"The Daily News" i Local News Notes CLASSIFIED ADS. CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. ett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward F.lectrlc Co. If- WANTED. oeurge Lerocque is In town WANTED Teamster at coc. Apply Pony Kit. tf after having spent the summer at WANTED Rervtflt: win pay rood wr the Oceanic Cannery. Apply Boi III, Dally New, tt WAITED To tar om rood furniture Prominent people consult Me. tor lanr rooms. Apply pbooe (17. ItoberL renowned Spiritualist and WAITED Delivery toy, apply Mositnem Psychic, at St. Blmo Hotel. tf- Orocery Co. Ltd. PboM II. 147 Itb Avenoe, tut 117 Teddy McKay gave an exhibition WASTED Household rood of m silly, of slack-wire walking In the mechanic tools, offcast tutu, boots, etc turned price ptt Fboo Red ill. fair building last evening. Win ua any Urn. n Third Avenue. COAL Favorite Ladysmith WASTED Second-band blrn cat desk. Apply Boi 101 Daily New. Wellington lump and nut, best results. Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. WASTED ft LABORERS AT ONCE. AP FLY CJTY WEIOH SCALES. tf. The Good Fellows Club gave a LOST v: t enjoyable dance in the Itail- LOST Pearl and Find-tf Turquoise earrinr. waymen's Hall last evening. retern to Mr. L W. Patmore, U LOST JWoot launch, painted white, vita Mrs. Geo. Gebhardt has re- canopy top. Eaithope enrlne. Phone BUck 101. tf. moved her dressmaking parlors from Cth Ave. to Suite 3, Clapp FOR 8ALE Block, 2nd Ave. tf. rOH SALE h. p. disuute nurloe en-tine MP :L- '-UmSlm sbm with clutch all complete. In rood The drawings at the Exhibition order. 1161. Can be aeen worklnr. Apply I. O. Bo 11. 111. yesterday amounted to 4303.25, which constitutes a record for the TOR SALE Team of none, tlto cash. Apply P. O. Box 191, Prince Rupert. first day, being about ?33 more TOR RCNT than last year. ron REST Lady can har furnished room CANADIANS PLAY BALL IN AID OF DISABLED SOLDIERS. Mi Catherine Carr, of Smith. (with breakfast) In comfortable borne. An attendance estimated at 20000 people at the naval and military ers. was yesterday married to Apply Box ill Dally Sew. tit. sports carnival were present at Stratford Bridge. Chelsea. The Conductor Gagnon of the G. T. P. TORONTO "-..ft- MISCELLANEOUS picture shows an incident in the carnival. Trying for a catch, service. They are leaving on an COSSL'LT MDME. ROBERT, tbe renowned baseball," is the way the English writer describes it. extended visit to the east. Youth demands smarter, Spiritualist and Psychic. You will tie pleased and surprised. Here tbl week MINERAL ACT SPLENDID DOUBLE The ladies of the lied Cross snappier clothes than middle or old only, at SL Elmo Hotel from 10 a.m. to p. m. tf. Certificate of Improvements ATTRACTION AT MAJESTIC Society had a busy afternoon yes age and rightly so. We have them. NOTIOI terdar supplying teas at the Kx EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In tba There is a great double attrac hibition and seven o'clock found Skeena Minlnr Division or Castar DtstrlcL Where located: At the bead of a branch tion at the Majestic Theatre tonight, them foraging for further sup Bryant Company, Limited Stuart J. Martin or Lime Creek about four mile from tbe one being Helen Holmes in plies. beach on tbe south tide or Alice Arm. "A Life in the third TALE SOTICE that I, Ceorr R. Naden, Peril," epi ASSAYErt Free Miner Certificate So. 9I098B, aetlnr sode of "The Girl and the Game," New York Life Ins. Co., a mu a atent for Tbos. McRostle. Free Miner and the other "Lonesome Heart," tual company, strongest financial Certificate So. 6(((IB, and Jame L. Hatch, HAZELTON B. G. Free Miner Certificate So. 87166B. In with Margarita Fischer in the Institution In the world, has made tend, (tity day from tbe date hereof, to Its contracts much liberal. more lead. Miss Holmes is dar apply to tbe Minlnr Recorder for a Certifi more The oldest established Assay cate of Improvements, for the par pose of ing than ever in the .great rail One secret of the .company's NAVI3ABLC R- WATERS A. C Chapter PROTtCTlO lit UT obtaininr a Crown Grant of the above Office In the North. rltim. road serial, swinging across the growth. C. E. Balnter, agent. DENTISTRY And further take notice that action. track on a and rescuing her Robert Cecil Gost beret? r vm onder section it, muit be commenced be- rope A very Interesting exhibit at that be ba under Sect ;n J H U tt fore the Issue of such Certificate of Improvement. lover from the top of a burning CROWS) AND BRIDOC WORS Act deposited with the U Jit X the fair is five racks of sealed a SPECIALTY Work at Ottawa, and , it :Sctfa train of dynamite. Ed. Stillwell, Dated tbl