SttB DAIM JIKWi VARIED PROGRAM AT SHERIFF'S REV. J. F. DlfdMICK ON MANSON MEETING SHOWED WESTHOLME THEATRE SALE STRENGTH FOR PATTULLO Local News Notes I THE cnrjTv . "The Daily News" THE PROHIBITION ACT SmVAAT iiouf at i-niv, There Is a splendidly varied Mori i (Continued from Pago two,) l"HUr.K RUPMtT HVUH CLASSIFIED ADS. I At the meeting In the West-holmo Salmon ten cents per pound nt program at the Westludmo tonight, tin., riarrmiMt vrc ready to join in, ho was do City Market. 2,' ur viriM or a vr WWWMWWWWMW" last evening, llev. J, F. headed by "Tho- Yellow 'H"1 m IMs trtlnn, Mlit lighted and they saved tho fran y I imv Mim or tk, Dimmick spoke in support of Is t.... FOUND pcrcha Hubbcr Co Vancouver, Slar,' featuring Marie Walonmp rmviwt, u foiw,... chlse for the city. What he ob Prohibition, llo opened by drinking I'M. . WW on business. and Frank Newburg. This drama I. Ott,,, town roUKD A Udr-i trinket t Stlt Lakes success to Prohibition, in jeetrd to in William Manson I in In . 14 Iran WW..fTf.v.. Apply E. II. Mortimer, iter., ill iri is of three acts and each is in. I Polar te u.inn, the utilities that water, amidst cheers. After regard to was Mrs. C. C. Loop and bab'y have I Lot Drill ffwi ,' ,, WANTED. slating that the King, Lloyd he permitted the government to gone to Hazelton on a visit. lerestiug. There is also "A I I croM-mi tot Toola mm rminr saw George and all the military leaders grant it charter covering tho ... Double Deception," nn Imp com c:nnir Aam WASTED Delirery boy. apply Muaaallem citizens without tho election results screened 1 lol wire had that drink rights of our Seo another nt ( m !i proclaimed edy drama; comedy Oroeerr Co.. Ltd. Tbone IS. 147 8th - I matfM-Mii notified of the fact. Majestic Thcatro tonight. rwmp, iv, i,.., Avenue, Eait, tit was the greatest curse we had to city being at the drama entitled "His Llttlo Story I Safe, i iMM.h ,,.,k , WANTED General servant. Apply Mrs. 0. face, he said that he believed that "Why should Mr. Manson support nets ami oihrr rem), m ,,, v CARBONVOID for sale by Lip and n splendid comedy In "The flrlwtt to par the iudm 0. Stewart. 400 4th Are- W. tf two thirds of the people of this n government which will do i fihii oner 9 Mkt and Parkin-Ward 1; sett it Cunningham, lllso and Fall of Olllcer I3.' An! for eh Mr. Pattullo an such n thing." resumed Monday to,. ,., WANTED Ilouaehold rood 6f quality, province would vote dry. lie said Co. If. trmtr, Electric olllcer with such n number de ltl, at i:ie i ,; mechanic tooli, offcait miu, boou, etc. that the act would not be made his scat amidst cheering nwm, at the Gowt Hon. Illtbeit price paid. I'booe Red Hi. which lasted a full minute. served to havo some ups nnd Inventory win I Will call any time. 810 Third Avenue. any stronger by the introduction R. R. Maltland. Tho Good Fellows Dancing downs and there is lots of fun Ulh. desk. of the Doherty clause as that only Club meets every Wednesday in Dated at fftrnv Hupri i: WASTED Second-hand high office II. n. Maitland, of Vancouver, Mitli ways. There Is a great Iwr 1 1 in. tt. Apply Box 109 Daily new. dealt with the labelling of liquor. Hallway Men's Hall at 10 p. m. show for tomorrow when Charlie I'in.-j to Mr. Manson. Ho said that the Gold Seal Co., Ihen rose support Sheriff of th. . WASTED ft LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY After complimenting the city on COAL Favorite Ladysmith lhaplin appears in "One A. M." CITY WTIOH SCALES. tf, of Vancouver was now .offering to its climate he went on to say that Wellington lump and nut, best re and Bret Harle's great story Mm M. Manion. n.A. LOST send liquor into Alberta unmark W. E. Wiiiiami. the province had borrowed money sults. Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. 