The Daily New: X. -zr vol, vh. 20 PIUNCH RUPERT, n. C, FIIIDAY, 8EPTKMHEH 15, 1010. PPflWlMfF S WEPT CLEAN BY TIE WWW W JUlYVUJLi O 1L9 VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA GO SOLID - THE NORTH RETURNS THREE LIBERALS THIRTY-SEVEN LIBERALS AND , mBBBWBMMBHBMBHSMrSM GREEKS HAVE FRENCH PIERCE TEN CONSERVATIVES LIKELY SURRENDERED j GERMAN LINES B-KaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaR 'aivS'if B VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA GO SOLID PREMIER AMONG THE BBBBBBBBBKJlyT; BaBBBBBBBBB FORT KAVALA! EFFECTIVELY FALLEN T. D. PATTULLO, ALEX, M. MANSON AND F. H. MOBLEY ELECTED FROM NORTH American Citizens are In Danger German Defences Divided Allies ROSS ONLY MINISTER LEFT bBBBBBBBBk. :akkkkkkkkH i From Rioting Allies Dlssatls-1 Have Taken Fifty-four BBBBjBJnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBjB :BBBX'- 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ fled with the new Greek Thousand Prisoners to midnight last night, the Nanaimo: Win. Sloan, Liberal, lli laaaaaHiHaaaattaBlL BMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmI Premier. In big Offensive. Li.;; a;a ltfil carried 33 senls anil is rlertwj by 5(10 of a majority mntivcs 11 in the gen-c Nelson: Dr. V. O. Hose, (,m-sorvnlivo, C; ( r. (Special to The Dally .Newa.j (Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) Dowser and his is elected by 18 of a tk-ttiun. ..( Athens, Sept. 15, The Hritish Paris, Sept. 15. The French 3 wont down to defeat. majority. , Legation has Informed American have pierced clear through the far, has a .Newcastle: Parker Williams, ' 'WaWaWaWam .WaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWawfl ;:;n, W II- Hosb, so BWaWa' Droppere that the Greek jMinister he is is elected H0 of German front at llouchavesncs, ' f election, a only Socialist, by a KlaHaaaaaaaaam 'BS -.aaaaaaaaaaaMMH .government has surrendered to behind John Mclnnes. majority. effecting a feeparaliun of the v.;lc3 Ij Hulgaria the last of the Kavala in Vancouver, six Liberals were New Westminister: D. Whiteside, forts. enemy's defensive organization. ' .:cJ, with M. A. Macdonald Liberal, is elected by 318 of l'ntente warships removed fif Since the beginning of the offensive the poll. In Victoria, a majority. teen hundred Greek soldiers from on the western front, the I.ioci aiM were returned, with North Okanagan: Dr. K. Mc Kavala to Thasos. French and Hritish on tho Soiu-me i i Iti-c;vster heading tlio poll. Donald, Liberal, Is leading by a nioting is reported from Kava front and in front or Verdun T:.;: f i"Wing arc the results majority of 147. la. Houses and shops have been have captured liriy-four thousand North Vancouver: Mayor Hanes. prisoners and have thken ,i c.Jiiight: . pillaged and the lives and properly Liberal, is elected. seven hundred and twenty guns. Lai J. Yorston, Liberal; of American citizens have Omineca: Alex Manson, Lib Italian Success. s: , . , is out of 21 gave CJ been endangered. The Turks c, ilr, eral, leading with 131 of a ma massacred several citizens when Home, Sept. 15. Ilaliaa air jority. ships dropped five tons of ex the Greek garrison withdrew. i Six polls out of slx-: -aibia: Itevclstoket D r. Sutherland, The plosives on the Austrian arsenal Entente John Huchau, Liberal, powers are dissatisfied iK-1' Liberal, is leading with 230 of with the program of the and aeroplane hangars near I fa majority. a majority. Trieste, inllicttng severe damage Greek Dimitraco- new premier, .. II. Ilay-v i Han: V, Capl. Lib H. C. BREWSTER, PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Uosslhnd: W. D. Wilson, on surrounding property. pulos, whose of the ... .. I .servative, elected by Hi acceptance ' eral, elected by a small majority. premiership was based upon his Harrison Liner dunk. a i:.a.iority. Similkamecn: L. W. Shatford, rx7 being given complete authority London, Sept. 15. The Harrison 1 ..'.x Twenty-nine out of turn. Conservative, leadTng with 15 of and control. The national policy liner Counsellor, bound from rn pedis gives Hugh 'MABTlNPUOl a majorrty. permits of the abandonment of Vancouver for Liverpool, has SJ: 1 Liberal, 000 of a ma. " Slocan: Hunter, Conservative. iMlUi the formation of a cabinet. been sunk. Her crew was saved. y and Clias. F. Nelson, Liberal, iie. laU waek: W. I). Macke.ii, Con-.. with other places to hear from. AUSTRIANS BELIEVED vr, is leading by a small South Okanagan: Mayor Jones. 