default or a caveat or certificate sibility for the figures in the PRINCE RUPERT LAND DUTICT-il-TRICT RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS or lis pendens being Oled before the south this morning. claim and went on to show how Seattle. July 27 OF COAST, RAMI III. registration as owner or the persons en JOHN 17 TAkE MOTICE Hut Taci: : J,Usii. WE HANDLE titled under such tax sale, all persons so the company had been, hindered SULLIVAN, J. Rochester, who has been of Vancouver, firltltb Coii riii. jau Y, served with notice, or served with notice in their business and had been Hotel Irving, Vancouver, D. C. pulp and paper makers. fctt:.l to ip;j under subsection (6 or section US or hero in connection with the Ce foW to for permission purcban Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1906 or sec put to extra expense in handling Send money nt once. Scott soro described lands. Common.'at it I pc and Brlgg's. Hon 993 or the 'Municipal Act,' or section Westholme-G. T. P. Case, re and had also had to pay steamer and threatens to return and expose planted on the nor in Uuk ! I."' rl,tr-about Garden and Field Seeds. 139 or the 'Assessment Act, 1903,' or turned south this morning. one-quarter of a tu :a upr-'jw 'Taxation In freight rates as they could bring whole election scandal. Also Fertilizers. section J 53 of the Act,' cases from the shore of Flu-Hut"!! ! In which notice under this Act Is dispensed There were seven schooners in In only small quantities to the Clancy out of city. What fhull I north twenty chains. tliCu t ncij We Take Orders for Nursery with as hereinafter provided, and those chains, tlitnce south to rl : Stock. claiming through or under them and all over the weekend with nbout ICO, waterfront wharf. Mr. Davis oh do? Letter following. atom shore In a weslc; J tfirtC'.to Hay, Grain and Feed at persons claiming any Interest in the. land 000 pounds of halibut. Prices jected to the question of freight VANDI2HVI2r.Il. point of commencement snl c;:uttai virtue of unregistered Instrument, by any forty (to; acres, nlure cr less. Vancouver Prices. and all persons claiming any Interest In ranged from 7 to 7 cents. coining in and His Lordship up (From tho columns of the Vancouver Dated June 10th, ll. W the land by descent whose title Is not L'MIIP. held his objection. PACIFIC MILLS. Chicken Feed A Specialty. registered under the provisions or this Act, Province, Aug. , UMfi.N Smaby, Pst shall be for ever estopped and debarred H. F. Gorman, of the Silver The jury found that th,e com by "Mark from setting up any claim to or In respect Standard Mine, arrived from the ELECTORS, REMEMBER Mall Orders Promptly Attended To, pany liau sustained no genera PROTfCTIOK KT of the land so sold for taxes." NAVI3ABLE WATERS Dated at the Land Registry Office, at interior last evening and left for loss of business; that no claim R. S. C. Chapttr 11& she City or rrlnce Rupert, Province or the south on the Prince George. should be allowed for tho retain $- British Columbia, this 19th day or January, llobert Cecil Oosse hereby g:c A. D. 1916. ing wall; that the extra cost o ANNOUNCEMENT of that he has under Section II. F. MACLEOD. District Registrar. J. K. Davcy will tako over the f handling over tho new wharf was . Act deposited with the MiulJtr? Fire Insurance To Paul M. Schubert. Lily Schubert. duties of P. J. Sandvick, buyer Works at Ottawa, and In tho K : " 35 cnts per thousand; that the James G. Slccn and District Registrar of T.t! at G fop the Cold Storage Company, plaintiffs were compelled to built Wnltcr Longwill have Registry omce at I'rlnro I; . "'. while Mr. Sandvick is in Norway. lioiumDia, a ueicnp w Is carefully written by us in a wharf on the waterfront n formed a partnership in plans of a wbarf propcur 1 t 1 t i an .i w .u di . Ii. a r At 1"- IE reliable companies. Wc are Mr. Rcqua, of the Gastineau result of the action of tho rail plumbing, steam heali -g, the Skeena nier, Brli; l permanently engaged in the Mines at Juneau, was amongst way company, but that they were roofing, etc. rront or Lot one hundrc 1 arl t-J'-(117) the southbound passengers this not deprived of the uso of lots Ship plumbing and fheet Range nve C sst est.'