'Two Men of Sandy Bar" is pre B.a,u, ed. He then went on to show WILLIAMS & MftNSON LOST Irish retriever, S months old, picked al GVj cent. (Nova Scotia . sented. up on Tuesday mornlnr. Anyone how beneficial the act had been per Mrs. Geo. Ocbhardt has re Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. rlvlnr Information leading; to Its recovery borrowed at 5 per cent, recently). in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. lONSr TO LOAN will be rewarded. Notify the moved her dressmaking parlors Then he went on to uphold the boi mi bally Sews office. tf. The jails were ten- REJECTED from Cth Ave. to Suite 3, Clapp SERVICES imi.ron ukki ir railway policy of Mackenzie &i rt. t antless and the stores doing LOST ii-foot launch, painted white, with were Block, 2nd Ave. tf canopy top. East hope engine. Phone much more business, while the Mann, saying that, in any case, Dr. J. W, Mcintosh, of Black, f OS. tf. the people npproved of It. He then people were saving much more 11. Dodge, who has been out Vancouver, in a speech at ANNOUNCEMENT LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' told tho story of the mortgage, money. all summer prospecting for the u Liberal meeting staled float and Rupert Hotel. Return to Dally which seemed to weary most of .News office. tf. Ho said that the act would do Granby Company, is spending a that he was refused permission James G. Stoc:: l: the audience. After stating that FOR RENT away with the treating system, few days in town. to servo the country Walter Longwill Mr. Pattullo came of good stock, which was at the root of the evil. . at the front for the formed a pailn i. FOR REST OR SALE Three-roomed bouse, ho went on to deal with the 1916 He quoted from the editor of the Tho Good Fellows will give reason that he was a Liberal plumbing, steam hj. nicely situated, root Elihth Avenue, Seal legislation. (Voice "Too late"). Cove. $8.00 per month. Lots of free Seattle Times and from the mayors dance in Hallway Men's Hall on candidate. He said: rooMng, etc. fuel. Apply box 10S, Dally Sews. tf He dealt with aid to shipbuilding, of prairie cities to show how Sept. 20. 25 per cent of funds go "A year and a half -ago Ship plumbing u 1 t. agricultural credits, etc., and then FOR REST Lady can have furnished room had been to the natrlotic fund. 220 the metal work drinking stopped by just I offered my services to wi!l L. ,t (with breakfast) In comfortable home. went on to stale that Bowser was ... Apply Box lis Daily Sews. SIS. such an act as we would have. He military authorities. I was laity with th : ,v ( never a director of tho Wallace There old Ilupcrton- are held up to scorn the charge that many ready and anxious, then STEEN & LONGWILL Shipyards. (Ho admitted that the ians in town today for the elec the act was .On-British and point-ted as now, to serve my coun Phone 5. Nik lit balance sheet showed he was, tion, and the town has not looked WANTED out that the clause which the try at tho front. A statement G7C and Blue 27(1. though only in tho way lawyers busy for a day. liquor men objected to was in- Q many that I had olfcred to ... Bridge oflen nr Track Experienced men.and luded in the act of 1913, and enlist appeared in the men, Tracklayers Day Labor. Mrs. Frizzell begs to announce Sk'EE.tA LASD DISTRICT DISTK.1 3 General Construction Laborers they did not shout that that was Province. A couple of days COAST. RViGE I. to join the 239th Battalion, Dealing with patronage, he said the fall millinery opening on un-Brilish. He resented tho later when I went across Overseas Itallway that the Liberals in convention Friday and Saturday of this week Construction Corps. abuse of the Hag by the liquor to Victoria to see Major TAKE notice that Otorre ftcdfrtrt it Drafts leaving Vancouver, Inl9l3 had a resolution presented All ladies cordially invited to at ktnxtr, of 1'iinr Rupert, B. r ;-ea On behalf of the mothers, Hart I was told that some irmnd to ' 11. C for Valcartier, P. Q., men. to them by John P. McConncll, tend. 215 t nlnr. aipl7 ;r r;nsiiioi weekly, the boys and the girls of our ... of the Victoria members lo lean? the foltowlnt deicrlbetl lu&: lie attested and forward asking that work be done by con Commenclnr at a poit i ;r.v 1 it tk papers to Vancouver, and province he called upon the men tract instead of day labor, and Miss Barbeau begs to announce had objected to my being !i. E. corner of T. L. L it I'll, Aurt transportation will be arranged to vote for the Prohibition Act accepted for service as I Coait District, rorcber Is'.itl ttma that her fall millinery opening at once. only the mover and seconder sup loutti 10 (halm, then. .; jt rttu, Send all communications today. ported it. will be held on Friday and Satur was a Liberal candidate thenre north 10 chalm to ih -e ..zs, tbaa to: Olllcer commanding, toulh-eiiterlr faltovlnr iti -4 I; C 239th Battalion, C.E.F. MlC PATTULLO SAID THAT day of this week. All ladies nro and my application was point of commencement,. c.;u:..i t:i GETTING A JOB rejected. Now that Gov wore cr le. atrea 175 Cordova St., W. WAS TIIUK. II K WAS AT THE cordially invited. 21 C Vancouver, B. C. . eminent speakers arc trying CONVENTION AND HE AND ALL The following is a simile of the EXCEPTING See election results screened to make capital by T II E LIBERALS LAND ACT test is subjected to in Theatre tonight that of a person TW0 v(m,D ,N PAVon 0F 1)AY al the Majestic proclaiming nono Prince Rupert Feed Co. order to get a job from tho gov our candidates arc at the LA BOB.. PRINCE RUPERT LA NO 0HTT DIS ernment: GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE front, I havo come to tho TRICT OF COAST, MM III P. O. Be I 333. 80S Third A. Mr. Maitland went on to say 1. Arc you a Tory? SHOW AT THE MAJESTIC conclusion that I was deliberately TAKE NOTICE that ra it ,Unite!. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had sup of Vancouver, BrllUh L. .;b-.. 5t- WE HANDLE 2. Are you a voter? ported the patronage system. refused an opportunity pulp and paper makers, t j t: W'-I 3. Are you a member of the "Tho Girl and the Game," at to serve my for permllon to pur. La'a lit r (Mr. Pattullo called for three deerltl lawla. Coniir. r, at H P"1 Rennle's, Ferry's, Steele's, Conservative Association? cheers for Laurier, which were the Majestic, is a sure winner. country, so that party planted 00 the north tauk ? S;5 r.nt- and Brlgg's. i. If not, why not? In this great railroad serial there capital might bo provided about one-quarter of a c 9 up given with a right good will). from the ihore of nti II:; Garden and Field Seeds. 1 lf. .llil vntip f-ldiop VnlA is no end to the excitement. You at election time." uortn twenty rhaini, t!i ) eut tfl Resuming the patronage ques Also Fertilizers. grandfather taken whirling along on top chalna, thence aouth t. r:t 0. How did are your In dirts: invited to lion. Mr. Maitland was alunr ahoro a westuj We Take Orders for Nursery vote? of a box car; you see Helen point of commeneemt nt and catnat 8 took. look at the man behind him (Joe ELECTION NOTES more cr icj HO, forty aerei, 7. Give a short biography of Holmes switch a fast freight into Hay, Grain and Feed at Merryfleld). Making no headway Dated June tOlh. Il. Sam Hughes. a sluing just in time to avert a The Bowser last PACIFIC MIM'. Lln. nigh Vancouver Prices. on this point, he went on to say speakers by "Mark Ema!?, 8. State majorities in Vancou head-on collision with n passenger that there were no Liberal can wero very careful not to mention Chicken Feed A Specialty. and Victoria by-elections. train, while you also witness NAVI3ABLE WATERS PROTtCTIOII ver didatcs nt tho front, the speaker the Dominion Trust legislation R. S. C Chapter 1I& 9. Arc you in favor of a more a most realistic collision, in which caused people to loso old Mall Order Promptly Attended To. indulging in the stunt of flag many of the Land which Helen the engineer, liberal interpretation rescues their c all. waving in great style. (Voices rtobert Cecil Ooaae herobi' Grabbing Act? only to And in him a friend of her . that tm hai under Seel! n (f tta 1 What about Dr. Mcintosh") f rx-Worka 10. Do you believe in the in childhood. The most daring stunt Mr. Maitland said there were Act depoilled with the Min iVT When ho saw that the flag-wav at Ottawa, and In the Fire Insurance fallibility of Bowser and the local is a dive .on horseback into a no Liberals al tho front, li DUlrlct nerinrar of Tul i at t-e u of he ing business was no use, n . '- (load Boss? river, by this most daring of omitted to mention the fact that Kerl'try omce at rnni. of the resorted to the plugging charges Columbia, deierlptlon did Price Ellison re She carries it the Bowser machine is ' 1 11. Why movie actresses. respon plana of a wharf proper and said that he accepted the Is carefully written by us in sign? through as if high diving on sible for the fact and that Dr the Worth Skeetia raasar t B;-1 word of Hobert Gosden (voices the Skeena lUver, Brn -n - reliable companies. Wo are 12 Why was Sir Hichard Mc horseback were an everyday hap W. Mcintosh, candidate in Van front of Lot one bunrtr 1 ar1 -(117) "Wo know Gosden"). When ho " C al I M Bft ( mado Agent-General? There reels in couver, was refused a commls Ban permanently engaged in the Bride pening. are four started a long peroration about lih Columbia. . 