rtllt OAILY ISEW8 l i ,,J '. .-Ml I i . BARRYMORE AT JOHN The Daily News School-Days arc Joy-Days THE MAJESTIO THEATRE Cood cvr;;v KA Tiis!:. to the boy or girl HOUR r, 1 THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA whose body is properly t..l.n .....tlrrvmnrn. is the SlfT at PablUheJ Dally and We.Uy rfoiiii j - - Guaranteed Largest Circulation nourished with food that the Majestic tonight in "The Lost ore rich in muscle-making, Ilrldegroom. n uve-nci puuio-play We rt looklnn HEAD OFFICE It if I l.n brain-building elements which gives this great actor Itenlnr " Dally News IJulldlnK, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, H.C. Telephone 08. that ore easily digested. unlimited scope for his ability. ot smoke,.Just what m t, A u TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEIlTISINa 80 cenle per inch, ioutracl Youngsters fed on Shredded Ilesides being one of the funniest OIL'S CIGAR STORE rates application. . .l,,Allnna lhl lilnv. Is full on Wheat Biscuit . arc full of 'M M..vin..'...-, - i mru MVCnUC - - - Prnce ncmcSvT the bounce and buoyancy of thrill and excitement and is one rty ifv RPrt DAILY EDITION 5JJ Friday, Sept. 15, 1910. that belong to youth. The of the finest of llarrymoro features. SSSBeMBBSfJEe-aJ'-MZU! ideal food for growing children There Is n great fight because it contains all .m nnd Incident follows inci THE PEOPLE WIN and their energies must bo directed the material needed for dent in rapid succession. It Is The people of British Columbia along lines which wil building muscle, bone and di.mcthlng to be seen nnd not described. Summer Steamship Service have spoken, and in no make for the upbuilding of this brain, prepared in n digestible The rest of the program province and of its manhood form. One TO uncertain voice. Thirty-seven or two standard is up to the usual Majestic ALASKA AND nnd womanhood. There is biscuits for breakfast YUKON a with Liberals have been elected to -and the Halagno-SlillweU The 8. S. 1'rince Uupert or I'nn. tremendous task facing H. C. milk give a boy or girl . . e c the Legislature and the prob a orciiesira win proviuo it ut-nuiu i.i leave I'rinco Ilupcrt every Wednr--,' . . .1 ability is that the other ten Drowsier and his ministers and good start for the day. noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway t ' will be Conservative. It is to the best augury of their ac Ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. musical program. ing at Skagway with the While I'ass and Yukon il V bo sincerely hoped that they complishing what they have SOUTHBOUND Made in Canada HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR The 8. S. Prince Hupert or Prince George h ave v, set out' to do is the fact that y will be, as the first essential Ilupcrt every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. m f.,r Vn to strong government is an opposition. they realize very fully the measure SECOND HAND GOODS ver, Victoria and Seattle. v CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT Fortnightly service to th Queen Charlotte Istandi It would really have of that task . There are OF ALL RINDS TRAIN SERVICE been better had there been a great problems to be solve I, WESTHOLME THEATRE BOUGHT AND SOLD Trnlna Io.iva Trinrn ltiirH m'v t..h.i... few moro members on the opposition many of these being a legacy aav4 a ausa us. vawu u aaa, a wa III II I UIIUU1 D' 1 1-f 3 1 nnd South. Mixed trnin leaves I'rinco Uupert benches. from the government which 'Two Men of Sandy Har," one HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A day C a. in. Special weekend faro to Terrace and cv.r-f y 'n, of Iiret Harte's greatest stories. . SMALL PROFIT For full Information & reservations apply to The north is to be congratulated has just gone, but the people city t s the big feature of a shuw at Try (26 3rd Ata, Or Phone Red 26 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 upon