. business and our records Ish Columbia. .,j morning. He was accompanied and I .No allowance was made metal work will bo .1 spec- Aud lake notice that, after tM cu. ' " are accurately kept so that by his family. for tho installing of an electric laity with the new firm of one month from the date of iht t"3i i The R t t Whisky cation or this notice, when your policy expires hoist and small allowances were STEEN A LONGWILL will, under Section 7 or the l!lct W you will be notiiled in sufficient oQuality Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family, mado for tho increased cost o Phono 5. Night phones, to the Minister or rubitc roi W irP- , who month here, ns the omce in the City or Ottawa, spent a handling lumber and for tho rU " time to keep your 570 and IMue 270. ih iirl ind Dlans, anJ la Wood Aged guests of Mrs. Thompson nt Tho roadwny, prior to August 1013. mm mmmmmmm construct the said wharf. r Wo Years urn 8 properly protected. solicit B. ri.ii.f! it Prince Ruber!. Ark, have returned homo highly business. before bottling day or May, ll. -,.,. your delighted with their stay. Luncheon 11 to 1 in Hart Itlk SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ROBERT CEUL GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT ef CANADA Thursday. Tea 1 to a p. m COAST, IIANOE (. mlO-JSO. Mrs. Selfridgo and family, who e"t Ladies of tho liaptist Church. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD havo been visiting with Mr. and TaIe notice that George (loderirk Me DENTlUjLXi k'enile, or rrlnce Rupert, U. C, occupation Mrs. Frizzoll, have gono back to Fred. Uclanger, from Granby, engineer, Intends to apply for permission Seattle. Miss Violet Frizzell ac is in town ou u few days- hull to lease the following; described lands; WOM companied them south. Commencing- at post planted at the CROWN AMD BR.DOl day. !. E. corner or T. L, Lot 1719, Range t, A SPECIAL!T Coast District, rorcber Island, thence BROWN Miss SIgno Anderson and Miss south to chains, thence west to chains, DR. J. S. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Pollock, of Los Angeles, returned thence north 10 chains to shore line, thence DENTIST HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOH south-easterly following shore line to the onuti mltl. Block. Tnrt homo this morning after having point or commencement! containing 180 Prion ' SECOND HAND GOODS acres mote or less. .. . mado tho round trip to White g t9 glf u f f f 1 0 Ml 710 SECOND AVE OEOHOE RODERICK McKENZIE -z: horse. OP ALL KINDS '"""1 They thoroughly enjoyed Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery the trip and nro loud in thoir BOUGHT AND SOLD PHONE 93 p O. BU-w It Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taekle praise of the scenery along tho Iron Pips-Rope Pipe Fittings Rifles and 8hotgune coast. HARD TIMIS SATISFIED WITH A PACIFIC CARTAGlUm ' Valvss Ammunition SMALL PROFIT Stuart J. Martin Try S2S 3rd A., Or Phons Rid 268 Pumps Hose Paint There was a shipment of silver-lead Trancfpr and Storage Btovea and Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroii oro put on board the ASSAYErt WE 8ELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" Prince George this morning, en Alei M. Hanson, a.A. BEST LUMP NUT CO route for Trail smelter from tho W. E. Williams, B.A.. L I, H HAZELTON B. C. Silver Standard Mine. Tho initio WILLIAMS A MANSON KO LONG WAITS FRED STORK'S HARDWARE is shipping about five carloads a Barrister, Solicitor, Ete. The oldest established Assay NO SHORT WEIGHTS fr month nud will ship more when ONIV TO LOAN Office ,ln the North, When You Order Bot tilt uleigliiug begins, lUlgtrsoa Block Prince Rupert, B. c