in ft daily hewb. Mi. iiiul Mr-. W. II. Mcintosh I d. Oillingham is spending a GSERHIE FROH Local Ncu)s Notes return Hub morning from n few days in town from Ornnby. 2,000,0001 visit to Vnneouvcr. nTflM IPIITPR H F llov. V. a. A l.nrler left for Mrst. (loo. Oehliardl has rti The (loud Fellow Dancing Belgians UlUUULL Rmitliers this Club meets in DiU UN iiiornlng. tfWMl her dressmaking parlors every Wednesday from Hallway Men's Hall nl 10 p. m. Depend on us nth Ave. to Suite 3, Glnpp Mrs. A. M. Mansnu left frr PeliWrelciied Until HeSiarieil Hmlthcrs this Mock, 2nd Ave. tf. morning. Miss Ilarhcnti begs to announce for Bread! To Take "FraH-a-tlYBS" that her fall millinery opening 1'. J. Hfiiulvlck left Hi I Hlsliop l)u Vcrnet left for the mowing will be held on Friday and Saturday Mowtrsau I'oucb vii t iiampmii St., for Ills old homo In Aalomid, Coupe country this morn Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians 1 WM a rnl!raWo nf this week. All ladies are 'p.if ti yr, ing lo arrango for the building , r from Rkeunnitiv and Stomaih Norwny, of ftordially invited. 2 If.. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission n new church at Dawson Creek, ra, , ,, I had frequent SyWj, for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, I took food, felt wretched There were three onra 'of flh The Dally icws delivered by I i,(.n if would last Mrs. Prizxcll begs to nnnounco even not destroyed or pillaged, only from Uheu I suffered on the train for tho east thin rarrler. CO cents month- : .'in-mlfblly, with pains in my mowing. the fall millinery opening on per three weeks they have had no chance to raiip.more " j i ints.amlniy hands swollen. Friday and Saturday of this week. "and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I , advised "I'mlt a tlTCs" and r i ,O.o,1 outset, they did mo pood. Gonatnblo William Adams relumed All ladles cordially invited to attend. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Backed by the ' rth, first box, I ftll I tvasgetlitiff fro in Ts'eW Westminster 21C. tt;i I can truthfully say that this morning. CIROUIT NO. 1. i , lives" Is tho only medicine Th local baseball players left Belgian Relief Fund Stb El. and trd A. .' t l.W. LOUIS LAimiK. II. II. Weleli, of tho 1'endrny for llazelton this morning, where J B0 1S th St. and trd Ate. trial site, 25c. A- :i dralers ft box, G or for sent$2X0,postpaid by l'"rult-. Company, Victoria, was a visitor they will play two games. The Bos ism 14 is Junction Stb St. and of trd 1st,Ave.Ind and 4 generously contributed in the British Empire and the Unit ed J lite'l, Ottawa. In town yoslcrday. Inn Hi will be selected from Art. lr.1 Ates. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported . Mannott, Wallace Anderson, Fred. Box IS 1st Are., between stb sod enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Stb Sts. (Knot Hotel.) far. The majority of the 7,000,000 Belgian left in so great LAND ACT Jim OillicH travelled a hundred Henning, W. Mausoii, It. Moore, 17 1st sod 7th S. (Ceo the country have been able to pay for their daily aBowence of and woven mllo to reeord his vote Joe lUtehford, (1. Wally, J. Mc- trsl Hotel.: bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. Rupft Lnd District Dlttrlct of for T. I). Pnttullo yesterday. Nulty, Hd. Murphy, IT. Astori and CIROUIT NO. t. princi Unless let these hundreds of thousands of ... willing to Rsngs 3. 8. J. Winsby. Boi 22- trd At, and trd St. we sre Oosst, CARBONVOID for sale by Lip-sett (Vint Offlcs.) women, children snd old men starve, they must be fed at the NOTICE that the Ptclfle Mills, & Boi 2S trd ATS. sod MtBrtds St. expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible YAIE Cnnninchain, and Parkin-' P r t sml MeBrlde Ot. e. must contribute nearly $3,000,000 month f Vancouver. B. C occupation someone a every r Lin.::"j i! 1 paper makers. Intend to apply Ward Klcctric Co. tf. THOMSON On n-mil Ays tnd tnd St-8o month all this winter I AKERBERG, as fnd Ays. and Itb St. to purchase the followlhf t f. p-rmlislon Z,l lands: Commencing- at a poit P' 27 O T. No people under the ADied Flags sre as weO able to cswtribote f:;r.: i at the southeast corner or Lot tea A Beauty Secret COMPANY PICUI NO. S generously as we Canadiansl No cause haa erer been more -. I shore of Cousins Inlet, thence Sots Skgsnls for ttis M Hh SYt snd rultoo St. deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for , jit chains,to shore,thence thence south northeasterly to chains, To nave clear skin, bright eyes PALMfR OAS CNOINC COMPANY Bo 32 -rtorden and Taylor Sts. the tale of our own self-respect let us give all we can to i! shi'f t" point of commencement, and a healthy appearance,your I Boi 84 lib . nl rultoo St. help our martyred Allies I PHONE 525 Rs s th A snd Cotnoi Ave, i t. teres, more or less. digestion must be good your Scod Lata! (--:s::.!i:i; Cos S7 Tout iiitxcriptSoet weekly, BMtlJy at la aa Vawst sass Sa at a sod -xtrT Ye. Dodse PI. l ACtnC MILLS LIMITED, bowels and liver kept active k-.s 3 tb y. sod Thompson St. ProviacUl Committed, Of I tk g Mark Smaby, trent. and regular.Assist nature-take Central Executive Committee, 59 St Pater SL, Montreal . Oil , Mav I"". A. D. 191 Aur. II CIROUIT NO. . BEECHAM'S Cko si 4-h Ay, snd l.mmtrsoo $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Salvation Arm. B. C. UNDERTAKERS PI. Boi 42 ti Ye. snd MeBrlde SL PILLS Roi 43 ttb Ay, and Oreen St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CM-BALWERS Public meetings, Tuesday SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I ei aa Mb A Ye srid Basil St. Thursday ami Saturday at 8 o. in PIN DAY AND NIQHT Boi as 7th Ays. snd CborU. DtiMtimwkk Enn 1m tl IwtUI ViJm to WwsB l$ Uoi 141 lib Ays. snd Tiunt St. 1 frsndavs at 7:30 p. in. SaU mrnW. la Smm.ZS tilt. 117 END STREET PHONE 41 Advertise In The