Mx? bkYlA IlEWB. 1 , MARY PICKFORD AT The Daily News WHEN INSIST BUYING ON MAUING YEAST MAJESTIC THEATRE Cood HOUR nvcuv Tuckc THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THIS PACKAGE CLUB SIV PublUheo1 DJly d Wekl7 I There was ft packed house at I - Guaranteed Largest Circulation the Majestic last night to see Cigar HKAD OFI ICE Mary Plckford In "Poor Utile We're looking for ti.r 1 tar. Dally News liulldinK, 3rd Ave. Prince Itupert. Ii.ft. TcL-phone 98. 7 tUrpina" and the .general opinion titmtar got amok.jutl what n Ii-t"A.v, THAN SI KN I' DISMAY ADVEHTISINO 60 renin pr itcfi ''.outran was that this is the finest thing OIL'S CIGAR STORE rate on application. In which this famous star has yet Third Avenue " Pflnca VU RuptPl appeared. Tho daughter of a WCCTCAPgjlJ-V- DAILY EDITION Tilcsriajr. Sept. Il, 1910. wealthy American who lives in ..r. Italy. "Peppina is stolen nnd r, PREPAREDNESS national eo-opcratlon In every, taken to Sicily where she Is set Sir Oeorgo K. Foster, In his line. Tho German manufacturers' to work in a vineyard. In boy's Summer Steamship Sew e ' she to America magnificent speech of Hatur agent is more than a clothing escapes TO DECLINE SUBSTITUTES and there the most interesting - -ALASKA day night, did not have time mere salesman; he is a trade1 AND YUKON oart of the story Is unfolded. fpSs Tho 8.8, Prince to deal with all phase of the representative of his govern-j Itupert or Prince during mre and more so that j"Dainty Little Mary" as a "new-she leave Prince Itupert every Wednesday nt t war, but his address mifsthave ment, -Just as the German j will not only bo less de--sie". a bootblack, fruit vendor. noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau. Skagway. ( ' been provocative o f much private financial agent is the pendent on outside sources of jetc is superb. After many ad-supply ing at Skagway with the SOUTHBOUND While Pass and Yukon h..u' thought. One point which must financial representative of the but will be able to pro. venturesshe is restored to her The 8. 8. Prince Hupert or Prince George leave V never he forgotten is that the Kaiser and his ministers. The vide much for the world's proper position. Tho boyishness every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. m. for Va '"Z-Rupert war did not begin on August lirilish agent has been merely markets herself. iof "Peppina' was what captivated ver, Victoria and Seaille. Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotto Island 1th, 1914, but some forty-three an individual, representing an the audience last night. There is TRAIN SERVICE years before that date. The Individual firm, with no national WHO WILL LEAD THE a very fine Eclair Gazette. The Trains leave Prince Hupert every Monday, Wed actual outbreak of war was backing. TORY FORLORN HOPE musical program includes Grand and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all poinM j a, and South. Mixed train leaves Prince llupcrt every h' merely the eruption of a volcano How best to deal with the Opera selections from "Lohengrin," day C a. m. Special weekend faro to Terrace and n t, i i which had been smouldering For full information & reservations apply to city tic i , trade war which Germany Is (Continued From Pae One.) "La Tosca," "Martha" with THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 for many years in Europe, certain to wage, and wage most "The Wedding of tho Hose" and did. The middleman is favored though the vast majority bitterly, is one of the great five Italian dances. of the lirilish people seem to questions which Is agitating by the Borden government's high have remained ignorant of the tariff. Everything the people eat 1 Great Britain today. It is suggested GRAB SALE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY fact. or wear nas been increased in that a prohibitive duty It Is the urgent duty of the on nil German manufactures price and decreased in quality. Bulger & Dcnike arc putting on Lowest Rates o all Eastern Point Empire today- to prepare for shipped into the Empire is All the traffic will bear and then a novelty for Thursday in the via Steamer to Vancouver and the that is to fori add fifty per cent, on account