tltb day of March, A.D. lilt. test tubes containing salmon eggs DR. J. S. BROWN District Rerlstrar of 3 at tie UU GEORGE R. NADEN. in this great train scene, pro Keriitry office at Tr. 0 t B.ial FOR RENT of the different varieties. The egg DENTIST Columbia, a description ;f tae ta ai V duces most realistic ef. engine is shown throughout its various Office I SnltM Blocs, THIN Afw plans or a wturf propose:: r uuk feets. In "Lonesome Heart," Phone B4 tbe Nortb Skeena l uiift at oenaiaat y nnimnrrr miuiumf ni nn.n stages of development until the tbe Skeena River, Bra -'1 a I room, bath, 617 Itb are E. Ill uUNuHtlt bfllffltit. BUMS Margarita Fischer plays the part front of Lot one bundnl sri maiwi 4 rooms, bath. Sis itb Are E. 110 fish Is evolved. They were sent 4 room tie 9th Ave., w. of a changling who has been (117), Ranre nve (t ast L'.-.-i, im-Isb in from the government hatchery. SHERIFF'S SALE Columbia. rurnlshed IIS SO Cents ft. F. O. B. per kidnapped and exchanged for an I room toi Stb Are, W. 110 And uke notice that, arter U upuitaf 4 roof n 107 Stb Ave., E It Prince Rupert infant boy who inherits her II. C. Undertakers wish to an I.N THE COU.ITY COURT OF ATUM on month from the date of U t.-st pot-cation 3 bath. 7tb Are.. W. .. IS HOLDER AT miSCE RUPERT. of this notice. It I ) 1 Con 4 room,room 111 Stb Are, E IS Concrete Works, McBrlde St. wealth. Later, this same boy nounce that they have engaged STEWART A MOBLEY. LTD., PlalnUS. will, under Secuoo 7 of u ml Ar cpH 8 room 701 Stb Ave., W. .. Ill 4 falls in love with her and poetic the services of Mr. Frank Norris, rillNCE RUPERT HYDRO ELECTRIC CO. to tbe Minister of Pnblin W rn, 11 W 4 rooms SIS 7tb Ave., E. .. 110 LTD.. Defendant mce In tbe City of Ottos, tniryrrt justice is met in a happy wedding of Vancouver, as managing fun aci f J ksx 4 rooms in Stb Ave, E 110 By virtue of a Warrant of Eiecutkm, tbe said site and plans, 5 room apt. opposite 'school. . Ill Alex of the couple. A splendid Mutual cral director and embalmer. Mr Issued in this action, and to me directed, eunstruct tbe said wharf, 4 room Eraser SL Ill M. Manson. B.A. I bave lelxed or tbe rood or tbe Defendant, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. I tt l" 3 room MeMordle Apt Ill W. E. Wtniami, B.A.. L.L.B Weekly completes a show which Norris has had years of oxperi tbe followinr: Jay of May, It 16. 3 room, furnished, McBrtde.. is drawing huge audiences. ence in first-class and up-to-date 00 bbli. White's Cement. ROBERT CtCl OliL WILLIAMS A MANSON II Iron Wheel-barrow,. mio-no. WE WRITE INSURANCE. IF VO'IR establishments and is in a posi I Polar Diesel Enrine. 750 b.p. Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. HOUSE IS VACANT LIST IT WITH I Lot Drill Steel and Bar Iron. LAND ACT tion to give helpful assistance to US. WE CAN FILL IT FOR VOU. ONEV TO LOAN I Lot Tools and Flltinr. B. C. UNDERTAKERS PR4NCC RUPERT LAN0 DISTRICT Box III! those who require honest and I Cross-cut Saw ! TRICT OF COAST, RAN0I Helrerson Block Print Rupert, B. C conscientious service. 22C carpenter Adie. tait. x(tc.k thst rictfla MU'J. I1' I Lot wire cable (1-Inch). FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD cMtipta of Vancouver, BrIUsh Columbi. BALWERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I Dlapbram rump, 1 K Rotary Pump. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT FRANK MOBLEY'S FINAL I Sare, I Roll-top Deck. 3 Flllnr Cabinet pulp and ptr makers, icieoa fc13 w and other roods, all of which, or sufficient for pcrmmion to pur:bw lb 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 MAJORITY IS FORTY-ONE lands. Commcndar to pay tbe Jodrment and costs, described Feed Co. I bll offer for sale by Public Auction planted on tbe north bank cr koejt n-about Prince Rupert re : for caib on Monday tbe I lib day of Sep-teinber, one-quarter of a Deaso Lake gave six votes for Scued; iww WANTED from tbe shore of Fiti-llmn at t:J0 o'clock In tbe after 1016, P. O. Box 333. SOS Third Ave. Liver Shiggish? cut wot F. II. Mobley, the Liberal candi noon, at tbe Court House, Prince Rupert. north twenty chains, thtn J RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS You are warned by a sallow akin, cull Inventory will be ready on Saturday, Sepl. chains, tbence south to rivers 1- three for V. McDon date and X. Experienced Bridge men. WE HANDLE eyes, biliousness, and that grouchy 16th. alonr shore In a westerly '""J, Track and and men. Tracklayers feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate youi aid, which brings Mr. Mobley's Dated at Prince Rupert B. C, Septetn point of commencement General Construction