THS 6AILY HEWS -I r.pppaiasSSSSeiajg'C' News Good cvcRi; Ay ' , The Daily ALUMU 1H L.. W J THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 ' Published Dairy mI Weekly I Guaranteed Largsst Circulation MEAD nmCli Dally News Uulldintr, 3rd Ave, Prlne Rupert. !... Trtlxpiinne 98 TKANSIBNr DISPLAY ADVMITISINO 6 c-u M- r, miracl GERMANS FIRED ON rates on application. THREE ENGLISH LADIES DAILY EDITION tgfe Thursday. Sept. 21, 1016. Mrs. Longfleld. of Hull. England, p!r;'hTWwu?.mVV(V(V(V(Sbm l J -TrTnrrrr r,,, irril a cousin of Mrs. T. II. Johnson, BAD NEWS turn to the atlaek with renewed Seal Gove had a most exciting Yesterday's despatches from vigor and greater success experience recently on a I.UKMER STKAiilSillP SLm. Berlin nnd Vienna nre rather than ever. The faet that voyage from Petrograd to UuR. disquieting', thnuph German the northern offensive from Mrs. Longfleld had been in Petri-grad --To-ALASKA and Austrian despatches have Riga has not been carried out visiting her husband nnd Tlic S. S. Prince Itupprf AND or YUKON Ir . not In the past been remark as expected this summer tends was returning home on the Wilson leave Prince Ilunert iopv vv...i, . able for their truthfulness. to the belief that Russia is not liner Eskimo, a popular n. n for Ketchikan, Wrangll, Juneau. Mkaguuv . News from the Hussion front getting the supplies of ammtu tourist steamer which before th nig at Skagway with the While las anil Yukoii r has been searee for some d3ys nitfon necessary for an offensive war carried tourists from Hull t-Norway, SOUTHBOUND The 8. S. Prince Rupert or Prmre (Seorge l.- nnd, in the earlier campaigns, from the Haltlc to Transylvania when the vessel was fire ! llupert every Saturday and Mmiday at tfl a. in i i ? on by a German cruiser while yet, Victoria and Seattle. no news from Russia generally and that preference meant had news, while the absence" was given to the pursuing of few miles off the Norwegian roa-' Fortnightly service TRAIN to the SERVICE Queen Charlotte !''- of news from the western the war In the south, while in the Skaggerrak. The Eskim Trains leave Prince Itupeit every Monday . front has was eventually captured an.j and Friday at 10:30 a. m, for Winnipeg and ail t, generally proven they were content to" simply and South. Mixed train leave pnni-e Itupert -. the forerunner of a big Allied hold a large German army on taken in tow by the Uermai 'lay 6 a. in. Special weekend fare to Ten-ace and i movement. the northern section of the cruiser and Mrs. Longfield ano i-or full information A resenalions apply to city ; THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 The Russians are spread front. two other lady passengers wer-transferred over nn enormously extended One point in the enemy despatches to a neutral vessr- front and are far away from which savors of a diversion bound for England. Captain Bear the shipping point of their and his crew of thirty-nine men from the truth is the CANADIAN PACIFIC supplies and it is not unlikely statement that the Rumanians have never since been heard -f Los Angeles Beauty Bride of RAILWAY that, for the time being, they. and are supposed to be held prisoner British EarL Th lat -t tnr . have been defeated in Transylvania. Lowest Rates o all Eastern are short of munitions, and A new army, thoroughly in Germany. ran girl (.. iMOitne a British via Steamer to Vancouver and the the fact that their recent efforts equipped, as the Rumanians The ladies had a terrifying ex peeress is a daughter of J. II. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY have been spasmodic and were, was not likely to sue-eumb perience when the cruiser opened Burke, a Los Angeles r llionnuc Meals and Berth Included on Sttimtr fire, as pieces of shell came right Patricia Burke, the iw w Countess for and Allco confined to small sections of In an Austrian horde Princess May Oranby Arm Friday 11 pjn. the front rather confirms this whieli had been thoroughly through their cabins and they of Coltenhatn, was brought into Princess Alice southbound Saturday, Sept. 23rd. idea. trounced for mpnths, and it narrowly escaped being killed. prominence whrn ti won a Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. One of shell struck Mrs. beauty prizi- in h-r h-nie town. piece Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, Sept. Though the Austrians are may be that this and the rest 25lh. Longfield' steamer trunk and On two occasions she has come getting very short of men, they of the news has largely originated only the fact that she was on the near marrying a prince of Ihe J. I. PETERS, General Agent still, like the Hermans, have, in the imagination of the side of the vessel from blood. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. opposite umple supplies of shells and powers in Derlin and Vienna. the cruiser saved her from death. big guns. It has been proven Let us hope so. Johnson's father, who is in every battle of the war that Mrs. X Bui Vmwmt tlmUlira j MINERAL ACT NAVIGABLE WATERS rROTtCTIO. UT. captain of a Hull liner, has been R. S. C Chapur 111. the army which has the munitions, NOTES AND COMMENTS GOLD WATCH FREE. in Petrograd since the outbreak though it may be short 1 wItttforwwt' Certificate of Improvements of the war, having been unable t- mtmj ma M iiihil rwmi The on ixl Trunk Pai r Kails i; Ctav of men, is immensely superior Out morning contemporary is Mb, l. W wm tTff mmrnm pany bert-by five uuu :t lUI It tu tut bring his vessel out of the Balliiv Wlllbti M mil IIMI1M.1I mmm fit.r4 NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELUS SecUou 7 of the said A 1 t;:l r. to the army which has an abundance amusing itself in helping Pre Ux Minister of Pubii Yi U it :an I RM.TION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRACTION. of men but a shortage mier Hrewstcr to select his cabinet. in a prophetic mood he should tm Tmmr iImmi I and m the oHsce or th k. krnr WMM COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE of munitions. It would be a This onerous duty may read carefully the sixty-Gvc wird i lor FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Prince f tne Rupert Land hefistry at pr.i. -. .,,::',ut:j i at needless sacrifice of many safely be left to the sound Judg telegram he scattered broadcast HACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE aenptkeo e-r Uw sit and isu ef i OoaM AISmu.' MM iIULTION, COXCOMB. BEGONIA FRAC- boiue prorweed lo be bt -, a l It-lrt thousands of men for the Russians ment of the Jiew premier of Brit throughout the Islands just on It UN ntrk, kuk loN, MINERAL CLAIMS altoaie In the Harbor at Prtnce Itu::-, E::k ul h ma Im to pursue their attack ish Columbia. the eve of the recent general eler-tlon. Queen Charlotte District, located at or near lumbla. In front of tl-i : I X upon Lemberg, if short of guns 4 m tmmm mm- tarda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, rrorince aerordwr to rerlstt rtd li T Ct tn vwhMWaf mm mnmi ( Dritisb Columbia, and lawfully held by site of the saM city ..f : r..;:.-t lam mBm. w mrt mm M M nmt tnmmt and munitions, and the fact The Vancouver News-Adver boot mm mat ttmrm Immm ttw MnUuUukt Ikeda Mines Limited. polled In the afut. . liz'j E just lrm tbMk (Ma mtmr ta M mm n mumt I torn mmt IS e t. to-dmf mm mmtm m frmm wi om TAkE NOTICE that I, John A. Maelnnl. umce as No. Ift. that General Hrussiloff tiser that the Liberals have recently says The of New York are people ex II h. nut-VlIXlAMi UXJTD. mmlmlm. -cllcltor for Ikeda Mine Limited, free AND TAkE NOTICE tat mtut tx U ImwmOmrt llmmx.!.,OnmlM) horn. ImtQ, K, stated that the war would a considerable lead up to the periencing a little war all to iMlMl miners' certificate No. 701S4 B, Intend ptratloa or one raooth C,-.a tlj tut ifier the ei pi ration of ilaty dys from the Drat peWlfstioii " i : '.tt last until August may mean present but that the soldiers vote themselves. If those union "men ine date hereof to apply oa behalf of the orand Trunk PaeiOc Ra; may -.'U, " that he realizes that his army is still to be reckoned up. The do not stop throwing bricks and ald Company to the Mtnlnt Recorder for under Sellon 7 or the sa:l A t if.'7 "Safety First" is the ceruncate of improvements for the pur ihe N tauter or Pubin v -u it ti tla has far it do Liberals leading all right. got as as can until are bottles President Wilson is liable toe of obtaining a Crown Orant to the in the City or Ottaa ' " K. ' fresh supplies come along to send them a note. Slogan of Business" bove culms. . saw site and plans, and r ; into u eta-struct AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE tbat action the aald warebn.;c and that the delay will It is reported that Ihe new mean 75 years of Oder Section II of the Mineral Act must Dated at Whwiper, Mst L. i'Jl-t the postponing of the final "travelling forts" being used by T h e Entente ministers in OVER in Canada, e cuimuenced before the Issuance of turn di ef May A. D. til? ertincate of Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK lAiiii tU.I great offensive until next the British on the western front Athens do not seem to have received demonstrated Dated tbla list day or May, A. D. till. COMPANY spring. are capable of climbing walls. No the appointment of For the strength, security, JOHN A. MAC1NNE9, II. II. I1ANSAR3, Solicitor far Ikeda Mines Limited. This is, of course, viewing wonder the poor Germans are eign Minister Carapanos with the safety and service of The MINERAL ACT the matter from the worst scared. It must be uncanny to enthusiasm expected of them. Bank of British North NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, standpoint and it may be that have a fort walk over a wall and They seem to have forgotten that America. The history of R. S. C CAP. 116. Certificate of Improvement! the reported German and Austrian start showering shells with calm any such appointment has been this bank for over three-quarters PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby rive NOTICE victories