of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY peace; prepare necessary, while others argue form of a 50 cents grab sale. The the war that is what the Borden Meat and Berth included on Steamer the when actual hostilities day that this would have little effect window will be filled with packages shall cease and an agreement and that nothing short of government's let - well - enough- containing articles valued Princess May for Oranby and Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. Is signed between the belligerent absolute prohibition will be alone policy has brought us to. at 50 cents to $5,00. You have Princess Alice southbound Saturday, Sept. 23rd. countries. The signing of effective. In the first instance, The food inspection in this coun your choice. Anyone who is not Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. this agreement will not end however, the great essential is try is a joke. Cold storage which satisfied with what they gel may Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, Sept. ZSth. the war, any more than the Invasion production and an ever-Increasing promised to be u blessing, has exchange it for any other 00 cent been allowed to become a curse. J. I. PETERS, General Agent of Belgium started ft. production by the article in the store. A genuine Such a thing as a cheap, well- Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. D.C The war will go on steadily for 'various parts of the Empire. diamond ring will be given away made shoe is no longer to be many, years though the guns If one part of the Empire is and a coupon for this will be found in Canada. Sugar has ad may be silent and the opposing able to produce enough of its placed in each package so that, MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. forces withdrawn from the vanced seventy-five per cent. Milk R. S. C Cnapttr 11S. particular lines to supply itself In addition to getting value for is nine cents a quart nnd blue nl field of battle. The slaughtering and to have enough left over your 50 cents, you have a chance Certificate of Improvements that. Coal has been jogged up Tbe Grand Trunk pacific r.i. aij of men will give place to to supply the other parts with on this diamond ring. Be nt pany nertby twea notice tur n -i tzitt the slaughtering of trade. A fifty cent a ton on the pretext NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELU3 Section ? or tbe said Act i; na what they do not produce, It Bulger & Denike's early o n of railway strike in the United tbe Minister of Public v : ti lun a BLUE BELL FBAC-TI0. commercial, financial and diplomatic FRACTION, GENTIAN, will do much to keep out tin Thursday. and in tbe o(Sc of tbe D. n.?ritru war will be carried on New Zealand mutton States, which did not come off. COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE uf tne LaiMl Realstry oC . : :. t ot enemy. FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Prince Rupert at Prtnco I , , I it by Germany with just as much Premier Borden is Canada's COAL Favorite butler must be for in Ladysmtlh , and paid FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PLU APPLE scrlptlon of tbe site and f tn-buuse cleverness and just as much Canadian lumber, flour, etc.. "silent son" all right. He remains Wellington lump and nut, best results. FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGOMA FRAC proposed to be bui.t I i ) t. MINERAL CLAIMS situate in the pert Harbor at Prince Ru l 1 venom as have been shown In silent while th'e people pay Phone 15. P. fl.C. Co. tf. TION, and so on all along the line. Queen Charlotte District, located at or near tumble, lu front of maicrr: : I :t the raids on England; the submarine The Dominions Royal Commission through the nose for the necessaries Ikcda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, rrortnee areordlnj to registered pu;i Hj t n-site ot British Columbia, and lawfully held by of tbe said city of n t 1 ( of life in order to enrich attacks on our liners CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- which is .. concluding Iked Mines Limited. posited in tbe aforesaid l i.ul-j and the trench warfare which its work now will be able to the beneficiaries of the Borden