Bowser Must Bo The Daily ews Bowser Must Go VOL. VII. N. 2 prince rupert, u. a, Wednesday, September 13, ioic. l'A price pivE'nEN:, i-P; t f - BOB ROGERS HAYEPS OAPr WELSH TRIC - FRENCH J AKE FIFTEEN HUNDRED PRISONERS - RUSSIANS ARE STILL GAINING HON. ROBERT ROGERS ACCUSED OF FRENCH TAKE RUSSIANS TAKE To the Electors PLAYING "SOAPY" WELSH TRICKS ANOTHER SLICE THOUSAND MORE To tho Electors of the City of Prince Itupert, CONTRACTOR SAYS TENDER INCREASED TO PROVIDE FUNDS Tomorrow is election day. I have been a resident of this OF GERMAN LINE IN CARPATHIANS FOR POLITICAL MACHINEOTTAWA CONSIDERING city since the town started and I can think of no single benefit that the government has been to this city, while, on the contrary, RETRENCHMENT SOLDIERS VOTING ON I can sec where it has done the city a great deal of Fifteen Hundred Prisoners Taken Several Important Points Taken THE FIRINQ LINE harm. In Thirty MinutesSteamers Italians Still Gaining The government's attitude towards Prince Hupert is well Sunk Hungary Very Constantino Sticks 3prclal I" The Dally News. illustrated by llowser's own statement, namely, that the Pacific Oreat Eastern was deliberately projected for tho express Indignant. to Zalmls. Popt. 13, In tho Invest TWELVE DEAD IN Wfnnjpog, purpose of diverting the traffic of the Grand Trunk tho construction (Special to Ttio Daily News.) nation into QUEBEC DISASTER Pacific at Prince George to Vancouver. Directly after How8er (Special to Tbe Dally News.) of the Agricultural Collego here, had mado this statement, my opponent assured the electors Paris, Sept. 13. On the Som- Petrbgrad, Sept. 13, The Rus under the Iloblin government, the of Vancouver that the Pacific Great Eastern must be completed mc front the French continue (Special to Tbe Dili JCi-ws.; Immediately. sians continue to make progress sentalivc of Carter, Hall & their victorious career and have icpr. the contractors, admits Quebec, Sept. 13, The cabinet The government .of this province has been crooked, corrupt captured three and three quarter in their campaign in tho Carpathians Aldmprr, and inefficient and my opponent has been a party to it and havo is ordering nn nlTlclal investigation miles of the captured sev his firm's lender for German front line Increasing and cannot escape responsibility, while at the same time he tho purpose of contributing to into the causo of the collapse has never had the courage to stand up for the rights of this besides taking other trenches. In eral important positions and have the Dominion and provincial clcc-ti..n of the suspension span of the city and northern Hritish Columbia. thirty minutes the French cap taken a thousand prisoners. funds, at tho suggestion, of The St. Lawrence I want you, the electors, to give me a chance to help to tured fifteen hundred prisoners. Italian Front. Quebec Uridge. bring about a betterment of conditions. I could not do worse Steamers Sunk. Home, Sept. 13, All Austrian Robert Hogcrs. the (Ion. Dridge Company's loss ex than my opponent has done and I think that I can do better.' The Norwegian attempts to recover tho positions Retrenchment. ceeds a million dollars. The en If you elect me as your representative, I pledge you that I steamer Poly captured by the Italians tho OPawa, Sept, 13, In view of will use my every endeavor to bring about good government nesia and the Spanish steamer on gineers favor an attempt at sal- the im ma debt which Is being for tho general welfare of the province and will see to it to Luis Vives have been sunk. Tho Trentino front havo failed, and carried by Canada on account of ago on account of the high cost the best of my ability that the city of Prince Itupert and crews of both steamers were the enemy have allowed the of reconstructing the span and northern 11. C. are fairly and properly treated. I think that saved. Italians to advance for a considerable th? wj: it Is reported that tho the great difficulty in procuring the people of Prince! Rupert know me well enough to believe distance. Fivcsn:ent is considering re-Im.'hment teel. The death list now amounts that I do not lack the courage to stand up and fight for Hungary Indignant. Greek Situation. and will