102ND BATTALION VOTED i::aj( if v. Conservative, elected by 108 of a AGAINST GOVERNMENT RUMANIA UNREADY Cisnbrook: Dr. King, Liberal, majority. I leading. South Vancouver: J. W. Wcart. A letter arrived in town this (Special to The Dally ew.) It..iliiey: John Oliver, Liberal, Liberal, elected. BOUCHAVUNU morning from Charles Young-man, London, Sept. 15. Premier ted. Trail: M. II. Sullivan, Liberal, of the 102nd Battalion. isza, on tho resumption of tho F iinalt: A. . McGurdy, leading by 19 of a majority. Charlie says the boys are de debate In tho House of Representatives il, is elected. Vancouver: Six Liberals elected. lighted to receive copies of The of tho Austrian and mo: A. J. Fisher, Liberal, is Daily News. He concludes by ungarian parliaments, admitted : ' ' J. Victoria: Four Liberals elected. tating that the vote in the 102nd that he had never realized that ml Forks: J, It. Thoinpsnn, Jale: Joseph Walters, Liberal, went solidly against the govern Rumania was properly ready for L al, is elected. leading by 182 of a majority. ment and that T. D. Pattullo may ar, up to the time she joined ' onwood: Dr. J. D. McLean, expect a very large majority from the Allies. Ho believed that tho I-i.' aP. I elected. that battalion. entrance of llunmuia into Hul I and: M. II. Jackson, Liberal, garia, coupled with the Bulgarian ted, ROHIBITION AND counter-attacks, will result in K;i:idoops: F. . Anderson, loss to tho IUimanian alliance. ! al, is elected. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE K; :lo: H, J. Long, Conserva-I BaaaFliiaal a 3 v PACIFIC COAST .3 leading by sixty of a ma Throughout the province the STEAMER BURNED - i(y. vole was very heavily in favor of RECENT GAINS ON THE SOMME FRONT I i -oot: J H. Hryson, Liberal Prohibition and Woman's Suf (Special to The Dally .fewi.) Arrows on the map show recent Hritish gains. The key map ; I ading by 28 of a majority. inset shows the front to Lassiguy, to which tho French offensive frage. In Princo Hupert. 551 Marshfleld, Ore,, Sept. 15. BBBBBBBBBBBr"" 'JcBiH voted for Prohibition and 211 iro has may bo extended. i completely destroyed the against while tho vote in favor aciftc Coast Steamship Com Majestic Theatre of giving tho franchise to women pany's steamep Congress. Her B"T PICTURES, BIST MUSIO was CI? and 172 against. In a two hundred and flfty-threo passengers few of tho smaller places tho voto FAMOUS PLAYERS PROQRAM To the Electors and a hundred and seventy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY was against prohibition, but tlio of a crew wero saved. JOHN BARRYMORE total majority for it is largo. Tho 1 Ulrrlnr, hunmroua combination To tho Electors of Princo Hupert Electoral District, final figures are not yet to hand Captain Gil more returned to "THE r LOST laugh BRIDEGROOM"ami tlirllU, Gentlemen: A sweeping victory has been wgn throughout llazelton this morning. live ail the province for tho cause of good government. In this FATAL EXPLOSION ,y willard Mark. TK The Ut Bridegroom" U district my dead is sulllcisnt to give mo every confidence f the runuicut ami by far Hie (Special to The Dally PUwi.) that the Haul result will not J': thrilling mm in which John change uiu situation, and I WESTHOLMR 1 inure has ever appeared In. must take this early opportunity to tliank the electors and Newark, Sept. 15. Five cm tho valiant supporters who conducted tho campaign, ployees of tho Interstate Cream OPERA HOUSE MATINEE SATURDAY TONIGHT (FRIDAY) ONLY ' f the .allei and ChlUlrrn rrota 1 wish also at this time 'to thank the Daily News and Company, including Samuel Dot 3 to 6. i T. D. PATTULLO its very capablo editor, Mr.Tunibull, for tho clean, able and kin, tho president, havo been Wi QfTarad offar In th RuparU graaUat two ahow of th r riming Momiay ami Turatlay, Mary I Whoso election for Princo Hupert aggressivo light made by that paper. killed by tho explosion of an am world'e beat plcturaa. nckford in .poor Little I'erplna," riding Is ussured by a handsome, Tho people of Hritish Columbia may well bo proud of monla tank. In A acta. majority. the work which they did yesterday. Charlie Chaplin T. D. J'ATTULLO. DRYDOCK IN As was expected, the- people of I Hon. Hubert Hogers has wired LONDON I Hrillsh Columbia yesterday voted X to Mayor McCalTery to tho effect Two rrela-"ONE cuarlie M.' dreai aull CAFE out of one rontinuoua roar. the Dowser government that tho drydock is not yet com AND GRILL power, the premier himself being NEW WELLINGTON COAL, David 11. Hays loft for WlnnL pleted and that the company ha Tbe CclrbraleU Actor Hobart Boa-worth Third Avenue defeated in Vancouver. In Prince peg this morning. This is tho In Serves phone 110. Wo havo Just received nover said that it is willing t TWO MEN OF SANDY BAR' Nothing but the Best Hupert riding, though there aro llrst time Mr. Hays as travelled lease the plant to the Cotton in r'lve acta. STRICTLY UNION HOUSE many small places yel to bo heard a shipment of 500 tons over the G. T. P. east of Hmlthers terestB. From lack of space It FORD ANIMATED MONTHLY certain that T. 1). I'at-(eoutinued Lump Coal. We aro prepared to BOXES FOR LADIES from, it is though ho has curried a pass for is Impossible for us to reproduce Coming Mary Fullar In "UNDER on Pago Four.) put in your winter's coal for you. years. tho telegram in full. SOUTHERN SKIES"