1(j business and records 13. What do you know about this week's installment and they sion BECAUSE HE WAS A LIB And take notice that, after tl our tho "noblest right' being the use the daw of t 1 Shaw of Kamloops? from start to finish. I'.IIAL CANDIDATE. one month from ' thrilling 1 that of tho ballot, he greeted with aro this notice, nob it aro accurately kept so wns . . . cation of , ir,rS Billy Floss pilch is also four-act drama Section 1 of the 11. Why was There a nil, under when your policy expires cries of "Ballot Box Bill." He Mr. Maitland proved to tho sal I o the Mlnl.ter of rublic W "'-" forked Into Prince George riding? entitled "The Lure of tho Mnsk," . .. . rap iport then appealed for support for faction of tho whole audience omce in in oiij.01 n will be notified in sufll-cicnt you Have lived in Se and plana, and frr .15. you ever featuring Irving Humming and the ald site William Manson and sat down Inst night that the Liberals vnlei conilruct the said wharf. time to V keep your attlo? Elslo Jane Wilson, tho prelliest I'rtnr RubrrL B. tn: amidst at applause. meagre solidly in convention in favor o properly protected". Wo solicit 10. Aro you on good terms with Pattullo Answers. girl on the-screen. This is a Jay of May, HI. ..:)Sn day labor ns against the contract f0 BEFIT CE'Jl your business. John L. Sullivan and "Soapy' At the close, II. A. Harvey ask most interesting story and makes system, mJ0-JJO. Welsh cd T D. Pattullo what had been up a bumper eight-reel show. ... proven in the public accounts en There is n matinee this nfter-noon v imam iuanson tried to ox H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD Every man in B. C. ought to nnd the evening shows start DENTHTRY - last quiry. T.D. Pattullo said that it plain night his lack of ac , belong to tho "B.M.G." CJub would take too long to go into at 7 and 9. lion in regard to tho payment by W0 BRIDO detail but referred to the way in the government of arrears CROWN UNO wanledto ask furtherq uestions A trtciai.ii which contracts had been handed taxes on reverted lots, llo can BROWN but Ihechairmanevidenlly thought DR. J. S. out by the patrnnnge committee not deny that Point Grey has th OtNTUT that one was plenty, the meeting FRED STORK'S HARDWARE to tho highest tenderers; how money now and Prlnco Huport Omen imlth !. closed with "God Save the Mackenzie & Mann had been let bus not, nnd that ho did not ad King' and cheers for Manson nnd mHmmmmms094 olf with the payment of $200 in viso tho city that this was done cheers for Pattullo. coiinter 710 8ECOND AVE registration fees instead of $1, The first time, ho mentioned tin t-rr t Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery 400 and how J, p. Shaw of Kam 'mutter hero was on August 2511 93 p 0. BOX 38 Wire Cable Steel Blooks Fishing Taokle loops had been allowed to draw after the city solicitor had taken PHONE Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns 930 per day as an Indian com. tho matter up below and Mayo PACIFIC CARTAGEjLTD. Rope Valves Ammunition missioner and also his sessional Stuart J. Martin McCaffery was figuring on going Pumps Hose Paint indemnity. Bowser mado this il south to arrange matters. Transfer and Storage Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroi. legality legal by passing a special ASSAYLrt that, the matter was montiom WE SELL NOTHING BUT THli BE8T" act of parliament, but that did not lo William by tho moyor, Had th BEST LUMP & NUT HAZELTON B. C. mako It morally right. By tho city depended upon its represen WAITS same procedure, Bowser could latlvo it would still havo been I uo 10NO WEI0HTS FRED STORK'S HARDWARE declaro a murder to bo legal The oldest established Assay ignorance of tho whole business NO SHORT from "Would that make it right," ask Office In the North. It means thousands of dollars I Who.. You Order if '! ed Mr. Pattullo, Mr, Harvey Princo llupei t,