(TUB DAIL1 JIKWJ 'r'" H'plt:,.itL , t SHELTER AT DEPOT " t Aid.At McClyinotit the city council nsked if Inst pressure night) PRINTERS' "PI. It's Time for a Change could not be brought to bear upon ONK FKHLS sorry FAITHFUL John Hepburn , VANCOUVER SAID s6 IN FEBRUARY, the O. T. P. to have them provide FOIt William Manson WHISPKHKI) to him. VICTORIA SAID SO IN MARCH. some kind of shelter nt the IN 1118 frantic efforts "GF.OIlflK NADKN'S IIKIlK," , ALL THE PEOPLE SAY SO NOW, tch, apply n. W. Rogers depot, especially ns the winter Is .!. f 1 0. approaching. The mayor said TO HVAHH discussion. AND WILLIK KKPT on going. Point Grey has received the . oUND- A lady trinket at Stlt Like. that he had money from the govern spoken to the engineering IF SOMK KIND friend SUNDAY night " Apply E. II. Mortimer, Secy., JIT trd ment for the arrears of taxos on tho lots which department about this ha e ATcnue. WOULD lend him AN UllOKNT dcmntid reverted to the govornment. and, had been told that the railway . WANTED. AN aeroplane WAS brought In William Manson helped to make this arrangement company was considering WANTED Ocnerat servsnt. Apply Mr. D. but did not attempt to get the same treatment plans for noma such improvement. UNTIL Wednesday. FOH first aid for 0. Stewsrt, 400 4 lb Ave W. tf t Prince Rupert. "?' WANTED Household roods of quality, AND after, TO T1IK Bnwserltps Point Grey has the..W...4 money' and Prince Rupert has mechanics tools, offcast suits, boots, etc. UK WOULD be grateful. OF Terrace neither the money nor anything It can tako to the Highest prices paid, 'bona Red I3. RED CROSS SALE bank Will call any time. ISO Tblrd Avenue. COULD that looks like the money. Prince Rupert's Hi: use it HUT William representative WANTED Billy goat. Apply W. Brakcn-bury, Tho lied Cross saio of homo again failed, as ho has failed In the past IlKAGH onouRh, TO places travelled Remo, B. C 104. HAD Let us sond to Victoria a cooking last Friday in charge of representative who will WANTED Second-hand bi(b omce desk. Mrs. T. UJohnsouand Mrs. Win. IIF HAS dodged WILLIAM Is trnvelllnK fast, fight for our rights and keep on fighting until wo get Apply Box 108 Dally News. Turnbull realized tho sum of $30. W11F.N DANG Fit showed. BUT, them, Instead of a member who says that the "gov-ernment WANTED ft LABOlTEIlS AT ONCE. AI-TLY In Its wisdom does not see fit," These two ladies wish to thank etc, and CITT WEIOH SCALES. tf, WILLIAM passed Terrace AS A FIUKND told him, that Mr. Vcnablcs for the able assist he supposes Princo Rupert ought to bo satisfied. LOST ance he rendered in his usual ON Till: way east THK OTHKIt day, William Manson has been a small cog In the Bowser LOST Irish retriever, 8 months old, picked machine, but still a cog. Tho whole machine patriotic spirit. Tho committee LAST week., UK WILL travel must be rlvlnr up Information on Tuesday leading;morning.to Its Anyone recovery wishes to thank Mrs. Spurr for a smashed If tho people of this province are to rule and ON Till: WAT bock A WHOLK lot faster will be rewarded. Notify the all the cogs must go. box of chocolates, J. L. Mitchell Dally News office. tf. UK WAS expected to speak. ON THURSDAY, for it box of cigars and Stewart A VOTE FOR WILLIAM MANSON IS A VOTE FOR BOW-SERISM LOST canopy 85-foot top. launch,Easthope painted eng-lne.white,Phone with & Mobley for tins of coffee, as ON AIUIIVINO, Friday, SKPTKMBKIl li. A VOTE FOR T. D.PATTULLO IS A VOTE FOR Black SOt. it. well as the following who sent YOURSELF AND FREEDOM. donations: Mrs. William WOMAN 8UFFRAGE Manson, LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' rtpat and Rupert Hotel. Return to Dally Mrs, Dowling, Mrs. Venables, Mrs. Local News Notes ; News omce. tf. Mathieson, Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. To the Kditor of Tho News, FOR RENT Phillipson, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Dear Sir: Kxactly twenty- Salmon ten cents per pound at Smith (Digby), Mrs. T. II. Johnson, three gyears ago this month, the City Market. 21 I. FOR RENT SALE Three-roomed bouse, Whether pR Mrs, Sinnott, Mrs. O. W. government o f New Zealand nicely situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal t Cove, fft.00 per month. Lots or free Johnson, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Bcs- Ilev. Father Bunoz has gono to granted the franchise to nil ndult For Yours ell fuel. Apply box tot. Dally News. tf ner, Mrs.. McColl, Mrs. W. T. White Horse. women. Immediately results bo- orui Kergin, Mrs. McNicholl. Mrf. gan to appear. The franchise Gift to your Friend WANTED Bowness, Mrs. Oakley, Mrs. Atkins, The Bowser Must Go Club was used with such good effect Mrs. w'illiscroft, Mrs. W. meets In the Stork Block every that the succeeding government Experienced Bridge men, S. Fisher, Mrs. A. D. F.vans, and evening. had a noticeably higher niornl PERKINS Tract m&n, Tracklayers and Frances Cummings and Athea t tone. General Construction Laborers Charles Monro hn returned to Join the 230th Bat-talion, Hill, who sold flowers.. from Alice Arm where he has These men enacted laws that Overseas Railway have made New Zealand a leader GLOVES Construction Corps. been prospecting all summer. Drafts leaving Vancouver, Salvation Army. i n humanitarian legislation. weekly.H. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- Among them were the old age The well known Perrin trademark u Be attested and forward Public meetings, Tuesday, sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward pensions; Closer Settlement Act; shown in cuts should be on every glove transportation papers to Vancouver,will be and arranged Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m KIcctric Co. tf. Industrial Conciliation and Arbi you gtt, as this assures you perfection of at once. Sundays at 7:30 p.m. tration, etc. Nowhere In the Send all communications Polling in the general election world are women and children, Style, Fit and Finish. to: OfTlccr commanding, will lake in the vacant store 230th Battalion, C.E.F. BOWSER MUST GO place old and infirm people so well rfexxiVr tkm urorid ocr it 11 Ut 175 Cordova W. next door to Frizzell's. St., George Smlm PBMUJU'J CLOVES. protected as they arc in New Vancouver, B. C. ilex M. Manson. B.A. O O A L Favorite Ladysmith Zealand. W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B. Wellington lump and nut, best results. The Improvement in tho gov WILLIAMS & MANSON Phone 15. P.ft. C. Co. tf. eminent Is recognized in New Prince Rupert 'Feed Co. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Zealand as a result of the wo LEST YOU FORGET LAND ACT HONEY TO LOAN Luncheon 11 to 1 in Hart Blk., men's Into The entry politic. f. O. Boi 833. 908 Third v. BOS 1l8t PRINCE RUPERT LAND DlintlCT-M-TRIOT RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. ' Thursday. Tea 1 to 5 p. m. government that the women of Seattle. July 27. OP COAST, MWl III Ladies of the Baptist Church. TAKE JiOTICE that Pacif X: United, WE HANDLE New Zealand are in a good mea JOHN L. SULLIVAN, of Vanrourer, British Coiuiiiu, :ru, sure responsible for has solved Hotel Irving, Vancouv-r, B. C. pulp and paptr maker), r;.:cl to w'-J William Sibbald, who has spent Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, AKERBERG, THOMSON the most difficult land problems Send money at onco. Scott sore for ptrmlnloo to purcba. t! luvtai the summer at North Pacific Cannery, described land. Comn; n lai it t po and Brlgg's. ever presented to any govern and threatens to return and expose planted on the Dorto bauk ct ; rtw. Garden and Field Seeds. COMPANY returned to town last cven- about one-quarter of a c.;a tpiswa ment. No doubt with women's whole election scnudal. Also Fertilizers. from the abore of nil llurh Seas:; Sol Aflttila for the franchise In this province there Clancy out of city. What shall I north twenty ehilni, th-ii-9 n tvatr We Take Orders for Nursery chain, tbrnce south to rivers Uni.tto" PALMER OAS ENGINE COMPANY would be tho advance legls same Stock. See King George reviewing do? Letter following. alont ahore In s vested? iirt:" " PHONE 525 lation.. In New Zealand the and CKUinini Hay, Grain and Feed at Canadians nt Majestic Theatre VANDKIlVKf.il. point of commencement forty (40; acres, uiOro or Ic". Vancouver Prices. tonight. It is a' magnificent franchise has resolved not into a W (From the columns of tho Vancouver Dated June I Oth. Ill. spectacle. question of sex at all, but one of Province, Aug, 4, llMCi. TACIFIC WU.S. LIMITED, Chicken Feed A Specialty. intelligence. by "JUrk Smaty, ilt. B. C. UNDERTAKERS Word reached tho city yester ELECTORS, REMEMBER Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Sinco tho question of the NAVI3ABLE WATERS PROTECTION Kt day that Lieut. R. A. Stalker, one franchise for women is up for R. I. C. Chapttr lib FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KM-SALVERS of Princo Rupert's best known -SATISFACTION QUAR-ANTKCD decision here, it is to be hoped t old timers has been wounded. Robert Cecil Oose hereby '" OPEN DAY AND NIOHT v that the voters will not neglect ANNOUNCEMENT that he ha under Section 7 of tin 111 SND STREET PHONE 41 the opportunity to place this , Act deposited wltn tno Mln t ' Jr Fire Insurance Howard R. Bullen, city passen Works at Ottawa, and In th: fflrjsfW province in tho satno progressive James fl. Stccn and District Registrar of Titles l U ger agent for the O. T. P. nt San position ns tho countries where Walter Longwill havo Registry oKlce at Prluco irapt. B"r MINERAL ACT Francisco, passed through tho Columbia, a description of the sits att Is carefully