J-Hit DAIM ftltWJ Tuesday. Ropi,.nii I I ru.tiiUiinJinrT '! H M , I , ' I M - 1 I ! I I 1 1 1 1 -y-jTW-T-'TTTT 50 Cents Grab Sale Local News yVoesj liiMliiiii w Ms K3 a Li Hi1 in C, II, Chapman and family have Comfort in Cool Weather THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST. gone to stay in Ketchikan. Prominent people consult Mc, Smokeless Oil I I 200 ARTICLES A Perfection eater gives Itobcrt, renowned Splrituntlst and you just the heat you want for chilly Fall Mil Valued nt Psychic, at 81. Elmo Hotel. tf. and nights mornings. 50c. to 5.00 Mrs.- Oco. Gcbhardt hns removed Ready in a minute. No wood to cut, no r You pay your 50c. and grab your choice. her dressmaking parlors coal to carry. Lights at the touch of a match from Clh Ave. to Suite 3y Clapp 10 hours blowing warmth on a single gallon No Article os Less Value than 50c. Mock, 2nd Ave. tf. of Royafitc Oil. Alnrm Clocks, Watches, Kings, Silver Novelties, Lockets, Stuart J, Martin, assaycr at No smoke or smell, liasily carried wherever Itazeltnn, is visiting in tho city. needed. Hrpoches, etc., etc. He is taking charge of the Hazel- Wo will also give away a genuine Diamond Ring. Coupon ton exhibits for tho fair. Dealers everywhere. If for the ring contained In each Package your dealer cannot supply f OB John V,.HItlenhouser who Is interested you, write us direct, ssfiitt' In Iron properties on s BULGER & DENIKE Copper river, is back in the city For best results use 11 I y E'fl nil JEWELERS again. Mr. Hittenhouse has been Royalite Coal Oil the . iy urn In New York for some time. economical fuel. TTTT 1 ! ' On tho recommendation of the .Met M. Manson, B.A. IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY treasurer the council last THE W. E. Williams, B.A, L.L.B city city Limited WILLIAMS night decided to accept payment A MANSON "The Daily News" Barristers, Solicitors, Cto. of 50 per cent, of 1915 taxes, the 1 BRANCHES IN ALL C1T1F.S I W ... tgj " j j 1 : 1 1 MONET TO LOAN balance to bo paid in sixty days. CLASSIFO ADS. Bos list ' Helt-erson Block Prior fiupert, B. C. The city council last night decided to accept the offer of $1,350 WANTED. MINERAL ACT by tho Vancouver Machinery Depot, WANTED To buy some rood furniture Ltd., for the Morse Creek fur four rooms. Apply phone 537. Certificato of Improvements plant, loaded on scows at the W AJfT D O I rl lo look ner child. Apply NOTIOI wharf. I II I II g lSr myimJ m( No. 8 Clapp Building-. Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In the , , t Skeena Mining; Division or 'Casstar District. WANTED Delivery boy, apply Mussallem Where located: At the bead or a branch Tho city council, on tho recommendation Grocery Co., Ltd. Phone 18. 117 1th or Lime Creek about four miles from the of Supl. Kennedy, has I Avenue, East. 117. beach on the south side of Alice Arm. , TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorge R. Naden, decided to put in water connection WANTED Household goods of Quality, Tree Miner's Certificate No. 840S6B, acting for T. Peterson, in section as agent for Thos. Free Miner's mechanics tools, offcast suits, boots, etc. McRostle, Hlg-hest prices paid. Phone Red 143. Cerllucale NookastB, and James L. Hatch, 8. Mr. Peterson will supply tho Tree Miner's Certificate No. Intend, Will jmII any time. 839 Third Avenue. 876B, labor. II sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certiorate WANTED Second-hand omce desk. turn of Improvements, for' the purpose of Jack Munro, who is in town Box 100 News. Apply Dally obtaining a Crown Grant or the above claim. from Alice Ann, reports that ho WANTED J5 LABORERS AT ONCE. APPLY And further take notice that action, and ten others have taken a bond CITY WEIGH SCALES. tr, under section IS, must be commenced before iVW MKftHB MM a"hcw the issue of such Certificate or Improvements. on property InJLhat district LOST which goes 1,100 ounces of silver Dated this Itth day or March, A.D. 19K. LOST Pearl and Turquoise earring;. Finder CEOHQE R. NADEN. to the ton. return to Mrs. L, W. Pauuore. tf Tho telegraphic communica LOST Irish retriever, 8 months old, picked up on Tuesday morning. Anyone tions in connection with tho dry-dock information to Its CONCRETE CH1MHEY BLOCKS giving leading re the were read at city council covery will he rewarded. Notify the Dally News offlce. tf. last night. Tho mayor has 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. sint copies of tho messages lo LOST J 5-foot launch, painted white, with Prince Rupert Phone President Chambcrlin in order top. Eaithope engine. canopy Concrete Works, McBrlde St. 'UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES" SHERIFF'S SALE NAVI3ADLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Black 802. tf. that ho may have tho whole matter R. S. C. Chaptsr IIS AT WESTHOLME THEATRE FOR SALE placed fully before him. IS THE COUSTY COt'IlT OF ATLIN Itobert Cecil Oosse hrroti r J r)tr HOLDER at rnixcE nurEnT. that he has under Sectl .n tir uid "Under Southern Skies," the 8TEWAHT MOBLEV, LTD, HatnlllT. Act deposited with the Mil : f rjt::: FOR SALE Team or horses, ft B0 cash. Tho Scotchmen and English I'lU.NCE IIUPEIIT I1YDIIO-ELECTIUC CO. Works at Qltawa, and In l!ic ? f the Apply P. O. Box (83, Prince Rupert. five-act Urttatlway feature at tho LTD., Defendant. District Iterlstrsr or Tii! tr t-s if BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC men played a scratch cricket Wcstholmo tonight, Is one f tho 11 jr virtue of a Warrant of Execution, nerlstry omce at rrtnro i, , B:iaik FOR RENT LUMP match on Saturday afternoon, Issued In (bis action, and to ma directed, Columbia, a description of the til tlx most beautiful -dramas of the (l have seised of the roods of the Ue- plans or a wharr propod t r K't t FOR. RENT Lady can have furnished room when tho Scotties ran up a score screen. It is a story of tho old iriiuani, i iiq louowinr: the North Skeena l imp, at tso tc (with breakfast) In comfortable home. COAL of 80 for 0 wickets and the An (00 tbls. White's Cement. the Skeena Iilver, Dritish :t. " Apply Box US Dally News. SIS. South with all its quaintuess and 14 Iron Wheel-barrows. front or Lot one hundred a:. ' t :; '.' $9.50 per Ton Cash on glos got 38 for . J. Sharp play charm, Mary Puller is the star I I'olar Diesel Engine, 740 h. p. (117) Itanre five (J) Coast t -:r -t, 8:'.i-ih ed a splendid innings of 51 not t Lot Drill Steel and Dar Iron. Columbia. Delivery of tho play and this pretty little t Lot Tools and Fittings. And take notice that, after the cir'"at'l Money Back If Not Satisfactory out in which ho hit six fours in actress is eminently suited to 4 Cross-cut Saws one month from th date of ttr V.-.51 WANTED rapid succession. 6 Carpenter's Adits. cation or this notice, Robn-t i cout play tho part of a dainty "southern I Lot wire cable (l-lnrh). will, under Section 7 or the s. :1 A'"- ar;!j t Dlaphrain Pump, tVt notary Pump. to the Minister or Public W :ks, at W Experienced Bridge men, UNION TRANSFER CO. Tho Pacific Fisherman for miss." t Safe, t noil-top Deck. 3 Illlor Cabinets omce In the City or Ottawa, f ir ar?"Tilol Track men, Tracklayers and 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 September reproduces tho News Tho aixlh episode of 'The Master and other roods, all or which, or suf-Odent the said site and plans, and t ? i?avi W General Construction Laborers to pay the judrment and costs, construct the said wharr. it full of thrill and U i Key" excitement, to join the 239th Battalion, editorial of August 25th in regard I shall offer for sale by'Public Auction Dated at Prlnca Ruperi. B. t s ''s Overseas Hallway to.the proposed American fishing with lots of gun play for cash on Monday the 18 th day of September." day or May, lilt. Construction Corps. 181 , at :J0 o'clock In the afternoon, ROBERT CEUL L 95E Drafts leaving Vancouver, legislation and remarks that the anil mystery. In this serial, -incident at the court House, Prince Itupert. miO-JiO. weekly.H. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., BABY S News "presents tho matter wholly follows incident with "astonishing Inventory tetn. will be ready on Saturday, Sept. LAND ACT lie attested and forward OWNrSOAP without rancor nud in a way rapidity. Dated at rrlnce nupert B. C, September PRINCE RUPERT LAND DI8TBICT-0II-TRICT papers to Vancouver, and 13th. 1916. RANOE HI-TAKE which indicates a 'clone and intimate OF COAST, transportation will, be arranged Tho Oood Fellows will give n JOHN SHinLEY. Vbi1 tl. '. at once. knowledge of tho business Sheriff or the County or Atlln, NOTICE that racinc Send all communications danco in llailway Men's Hall on or Vancouver, British Columb I, on tho part of the writer." Thank pulp and paper makers, Intc-l to: Odlccr commanding, Sept. 20, 25 per cent of funds go ths f"-3"' lor permission to purchase 239th Battalion, C. E.F. you. 175 Cordova St., W. to Uio patriotic fund. 220 ANNOUNCEMENT ' described lands. Commeni inr at a t w, Vancouver, B. C, planted on the north bank c? Koey m ;a W-'a about one-quarter or a rrom the shore or Flti lluih S tirJi w" James fl. Stcen and t o tul north twenty chains, then Walter have ...,. ....K . rin Link. tlwK Stuart J. Martin FOR RENT formed a Longwill partnership in alont shore In a westerly ana m, t " point or commencement plumbing, steam heall 'L'. rorty (401 acres, more or i s. , B. C. UNDERTAKERS ASSAYEri 4 rooms, bath, tit 8th avn E. it 4 Dated June 10th. The nuritv and facrranee of 4 rooms, bath, tit lib Ave E 0 roofing, etc. PACIFIC MILLS. TITEP. Baby's Own Soap have ma Jo it HAZELTON B. O. 4 rooms tie tth Ave., W. Ship plumbing and rhect by "Mark Smr . FUNERAL DIREOTORS AND KM. rurul.hed 5 SALMCRS SATISFACTION GUAR. a univetsal favorite. Its use is 4 rooms 108 8th Ave., W (10 metal work will bo ,t spec- SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 0t INTIID OPEN DAY AND NIOHT beneficial to my akin, .ti 4 rooms 07 8th Ave., E e ialty with tho COAST. lU.Ot t ntw firm of 117 SNO STREET PHONE 41 Albert Soaps Limited,Montreal. The oldest established Assay 5 riMitns. bath, 7lh Ave., W. .. M TAKE notice that Oeorjo Rodcr k 4 rooms lit 8th Ave., E 10 5TEEN ft LONQWILL . .. . n t ;.- iiPl""" - Office In the North. senile, or i rinco nui... muk WE ..-niiKos room 701 lh Ave.. W. .. S& I'hono 5. Night phones, enrincer Intends to apply i ' 4 rooms 518 7lh Ave., E. .. Si, to lease the followlM devrlbnt lana i. 4 rtMims Hi Sth Ave., E 1 10 570 and Illue 270. CommenclnE tl a post P'!',, . I room apt. opposite school., nt N, K. corner or T. L. Lot V3 4 Moms Eraser SI lis rorcher coast District, I 3 rooms McMordie Apts 113 (bliM OUtn 10 CllSins, memo FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Prince Rupert Feed Co. 3 rooms, rumlshed, McUrkle. is Ihenre north 80 chains to six ro IVC WRITK INSURANCE. IF VOUR LAKELSE wutb-tailcrly rollowlnr nor" ,' t P. O. Bo I 83 J. SOS Third Am, HOUSK IS VACANT LIST IT WITH HOT SPRINGS nolnt or commenceroenti ronUlnini 710 SECOND AVe RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS US. WE CAN FILL IT FOR VOU. HOTEL acres more GEUIlOE cr less. RODEW- u.KtNHt v" WE HANDLE - - IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD One or the larrest Hot Springs In 38 Steel Blooks Fishing Taokle BOX America, O. Rennle's, Ferry's, Steele's, clrcumrerence 300 reet. PHONE 93 P. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and 8hotguns and Brlgg's. Temperature or Water, 180 d. rabr. LTD. Rope Valves Ammunition Garden and Field 8eeds. Eicftllsnt Trout Fishing In Laktltt PACIFIC CARTAGE, Pumps Hose Paint Also Fertilizers. Lake. Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iroi, We Take Orders Stock.for Nursery DENT!3TRY Phone RATESi Connections S2-S0 with per day.Torrate. Transfer and Storage WE BELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" COAL Hay, Drain and Feed at CROWN AMD BRI0O8 WORI For rurther particulars, apply to BEST LUMP & NUT Vancouver Prices. A SPECIALTY i. BRUCE JOMMBTRMr. M...... DR. J. S. BROWN NO LONG WAITS FRED STORK'S Chicken Feed A Specialty. j HARDWARE DENTIST NO SHORT WEIGHTS Onlcet Smith ADVERTISE IN Ui. Bleak, Tnlr) from Avanu Mall Orders Promptly Attends T. Phena A&a When You Order i The Daily News