sell & Cunningham, and Parkin TAKE JSOTICE tnat 1, Joan A. Maclnnis, omce as No. tJ. senator for Ikeds Mines Limited, free AND 1 AliE NOTICE Uut tf. ? til u has been waged trade policies. To make matters Ward Electric Co. tf. so bitterly on furnish much interesting and miners' rertiOcate No. 701S1 B, Intend ptratlon or one month fr.m ( . lUu ct the fields of France and Flanders. valuable Information towards worse, the uoruen government after the eiplratlon ot amy days from tbe Orst publication ot ih ) : i tbt refuses to let the Northwest make expect from the Borden govern tbe date hereof to apply on benalf of tbe Grand Trunk raciflc Railway .i:; -under this end, while it will also pro said Company to tne Mininc Recorder for Section T of tbe sai t ; l it is Canada rich by allowing the ment is higher taxes and greater a certificate of Improvements for tbe purpose tbe Minuter of Public v i at Ij :Bct Germany now preparing duce reports on the mine trade restrictions. Tho let-well- of obtainlnr Crown Oraal to tbe In tbe City of Ottawa f a;. ;ti : farmers there to sell their wheat for- that war. Her manufacturers, throughout the Empire, many above claims. said site and plans, and f : :; t: c in a free market, which would cnough-aloners will lake it out AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action struct tbe said warehouse who have for fought of which are controlled by under Section SJ of toe Mineral Act must ' of and Dated at Winnipeg. Man us going coming. cents bring them ten more a years to control the markets of German capital. This is par be commenced before tbe Issuance of men day of May A. D. 1016. the bushel. So far as one can see Premier Borden's silence while certificate of Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK I'Ai i HAltlM world, arc piling slock of the Hroken Hill up ticularly so Dated this 31st day of May, A. D. Hit. COMPANY. Canada all thestt things arc happening from this all can with which to flood tho world' and other lead and zinc prop corner, JOHN A. MACINNES, IL II. HANSU ? lends color to the doubt whether Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. markets the moment peaco is erties in Australia, and it i NOTICE Is hereby riven that MOLYBDENUM he will be the strong man for MINERAL ACT declared, and the fiercest trade no secret that the lirilish gov MININQ AMD REDUCTION COM MAVIQABLC WATERS PROTECTION ACT, PANV LIMITED, NO?!-PERSONAL LIABILITY, the Conservatives at the next general R. S. C CAP. 11B. war the world has ever seen ernment will take steps to oust the owners of the "Molybdenum." election. The people cherish Certificate of Improvements will develop immediately and the German from this business "Success" and other mineral claims, situated on the north side or Alice Arm, about no grateful memories of his ad PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, neirby live NOTIOE will be kept up for many years. inside the Empire. Meantime, three miles from the bead of the Arm, In ootlee tnat It bas, under Section 7 of tbe Basin Mineral Claim, si: ate la U One great lesson which Gcr as Sir George Foster demand the S keens Mlnlnr Division ot British Co ministration and tho premier aid Act. deposited wttb UK Minister of Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Cas ar putrid lumbia, intend thirty days after date hereof feels it. He is credited with a Public Works at Ottawa, and In tbe office Where located: Abuut f i frj many has taught us is that of ed, Canada must go on pro- to apply to the Minister or Lands for of tbe Hea-tstrar Oeneral of Titles at Victoria, tbe beach on tbe south side f A: Ana desire to withdraw lo tho seclu British Columbia, a description of " rL authority to transport ores or other minerals at tbe bead of a brancb f l from such mineral claims and to ret sion that the Canadian High tbe site and tne plans ot certain structures TAKE NOTICE that I. k- i lo be erected In front ot Lot Tblrty-one N vt sr.B, la-teud. In machinery and supplies to such mineral tree Miner Certificate claims across the "Blackwell" Mineral Coiniiiissfoiicrship in London (II , Hante Tbree (1), Coast District, sixty days from tbe dit bcf'r M Launch Alice B. Claim, situated on said north side or Alice grants that is to say if Baron British Columbia, at tbe bead ot Cousins apply to tho Mlnlnr Record' t t ' Arm aforesaid, and for authority to construct nlel. cate of Improvements, for U t rpa Sliaughnessy doesn't want the AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration f tie a tramway and lay a pipe line from obtainlnr a Crown Grant said Molybdenum and Success Mineral job for himself. And this is of one month from tbe dale of claim. Leaves Davis float for Claims across said Blackwell Mineral Claim, I the nrst publication ot this NoUce, pa-cine And furiber take nm "' ' ' Bait Lake Saturday afternoon Dated this IStb day or Aurust. A. D. natural enough, because Sir Hob Mills, Limited, will; under Section ? under aectlon (t, must be r mnxw and all day Sunday. 1016. crl must be tired of playing sec of the said Act. apply to tbe Oovernor-lu-Councll fore tbe Issue of such Return Far 28 Cant. MOLYBDENUM MIM.NO AND REDUCTION for approval of tbe said site and provements. COMPANY NON-PERSONAL onu iiuuie as no nas uono ever plan. Mar ft. A.; W For terms and particulars LIMITED, Dated this lltb day of LIABILITY. since ho became premier in lull. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, 0EOR0E R. KVM' Call litis 801b day ot April, A. D. ttle. W. J. THOMAS, Prion. One word from him and that cab BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. MINERAL ACT Oratn 301. inel of his docs as it pleases Solicitor for Pacine Mills, Limited. Notice to Delinquent Partners. such Is tho discipline he exer MINERAL ACT N''"0'" TO O. W. M.,W.U nd Chart. TIIEENOINEyktflNEMEN .clses. TAKE NOTICE that wherras I Next comes the Hon. Bob Hog ftivernioutb Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done sssr;?tBral" " Tickets situated In tbe 8keena Mlnlnr Division of tn tbe Wolf Mineral claim, tinaicd FISHCRMAIt-S ENGINE ers. Ho is known as the Minister Castlar District. bead of Alice Arm. Obsovat ?f lniifc -the aaaaMMaajfcasdBSi . . jLE of Elections nnd certainly the Where located: At tbe bead of Alice Skeena mlnlnr division rf SW"1'" 2 Oyl 6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-16 Arm, adjolninr tbe 111 vermouth and Carl-boo met. assessment work for tne Sr Vat-iVf- .-; ..' w :'?MmW? ;MBt to and from Finland,Norway,Italy Swadan,and Rutili,Denmark, Mors Power. elections need a great deal of mineral claims. mi. and !. and J'ot IP-2-mBSrBbT ' 'L'' '""SPflsl SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK 4 Oyl. 3-4 in. by 5 1-2 In., 2B ministering if the Conservative TAKE NOTICE that f, O. R. Naden, Free work and recordinr M . Oct. 7th Hors Powr. Miners' Certificate No. Si.OvtB. artlnr at JOT.SO. Unless you py mr "! krUtUnlafjord" defeats in various parts of the agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer SJII.S0, for your share or t;!i '" . Heinr iav" oct. tth 4 CyL 1-2 In. by In, 28-85 "Frederick VIII" Oct, ISth Hors Pwr. country arc any sign, They need tincate No. :,9I7U. Intend, silly day tessment work, together wit'i ,p" "United States" Oct, etli from the date hereof, to apply to tb this advertisement. I snail, t Havs Your Rasrtlon mad Early. ministering of a kind that the Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, lion of ninety (10) days f For Rates. Illustrated Folders and For Further Information Hon, Boh is not able to give thorn for tbe purpose of obtainlnr hereof apply, to the mining n---Prince Oeneral Information Apply to Apply to a Crown Oram or tho above claim. Rupert. B. C. ttl btmt What the elections need is c And further take notice tbal anion est in the Wolf mineral .:Uim OVBHAVN A HANSON policy that will give tho common under section is, must be commenced before me, In pursuance of lb provoioni ot Insurant and SWam-hlp Aatncy, W. E. WILLISCROFT the Issue of surb Certificate of Im mineral act. tit Prlnc Ruptrt, B. O. Prince Rupert, B. O. people a chance, but as that Is provrments. Dated at rrlnc0 Rupert, r Continued on Page three Dated this Urd day ot December, A. D. day or February. ti. 1(11, Apr. t. MS, I, E. STAIIK EMPRESS COFFE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR . F. (1. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, B- '