probably what I believe to be right. The weak always go under and There" is intense indignation the W'elland Canal and to twelve. we have had enough of weakness. I have abiding and unbounded throughout Hungary on account Athens, Sept. 13, At the re Pai ..anient Buildings reconstruction, faith in this young city and all northern Hritish of the failure of the government quest of King Constantino, who MAYOR M'CAFFERY Columbia, and having gone about the country constantly as to provide adequate protection has expressed confidence in the I have for the past eighteen months, I have good reason for representatives of the Allies and against the Rumanian invasion Financier Dead. HAS WIRED TO BORDEN tho faith that is in me. Courage, common sense and decency in the Entente "ministers, Premier T t nt"-'. Sept. 13. Manager in the conduct of our public affairs will make this a wonderful 'STREET CAR FATALITY Zaimis has withdrawn his rsig-nation Alnander, of the London Guars'.-o country.- (Special to TIM Dally Jiews.) Fellow electors, this has been a long fight and the argument which he tendered to tho and Accident Insurance Co., Interviewed in regard to the is now in your hands for Judgment. I await your verdict ((Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) king yesterday. is d( ad of heart failure. latest developments in regard to with every confidence that you will manifest in most unmistakable New York, Sept. 13, Two were Soldiers' Voting. the drydock situation, Mayor Mc- fashion your disapproval of wrongdoing in high killed and thirteen severely In THE CRADLE I The Hrltlsh office and your determination to bring about a betterment of "don, Sept. 13. Caffery said that he had wired Sir conditions both moral and material. Jured, four probably fatally, in a Horn .to Mr. and Mrs. David C ' ibia soldiers aro voting in Hobert Dorden asking that he re collision between and street T. D. PATTULLO. a car Strang, 2CC 9th Ave., East, a son L nii Hramshott, ShornclHTe consider bis decision. Yesterday's a Jitney bus in the Dronx district. at the general hoipital on ?ept. and a convalescent institutions wire was a result of the recent The accident was duo to 12th. and hospitals. Halloting is con-t visit of II. 11. Hansard, the G. T. an inexperienced motorman los- miirjr on the firing lino until to the city. Mayor control of his solicitor, ng car on a steep Vote for Pattullo and Prosper Thursday. It Is doubtful if tho McCalfery Interviewed him in regard Drydock Secret Out grade. ity. t' al vote can bo secured, as many to tho scheme of Mr. Cot ' the Canadians aro engaged in ton's clients in the east, and Mr. RED CROSS SALE ' S mmc o(Tensive. Hansard suggested that it would Tho secret of the inactivity of tho drydock is out at last. Majestic Theatre The Red Cross sale on Friday c well to wire to Mr. Cotton in The government at Ottawa did not want it to be leased. Miles WANTED financial made the will be conducted by Mrs. Mc- BEST PICTURES, BEST MUSIC the matter. Yesterdqy s reply Cotton had all his arrangements for WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY V ited, woman cook for men's was as unexpected as it was dis starting up of shipbuilding at Prince Hupert, b,ut tho government Nicholl and Mrs. Carss. Ladies Two Qreat Futures. nr p. o. Hox 1628. city. tf intervened. William Manson boasts about the aid to arc again reminded that much TOOT, TOOT! Arrlned this morning, appointing. shipbuilding passed by the Dowser administration but that more home cooking can bo disposed the famou Molo Dare-Dvll aid was evidently to bo conllned to the companies in the HELEN HOLMES of than is being sent in. Fred. J. Fuller, who Joined tho south, in one of which Dowser was a director. What is the In thJ thrllllnr railroad Serial IMPORTANT NOTICE "THE QIRL AND THE GAME" of aid to shipbuilding to Prince Hupert if Prince Hupert Cth Canadian Engineers a few use Showing- 1st and 2nd chapter. Four months ago, arrived in town this is debarred by the government from having any shipbuilding? Mrs. Cawley left for Vancouver parts. M friends and relatives President Chamberlin is mentioned as being in agreement last evening to attend tho wed Fuller has