The Daily News VOL. Vir. NO. 222. PIUNCI2 RUPERT, I). C. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1016? PRICF, FIVE GENT A GAMS ECOEBED ON EVERT 'FRONT TEUTONS RETIRING IN CARPATHIANS RUSSIANS MOVING TOWARD LEMBERG GERMANS BRING RUSSIANS ARE GOVERNMENT TO BLAME FOR FRESH TROOPS MOVING TOWARD THE DRYDOCK INACTIVITY WEST FRONT LEMBERG AGAIN TO MILES COTTON EXPLAINS TO MAXTOR WHAT TRANSPIRED BETWEEN HIS FIRM; THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC French Capture Trenches and Berlin and Vienna Admit That the AND THE BORDEN GOVERNMENT AT Prisoners on Verdun Front-German Teutons Have Been Compelled OTTAWA Division Brought . to Retire Allied Success from Russian Front. In the Balkans. The following letter from Miles any longer at present. I subsequently P. Cotton, including an extract interviewed the government social to The Daily Ntwi.) (Special to The Daily Newi.) from Premier Uorden'fl letter to again at Ottawa, requesting Paris, pt- 22. Tho French London, Sept. 22, The Rus- President Chambcrlin, in which that they use influence with tho have captured several trench ians arc moving towards I.em- he advises that tho drydock be Grand Trunk to reopen this mat apctions on the Sommo front, taking berg and have repulsed every not leased, throws further light ter, but to date have had no success. prisoners at the same time. attack. on the situation. Mayor McCaffery On the Verdun front the Frcncli lierlin and Vienna admit that is certainly getting to the root Wo are still prepared to go have advanced to the east of Fort the Russians have compelled the of the matter and it is up to the ahead if tho Grand Trunk will Vai.x and at Chapllre wood. The Teutonic armies to retire in the citizens to lend him every assistance negotiate with us in tho matter, (ernians attempted several at-lai Carpathians. in seeing that the plans of and I regret very much that we preceded by mine explo-n Turks Assisting. the government are re-arranged have had no better success in our ms. hut all were, repulsed. Turkish sobliers, under Aus so that Mr. Cotton's firm may go efforts than this. Tlic (iernians have recnlled a trian and German ofllcers and ahead with their shipbuilding. Yours most sincerely, division from the Russian equipped with German material; Vancouver, Sept. 19, 191C. (Signed) M. P. COTTON. front in order to reinforco their ro aiding tho Teutons on the M. P. McCaffery, mayor. positions on the Sommc where Riga, Galician and Dobrudja Prince Rupert, B. C. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE the Allies continue to Inflict enor-m: fronts. Dear Sir: I wired you on the AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION ius louses on the enemy. Balkan Success. train that I would send you a Canadian Casualties. Bucharest, Sept. 22 It is of Ietter on my arrival in Vancou- Tho annual meeting of th.e Ottawa, Sept. 22. Canadian ficially reported that the Ruman ver stating the condition of af-'Northern B. C. Agricultural As-fairs 131..allies since the beginning of ians, Russians and Serbians have Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain Becomes tho Bride of Westminster Abbey as regards the leasing of sociation was held in the city the war amount to 37,801. In the lefeated the Germans, Hulgarians Rector. Rev. Canon Carnegio and his bride, formerly Mrs. Joseph Prince Rupert plant by myself hall last evening when President U i' Dg of Monday and Tuesday and Turks under General von Chamberlain, photographed as they left Westminster Abbey, in and associates. A. J. Prudhomnie presided over a the I anadians lost four hundred Mackensen in the Dobrudja re London. Mrs. Chamberlain was the second wife of the late British I have spent three months in small attendance, the majority of t.iicJ twelve hundred wounded gion, notwithstanding the fact statesman and formerly Miss Mary Endicott of New York. tho East on this matter, negotiat- tho members evidently being too tr.ii three hundred missing. that the enemy had received ing with Mr. Chamberlin, pre9i- busy at the Exhibition Building. heavy reinforcements. APTAIN