fliC DALL1 AKWl " , nKsiHaHaaBanBwiav9Siaara?sHinrii;tv..-v iiuiwiam fr "The Daily News" CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. WANTED Olfl to look after Child. Apply No. a ciapp DuiMinr. WANTED Delivery boy, apply Mussallem Oroeery Co., Ltd. phone it. 147 itb Avenue, East. 117. WANTED General servant. Apply MM. D. 0. Stewart, 400 4 th Are., W. tf WANTED Household goods of quality, mechanics tooli, offcast aulta, boots, etc. Highest prices paid, Phone Bed 141, Will call any time. 819 Third Avenue. WANTED Second-hand nigh omce desk Apply Dox I OS Dally newt. WANTED Si LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY CITY WE10I1 SCALES. tf, LOST LOST fearl and Turquoise earrlnr. finder return to Mr. L. W. I'almore. tf LOST Irlita retriever, 8 months old, picked up on Tuesday morning;. Anyone ' giving Information leading- to Its recovery will be rewarded, notify the Dally news omce. tf. LOST iJ-rool launch, painted white, with canopy top. Easthope enrlne. Phone Black 30i. tf. LOST Watch and chain. Between Davis' float and Rupert Hotel. Return to Dally news omce. tf. FOR RENT l FOR RENT OR SALE Three-roomed house, nicely situated, foot Elgbtb Avenue, Seal Cove. 18.00 per month. Lots of free fueL Apply box 106, Dally news. tf ron RENT t-ady can have furnished room (with breakfast) in comfortable home. Apply Box US Dally News. SIS. WANTED lar j' Experienced Bridge men, Track men, Tracklayers and General Construction Laborers to join the 239th Battalion, Overseas Railway Bryant Company, Limited Construction Corps. THE POSITION OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Franz Josef (to angry war lord) "William, William, 1 Drafts leaving Vancouver, U. C for Valcartier, P. Q., don't be hard on mo because a few of my subjects becomo prisoner of war to the enemy. weekly. Remember, the bulk of them still remain prisoners of war to yu." London Chronicle. L Be attested and forward papers to Vancouver, and irxxarETss b transportation will be arranged WALKING CONTEST ELECTION RETURNS Ross is the only member of the ' at once. Send all communications Bowser cabinet to be elected and SHERIFF'S SALE NAVI3ABLE WATERS PROTECTION. WT to: Ofllcer commanding, The' walking contest between (Continued From Page One.' the soldiers' vole may reverse tho R. S. C Chaptsr lis. 23yth Battalion, C. E.F. Nicholson IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN W. Bagshaw and A. verdict, Mr. Ross' majority is as 175 Cordova St., W. IIOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. Robert Cell Goese h Vancouver, B. held yesterday. The course tullo will bo elected, The follow-in t : vy C. was small. STEWART k MOBLEY, LTD., rialntlff. that he has under S. ) v w was from the boarding house at iug are the returns this riding Soldiers' Vote. PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO. Act deposited with tho V i. j LTD., Defendant. Works at Ottawa, anil ; v : - - n Seal Cove along Sixth, across up to midnight: Tho result of tho voting in By virtue or a Warrant or Eieeatkwi, District Registrar or tl ': rjsi Prince Rupert Feed Co. Hays Creek and by Fourth to Mc- Lib. Con. England is expected soon, as the Issued In this action, and to me directed, Registry office at Prm t "ii I have seized or the guod of the I-fesxtant, Oalembta, a description ' at . v r t P. O. Bo I 333. 80S Third At. Bride and along Third Avenue to Prince Rupert 471 312 votes nro being counted now. Tl'f- the following; pJaM or a wbarr prop in Second Street- and back to tho Pacific 21 10 European ballots will not be t0 bbls. White's Cement the North Skeena Passar tt t': c 1 ' RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS 14 Iron Wheel-barrows. the Skeena River. Br x WE HANDLE boarding house. Lome Creek 13 10 counted until October 12th. I Polar Diesel Engine, 7 SO h. p. frenl or Let one bun i Li t V. Nicholson won very easily, Cedarvale 9 4 I Lot Drill Steel and Bar Iron. IIT, Range five ( a; : .: I Lot Tools and Fittings. Ish Columbia. Rennle's, Ferry's, Steele's, making the journey in the splen Kitwanga , 11 12 COAL Favorite Ladysmith 4 Cross-rut Saws And uke notice that, arte- r : :r. -.: a Klecna G 1 6 carpenter's Adies. one mnth from the dito f lis :! I-catun and Brlgg's. did time of 43 minutes. Bagshaw Kleqne Wellington lump and nut, best re I Lot wire cable (1-Inch). of this notice. I; ik Garden and Field Seeds. dropped out of the race on Fourth Ocean Falls 19 10 sults. Phone 15. P. R.C. Co. tf 1 Dlaphram Pump, IVi Rotary I'ump. will, under Section 7 r ts ' K. Also Fertilizers. Avcnuo on the outward journey. Bella Cool a 38 25 I Safe, I Roll-top Deck. 3 Filing Cabinets to the Minister or PuU W rk: it l KEEN LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF and other goods, all of which, or suN omce In toe City or Ottawa, ;rar l t We Take Orders for Nursery Hagensborg ' 20 12 COAST, RANOC 4. Sclent to pay the Judgment and costs, the said site and plans, a: 1 f ? s Stock. The Good Fellows will give n Finale 2 2 I shall offer r sale by public Auction construct the said wharf. ror cah on Monday the 18th day or September, Dated at Prince Rupert. B. U t Hay, Grain and Feed at Hall TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw dance in Railway Men's on Atnarko 2 5 I9l. at t:30 o'clock In the afternoon, day or May, 1916. Vancouver Prices. of Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man at the Court House, Prince Rupert. ROBERT CE :r. t 5t of funds 0 Sept. 20. 25 per cent go Massctt 13 ager. Intends to apply for permission to Inventory will be ready on Saturday, Sept. DlJO-jjO. Chicken Feed A Specialty. to the patriotic fund. . 220 Tow Hill G 5 purchase the following described lands: 16th. commencing at a post planted about LAND ACT Port Clements 13 12 100 feet easterly from the northwest cor Dated at Prince Rupert B. C, September Mall Ordere Promptly Attended To. MINERAL ACT tlth, 1916. Woden River 2 1 ner of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District; Certificate of Improvements .'hence north 10 chains: thence west to JOHN SHIRLEY. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT- NOTIOt Tl-Kll 1 7 chains; thence south 10 chains more or Sheriff of the County or Atlln. TRICT OP COAST, RAN0E lit Athlon" and Sunbeam" Mineral Claims, Lawn Hill G 7 less to the shore of Surf Inlet, thence TAKE NOTICE that Tai l" Ml IM Division of following the shore tne to the place of - )!in:L a, situate In the Skeena Mining or Vancouver. British TJ Fire Insurance r.a.lir ntitrtrt. Hydah 2 2 commencement, containing forty acres ANNOUNCEMENT pulp and paper maker'. t:'.l W whtn lnmtfd! About nve miles from Skidegate 9 8 more or less, ror permission to puMisfs tS fc-3 h rad of Alice Arm on "Middle Creek." February 18. 1916. described lands, comm n '.ag si P Queen Charlotte Ci ty 9 14 TAkE NOTICE that I. Wm. T. Kergiu FREDERICK BRADSHAW. planted on the north bank cf li;":'f James G. Stcen and Is carefully written by us in ,f Prinr Ruoert. B. C Free Miners ter Renin 4 C about one-quarier r a r i "''l'" iifi-ii Nn oi03SB. Intend sixty days from NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC Waller Longwill have rrom the shore or Fits-llugn f ' u reliable companies. We aro Kttstimkalum 7 C TION ACT cut riw iha rtitn hrivnr. to iddIy to the Mining north twenty chains, then:: formed a partnership in Uk !iC i tiak. permanently engaged in the Recorder frr a Certificate of Improvements. Terrace 25 for the purpose of obtaining- a crown urani 4 Ic R. S. C. CHAPTER 118. plumbing, steam heatl 'g, along shore In a wi-stf ; i'"- business and our records f the above claim. Little Canyon The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited roofing, etc. pulnt of eommeneemrnt a: i -forty 4nH fiinhpr take notice that action, un Lakelfo Lake C 13 hereby gives notice that It has under 8ec (40. acres, rooro or less. are accurately kept so that dor section 37, must be commenced befoie 8 Hon 7 of said act deposited with the Mln Ship plumbing and rheet Dated June teth. Ul Usk ' 8 L1Mn3-by the Issue of such Certificate or improve- liter or rubllc Works at Ottawa and In the PACIFIC MILLS. when your policy expires metal work will bo .1 spec- "Mark SmaT: P31 mnt A Port 17 '19 Simpson office of the District Registrar of the Land you will be notified in sulll-cicnt pated this 6th day of March, a. d. Port Ksslngton 31 42 Registry District at Prince Rupert. B. C, laity with the new firm of SkEENA LAND DISTRICT fSlKTO' 1916 J7 a description of the site and the plans STEEN & LONGWILL RA.NiiE time to keep your WM. T. KERGIN, Georgetown 4 1 of wharves and power bouse proposed to COAST. be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess Phono 5. Night phones, Inverness 7 12 property protected. Wo solicit l" Met M. Manson, B.A. Royal Island, In front of Lot 40 Range 4 570 and lllue 270. TAKE notice that Oeorgo j!!, your business. W. E. Williams, B.A L.L.B Haysport 10 5 Coast District. B a k'ensle, of Prince Rttpert, B. ' jj, WILLIAMS A MANSON Tyco 2 1 And take notice that after the expiration engineer. Intends In arpiy J j- . or one month from the date of the first to lease the rollowlog a - w Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Holo in the Wall 4 0 publication of this notice the Surf Inlet Commencing st a p M J fc Power Company Limited will, under Sec N. E. comer or T. L. l ot l. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD ONEV TO LOAN Refuge Bay 5 11 BOX tISt lion ? of the said Act, apply to the Min LAKELSE Cosst District. ror.hr Ifff I Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. i Ppiller River 0 3 uter or Public Works, at bis omce In HOT SPRINGS outh SO chains. lhnr.- e the City of Ottawa, for approval or the HOTEL ilieme north o cuaius m - & said site and plans and for leave to construct south-easterly rollowing sh;-r w , 800 051 13 WOW OPEN TO QUESTS cominencetncul; ' stw"' the said wharves and power house, H)ln or Dated at Vancouver, B. C, this Ittb acrea more cr less. ,..frV Majority for T. I). Pattullo. . 155. day or May, 1016. One or the largest Hot Springs In OEOItOE nODERH- America, circumference 300 reel-Temperature FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Later. THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANY. or Water, 110 0. Fahr. May Sth, Itie. JtII Returns this morning show O. BOX 3 03 P. Cicsllent Trout riahhg In Lekelae PHONE Kitsumkaluiii Lake giving 12 FOUND A lady's trinket at Salt Lakes. Lake. Apply E. II. Mortimer, Secy. 3J7 rd CARTAGE, LTD. 710 SECOND AVE votes to Pattullo and 3 to Man-siui, Avenue. Phone Oonnactlona with Terrace. PACIFIC RATISt 92.60 per day. Carpenters' Toots Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery bringing T. I). Pattullo's majority Wire Oable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle up to 104. Local Conservatives For J. BRUCE further JOHNSTONE,particulars, Manager.apply to Transfer and Storage Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns conccdo Mr. Pattullo's & NUT COAL. Rope Valves Ammunition election. Stuart J. Martin BEST LUMP Pumps Hose Paint The latest returns from Vancouver NO LONG WAITS Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron indicate that there will be ASSAYErt DENTHTRY NO SHORT WEIGHTS 37 Liberals in the house nnd from u "WE 8ELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" When You Order HAZELTON Inn Conservatives. Tho Conservatives B. C. CROWN AND SRIDOI WORM A SPECIALTY will bo from Cowlchan, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Nelson, Trail, Llllooet, South The oldest established Assay DR. J.DENTIST S. BROWN ADVERTISE IN Okanogan, Himilkameeu, ftlocnn, omce In the North. Offlssi Smith Block, Third Atenus Alberni and Fort Georgo. W. R. Phone 484 The Daily News