far "THE LURE OF THE MASK" rf soldiers active morning. Mr. so with the in not permitting this to lease the on service premier company ding of her brother", after which Four parts, featuring Irving Cum-mlnga, whoso properties may been unable to get away on active drydock, but Mr. Chamberlin long ago made it very clear that or "The Diamond from the she will spend about two months through service on account of his eye ft was his eurucst desire that work should proceed at the Sky" fame and Elsie Jane Wilson, inadvertonco bo tailing In the south. .the prettiest flrl on tbe screen.. included in tax sale advertisement sight, but hu hopes yet that he earliest possiblo moment. Would Mr. Chamberlin have sent mako it. the company's solicitor, 11, II. Hansard, to Prince Hupert with Special matinee for .the ladles and of tho City of may Mr. Cotton on a wild goose chase? Would Mr. Chamberlin NEW WELLINGTON COAL, children Wednesday and Thursday Prince Rupert lands will have carried on negotiations with several llrms over a period' phone 110. Wo have Just received from 3 to i. NOTE, the management announces that In order to accommodate notify C. H. fl. Anderson, who has of many mouths, had lie thought that tho drydock should not ttho Collector prior a shipment of 500 tons the patrons the 1st performance to the been on Hudson Hay Mountain be leased? Would ho havo had Mr. Cotton working steadily starts at7 sharp and the dato of sale, all Lump Coal. We aro prepared to looking over his mining property, for three months arranging tho incorporation of a company tnd at 9 sharp. possiblo protection will evening, to take a lease of the dock, had ho known that the dock would put in your winter's coal for you. last ho returned to town given not bo leased? I'D. JOHNSON, Whilo ho was In tho mountains Mayor McCalTery is asked to communicate with Sir Hobert Treasurer and Collector. Mrs. Anderson visited with Mrs. Dorden, Hon, Hobert lingers and II. S. Clements in his efforts Olof Hanson at Lako Kathlyn. to have work proceed. Thoso are the gentlemen responsible v J for tho fact that tho drydock is asleep while every shipyard continent is Tho Dorden The Ballot Dare Not Lie If tho father votes for tho barroom, on the working feverishly. government is nlono responsible for tho fact that Prince Hupert is can't blnmo tho son LONDON CAFE you looked upon a still-born. Tho government excuse is that AND QRILL If ho becomes n drunkard. It. we must uwait tho result of tho investigation of the railway READ IT! commission. How many years will that tako? Third Avenue Vote for Pattullo and Prosper- Ity tho time that commission has reached a decision, tho Serves Nothing but the Best ity. rush of shipbuilding will bo over, tho yards of Europe will Are you in favor of bringing Yes STRICTLY UNION HOUSE bo free of their war prcssuro and Priuco Hupert will havo ' lost its opportunity to get away to a big start in what should the British Columbia BOXES FOR LADIES Inhibition entries enn bo mado bo its staple industry. This city is of so little significance j7 by phoning 120. that tho government did not think it worth while to mako Prohibition Act into force ? No X arrangements by which the government could tako over tho plant of tho company in a given time, provided tho commission decide on government ownership. There was no necessity It does not ask if in you you are How to Mark Your Ballot for Prohibition to tie up thy plant for a long term of years In a lease to one company. Tho whole alTalr is typical of tho treatment favor of Prohibition. Why? Put n X opposite "YES" as under: Priuco Hupert has received al the hands of tho Hordon administration, Mark Your Ballot mue: and tho first blow for Prince Hupert must bo Because It Is Not Prohibition struck nt tho provincial polls tomorrow. Priuco Hupert has VOTE Art you In faoe YESl X everything to gain and certainly nothing to lose by voting of brlaglnq tho solidly for T. 1). Pctlullo tomorrow. This city has been VOTE NO! "Britten Columbia backed off tho map and it Is up to tho cllliens to sea that "YES" prohibition Into forcaT cl NO 1 it Is put back there and in larger, bolder typo than over before. Citlieus, it is up to you.