Labor, liver- remove the clogging waus ber Uth. 1916. forty (40, acre, more or u ers to join the 230th Bat. majority to 41 in the British 1(16. nKr Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, make sure your digestive organs are up JOHN SHIRLEY, Dated June lOih. talion.Construction Overseas Corps. Hallway and Brigs' working right and- when needed-take Columbia voting. It is cxpcctei S ber Iff of tbe County of Atlin. PACIFIC by "Mark MILLS.Smity,U Drafts leaving Vancouver, Garden and Field Seeds. that the soldiers' vote will give B. C.. for Valcartier, P. Q., BEECHAM'S UkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of weekly. Also Fertilizers. tho Liberal member for Atlin a COAST. RAS0E (. Bo nttesled and forward We Take Orders for Nursery much larger lead. ANNOUNCEMENT ninATH in Vnnfnnvoi onH 2 Stock. 9 .hTTor,. 1 PILLS TAkE notice WJ transportation will be ar. .angeu at once. Hay, Grain and Feed at FINE WESTERN DRAMA James C. Stecn and tor P"1" Send all communications Vancouver Prices. Luint StU of Anr M-d U tko WorU, AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Walter Longwill have enrlneer.lo lease the Intends followinr to srply oescru. to: Olllcer commanding, 5&U1 rurwb.r. Uboiu.2S !. ' Pui 239th Battalion. C. E. F. Chicken Feed A Specialty. formed a partnership in Commenclnr t P' IW. fc WCCNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF N. E. corner of T. L Lot 175 Cordova St., V. COAST, HANOI 4. "Autumn," the five-net feature plumbing, steam heati "g, Coast DlsirlcL Forcher I'n Vancouver, B. C. Mall Order Promptly Attended To.' TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, at the Westholme tonight, is a roofing, etc. south to cbalns, thence west if Tonopab, Nevada, occupation mine man thence north 80 chains to more arer. Intends to apply for permission to most beautiful production. It is Ship plumbing and rhect wtuth-ratlerly foiiowms jm purchase the followinr described lands i the story of then Irtli of a littlo metal work will bo a spec- Hint of commencement! cjou"" Comroenclcr st a post planted about acre more or less. u,it.aL too feet easterly from tbe northwest cor girl in a miner's cabin. Her fnther laity with tho new firm or OEOItOE RODtnii. ner or Lot 40, nanre i. Coast District has gone for a doctor but is sho STEEN A LONGWILL FRED STORK'S HARDWARE :bence nortb 10 cbalns: thence west 40 cbalns; thence soutn so chain more or in a saloon scrap on tho way Phono 5. Night phones, I BOX 3S P.O. less to tbe shore or Surf Inlet, tbence PHONE 03 Losing his ho memory, never re 570 and Ulue 270. i followinr tne ihore line to tba place of commencement, contalnlnr fortjr acres turns and tho littlo girl, whose PACIFIC CARTAGE,jB 710 SECOND AVE nor or less. mother has died, is left to the February IS, 1816. Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware 8hlp Chandlery rKEDKMCK BRADSIIAW. tender mercies of the miners, who Storage and Wire Cable 8teel Blocks Fishing Taokle Prince Rupsrt Land Dlitrlct District ef call her "Autumn." A Chinaman LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS Transfer Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and 8hotguns Coast, Rant who has worked for tho chilli's BEST LUMP A NUT COAL TAKE NOTICE tbat tba Pacific Mills. HOTEL Rope Valves Ammunition Limited, or Vancouver, D. C, occupation father, informs tho mounted po-Ilcu - 13 HOW OPEN TO 0UE3TS Pump Hose Paint pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply und Trooper Losllo sets out NO LONG WAITS Stoves and Ranges ftubbarold Roofing Corrugated Irot, for permission to purchase tba followinr One or the lsrrest Hot Sprlnrs in WEIGHTS SHORT described land; Commenclor t a post to put things right. Ho brings America, circumference 300 feet NO u' WE 8ELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" planted at tho toutbeast corner of Lot tit tho father and daughter together Temperature of Water, 110 d. Febr, When You Order fro on ttie west shore of Cousins Inlet, tbence wen 40 chains, thence south to enatni, and Incidentally finds a wife ami Eicsllent Trout Fishing In Laksls thence east to ihore, tbence northeasterly all ends Lake. happily. Thero Is also alonr short to point of commencement, Pltona Connection with Trr. H FRED STORK'S HARDWARE contalnlnr 01 acres, more or leu. a Nestor comedy and n Universal RATES I S2.50 per day. ADVERTISE IN PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Weekly showing news from the Mark Smaby arent. for further particular, pply to NEWS bated May Ittb, A. D. ll. Aur. II Mexican border and other points. t. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manaaer. THE DAILY