Hosiery Department is_one of “the strongest features of our store 3" We aim to carry every style of stocking that is likely to be called for, and keep our prices pruned down to the lowest pos- sible price. We handle only absolutely depend- able Goods, and our ‘‘Fast Blacks'’ are real fast blacks-—guaranteed. For children we carry the cel- ebrated ‘05’’ brand of hosiery. This is a line we have handied for years and when purchasers once learn the value, the wear- ing qualities, the depend- able dyes of this line they will take no substitutes. ®& We are now showing new Sp Styles in ladies’ Lisle Hose in fancy pat- terns such as polka dots, checks, embroidered, lace lisle, etc,, and in fancy colors, priced from 45e to Tbe a pair. ; 2 aa AAA REAALATARRTHA onan, H. 5. Wallace Co’y. Lid. Dry Goods, Chinaware, Etc. Fulton Street and Third Avenue LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Take notice that George Frizzell | Rupert, B. C., occupation butcher, intends | Commencing at a Stanley Creek where it empties into | thence 80 chans east to point of commencement and containing 640 acres ..0Tre orless Dated March 17, 1911 | Pub. April 7. on the foliowing described lands: Commen | commer.ement. | Dated March 8, 1911, | Pub. March 25. | Skeena Land Distri*—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Mary Maragret Gillis of Vie. toria, B. C., occupation housekeeper, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north east corner of Lot 3957, thence 2U chains west, thence 20 chains south, thence 20 chains west to T. L. 82597, thence about 80 chaing north to Lakelse River, thence meandering said river up stream in a southeasterly clirection to Lakelse Lake, thence meandering said lake to point of commencement containing 160 acres, more or less. Post marked Ni. M. G., N. EB. Corner. Dated Feb, 14, 1911. Pub, March 4. MARY MARGARET GILLIS Ske na Land District—District of Coast Rang Take notice that Benjamin Ruess! Rice of Prinee Rupert, B. C., occupation waiter, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 65 chains south from the south east corne: of Lot 3060, thence 70 chains west, thence 65 chains north, thence 70 chains east, thence 65 chains south to point of commencement; containing 455 acres, more or jess. Post rnarked B. R. KR. 8. E. Cor. Dated Feb, 13, 1911. Pub. March 4, BENJAMIN RUSSEL RICE Skeena iand District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that David McLennan of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation cierix, intends te apply pepe mee to purchase the following described Commencing at 9 post pianted 40 chains south from the south west corner of Lut 994, thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains suuth to point of commencement; containing 160 acres, more or jess. Poti marked D, M « 3. W. Cor, Dated Feb, 13, 1911 DAVID McLENNAN Pub. March 4. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that | Hugh D. Gillis of Prince Ru- pert, occupation laborer, intends to apply for ae to purchase the following described ands: Commencing at a post planted three and one- half miles in an easterly direction from the point on Naas River where the Lava Lake trail begins and one mile in a northeriy direction from the said Lava Lake trail, thence north 8° chains, thence east 80 chains, thence svuth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres. FUGH D, GILLIS Date Feb, 3, 1911. Pub. Mar, 10. Joseph Belway, Agent Skeena Land District—-District of Coast 1a aB ic a “What Shall It Be” Question This store is prepared to answer it memes The occasion may be what it will; it is our duty to be ready to supply you, and we can do it too. With pleasure to you be- cause of the size of display; with profit to you because of our ability to sell close. When the eit question pre- sents itself let us show you how easily we can match your ideas, ms rt FE me res Heintzman Pianos EASY TERMS C. B. WARK geweller Take notice that Glenn McArthur of Vancouver, B. C., occupation reai estate agent intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencng at a posi planted 40 chains wist and 80 chains south of the southwest corner of Lot No. 1733 marked Glenn McArthur's norih- west corner, thence sout): 40 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to po*t of cornmencement, containing 320 acres 1nore or less. Dated March 20, 1911, GLENN McARTHUR Pub, April 15, T. D, Laird, Agent Coast Range 5 Land District : Take notice that 1, John Hepburn of Kii- sumkalum, oceupition farmer, intend to appl Ed permission to purchase the followng deserive ands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 383, thence east 20 chains, thenca south 40 chains, thence west 20 chans, thence north 49 chains to place of commenrer:ent. Dated March 18, 1911. JOHN HEPBURN Pub Apri} 15. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Alexander Beaton of Vancou- ver, B. C., occupation carpenter, intends to apply ne ission to purchase the following deucribod nds: Commencing at a post planted 80 chains south from the south west corner of Lot 3065. Post marked A. B., N. W. Corner, thence 30 chains south, thence 80 chainas east, thence 30 chains north, thence 50 chains west to point of com- mencement; containing 200 acres, more or less, Dated Feb. 13,1911. ALEXANDER BRATON Pub. March 4. Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that | Andrew Cummings of Van- couver, B.C., occupation cook, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following describ- ed lands: Commencing at a post planted three and one on Naas River where the near the trail, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north #0 chains to point of commenceinent, containing 640 acres, ANDREW CUMMINGS Date Feb. 3, 1911. Pub, Mar, 10. Joseph Belway, Agent Stikine Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo cf Stikine B. C., occupation customs officer, intends, to appiy oe panne to purchase the following described ands: Commencing et a post planted about 18 chains north west of the customs warehouse at Stikine, B. C., thence west 20 chains, thenve south 20 | 3 se Olive Oil Beaumarchand A Pure Olive Oil Watch the Window — C. H. ORME f ' The Pioneer Druggist PHONE 82 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 20 chains to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or less. Dated Feb. 15, 1911, CHRISTIAN A. TER'/O Pub. Apri 7 Skeena Land District — District of Cassiar Take nu that |, John MeDonald of P) ines Rupert, B.C., occupation hotelkeeper, inter is to apply for permission to purchase the follwing described lands: Commencing at a post planted three an! one- haif miles in an easterly direction from th: point on Naas River where the Lava Lake trai! begins and one mile in a northerly direction f.iom the nva Lake trail, then: 4 seuth eighty chains, west 80 echuins, t)ence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to psint of commencement, containing 640 acres, JOHN McDONALD Date Feb, 3, 1911. Pub. March 10, Joseph Belway, Agent keeena Land Distriet~ District of Coast Range V Take notice that ack Bediord of Keighley, Yorkshire, England, occupation over-looker, in- tends to apply for permission te purchase the following deseribed luids: Commencing at a post planted at point in the easterly boundery of timber limit 28329 and in the southerly limit of lot 3989, Range 5, Coast District, where the said limits intersect, thence along the southerly limit of lot 3989 storesaid and the projection thereof in an easterly di-ection 80 chains more or less to the westerly lin it of timber limit 32501, thence in a southerly direction alung the last mentioned limit 11 chains more or less to the northerly limit of timber limit 36775, thence in a westerly direction along the last men- tioned limi So chains more or less to the easterly limit of timber limit 56329, thenee in a northerly direction 11 chains more or less to the point of | commencement. | DatedMarch 8, 1911. JACK BEDFORD Pub. March 25, Skeena Land Distriet-—District of Coast Hange & Take notice that 1, Clara May Little of Prince Kupert, B. C., ceeupation spinster, intend to apply lor permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the north WANTED A local representative is wanted for a territory tributary to Prince Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery etock grown by the Oregon Nurse'y Company, Oren- co, Oregon, Liberal terms. Party: must come well recommended, pester eens ADDRESS rmermsrnesr ms Orenco - Oregon | er 4 4 aan west corner of Lot 1735, Range 5, Coast District thence east 40 chains, thence north 26 chains thence west 31 chain’ thence north 20 ehains thence west 10 chains, thenre south 45 chains to point of commenrement, containing 112 acres more or less. Dated April 4, 1911, CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. April 15, Sk Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Eldon 5, Detwiler of Berlin, Ont." oceupation doctor, intends to apply for reniaalon to purcha: the following vibed ands: Commencing at a pot planted at the sout.h- west corner Lot 1928, thence east 30 chains more or les, thence south 45 ehains more or less, thence west, 80 chains more or lees, thence narth 45 chains roore or less to point of commencement