Daily News. liiraiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiM This Superior I WAR LOAN COFFEE DOMINION OF CANADA As Its neme Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. Issue of Bonds 1 $100,000,000 5 Maturing 1st October, 1931. jj It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and EE - . PAYABLE AT PAR AT S Invigorating cup of coffee. H OTTAWA. HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, EE REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. -EEs AT ALL GOOD GROCERS H INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER. j $0.45 per lb. ! PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. E WM. BRAID & CO., 5!5 ISSUE PRICE 971 SUwsrt A Mobltr, Ltd., WhoUMle Distributors, Prlnes Rupert. A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. EE Tiif. Minister of Finance offers herewith, on behalf of to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, the Government, the nbove named Bonds for subscription without coupons, in accordance with the application. E at 97 J, payable as follows: Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made 10 cent per on application; through tho chartered banks. " " 30 10th October, 1916; 30 " " 15th November, 1916; The issue will be exempt from taxes including any 27i " " 15th December, 1916. income tax imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted EE The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited by the Parliament of Canada. hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount s to one The bonds with will be issued in denomination for the surrender of bonds the equiva- coupons (if any) paid by as of $100, $500, $1,000: Fully registered bonds without 2 lent of caVi under the terms of the War Loan prospectus Something coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 EE of 22nd November, 1915. different! or any authorized multiple of $5,000. EE The instalments be paid in full on the 16th day may Tho bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the oifice LUXis the EE of Octoler, 1916, or on nny instalment due date thereafter, very essence of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa under discount at tho rate of four cent annum. EE per per at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, of the finest or soap, EE All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for tho St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, in flakes. Its use adds EE credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any Victoria. Regina, Calgary, or EE instalment when due will render previous payments liable to the life of woollens, EE to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid flannels, filmy laces by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on EE Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent bonds with will be surrender of paid on and all fabrics. coupons coupons. dainty EE f the amount subscrilicd, must bo forwarded through Both cheques and will bo payable free of exchange coupons EE tho medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada branch in Canada of chartered bank. E of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue at any any EE provisional receipts. Subject to the payment of twenty-fivo cents for each LUX bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without p This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of new. coupons will have tho right to convert into bonds of the and both and interest will bo charge EE Canada, principal a denomination of $1,000 with cottons, and holders of bonds the Consolidated Revenue Fund. dissolves readily in hot EE upon with coupons will havo the right to convert into fully water and breaks into a EE Forms of application may bo obtained from any branch registered bonds of authorized denominations without foamy, croam-Jike lather EE in Canada of any chartered bank nnd at tho office of any coupons at any time on application to tho Minister of which cannot injure the EE Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Finance. finest garments or the EE Subscriptions must bo for even hundreds of dollars. Tho books of tho loan will be kept at tho Department smoothest hands. It of Finance, Ottawa. coaxes rather than forces EE In ease of partial allotments the surplus dejMJsit will be will bo made in due for the of the dirt out of clothes EE applied towards payment of the amount duo on tho October Application courso listing the issue on tho Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. and adds a new note of EE instalment. refinement to wash-day EE to bearer in Recognized bond and stock brokers will bo allowed a Scrip certificates, non-ncgotiablo or payablo work. EE accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered commission of one-quarter of ono per cent on allotments LUX softens the hardest E r bearer Imnds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchango made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, water make the bath a for tho provisional receipts. provided, however, that no commission will bo allowed luxury and the shampoo a Ej in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the delight.10 Sold everywhere at 1 When the scrip certificates havo been paid in full and surrender of bonds issued under tho War Loan nrostwetus cents. EE payment endorsed thereon by tho bank receiving tho of 22nd November, 1015. No commission will bo allowed Sample FREE-write to EE money, they may bo exchanged for bonds, when prepared, in resect of applications on forms which havo not been Lever Brothers Limited, with eoujums attached, payablo to bearer or registered as printed by tho King's Printer. Toronto. Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. Dkpahtmknt or Finance, Ottawa, Soptembor 12th, 1910. J Mado In Canada. ililllllllllllllll!lltlH