written by us in it has been found to work so formed n partnership in plans of a wharf pr.poiri t k t-J city yesterday on his way south. satisfactorily. plumbing, steam heatl -g, the North Skeena lasisge. at tae oJ reliable companies. We are Certificate of Improvements the Skeena River, Brlti-n permanently engaged in the NO.TIOI The city councU last night de Wo need all the intelligence roofing, etc. front or Lot one hundrcl acd w,csl"r-lih "Albion" and "Sunbeam" Mineral Claims, and all the brain to MI7). Range nve ; D:Jtiiit. cided possible help Ship plumbing and rliect to provide water service to business and our records situate In the Skeena Mlninr Division of Columbia. Casslar District. P. J. McCormick, in section 8. solve the problems of British metal work, will bo .1 spec- And take notice that, sftcr tho are accurately kept so that Where located: About Ove miles from Columbia one month from the dte of ths nrs f today. laity with the new firm of and to John Dillman 11th the head of Alice Arm oo "Middle Creek." on cation of this notice, Robert ' when your policy expires TAKE NOTICE that I. Win. T. Kerglu Avenue. Yours very truly, STEEN & LONGWILL will, under Section 7 of tb said "'JJ will of rrlnce Rupert, B. C, Free Miner's Cer GKORGK to the Minister of rubn WjJ you be notified in sufficient A. KLOWKIl Phone 5. Night phono, tlftcate No. 03I), intend sixty days from omce In the City of Ottawa, for time to keep your the date hereof, to apply to the1 Mlnlnt Tho superintendent of public 570 and Blue 270. the said site snd plans, and for w i Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, utilities was last night author VARIED PROGRAM AT . construct the said wharf. ..j, property protected. We solicit for the purpose of obtaining- a Crown Grant Dated at rrlnce Rupert. B. w' "t the above claim. ized to purchase 500 tons of coal WESTHOLME THEATRE day of Nay, !!. your business. nd further take notice that action, un ROBERT CE'M 0SSL dcr section 37, must be commenced before for tho electric light plant nt the SkEE.NA LAND DISTWCT DI3TMCT OK mJ0-J10. the Issue of such Certificate or Improve saino price as last year, if pos Tho fifth episode of "Tho Mas COAST, HA.NOfc . ments. tcr Key," a serial which is sible. prov H. G. HELGERSON, LTD Dated this lth day of Match, A. D 1916 JeT ing highly interesting, is the big TAKE notice that Oeorre Roderick Me D Y WM. T. KEAOIlt. Kenile, of frlnca Rupert, 11. C, occupation DENTJ3 a l ' SIR GEORGE E. FOSTER feature nt tho Westholmo to ennneer, Intends to apply for permission WILL SPEAK SATURDAY night, while there is nlso a very to lease the folio wins; described lands; CROWN hHO bsioc vvos Commenclor at a post plsnted at the vieiALTV fine three-act society drama, entitled n. l. corner or T. L. Lot I7, Itinre I, a IfRED 1 K. II. Mortimer notified tho city "Tho Meddler," featuring Coait District, rorcber Island, thence DR. J. S. DftOWN south 10 chains, thence west SO chains, STORK'S HARDWARE council last evening that Sir William Addison Lnthrop. ''Tho thence north 10 chain to shore line, thence OENTIIT "' George K. Foster, who will arrive comedy drama "Turtlo Doves," south-eatlerly following- shore line to the Omc.i smith Slot. TWr 1 point of commencement containing 110 .! ! hero on Friday with the Domin in two acts, proved a delightfully acres more cr leas. 710 8ECOND AVI ions Royal Commission, desired nmusing film last night and kept oEonoE noDEnick mcke.mie l Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery to address a public meeting on the audience In a conxtant ripple 3 BO Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle "Trade and Production After tho of amusement, while "F.lovnting n..n.,r- at P O. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and 8hotguns War," and suggested that arrangements Father" brought down the house. PACIFIC CARTAGE' Rope Valves Ammunition be made for a meeting Mr. Harvey was ablo to tako his Stuart J. Martin Pumps Hoss Paint on Saturday. It was unanimously place In the orchestra and with Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron Tranefpr and Storage decided that tho city pay Mr. Daugherty ijavo u splendid ASSAYErt " WK SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" the expense of hiring the Km. recital of classical music. Charlie BEST LUMP UT C0L press Theatre for tho occasion. is coining towards tho end of the HAZELTON B. O. Sir George Foster is ono of tho week. NO LONO WAITS I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ablest speakers in the Dominion Tho oldest established Assay nu onni...nnr IACIGHT3 u ' and his address should be something Tho Dally news delivered bj Offlco In tho North. When You Order ubl.i.1 : j : jujgj.-..w. --.-.-la very much worth hearing. carrier, to cents per mouth- W-----