containing 140 acrec more or less. Dated Mareh 31, 1911 ELDON 8 DETWILER Pub, April 15 John Campbell, Agent > Skeena Land Distriet—D Take notice that Mrs. Paul, Minnesota, istrict of Cogst C, Putnam of St occupation married woman L. > lands: | following deserides post planted at the southw st Commencing ati heast corner, trence _ ‘ orth 80 chains to post of eoram taining $20 aeree more or leas. aE ENS, SOs Ve Sete y Dated March 20 1911, ' Pub, April 16, ill be res to apply ope ts to purchase the lollowing decoribed ands: | ost planted about seven | miles west and two miles south ef the mouth of Naden | Harbor, Graham Islazd, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, | GEORGE FRIZZELL | Numa Demers, Agent | | Queen Charlotte Talands Land Distriet—Distriet of | | eena } ‘Lake notive that I, J. G. MeNab of Prince Ru- | pert, occupation general agent, intenc to apply or permission to prospect for coal and petroleum cing at a post planted at the soy h-eaxt | corver of Section 3, Townsh p 2 Graham Island, | and marked J. G. MeN., S. E. Corner, thence | | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence | east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to point of | J. G. MeNAB/ is proceeding, Wilson Gowing, Agent 6! half miles in an easterly direction from thy point | va Lake trail begins | 2 } intends to apply (or permission to purchase the 4 | corner of Lot No, 11.12 marked Mrs. L. C, Putnam's regon Nursery Company $ =: } n west 40 chains, > | south B80 chains thence east 40 chains, theese MRS, L. C. PUTNA Geo, R. Fut nam AM mon ground, Here is our Clas MUSINGS persons. Apply Mrs. James, Scott Bk rd Ave., between Sth and ¥th Sts. 85-tf | Private Board by the week or month Home } cooking a specialty. Miss E. M. ¢ rd Ave.. between 7th and &th Sts., pt 89-tf For Sale A classified advertisement, persistently printed will sell anything of value Gasoline Engine, 3 horse-power. cheap. Apply at Keeley’s D: ux Store. 96-101 Household Goods. Rooms to be Jet. Apply Mrs. Evjen, 7th Ave. and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 Nice little home on brow overivokiny harbor,close in, only $1850; cash $/50. W. J. Alder 96-106 Money to Loan ey with which to put your plan into effect, Laundry Reasonable a0-wi Lace curtains laudried by hand. rates. Phone #01. S. O. E. B. S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Seis of England, meets vhe first and third each month in the Carpenters Hall, at & p.m. F. V. CLARK, Sec., P. O. Box #12, Prince Rupert Municipal Notice Sealed tenders addressed to the City Clerk, wiil be received up till 5 o'clock p.m. May &th, 1911, for the supply and delivery of 506 Cedar Piles. Specificaiions and form of tender to be obtained from the City Clerk. Tenders mui be aecom- panied by a certified cheque, or carh, for 2 per cent, of the total price tencerod, WM, M. DAVIS, ERNEST A. WOODS 92-94 City Engineer City Clerk Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, May 5th, for the excavation of a part of the school grounds and for laying plank on the same, Vians and specifications may be seen st the City Engineer's Office, ©. H. SAWLE, 96-100 Sec. School Board Skeena Land District Distriet of Coast Range 6, Coast District Take notice that Wm. Leslie of Sapperton, B.C. oceupation Government Guard, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deserib- ed lands: Cormmencing at a post planted 40 chains west and 120 chains south of the west corner of lot No 1724, range 5 const district, marked Wm, Leslie, N.W. corner, thence south 40 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west #) chains to post of commencement, containing 320 acres more or leas. WM, LESLIE T, D, Laird, Agent Dated March 20th, 1911 Pub, April 29th, 1911 A classified advertisement will find you the mon- : j uesdays in | ee = classified advertisement columns, a host of others meet on com- Optimist will reduce its imum charge of 25 cents. Watch it grow. DESERTED —— LAND PURCHASE NOTICE j | -Distriet of Coast Range 5 | Henry Macartney of Prince Skeena Land District fake notice that hana B. C., oceupation miner intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deser bed lands; i Commencing at a post pe side of Rxehumsikes niver, oop § ita confluence with the Skeena 1-2 miles west from Exchurosiks rapids, thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains est, thence 580 chains south, thence 40 chains west to point of containing $20 acres more or anted on the south 2 1-2 miles (rom ver and about cover, B.C., ceeupation clerk, |, for permission to purchase the fo)),, od lands: . ander LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ; Skeena Land Distriet—Dietricy ,, f C Fake nothve that i, William Anu, 7 Commencing at & post planted any A. northwest corner, and about | mii. Buchan northern boundary south 80 chains, thence east a , north 80 chains, thence west 80 oh, “y commencement, containing 640 gern. 2°? WILLIAM Ar More o» ¥ DERSGy The first boat for Hazelton Take the fast light - draught Steamer “Inlander” Sat., Apr. 29 SATURDAY, HAZELTON “INLANDER” - APRIL - 29th, - i9i1 H, B, ROCHESTER, Agent SECOND - AVENUE! 