are of an in and cool precision. made, in fact. of a century has notice tbat It has, under Section 7 of th Basin Mineral Claim, sitaste b a -ild Act, deposited with the Minister or :a!iiar tu Skeena Division of significant character and that been one of and Mining progress Public Works at Ottawa, and in the offlce Where located:- Ah- it r re-' the Russians will shortly re Whenever Joe Merryfield feels The Daily rits delivered hj development, and of or the Reststrar General or Title at Victoria. the beach on the south Hit )t Al- J consistent growth in the British Columbia, a description or it the bed or a bran.b tsf carrier, 50 cents per month- i lie site and the plan or certain structures TAKE NOTICE that I, C -go R- " regard of the business ti be erected In front or Lot Thirty-one tree Miner' Certificate c (.. world. It , Range Tbree J, Coast District, tend, slsty daya from the cste ";-7 urltisb Columbia, at the bead or Cousin apply to the Mining Rf rdrr ft Launch Alice B. AKERBERG, THOMSON THE BANK OF 'nleL rate of Improvements, f the t 'r' AND TAkE .MJTICE that arier the ei-i-irstloo (ibtainlng a Crown Grant of tbs " COMPANY British North America of one month from the date or claim. Leaves Pari float for the first publication of this Notice, Pa-;0r And further take n i -J Wi v . Salt Lake Saturday afternoon 79 YCAOS I.N -ESS. Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 must be cannif e under aecuon II. V I 1 1 lTj"aiiaeSSpJpSW' Sol Agtnta for th and all day Sunday. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $7451.000. r the said Act, apply to the Oovernor-ln- rore the, Issue of uch ' 'i: l! Rtturn Far 25 Cant. PALMER OAS ENOINC COMPANY ouncll for approval of the said site and provements. . PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH t'lao. . A" " Msr For term and particular PHONE 525 Dated this tith day -f 9cPBBBBeSBHBBVjBB3pfll? Dated at Vancouver, 3rltlih Columbia, OEttRUE H. NAPf-1- Call 1 VV.J.SMITIIERS, Iilanaacr nils lh day or April. A. D. 1916. .W. 4. THOMAS, Phon BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. MINLRAU ACT Orn 381. Solicitor for Pacific Mills. LlmUed. 1 NOTICE la hereby given tbat MOLY Delinquent Partner! ............................. Notlco to BDENUM MINING AND REDUCTION COM MINERAL ACT PANY LIMITED. NON-PERSONAL LIABIL To G. W. MaU nt ChartM WsMj THE LNOlNEyRLFINEMENTl ITY. the owner of the "Molybdenum,' TAKE NOTICE that vtberoas I sn1"' "Succraa" atd other mineral claim, iliu Id vermouth Fractional mineral claim, and caused to be done I , M II J, 'Tic kets ated on the north aide of Alice Arm, about ltuated In the Skeena .Mining Division .of on Ihe Wolf Mineral claim, sin ij W FISHSRMAirS ENOINK thr'e mile from the bead of the Arm, In '.atslar District bead of Alice Arm. Ob.croterJ of the Skena Mlninr Dlvlloq of Drltlth Co Where located: At the bead or Alice the Skeena mining division I cl. B 1-2 In. by 7 ln 12-16 ItiriiUi, intend thirty daya after date hereof uin, adjoining the Rl vermouth and Carl-boo irlct. assessment work for & to and from Norway, Swdtn, Dan-mirk, Hor Powr. l: apply to the Minuter or Land for mineral claims. ,911, and tll. and navo ri Finland, Italy and Rutala. SAILINQS FROM NEW YORK ( Cyl. 3 3-4 In. by 6 1-2 In., 28 authority to transport ore or other min TAkE NOTICE that I, 0. II. Nadcn. Free work and recording me. rf krlstlanlarjord" Oct. 7th Hora Power. eral- from ueh mineral claim and to ire! Miners' Certiorate No. 91,0eB. acting at 1107.10. Unless you Wj f 'MJld.- Iii marhinery and aupplle to aucb mineral agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Certiorate 1131.10. for your share , id-Ill- ouv" Oct. 12th Cyl 1-2 In. by I In., 25-38 "Frederick VIII" Oct. lltli Hora Powr, claims aeroi the "Olarkwell" Mineral No. 93,9I7U. Intend, sltty days wssment work. J , United State" Oct. tetn Claim, altuated on laid north lde of Alice from the date terror, to apply to the Hut Your Rrvtlon 'mad Karly. Arm aforeaaid, and for authority to con- Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement, lion of ninety (90. dsys For Rate. Illustrated Folder and For Further Information itruct a tramway and lay a pipe line from for the purpose of obtaining hereof apply to nln'n' General Information Apply to Apply to aald Molybdrnum and Surcet Mineral Crown Orant of the above claim. Prince Rupert. B. C. to m ,a is Claim arroa aald Ulackwell Mineral Claim. And further take notice tbat action, in the Wolf miners! els OVBHAVN HANSON Dated this llth day of Autust, A. D. under aectlon II, must be commenced be-rre ni. in pursuance of tb provli inauranc and Slaamahlp Agsnci, W. E. WILLISCROFT 191. ihe Issue of such Certificate of Improvement. mineral act. c (Dts MOI.VIlDENUM MININQ AND REDUfTIO siutod at Prlncn Rupert. Print B. 0. Rupert, Prince Rupert, B. 0, COMPANY LIMITED, NON PEflSONAL Dated tbla Jrd day of December. A, D. day of February, 111- LIADIUTY till. Apr. t, ml. J. EMPRESS 0FFEE ft WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT,