TIM DAILY HKWB. R. J. YENABLES WRITES I IBM THAT FROM MEXICAN BORDER 2,000,0001 BRINGS mm Private II. J. Vonahlcs, n ttrotli Belgians cr nf .Inck Vonnbles of this rily Depend on us Is Atntlntictl nl C.nlexico with n fruil-a-lives" Builds Up The company nT Hulled State vnlun for Bread! Whole System (ecru. Ilofore enllllntr, for n t Those who take 'Trult-a-tiTC." for vice on I In Mexican frontier, Mr Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians J, t tain AiAA, arc often astonished at Vennblen n practicing law. lie have depended for food entirely on the "Commission I- w t , 1 tUr all over. They may bo says tho lient in terrific nnd nil for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, !T Fruil a tlrc"foromoapocUlo the boys nre adlicted with ; even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only tination.or Neuralgia,Indigestion, "desert thirst" which it take three weeks they have had no chance to rais more a or Headaches Madder Trouble, Kheu. them nil day to .keep under. They and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I .,r Pain in the Hack. And they nro free from 0 n. in. until 6 p. rn. Jca"Frult-a-tiTcs"ha cured tho nnd upend most of that lime In Backed by the that they feci better and the nhndc of Iho canteen drink in crcry way. This Is due to .Jrrul r tonic froperliet of these Inf? Iced beer, milk nnd pop, the Belgian Relief Fund , i,li.ts. madefrom frultluices. enntpwn doing n llourMiliiK busi-ness h; C for f?.30, trial siie, 25c. In x. soft tOc a drinks. irult-,.U; so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United ilersorsentpostpaiauy jUtH Limited, Ottawa Ho ny Onloxico Is a prosper States, the neutral Belcian Relief Commission has imported j jus town nf 5,000 people and that enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation "there nre no snbxhis or pnmb so far. The great majority of the 7.000.000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for then daily allowance of IIiik hnlls of nny kind," the town bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. beinff strongly prohibitionist Unlets let these hundreds of thousands of The boys nre camping In a field we are willing to women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the nf alfalfa, for which they nre expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible truly grateful, as it Is much cool someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month eyery er than ndobo lints. Mr. V.-n- month all this winter I Tlie Whisky nbles says that the country Is No people under the Allied Flags are u wefl able hi contribute oQuality rich in agriculture and that generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more watermelons and canteloupc nre deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for ArmHnWood the sake of our own elf-reipect let us give all we can to 8 Year grown with great success. The help our martyred Allies I before bottling; Mood system of irrigation Is used. I Helen Holmes, who appears at th e Majestic Theatre tonight In i Scad jom ttUeriptiou wtckly.Boatklr m k mm hmp mmm at Lscal CUARANTETD BY THE Thi farm houses nro large and "The Girl and the Game." PicTiacial Coamitteet, I IM GOVERNMENT of CANADA have nn alr of prosperity about Central Executive Committee, 59 St Peter St, Mantreal them. Though they are right close steadily around 105 to 110 in the $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. to the Mexican boundary, none shade. All business in Calexico jShipyouT FREE of tho United States soldiers ever Ow.TpvtMnCriii transacted in the s early morn Salvation Army. venture ncross as tho penalty is FURS Public meetings, Tuesday, ing or in the evening, everybody Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m severe enough to prevent nny exploration. remaining in the shade during the to JOHN HALLAM LIMITED Advertise In The News. Funds At 7 30 p. m. The thermometer keeps day. fE. II" TORONTO Daily l?ililL!lliift This Superior WAR LOAN COFFEE DOMINION OF CANADA .- As its neme Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. g Issue of $100,000,000 5 Bonds Maturing 1st October, 1931. j It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and Invigorating cup of coffee. EES PAYABLE AT PAR AT j OTTAWA. HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, p REG IN A, CALGARY, VICTORIA. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS 3 INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER. jf $0.45 per lb. H PRINCIPAL AND . INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. S WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS VANCOUVER - B.C, ISSUE PRICE 97 SUwirt A Moblty, Ltd., WholMiU Distributor ( Prlne Ruport. A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st APRIL, 1917. : : THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. Ramsay's The Minister of Finance offers herewith, on behalf of to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, the Government, the above named Bonds for subscription without coupons, in accordance with the application. at D7J, payable as follows: Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will bo made 10 per cent on application; through the chartered banks. Cream Sodas 30 " " 10th October, 1916; impire 30 " " 15th November, 1916; The issue will be exempt from taxes including any 2i " " 15th December, 1916. income tax imposed in pursuance of legislation enact ed The total allotment of bonds, of this issue will be limited by the Parliament of Canada. hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount to one The bonds with will be issued in denominations In 2-lb. Tins (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equivalent of $500, $1,000.coupons Fully registered bonds without $100, of tWi under the terms of the War Loan prospectus coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 of 22nd Novemler, 1915. Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior or any authorized multiple of $5,000. t quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife The instalments may bo paid in full on tho 16th day The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office Insists upon "Ramsaya Empire" when buying Soda of October, 11)16, or on any instalment due date thereafter, of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa under discount at the rate of four cent annum. per per Biscuits. or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, be made chartered bank for the All payments are to to a St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply instalment when due will render previous payments liable Regina, Calgary, or Victoria. frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. The interest on the fully registered bonds will bo paid crlspnets. by cheque, which will bo remitted by post. Interest on of ten cent Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit per bonds with coupons will bo paid on surrender of coupons Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. of tho amount subscribed, must be forwarded through Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange tho medium of a chartered batik. Any branch in Canada branch in Canada of chartered bank. at any any Manufactured by of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each RAMSAY This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without LTD. BROS. & CO., coupons will have tho right to convert into bonds of tho Canada, and both principal and interest will bo a charge denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds tho Consolidated Revenue Fund. Vancouver, B. 0. 5 upon with coupons will have the right to convert into fully Forms c.f application may bo obtained from any branch registered bonds of authorized denominations without in Canada of any chartered bank nnd at the office of any coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Finance. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. The books of the loan will be kept at tho Department Let Us Save You on of Finance, Ottawa. Money your In case of partial allotments tho surplus deposit will bo will be made in due course for tho listing of towartls of tho amount duo the October Application applied payment on Gasoline or Distillate instalment. the issue on tho Montreal ancf Toronto Stock Exchanges. bond and stock brokers will bo allowed Recognized n Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasolino or distillate and accordance with tho choice of tho applicant for registered commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments upkeen and free CAKHON troubles. A seven ounce of their motor from inado in any respect applications bearing stamp, " oi box bearer Ixmds, will bo issued, after allotment, in exchange l.arbonvoi.i f ixmiuninnt tn m oaUnn of iraioline. Every or or Carbonvoid , ' " will save vmi for tho provisional receipts. provided, however, that no commission will be allowed l'i in fT A Brk linn I I ami irivfl from in respect of tho amount of any allotment paid for by the to"boo ad" Carbonvoid puts the ditionai miles, When the scrip certificates havo been paid in full and surrender of bonds issued under tho War Loan prospectus larbonvoidts a dry powder you payment endorsed thereon by tho bank receiving tho of 22nd November, 1915. No commission will be allowed Just drop "GO" in Gasoline Will in : !"'Ve all ,;arln the : WMiaMaMBHSi MMSissssssssassssassssiis i - tank,irUIII timuci,re monoy, they may lc exchanged for bonds, when prepared, iu respect of applications on forms which have not been I Inn m it tiisi.,.Vi ,t rmpaniea..in trin.. world usw It Tlir;. Ai.i.ir.a k v inci g-wiwr.ivr.ili tf with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as printed by tho King's Printer. ,,. ?L 't'm CARTONS. Previous order 250.000 cartons. Fully or your mo"ey refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of 11.60 -eet' Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. For Sale Only by 60. . Clayton, - Prince Rupert, B.C. g Dkpaktment or Financk, Ottawa, September 12th, 1010. illll!lllll.l!!IIH!i!iliHlljlM