1 +0-0--6-0 ~~ 6-6-6 *° FOR SALE | Two Box Bali Alleys, 42 feet 1) ast ease and counter, chairs, card (8° vy (ame $200 takes the cutft for quick ©" H, £. ROSS, Empress Hote! bo" ot Third Avenue Prince Ru ~ commencement, 2 Dated let Feb, 1911 ¢ . ont ked “H.M. S.W_ cor, oles ated I + Sharles | Z lem sd'Aptil 2% 1911, HENRY MACARTNEY | Pub, Feb, 26. “rk, i in Pub. April 29. 5 W 8 Land Distriet-——-Distriet of Const | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen o, DA SON Take ce that I, William John Corley of} Take notice that Prank Levick Cheag Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation rancher, intend ey occupation bookkneper, intend in AE to apply for permission to purchase the following . another Klondike. There is a | from tidewater, at tt » Bay, and | ic M i i! ; “ct 1 marked J.M.’s NE : ae smal! section of rich ground, but | thenee south 0 ¢ a | “ oy ® : : th north 80 ch «af |the majority who rush there ex- | ment, or less. Commencing at as od -| : , : ‘ ; JOHN MILLER, | half miles t « + dive |pecting to get ric h will be dis- | Latest tst Feb. 1911 Charies 3. Stark, Agent | on N= er the La N ; : Pub. Feb. 25 and one atiie in a norther 4 appointed. Quite a number ct said Lava Lake tenii, thence : ' . : Queen Charlotte Islands Land M=tzieu~—Lieeriet of | thence e=** ov chains, ther og people bound there wintered in Sheets chonce west @ chains to point , ; ; . Icha MeLeod of Vancouver, | gentaining 64 acres Dawson. hey will go down the apply for perr-iedon | Date Feb. &, 193! CH } : , troleum on the following | Pub. Mar. 10. 4 river in the spring od , ss pianted at the mouth o! A Ihe police force in the Yukon I. Mel. 8. BE, Corner, Skeena Land District ~ chains, thence west 80 Take notion that 1, Leslie fF oan now numbers only 45 men The c thence cast 80 : a ; Ee, ; . ; ‘ eae commencement contaicing i » 4 £ officer intimated that it was likely i JOHN MeLEOD ' i to be further reduced Before Clarance Me] sowell, Agent leaving D OT, Ne reard repor Queen Charlotte Islands Land Distr ct--District of o appare atly well founded, that ow Take notice th Met kid Veiseeia cle nencement, containing A a a ) tice MeLord of Vancouver, st Be : 38 ° : ie rfq | cecupation bre end to apriy for permision = ei 1ei1 ’ . lng to the little work in the courts, \ to prospect for i snd petrole.m on the following pay a ¥ b., 1913 q iJ lve Due nad | ige C rig | described lands = or | udge ugas ana judge raig | Commencing ata post parted about two mile | ; ++) yu nd two yuth of the Sea lwould be withdrawn from the | et fee = eee ee ccna Lan Beats | ; . | No. 4 thence vest 80 Take n< “fh | North, leay ng Judge Macaulay | chains, north one east 80) Repert, B ‘ ae ; +s ¢ to men eontalting Gao | fc viesion { { dacs , lthere as the sole judicial rep-| char! = See ar Oe Sons ae ce Dpattices : Dats 1911 "OHN MeLEOD Cemmencing at a Ne | resentalve, Pub. Feb. 24 Clarence McDowell, Agent | mies west and half a mile -* Creek shere it « pe . Graham island, tt “s | north 4° éhains, the “ | thenee south 40 chains to p . i and containing 160 acres more i } Dated March 17, 1911 Hn . A j Pub. April 7 d ’ u } a | Stalker & Wells | | oH 7 Fa) ' HIGH CLASS FAMILY GROCERS PHENIX THEATRE by Head Store Second Avenue and McBridi: Street, Phone 187 a | ; - (Under New Manas: | | : Se | im.a8 | ae | Carrying a choice etock of Staple and Fancy | : Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. o Te ! x } | ; a . . omrnsene ED | Complete Change of Progr™ | SOLE AGENTS FOR: P . ; | “IOWA'S | oc Latest Pictures - Best Mus PRIDE ” GET THE HABIT " 1 } EVERYBODY COME } i a | Hams, Bacon, Lard, Canned Meats, Etc. —— = Adults 15¢ p Children | : NOTICE ae ° | NOTICE: eee | j a ' * . 4 j - a—-o-4 Owing to the recent fire at our Hays Cove Cir- §|/?-* *-*-**~ * tee ) cle Branch, all orders from our patrons there I? FRE | ) S I ORK ‘alae : . i+ . thr gs: ™ a aq? e ur : a will be executed from headquarters with the ut- P —Generai H«rdware rh most despatch. PHONE OR CALL, if — * et 4 Builders’ Hardwa' Pe . : rove # |» Valves & Pipes Oxfo } Graniteware Tinware | | '