A. W. AGNEW LABOR LEADER SAYS dent of the Grand Trunk Hallway, Mr Prudhommo said that CU3 RETURNED SOLDIERS Tho fighting, which was of the and the government ofllcials. We though the season had been back. HAS DIED OF WOUNDS STRIKE INEVITABLE - ELECT OFFICE-BEARERS fiercest description, continued for have our financial arrangements ward, in some pieces the farmers six days without cessation and and organization complete and losing their crops through frost, Thn Returned Soldiers met In tho enemy were compelled to re- It was with tho deepest regret (Social to The Daily Sewi.i ,md arranged fop a half million the agricultural exhibits were IMr i kilt room last evening when tiro to the south, burning villages that citizens learned this morning .Yew York, Sept. 22, The state hilars to put into this business, better than ever. They had added thn f . i iwing old campaigners as they wont. f the death from wounds of Cap enforce arbitration. i-. in I which is more than ample for l twenty per cent, to the tabic space wvo present: J. Bradbury, A. Allot' tain A, V. Agncw, who was form- tho street railway simc. een nneratinsr expenses. I went East which cave the aDDearanco of II O. Crew, K. Maynard, D. SIX MONTHS FOR rly a resident of Prince Rupert. hundred thousand union sympa- on tnt8 ,natter with tho practical bareness at some points bet there II. V f. A. Holmberg and C. I). SUPPLYING LIQUOR Captain Agnew w a s severely timers, including hotel employ- assurance that tho Grand Trunk were actually more exhibits than Hr 'Mur, wounded some months ago and ees, may walk out tonight. One wnnl.l civn us this lease Drovided nt nnv nihnr fair. Hn was nar. riii1 following officers were R. D Morrison was sentenced to ost an eye. It was thought that labor leader, following the con- we coxx 8how We were substan- ticularly pleased to see the high fli " i for the year: . President, six months imprisonment at tho io wouiu not De accepieu lor ferenco held last night, declared tiay abi0 to carry the matter standard of tho district exhibits 11 V Crew; Vice-pros.,'J. Brnd- nolico court this morning for further service, but on August that the situation ts hopeless ami through, and after all this time which he considered better than r. Secretary, D. II. Yelf, and supplying liquor to Indians. Sev 23rd he returned to the trenches that a general strike is inevitable.Lpenl negotiating with them Mr.hast year. Trr isuror, A. Allett. The mecl-ins eral Indians were fined for being and was wounded last Sunday. Betting on nugnes. Chamberlin has decided that ineyi jj0 rCgretted that in a fish as something of a reunion drunk and disorderly. Ho was taken to hospital at Wall Street brokers arc betting will not lease the plant without country, there was not a larger an vcral of the boys had not Amiens, where an operation was over a million dollars on the tho sanction of tho government, display of flsh aml complimented mot sinro they were in Europe DEWAR CUP performed.-- Tho operation was presidential campaign. Charles and ho showed me a leijer irom Mlft mjninir nipn on the, maimifU Ale Holmberg has been on his apparently successful but tho Evans Hughes is the favorite. tho Premier, Sir Robert Borden, cent showing they had made this ram li since ho returned and had In spite of tho backward sea- gallant officer died shortly after ruling on this matter, i am quoi- a .. exhibits being much nut . a (1 A It wards. He was 35 years of age DISASTROUS FIRE this letter below: pen tho others sinco they ro-t son, Hie uisirici exuiuus ui mo ing flner and of grcater number than i' iicil from nctivo service. Tho fair this year arc better than and leaves a widow and two children. "To E. J. Chamberlin, president before. Tho Indian exhibit and h'ys passed a hearty vote of thoso of any previous year. Tho Tho sympathy of the whole (Special to The Dally Newt) of the Grand Trunk tlia, of iocauy grown flowers 'hanks to tho honorary ofllcers Judging was carried out by community will go out to Mrs. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 22. Fire Railway System. were bolh belter than eveP. tio Agnew and her children and to of unknown origin broke out in It.. C: t Hi Inna I v kindly lent their aid in start awarding points for tho various 1Wr cir-m-Bu.ums thnnkwl thn O. T. P. for ng the club when help was most exhibits nnd tho result was that Mr. William Agnew of Victoria, tho railway yards at Pero Mar ing o. u.o uu-.t rebaUng of lho freight on all needed. Island again award. father of tho deceased officer. quctto and destroyed fifty-two and shipbuilding plant. I have Graham was . . . .: exhibits brought in which aro to ed first prizo and tho Dewar Cup; cars, fcevcrai coiuaineu auiomo- isubm tted this matter to my col be auctioned for patriotic pur- NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Kilsumkalum and Lakelso was ENS ACQUITTED biles. . leagues and it has been decided nnsos ami intimated that tho nro- t'honn lift, wo have Just re- second; Haielton third, and Bulk- that pending the investigation of W(ju,d be 9oM lon,ghl ' iv.',i ft shipment of 500 tons ley fourth. Tho winning exhibit (Special to The Pally New.) Morto Craig won tho diamond tho Railway Committeo it would The financial condition., of tha iump Coal. Wo are prepared to was in charge of Austin Richard Ilegina. Sask., Sept. 22. Gcr ring in Bulger & DeniVo's draw. be unwise to lease this plant at association was bettor than ever, iut in your winter's coal for you Alox. Prudhommo Is deter ard Ens, formerly member of the ing yesterday. tho present lime. I am returning son. thanks to tho assistance given by will give provincial legislature for llosth herewith letter outlining the Bulkley mined that tho you the city and a larger bonus from "l tho ern, has been acquitted of the proposition submitted by Mr. ruirfor big cup tho others a tho government. Ho then called WESTHOLME chargo of accepting a bribo in Majestic Theatre Cotton to you." next year. upon tho members to elect officers connection with tho "Danish the (Signed) R. L. BORDEN, premier. OPERA HOUSE Batt Plctura and Btat Muile. for tho ensuing year. TONIQHT AND CAPTAIN ENGLISH DEAD liar'' Hill which was passed in FAMOUS PLAYERS PROaRAMMK Mr. Chamberlin, in showing mo TOMORROW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mayor McCaffery suggested 1013. this letter stated that us far as ti, 0B rilur P'MMU tha graat that,-as there was a small attendance, to The Dally Newa.) DanUI Frohman prtaanta th captivating NC, fO0 and ORACI CUNARO (Special ho wits concerned this was final , " Wonderful HAZEL DAWN and IRVING it might bo well to postpono HIS llumantle Dram Victoria. Sept. 22. Captain OUR GREAT ASSET CUMMINQS In and ho would not negotiate or MAJESTY tho election of office-bearers un D,CK TURPIN" William 1 iik sh. n wen Known THE SALESLADY" discuss tho leasing of this plant nrv (Special to The NtwM til some future date. This was Dally In navigator of this port. Is dend fol rive acta. "IN E!TO BORROWED COMEDY PLUMES" lowing an operation. IIo was only Edmonton, Sept. 22. Tho Al MUSICAL PROGRAMME I decided upon. 2H of ago. berta Medical Association is hold Qrand .talactlona from Fameua I FAIR PRIZE8 imEec!1.lh,0 8P,rt Moved" years yon, victoria Kordo lug its eleventh annual meeting "CARMEN"Oparaa. tn Lea Moran. lu POLICE COURT hero. Physicians dcclaro that "LA TRAVIATA" All cheques and prizes LONDON CAFE IL TRAVATORE" A r j'lc"CINDERS" sound children's bodies am thn "THE riREFLV" in tha various competitions AND GRILL Edith cinedy-drama noberu, with Gus Lewis, proprietor of tho nation's greatest asset. oveiuuhe at (ho Exhibition will ThlrJ Avenue Queen's Hotel, was yostorday "william tell" be ready for distribution Serves Nothing but the Best GERTIE'S AWFUL FIX" sentenced to six months impris Oiler liesner, who is interested Cotulnr Monday ana Tueaday,-FANNIE at 8 o'clock tonight at tho STRICTLY UNION HOUSE WARD lit "FOR THE OE- ... PttmbM 28th ..rf an... nninent for supplying liquor t lit mining around Pacific, loft for FENCE' riva aria. Exhibition Building. BOXES FOR LADIES X Contlnuoua Matin Friday A Sat. ...uruaj a o'clock. Indians. tho interior today. l