its returning three must feel that they havo selected fighting members in T. D. Pat-tullo, the right men to face the Westholme which includes Charlie Chaplin's latest, "One A. Alex. M. Mnnson and I'. those problems as they should II. Mobley. It i9 to be regretted be faced, with an earnest desire M Everybody has read the CANADIAN PACIFIC lory of John Oukhurst, the chiv-f RAILWAY that John Mclnnis has not to find the solution which will work out best for the welfare airous gambler, and his rriunu MNHaaMSTMHajassfjaNtsi e - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm been elected for Fort George, Lowest Rates .o all Eastern Points as he would have been an acquisition of all, without regard for any Sandy Morton. Despite their failings, via Steamer to Vancouver and the to the government in petty political effect. one cannot but love those CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the strenuous business which It has been said that the picturesque "forty-niners" whom Meal and Oarth includvd on Steamer lies before it. However, the Liberals have posed as idealists the. artist has depicted so splen Princess May for Oranby and Allco Arm Friday 11 pjn. soldiers' vote is still to be in placing before the people didly. The film does full justice Princess Sophia southbound Saturday, Sept. 16th, their platform. The Hrew-ster to this great tale of the early Princess Southbound Sunday 6 counted and there is a big May p. m. in the California is the of government will days mining JUX essence Alice for Alaska probability that the men at the prove Princess Monday, Sept. 18th. camps, .and is something not to fine, pure soap In front will return Mr. Mclnnis. that it is composed of idealists; be missed. Huburl Itoswortlt flakes and possesses J. I. PETERS, General Agent In taking it for granted that of men who have before plays the part of John Oakhurst. marvelous cleansing Comer Fourth Street and .Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. the final results of the election them as a political chart a 'One A. M.". Charlie's latest, and preserving proper will be pretty much along the system of government which "ties. It keeps all loosely lines indicated by the voting j will work out for the benefit suggests something convivial and woven fabrics from MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTtCTIO let of nritish Columbia and Canada. is certain to be funny, Chaplin R. S. a Cheptsr 111. in the province, we are not for-j shrinking and thickening can't help being funny. These tw getting the fact that many This province needs men in the wash. Have Certificate of Improvements should draw Tbe Urand Trunk r(.: r.n.n; big features a large thousands of soldiers' votes with ideals, and men who will you tried LUX ? piny tkrtetijr tlvea ouUca tji u au cJa have still to be reckoned up, strive to work out those ideals douse. NASTURTIUM. IRIS TRACTION, BELUS Mci&n ? or tbe said A t tr.iui na but are quite satisfied that the along practical lines. In the .NOTICE la hereby riven that MOLY rilACT10.il, OtTIA.t, BLUE BLLL HIAC-TI0.1, an(11m Minister In the office of PubL of tbe u.-v k. ti lifsss.an COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE soldiers will only emphasize working out of them, the people BDENUM MININO AND REDUCTION COMPANY or the Laed Hevistry it: . s:. u LIMITED, NON-PERSONAL LIABILITY, fHACTION. MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC PMiwe Uupert at ti,.. . i i the fact that British Columbia can assist materially. The the owners of toe "Molybdenum," U fllACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE seripiiaia at 'tbe site atij iiiu vt must have clean government. duty of the elector is not over, Success" and other mineral claims, situ FHACTION, COXCOMB, BEOONIA FRACTION, Imuae propoaad to be I . ; ; i L ated on tbe rortn aide of Alice Ann. about MINERAL. CLAIMS situate in tbe perl llsrlwr at Prince n .;-; t- :iit The result cannot be taken though the election has been three miles from tbe bead of tbe Ann, In Queen Cbarlolle District, located at or Dear lumbla. In front or ati - r- .1 l as a party triumph, but as a lost and won. The individual the Skrena Mlnlnt Division of British Co Iked Bay, Queen Cbarlotte Island, Province aerordlas; to re(lster J v " tl tu- lumbia. Intend thirty days after date hereof r Drttisn Columbia, and lawfully beld by aite or lle said city . r , ; , glorious victory for the people can do wonders in making the to apply to tbe Minister of Lands for Ikeda Mines Limited. poalted In tbe afori a. . . (U7 of this province. II. C. Brewster road smooth for the men who authority to transport ores or other min T UX breaks Into a TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. Maclnnls, offlre u No. (tl. erals from sucb mineral claims and to ret foamy cream-like solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free AND TAkE NOTICE M iTUf Ct u and his supporters in the "are our representatives in the In machinery and supplies to sucb mineral miners' certificate No. 701KB, Intend ptratiaa or one month 'r-.o a? eiu ct lather that injure Legislature by remembering claims across the "Blacks ell" Mineral cannot after tbe eipirsllen of slaty daa trout lite oral pvbllcation : i-i t.' p Cx bouse have been elected by the Claim, situated on said north side of Alice the filmiest fabrics tbe date hereof to apply on bebalf of tbe Orand Trunk I'aclBc III. ij a: people to carry on the business that those gentlemen represent Arm aroresaid, and for authority to construct the most delicate said Company to tbe Mlnlnt necorder for under Sectkm 7 or tli- u : i their constituencies whole a tramway and lay a pipe line from or a certificate ot Improvements for tbe purpose tbe Minister or Publn W :i- it U :3a of the province for the as a said Molybdenum and Success Mineral hands. It softens the of obtaining a Crown Oram to 'tbe la tbe aty or Ott f t r; n people. Men of all shades of and not any particular section Claims across said Blackwell Mineral Claim. hardest water, thus ibove culms. Kl site and plans, an J f r It us U a Dated this 15tb day of Aurust, A. D. AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE tbai action struct tbe said errh political opinion have put them of them. uie. preserving the original jnder Section S of tbe Mineral Ad must Dated at Winnipeg, Mat..i u. . 3 there and it is safe to predict MOLYBDENUM MI.NIXO AMD REDUCTION elasticity of fabrics and je commenced before tbe Issuance of sucb day or Mar A. D. 191', COMPANY LIMITED, NON-PERSONAL '-ertlOcate or Improvements. '!.'! THE GRAND TRUNK 1A It. that the members of the SUN AND TIDE their life. new adding to LIABILITY Dated tbla 31st dir ot Mar, A. D. If!. CO MT ANT government will strive their Saturday, September ICth. Try LUX in the bath. JOHN A. MACINNES, IL II. IIANSin:'. . Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Umited. utmost to show that the support Sun Ilises C:2C a. m is justified. Sun sets 6:51 p. m. NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTCCTION ACT, MINERAL ACT .Itritish Columbia i9 entering High, water ...1:11a.m. lit. 18.5 LUX R. S. C. CAP. ItS. won't LLr Certificate of lmproemenU upon a new era of develop Low water ...10:4a.m. lit. C.9 in. ahr 1'AUriC MILLS. LIMITED, bereby five NOTICE ment. In a few months, the High water ....4:6 p.m. lit. 20.0 WooUaas notice Out It bas, under Section 7 or tbe Basin Mineral Claim, siiuaw c said Act. deposited with tbe Minister ot Ekeena Mlnlnr Division Of iaiar M war will be over; thousands of Low water ..10:18 p.m. lit. 5.1 Public Works at Ottawa, and In tbe office Where located: Ah t f ' n S1 men will return from Europe retain McOeo. M. M. S. A. The Whisky if ibe rtes-lsirar Oeneral or Titles at Vlc-lorla, ...V WU V . ...J .-. w- British Columbia, a description ot at the hrail ot a brim II f L'St tbe site and tbe plans or certain structures TAKE NOTICE that I, uC r B of Quality iu be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one m Ulnar's rrtini'ltft K III .-I'' Made In Canada by Lever 31 , Itante Three (3), Coast District, tend, slaty days from we rtalo Aged in Wood Brother Limited, Toronto lirMlsb Columbia, at the bead or Cousins Launch Alice B. 8 Years nlet. MIA lfnrravmnls. f r til' I before bottling How Will You Protect AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration obtaloioa; a Crown orsnt f ot one month from tbe date of claim. Leaves Davis nott for GUARANTEED BY THE the first publication ot tbla Notice, pa-tre Salt Lake Saturday after-norm GOVERNMENT f CANADA Your Wife Mills, Umited. will., under SecUou 7 uiwlar urlUn SI. must be TT.K' and all day Sunday., "f ibe said Act. apply to tbe Oovernor-ln-;uuoc!l fore tbe Issue or u n ' Return Far 28 Cant. and the children should you for approval of tbe said site and provements. ,, . and particular plan. Dated ibis II lb day .r Mill ' For terms fall ill or lose your employment Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia, Call ? Have you money in this J6tb day or April, A. D. 1916. -W. i. THOMAS, Phons the Hank to tide the family BODWELL, LAWSON 4; LANE. MINERAL ACT a Oreen Ml. over until you are "on your Solicitors lor PaclDc Mills, Limited. lect" again ? Notice to Delinquent Partner. MINERAL ACT To O. W. as.,e.l and Charl.. THE LNOlNtyKtf INEMENT 1 Every married man should TAKE NOTICE thai wtiercal I W""J open an account in our Itiveruioutn Fractional mineral claim. alHl rausrd 10 le auu- . u Tnttt bod(sCAtTet XJ Tickets Savings Department and pu( l lusted In tbe Skeena Mlnlnt Division of on the Woir Mineral claim, ,M. FISHCRMAn'S INOINt by a part of his earnings every aulir District. liead or Alice Arm, ObKntWJ W week month. Where located! At tbe bead or AHca Uw Skeena rolninif division 2 Cyl. 6 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-16 or trm, adjolnins ibe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo rial, assessment work for the " ' to and from Norway, Bwedan, Dsn-mark, Horsa Power, Such a sum, earniof Interest, will be mineral claims. mil. and 1911. and have tUd W Finland, Italy and Russia. ' SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Cyl 3 3-4 In. by 6 1-2 In, 26 welcome protection lor tbe family. TAkE NOTICE that I. 0. IL Naden. Tree ..ik and reoordiui- W" ' ' ' 'United States" . September liu Horsa Power, A Setinfs Account may be opened timers' Certtmsie No. 94,09tB. actlot as IJ07.S0. Unless jru W "Bercensrjord" . . September 16th Cyl 6 1-2 In. by S In, 2S-36 with one dollar. arent for Csrrlo Pratt, Free Miners' Cer II3I.S0, ror your share wn!l V , itf Oscar II" September Slth Horsa Fawar, Miicste No. S3.9I7B. Intend, ality days essment work, toretber 'Stockholm" September 30th THE BANK OF 'rum the date hereof, to apply to tbe ibis advertisement. I ha". Have Your Reesrvations mads Early. Mlolur. Recorder for a Certincaie or lm-provtinrnts. ii..n or ninety (90. days " . British North America ror tbe or obtalnlni horror apply lo "'"' For Rates. Illustrated Folders and For Further Information purpose mut intf-prince Oeneral Information Apply to Apply to a Crown Oram or lite above claim. Rupert, li. C l " 0 ,! TS YEARS IN UfSINESS. And further take notice that action, .ta in Uie Woir mineral ' " rf DYBHAVN A HANSON pro'1 CAPITAL AND KUUPLUS, 17381,000. niler aectlon St, must be commenced he-"'ire km., in pursuance or the Insurance and ttaamshlp Agsncy, W. E. WILLISCROFT the Issue ot surb Certificate or lm-provrruents. mineral act. . . m, tl F-rlnca Rupert, B. O. Prince Rupert, D. C. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Dated at Prinrc Rtipcrw Dated this tlrd day of December, A. V. jay or February, !. VV.J.SRHTIIERS,Manager 1911, Apr. S. rat. J. . EMPRESS C0FFEI WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT,,B.C